... comes from D.C. Sessions. HERE ...
The space shuttle Discovery launched from Cape Canaveral on Sunday with a stowaway -a bat hanging on the outside of the external fuel tank! NASA had hoped the little guy would fly away before launch, but he held on, even after the engines roared, and held on at least as far as observers could follow. Many important details here.
Assuming that the electrons are not, themselves, part of an elaborate computer simulation taking place somewhere, somewhen. The Free Will Theorem can be read here.
Why is Linux the coolest erector set in the world, that you should be willing to pay for? In part because Linux lacks the kind of freaky design oddities that arise when the makers of the software must go to meetings with a marketing department and a bunch of liability conscious lawyers, alternatively. In part because the fundamental design of the system is such that it is powerful yet lean at the same time. In part because basic security is so much easier to manage in Linux that it is not necessary for the processor to spend a sizable amount of time (using big chunks of memory) fighting…
President Obama has apologized to the chairman of the Special Olympics for his late-night talk show quip equating his bowling skills to those of athletes with disabilities. ..."He expressed his disappointment and he apologized in a way that was very moving. He expressed that he did not intend to humiliate this population," Shriver said .... On Friday, the top bowler for the Special Olympics said he could beat Obama easily. "He bowled a 129. I bowl a 300," Michigan's Kolan McConiughey, who is mentally disabled, told The Associated Press. He has bowled five perfect games since 2005. source…
.... could be Survivor Pharyngula. If you have not seen it you must check it out. ' If you miss it, don't worry, the're going to start showing it on the TV Guide channel.
The trailer, not the actual man: I'm pretty sure we did stay on the planet.
Julia and I looked into this and we have concurred, and this Jury of Two is prepared to pass judgment. This is the original Dora the Explorer: And here (below the fold) is the new Dora: The original Dora had a backpack and a monkey, she had boot-like explorer shoes, sensible clothing, what looks to me like a watch with a compass built into it, a very sensible haircut, and a thirst for knowledge. When Julia saw the new Dora, she was a bit shocked. "No backpack. What about the monkey? Pockets? How can you be an explorer with no pockets? They turned her into a Barbie." "But what…
This is why we love Genie Scott: The NCSE now has a channel on You Tube, and at this time you can see most, probably all, of Genie's testimony in Texas. It is very instructive. GENIE SCOTT IS A MACHINE!!! Here you'll find reports from the evolution/creationism wars -- footage of contentious testimony, landmark and illuminating speeches, conference coverage, excerpts from television appearances, and presentations. In the future, look for classroom videos, tutorials for teachers, videos contributed by NCSE members, and much more. When you visit our YouTube channel, check out a couple of…
First, check this out, then I've got a story of my own: "Last week, LAPTOP reported that Office Depot employees were routinely lying to customers about notebook inventory, telling them that systems were out of stock if they didn't want to buy extended warranties or tech services. Now LAPTOP has spoken to more Office Depot associates, one of whom goes by the name Alex and reports widespread altering of prices in his region. He says he even Photoshops higher price tags on clearance notebooks so that associates can tell customers that they're getting a free warranty or tech service, when the…
Stephanie Zvan of Quiche Moraine Dot Com has just posted an item on the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) ... the bill that affects how workers can form unions, which is so controversial in a very partisan way at the moment. CLICK HERE
Throw tomatoes at AIG
Here it is: Obama did very well, got repeated cheers for his policy related statements, told interesting stories about life in the White House (and Life in the Bubble). He did make one goof that the conservative blogosphere is getting all juicy about. He made the link between his bowling abilities and the Special Olympics. He is being accused of "mocking the Special Olympics." Of course, he was actually mocking himself. At the expense of the Special Olympics. (If you watch the video, I think at about -3:40 or so, you will see this moment, and you'll see how professional Leno and Obama…
Don't forget to watch!
*/ The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c Stem Sell Daily Show Full EpisodesImportant Things w/ Demetri Martin Political HumorJim Cramer Totally Stolen from onegoodmove
Here is the imagery, and below is some info for you Saturn moon watchers. On Feb. 24, 2009, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope took a photo of four moons of Saturn passing in front of their parent planet. The pictures were taken by the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2, developed and built by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. In the new view, the giant orange moon Titan casts a large shadow onto Saturn's north polar hood. Below Titan, near the ring plane and to the left, is the moon Mimas, casting a much smaller shadow onto Saturn's equatorial cloud tops. Farther to the left…
From TUIBG If only.