Thick ice is not good ice. Even thick ice can become ice that will break up on you if it experiences warm conditions for a while. Therefore, right now in much of Minnesota, NONE OF THE ICE IS SAFE. None of it. Here is the rule: If you get two days above freezing, it takes two days below freezing (all day) to "reset" the ice. We are, at this point, beyond any possibility of that happening. The part of the year where you drive your pickup around on the ice ... is over. We don't need your stinking environmental hazard when you go through. The previous message was applicable only to…
The big risk in practicing science is that you may not like the answer it provides. The previous administration, when faced with results it didn't like, decided to censor the results. I don't see how this makes any sense. How can a government make decisions and policy when the facts are hidden or discredited based on predetermined biases? Read the rest here
My wife just got a link sent to her by a fellow teacher that points to a site that shows visually what a trillion dollars and two cents would look like if you put it all in one place. Check it out: What does one TRILLION dollars look like? But be careful, DO NOT CLICK ON THE SITE. Just use your scroll bars to move around on it, because it will throw one of the more obnoxious ads evah in your face just when you least expect it. Oh, I was only kidding about the two cents part.
A California Condor was apparently ill (with suspected lead poisoning) so it was brought in for treatment. It was then discovered that it had been shot some time earlier . Unable to eat on its own, the condor was under intensive care at the Los Angeles Zoo and its prognosis was guarded, said Susie Kasielke, curator of birds. X-rays taken at the zoo turned up shotgun pellets embedded in its flesh, she said. Those wounds had healed. It could not be determined if the pellets were lead or steel, but the poisoning was most likely caused by the bird ingesting spent lead ammunition in carcasses of…
At age 62, political activist and actor (Reversal of Fortune, West Wing). He was a co-founder of the Creative Coalition. He was a good Democrat who Went Rogue after 911.
This is really good, because I can never get those damn chess sets to go down in one flush. null - Watch more free videos And that was perfect toilet music, don't you think?
Dear President Obama, Congratulations on passing the stimulus package! I hope that the stimulus package will help the economy get back on track. One thing that could help is to eliminate some of the approximately five billion dollars a day that we waste as a world economy with closed source, proprietary software. How do I arrive at that figure?... continued here.
... cool! Oh, but wait, it's all Flash Multimedia stuff and you have to install extra plugins and that doens't really work that well (their servers may be jammed). OK, NASA is going to eventually have Space Satellites in 3D. Click here to check it out, and let me know if it starts working properly.
... is Here, at Out of the Cradle.
The survey site burst open releasing all the data into .... wherever. So please go do it again. Scicurious has a more robust survey site that won't break. It might not feel as natural but it won't break. HERE Actually, if you took the survey and were able to finish, then you can relax, have a smoke, take a nap, whatever, and you don't need to do it gain. If, however, you were unable to finish last time, you can now go and try again.
Sort of techno jazz fusion. And yes, there really is going to be a Jaunty Jackelope. Whcih, I think, is the first non-real animal to use for an Ubuntu release. Hat tip: Javier
EFCA stands for the Employee Free Choice Act, and it is the controversial US federal bill that would change the way Unions can be formed in the workplace. This bill is so controversial that it is one of the reasons that the Republican Party is willing to do whatever it takes to keep the Minnesota Senate Recount going as long as possible (the Republicans oppose the bill, as they oppose all that is Union). Having said that, it is very true that most people don't really know diddly squat about the EFCA, yet most of the same ingoramouses (myself included1) manage to have an opinion about it.…
Rachel has a flashback ... And ends up in Minnesota. */ Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy Adria's web site is here.
Four Stone Hearth, the Anthro Web Carnival, is here, at Osteologiska Foreningen.
The story of Norm Coleman's database hack inadvertent access from the hacker security consultant (whom I consider to be a hero) herself. Wow. She'd going on my blogroll. Check it out. See comments below for commentary on the meaning of the word "hacker" and it's change over time.
Is supposed to be HERE, but until I see definitive proof, I'm not buying it.
Car runs on compressed air. Hat tip: Bunny