Stay Off The Ice

Thick ice is not good ice. Even thick ice can become ice that will break up on you if it experiences warm conditions for a while. Therefore, right now in much of Minnesota, NONE OF THE ICE IS SAFE. None of it.

Here is the rule: If you get two days above freezing, it takes two days below freezing (all day) to "reset" the ice. We are, at this point, beyond any possibility of that happening. The part of the year where you drive your pickup around on the ice ... is over. We don't need your stinking environmental hazard when you go through.

The previous message was applicable only to people in Minnesota. Thank you very much. That is all.

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I've been telling people that for years, but they still insist on putting it in drinks.

The previous message was applicable only to people in Minnesota.

I assure you, it's quite applicable in Arizona -- and has been for as long as I can remember.

By D. C. Sessions (not verified) on 17 Mar 2009 #permalink

Lorax: ROFL!!!! You have such a bad attitude.

DC: Well, the part about several days below freezing followed by above freezing followed by below freezing.

This sometimes applies to Ohio.

Greg, I assure you that it does sometimes get below freezing in Arizona. We just don't get reliable ice on the lakes, even when it does.

And, yes, every few years we end up fishing some idiot out of Lake Ono after s/he sleds right onto it. Come to think of it, this would have been a perfect year for it.

By D. C. Sessions (not verified) on 17 Mar 2009 #permalink

They still run "When will the old clunker of a car fall through the ice?" pools up there in MinnieSota? Or has the EPA cracked down on sinking auto carcasses in Mille Lacs?