What do the largest world economies have in common?

This is a little stale, but a new joint statement came out last month from the National Science Academies of all G8 countries and then some, calling for urgent action to address climate change by reducing cabon emissions.

You can read the statement here.

Also included is Canada, a smaller economy but one of the worst per capita CO2 emitters, I think worse than the US and just behind Australia if I recall correctly.

While Australia was not on that list of signatories, its National Science Academy does endorse the statement.

The Australian Academy of Science notes the statement on climate change by the academies of science for the G8+5 countries. Although the Australian Academy was not involved in the drafting of the statement because it is not a member of this group, we do endorse the concerns expressed in the statement. As recently summarised by the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the increases in global average temperature and sea level are unambiguous and are almost certainly primarily due to greenhouse gas emissions

I must confess that I am at a loss as to how the climate delusionist argument that "pro" AGW scientists are only in it for the money reconciles with the fact that these scientists are working on government payrolls for governments very hostile to their message. Stephen Harper, George Bush and John Howard wanted them to arrive at these conclusions?

Anyway, this statement is a good strong one to keep handy though it didn't get much press. Michae Tobis looks on the bright side comparing it to last year's similar statement.


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