Monckton and the APS

Eli Rabbet has a great summary of the recent Monckton-APS kafuffle. As this is sure to echo "longly and loudly" in the denier's circle I will add an article tomorrow into the How to talk to a climate sceptic guide.

--ahem-- Eli, care to update your blogroll with my "new" URL? Pretty please? I can't believe I just noticed now....

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He's updated the link. Now is Taylor's news still available somewhere? I don't read it often enough, but just had the itch ...

By Hank Roberts (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Oh, duh, Taylor's just a different thread each week. I can claim I was distracted by a typo, yeah, that's it, under Blogroll: "Dressler"
(but I'd be lying, I noticed that on coming back to correct my own mistake).

By Hank Roberts (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink