Sipping from the internet firehose...
This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H.E.Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
- Top Stories:Obama, Bailout, 2008 World Energy Outlook, Revised Theory [350 ppm]
- Melting Arctic, Arctic Geopolitics, Climate Refugees, Climate Models, Late Comments
- Food Crisis, Food Production
- Hurricanes, Temperatures, Feedbacks, Paleoclimate, ENSO, Glaciers, Satellites
- Impacts, Forests, Corals, Tornadoes, Wildfires, Floods & Droughts
- Mitigation, Transportation, Buildings, Sequestration, Geoengineering
- Journals, Misc. Science
- Kyoto-2, Carbon Trade, Carbon Tax, Optimal Carbon Reduction Strategy
- Politics: America, Obama, Britain, Europe, Australia, India, China, Canada
- Ecological Economics, Media, Books
- Energy, Solar, Coal, Biofuel, Nukes, Peak Oil, Efficiency, Cars, Greenwashing
- Carbon Lobby, The Usual, Useful Links
- Shameless Self Promotion, .sig
- 2008/11/07: TI:CF: (cartoon - Roberts) Crap Crunch
- 2008/11/08: ClimateP: (cartoon - Koren) Peak Oil Humor
Well the big story of the week has to be the election of Obama:
- 2008/11/06: uComics: (cartoon - Toles) We hold these truths...
- 2008/11/07: ENN: Obama: "Change Has Come to America"
- 2008/11/07: GristMill: Transition talk: -- Obama-Biden team launches transition website
- [Much more below in US Politics: Obama]
The credit crunch, the bailout and the green implications are getting a lot of attention:
- 2008/11/05: EnvEcon: Nature does not do bailouts
- 2008/11/04: NatureN: Innovating out of the financial crisis -- General Electric research chief optimistic that industrial R&D will thrive
- 2008/11/03: DerSpiegel: The economics of climate change -- 'The Goal Is to Change Course not Slow Down'
- 2008/11/03: USNews: Amid Economic Crisis, United Nations Trying to Keep Focus on Food, Poverty, Climate Crises
- 2008/11/04: ENN: Follow the Green Brick Road to Recovery?
- 2008/11/03: ENN: U.N. chief urges climate change help despite slowdown
- 2008/11/03: OilDrum: The Global Energy Crisis and its Role in the Pending Collapse of the Global Economy
- 2008/11/03: Time: Will Green Progress Be Stalled by the Bad Economy?
- 2008/11/06: PeakEnergy: Why It's Time for a 'Green New Deal'
The IEA has released the executive summary of its 2008 World Energy Outlook:
- 2008/11/06: IEA: World Energy Report 2008
- 2008/11/06: OilDrum: [176k pdf] IEA World Energy Report 2008 - executive summary
- 2008/11/06: ASPO: [176k pdf] IEA World Energy Report 2008 - executive summary
- 2008/11/07: PeakEnergy: More On The IEA Report
- 2008/11/07: SFGate: World energy supply and use are unsustainable
The world's energy system will need substantial investments to meet demand, a global agency said Thursday while warning that urgent action is required to curb carbon emissions that cause global warming. The International Energy Agency, which advises industrialized nations, said that the world's energy system is strained by dueling forces. First, growing consumption in developing nations is hindering the ability of producers to increase supply, which could result in a prolonged period of high and volatile prices. And second, higher demand could lead to serious changes in the world's climate if carbon emissions are not curbed. "Current global trends in energy supply and consumption are patently unsustainable - environmentally, economically and socially," the energy agency said. "But that can - and must - be altered." It added: "Preventing catastrophic and irreversible damage to the global climate ultimately requires a major decarburization of the world energy sources." The assessment was made in an executive summary of the World Energy Outlook, an annual survey of global energy issues, which was made public Thursday. The full report will be released next week. - 2008/11/08: TreeHugger: International Energy Agency: 6°C Temperature Hike Could Be Possible
- 2008/11/06: ClimateP: IEA: Oil price to rebound to $100 when economy recovers, then soar to $200 by 2030
- 2008/11/06: NewScientist: Energy Agency [IEA] warns of 6°C rise in temperatures
- 2008/11/06: PeakEnergy: The FT: "Highlights of the IEA report"
It is worthwhile noting this one aspect of the IEA report -- US$310bn for the 20 biggest countries:
- 2008/11/06: FTimes: End to fossil fuel subsidies urged
An end to the enormous subsidies paid to fossil fuel energy generators will be needed to set the world on a path of low-carbon generation, the International Energy Agency will say next week, writes Fiona Harvey. The IEA will say that subsidies on energy consumption were $310bn for the 20 biggest countries outside the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in 2007. - 2008/11/07: PhysOrg: Revised Theory Suggests Carbon Dioxide Levels Already in Danger Zone
If climate disasters are to be averted, atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) must be reduced below the levels that already exist today, according to a study published in Open Atmospheric Science Journal by a group of 10 scientists from the United States, the United Kingdom and France. The authors, who include two Yale scientists, assert that to maintain a planet similar to that on which civilization developed, an optimum CO2 level would be less than 350 ppm -- a dramatic change from most previous studies, which suggested a danger level for CO2 is likely to be 450 ppm or higher. Atmospheric CO2 is currently 385 parts per million (ppm) and is increasing by about 2 ppm each year from the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas) and from the burning of forests. - 2008/11/09: SciDaily: Carbon Dioxide Levels Already In Danger Zone, Revised Theory Shows
- 2008/11/07: Eureka: Revised theory suggests carbon dioxide levels already in danger zone
The Arctic melt continues to get a lot of attention:
- 2008/11/04: Tamino: Northern Ice
- 2008/11/03: SciDaily: Arctic Sea Ice Is Suddenly Getting Thinner As Well As Receding
- 2008/11/03: Eureka: What is really happening to the Greenland icecap?
- 2008/11/06: Tamino: Amundsen-Scott
- 2008/11/06: BCLSB: Its Tough All Over For Polar Bears
- 2008/11/06: G&M: Nunavut rejects call to curb polar bear hunt
As for the geopolitics of the Arctic resources:
- 2008/11/07: EUO: Europe's Arctic adventure - The new cold rush for resources
- 2008/11/07: CanWest: Unmanned robot subs key to Canada's claim on Arctic riches
The Canadian government has commissioned a pair of [Autonomous Underwater Vehicles] miniature submarines - torpedo-shaped, robotic submersibles - to probe two contentious underwater mountain chains in the Arctic Ocean, part of the country's quest to secure sovereignty and potential oil riches in a Europe-sized swath of the polar seabed. - 2008/11/06: ChronicleHerald: Mini submarines, mega Arctic mission -- N.S. scientists part of team working to prove Canada's sovereignty
Climate change refugees from the Solomon Islands will be settled in Papua New Guinea:
- 2008/11/05: ABC(Au): Climate change refugees to be resettled in PNG
The world's first climate change refugees will be relocated from their Pacific island home to Papua New Guinea by March next year. The Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation says 40 families from north of Ontong Java in the Solomon Island's Malaita Province will be relocated to Bougainville. Flooding has made parts of their islands completely uninhabitable and the islands are expected to be fully submerged by 2015. - 2008/11/03: RealClimate: FAQ on climate models
Late coverage of sunspots:
- 2008/11/03: QuarkSoup: Sunspots Again
Late coverage of methane:
- 2008/11/04: NobletonClear: Unexpectedly Methane Gas Levels Rise
- 2008/11/03: TheAge: Fears mount as Arctic melt prompts historic methane rise
The food crisis remains a top story:
- 2008/11/05: BBerg: Zimbabwe Facing Small Cereal Harvest in 2009, Famine Unit [FEWS] Says
- 2008/11/02: TheAge: Call for action as state food security at risk
Victoria is at risk of being unable to feed itself if the current drought continues and governments fail to safeguard the state's food chain, a leading group of land managers and conservationists has warned. - 2008/11/03: NewScientist: Hunger hotspots of the future revealed
- 2008/11/03: AllAfrica: ZimStandard: 'We Will Beg for the Next Two Years,' -Tsvangirai
Prime Minister-designate, Morgan Tsvangirai says government should declare this year a non-agricultural season because a critical shortage of inputs would make serious farming almost impossible. Addressing a rally of close to 20 000 people at Mamutse stadium in Masvingo recently, Tsvangirai hit out at the Zanu PF government accusing it of failing to plan ahead of the agricultural season. Tsvangirai said Zimbabweans would not have anything to harvest even if the country receives abundant rains. "We have no agricultural season to talk about this year, the country is facing a serious shortage of inputs and that means we will not have anything to harvest even if the rains come," he said. "This year it will be fair if we say there is no agricultural season at all." A few weeks before rains are expected to set in, farmers are failing to access inputs such as seeds and fertiliser. - 2008/11/06: USAToday: Food pantries mobilize as ranks of hungry grow
- 2008/11/05: Google:AFP: Starving and penniless, Ethiopian farmers rue biofuel choice
- 2008/11/06: UN: Financial crisis likely to keep food prices high despite record cereal crop -- UN
- 2008/11/09: BendBulletin: Prices for oil, grains fall -- but not for food
- 2008/11/: FAO: Food Outlook -- Global Market Analysis
And how are we going to feed 9 billion?
- 2008/11/01: GPM: [MuseLetter 199] The Food and Farming Transition
- 2008/11/05: Guardian(UK): Time to go against the grain
Oil-dependent production of cereal crops could be replaced by a traditional method of farming that is cheaper, greener and safer [sustainable mixed farming] - 2008/11/07: Guardian(UK): Loss of hill farms could destroy rare upland landscape, experts warn
National parks fear a knock-on effect on precious environments if sheep and cattle farms collapse - 2008/11/07: NakedCapitalism: Credit Crunch May Produce Another Food Crisis in 2009
- 2008/11/07: CCurrents: Break Political Silence On Malnutrition
Paloma in the Atlantic, Maysak in the Western Pacific and a couple of tropical depressions blew around:
- 2008/11/09: CNN: Paloma slams into Cuba
Hundreds of thousands evacuate in Cuba; power, phone service interrupted - Paloma makes landfall near Santa Cruz del Sur late Saturday - The storm is expected to continue to lose strength - 2008/11/09: ClimateP: A new record for the hurricane season of 2008 -- major hurricanes in five separate months
- 2008/11/09: BBC: Hurricane Paloma slams into Cuba
Hurricane Paloma has made landfall in Cuba and is battering the southern coast with maximum sustained winds close to 200km/h (125mph) - 2008/11/08: EarthTimes: Hurricane Paloma prepares to thrash Cuba over coming day
- 2008/11/08: Intersection:CCM: A Category 4 in November
- 2008/11/08: Wunderground: Category 4 Paloma pounds the Cayman Islands, heads to Cuba
- 2008/11/08: Wunderground: Paloma near Category 2 strength
- 2008/11/08: Wunderground: Hurricane Paloma slowly strengthing as it approaches Grand Cayman
- 2008/11/08: McClatchyDC: Hurricane Paloma now a Category 4, headed to Cuba
- 2008/11/08: CBC: Paloma becomes Category 4 storm, heads toward Cuba
- 2008/11/07: EarthTimes: Hurricane Paloma gains strength, heads toward Cuba
- 2008/11/07: BBC: Tropical Storm Paloma has strengthened into a Category One hurricane as it heads towards the Cayman Islands, say forecasters in the US
- 2008/11/06: CBC: Tropical storm Paloma strengthens as it nears Cuba and Caymans
- 2008/11/06 TerraDaily: Tropical Storm [Paloma] could strike Cuba as a hurricane -- monitor
- 2008/11/06: Wunderground: Paloma nears hurricane strength
- 2008/11/05: Wunderground: Tropical Depression 17 forms
- 2008/11/04: Wunderground: Caribbean disturbance 93L growing more organized
- 2008/11/03: Wunderground: Disturbance 93L in southern Caribbean may develop later this week
While elsewhere in the hurricane wars:
- 2008/11/02: UPI: Haiti storm aid efforts called ineffective
Slightly more than a third of the hoped-for $106 million in disaster recovery funds for Haiti have arrived in the hurricane-ravaged country, officials said. - 2008/11/03: BBC: Hope dawns in post-Nargis Burma
Six months after Cyclone Nargis devastated parts of southern Burma and left 130,000 people dead, the BBC's Penny Spiller looks at how the recovery effort is taking shape - 2008/11/07: EnvEcon: 2008 Atlantic Hurricane Tally: 8
- 2008/11/06: Guardian(UK): Aid work in Burma (10 pictures)
- 2008/11/06: Guardian(UK): Rebuilding homes and hope in Burma
As for the temperature record:
- 2008/11/02: Tamino: AMSU mystery
Yes we have feedbacks:
- 2008/11/06: PhysOrg: Global warming predicted to hasten carbon release from peat bogs
- 2008/11/06: Eureka: Global warming predicted to hasten carbon release from peat bogs -- Carbon release from desiccated bogs will speed up the rate of global warming
The ozone layer is still under threat:
- 2008/11/04: Guardian(UK): Ozone hole over Antarctica grows again
Stratospheric levels of harmful CFCs will take between 40 and 100 years to dissipate and have only dropped a few per cent since reaching a peak in 2000, scientists warn - 2008/11/04: PhysOrg: This year's Antarctic zone hole is 5th biggest
- 2008/11/03: NOAANews: 2008 Sees Fifth Largest Ozone Hole
- 2008/11/05: CBC: NASA says ozone layer hole 5th biggest on record
While in the paleoclimate:
- 2008/11/07: Eureka: U of Minnesota researchers uncover surprising effects of climate patterns in ancient China -- Did weakening of Asian monsoons cause fall of Chinese dynasties?
- 2008/11/07: Eureka: Ecologists use oceanographic data to predict future climate change -- Past ocean circulation leads to new conclusions
- 2008/11/06: Eureka: Dry spells spelled trouble in ancient China -- Weakening of summer monsoons to blame
- 2008/11/06: BBC: The demise of some of China's ruling dynasties may have been linked to changes in the strength of monsoon rains, a new study suggests
- 2008/11/06: CBC: Blame it on the rain: Decline of China dynasties linked to monsoons
- 2008/11/06: NatureN: Asian monsoon cycle disrupted by man-made climate change -- Chinese stalagmite reveals low rainfalls that may have brought down dynasties
- 2008/11/06: PhysOrg: Ecologists use oceanographic data to predict future climate change
- 2008/11/06: Eureka: Ecologists use oceanographic data to predict future climate change
While on the el Niño/la Niña [ENSO] front:
- 2008/11/06: NOAA: El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diagnostic Discussion
Synopsis: ENSO-neutral conditions are expected to continue into early 2009 - 2008/11/06: PhysOrg: After 2 centuries of shrinking, Alaska glaciers got thicker this year
- 2008/11/06: Eureka: When it comes to sea level changing glaciers, new NASA technique measures up
A NASA-led research team has used satellite data to make the most precise measurements to date of changes in the mass of mountain glaciers in the Gulf of Alaska, a region expected to be a significant contributor to global sea level rise over the next 50-100 years. - 2008/11/04: PhysOrg: NOAA-N prime satellite arrives at Vandenberg for launch
The latest polar-orbiting operational environmental weather satellite developed by NASA for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, called NOAA-N Prime... - 2008/11/05: NewScientist: Climate change sends lemming numbers plunging
- 2008/11/05: UFZ: Extreme weather postpones the flowering time of plants -- A severe drought period changes nature as much as a decade of global warming
- 2008/11/05: SciDaily: Extreme Weather Postpones Flowering Time Of Plants
- 2008/11/06: ISU: Turtles alter nesting dates due to temperature change says ISU researcher
- 2008/11/08: TreeHugger: Major Shifts in North Atlantic Ecosystems Driven by 'Unprecedented' Climate Change in Last Half-Century
- 2008/11/06: NatureCF: Climate change hits loveable lemmings
- 2008/11/06: KSJT: BBC, Newsweek, Science News, etc: Uh oh. Even lemmings are getting hammered by climate change
- 2008/11/06: PhysOrg: Turtles alter nesting dates due to temperature change
Turtles nesting along the Mississippi River and other areas are altering their nesting dates in response to rising temperatures, says a researcher from Iowa State University. - 2008/11/06: PhysOrg: 'Unprecedented' warming drives dramatic ecosystem shifts in North Atlantic
- 2008/11/06: PhysOrg: Evidence found for climate-driven ecological shifts in North Atlantic, says Cornell study
- 2008/11/06: Eureka: Evidence found for climate-driven ecological shifts in North Atlantic, says Cornell study
- 2008/11/06: BBC: Climate pushing lemmings to cliff
Climate change is bringing wetter winters to southern Norway, a bleak prospect for the region's lemmings. Scientists found that numbers of the animals no longer vary over a regular cycle, as they did until a decade ago; there are no more bumper years. The snow is not stable enough, they think, to provide winter shelter. Writing in the journal Nature, the researchers suggest the lack of Norwegian lemmings is affecting other animals such as foxes and owls. In boom years, lemmings are the most plentiful and important prey for these carnivores. - 2008/10/31: MiamiHerald: Expert: Amazon may lose 50 percent of tree species
Global warming could kill off half of the tree species in Brazil's vast Amazon jungle by 2050, a leading international climate change expert said Wednesday. A worst-case rise of 7.2 degrees Fahrenheit would wipe out half of the region's tree species by making the Amazon much drier and causing increased humidity in Brazil's non-Amazon southern region, said Martin Parry of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - 2008/11/04: KSJT: Reuters: Dried-out fungi may blunt one dire angle in climate warming scenarios
- 2008/11/03: Eureka: Dried mushrooms slow climate warming in northern forests -- Finding could influence global climate change predictions, policy
- 2008/11/07: PhysOrg: Brazil sees carbon market saving Amazon
Corals are dying:
- 2008/11/05: BBC: Recipe for rescuing our reefs
The colourful world supported by coral reefs is under threat as oceans absorb greater quantities of carbon dioxide, says Rod Salm. In this week's Green Room, he says we must accept that we are going to lose many of these valuable ecosystems, but adds that not all hope is lost - 2008/11/03: SciDaily: Coral Bleaching Disturbs Structure Of Fish Communities
As for tornadoes:
- 2008/11/05: Eureka: NIU researchers say nighttime tornadoes are worst nightmare -- Twisters that occur from midnight to dawn are 2.5 times more likely to kill
And wild fires:
- 2008/11/07: PhysOrg: Wildfires result in loss of forests reserved by Northwest Forest Plan
While on the flood & drought front:
- 2008/11/03: TerraDaily: Hanoi suffers as Vietnam flood toll rises to 55
- 2008/11/03: TerraDaily: Rains leave 26 dead, 45 missing in China's southwest
- 2008/11/04: EarthTimes: Rains inundate Vietnam, death toll rises to 20
- 2008/11/04: People's Daily: Heavy rain lashes S China region, 1.17 million affected
- 2008/11/02: Guardian(UK): Drought land 'will be abandoned' -- Climate change will cause 'economic deserts' even in rich countries, warns UN environment chief [Achim Steiner]
- 2008/11/03: ClimateP: Drought land "will be abandoned"
- 2008/11/03: GristMill: Notable quotable -- On economic desertification through water mismanagement
- 2008/11/07: UN: Honduras: UN appeals for greater aid as floods cause further deaths and damage
- 2008/11/07: ABC(Au): Hot summer may be disastrous for Murray-Darling Basin
- 2008/11/07: ABC(Au): The Murray-Darling Basin Commission and the Bureau of Meterology say there is no prospect of recovery for the system this year due to poor spring rains
- 2008/11/05: TerraDaily: Vietnam PM orders alert as flood toll hits 82
Elsewhere on the mitigation front:
- 2008/11/04: BBC: Tropical farms 'aid biodiversity'
Certain farming methods can help sustain the biodiversity of tropical forests, a study has shown. Researchers found that an areca nut plantation in south-west India supported 90% of the bird species found in surrounding native forests. The low-impact agriculture system has been used for more than 2,000 years and should be considered as a new option for conservation efforts, they added - 2008/11/03: PhysOrg: Swiss website to plant trees to offset environmental impact
Consider transportation & GHG production:
- 2008/11/09: Independent(UK): Traffic levels fall for first time in decades: Motor firms head for crash
- 2008/11/07: BBC: Profits plunge at British Airways -- Half-year profits at British Airways have fallen 91.6%...
- 2008/11/06: BBC: Is the worst over for the airlines? The risk of failure is huge and the list of failures is growing in the airline sector
- 2008/11/06: BBC: UK new car sales in sharp decline -- Sales of new cars in the UK fell in October at their fastest rate for 17 years, industry figures have shown
- 2008/11/04: OilChange: How to Fry the Climate with a $13 Flight from London to NYC
- 2008/11/03: Times(UK): Nuclear-powered passenger aircraft 'to transport millions' says expert [Ian Poll]
While in the endless quest for sustainable building codes:
- 2008/11/03: PhysOrg: Carefully designed home gets most energy from the sun
As for carbon sequestration:
- 2008/11/07: TreeHugger: Huge Quantities' of Carbon Emissions Could Be Stored in Rock Found in Earth's Mantle
- 2008/11/07: Yahoo: Scientists say a rock [peridotite] can soak up carbon dioxide
- 2008/11/06: EnvEcon: BP and RWE shock UK carbon capture competition
The UK's competition to build a demonstration carbon capture and storage (CCS) plant is under pressure, after oil and gas giant BP pulled its bid and RWE npower announced it is seeking a High Court appeal of the government's decision to exclude it from the shortlist. - 2008/11/04: TechRev: Carbon-Capturing Rock -- Geologists discover that certain rock formations could sequester large amounts of carbon dioxide
- 2008/11/06: PhysOrg: Rocks could be harnessed to sponge vast amounts of CO2 from air, says study
- 2008/11/05: Eureka: Rocks could be harnessed to sponge vast amounts of CO2 from air, says study -- Proposed method would speed natural reactions a million times
Large scale geo-engineering keeps popping up:
- 2008/11/03: PopMech: How Geoengineering Works: 5 Big Plans to Stop Global Warming
- 2008/11/07: PhysOrg: World needs climate emergency backup plan, says expert
- 2008/11/07: Eureka: World needs climate emergency backup plan, says expert
In submitted testimony to the British Parliament, climate scientist Ken Caldeira of the Carnegie Institution said that while steep cuts in carbon emissions are essential to stabilizing global climate, there also needs to be a backup plan. Geoengineering solutions such as injecting dust into the atmosphere are risky, but may become necessary if emissions cuts are insufficient to stave off catastrophic warming. He urged that research into the pros and cons of geoengineering be made a high priority. - 2008/11/08: ENN: World needs emergency backup plan to stabilize climate
Meanwhile in the journals:
- 2008/11/03: TCD: Comparison of airborne radar altimeter and ground-based Ku-band radar measurements on the ice cap Austfonna, Svalbard by O. Brandt et al.
- 2008/11/05: ACP: Variations of O3 and CO in summertime at a rural site near Beijing by Y. Wang et al.
- 2008/11/05: ACPD: Oxygen isotopic signature of CO2 from combustion processes by M. Schumacher et al.
- 2008/11/04: PNAS: Phylogenetic patterns of species loss in Thoreau's woods are driven by climate change by Charles G. Willis et al.
- 2008/11/04: PNAS: Connections between climate, food limitation, and carbon cycling in abyssal sediment communities by Henry A. Ruhl et al.
- 2008/11/04: PNAS: Climatic change and wetland desiccation cause amphibian decline in Yellowstone National Park by Sarah K. McMenamin et al.
- 2008/11/04: PNAS: A framework for predicting global silicate weathering and CO2 drawdown rates over geologic time-scales by George E. Hilley & Stephen Porder
- 2008/10/30: SSRN: The Sting of the Long Tail: Climate Change, Backlash and the Problem of Delayed Harm by Eric Biber
- 2008/11/07: CP: Forced and internal modes of variability of the East Asian summer monsoon by J. Liu et al.
- 2008/11/06: ACP: Retrieval of stratospheric aerosol size information from OSIRIS limb scattered sunlight spectra by A. E. Bourassa et al.
Before we get into politics, there was some science done:
- 2008/11/03: NatureCF: AGU Chapman Conference on water vapor - the final report
- 2008/11/03: SciDaily: Parasites And Global Change: Past Patterns, Future Projections
- 2008/11/06: PhysOrg: Sunlight has more powerful influence on ocean circulation and climate than North American ice sheets
- 2008/11/06: Eureka: Sunlight has more powerful influence on ocean circulation and climate than North American ice sheets
Meanwhile on the Kyoto-2 front:
- 2008/11/07: NewScientist: China tells rich nations to pay up on climate change
- 2008/11/06: Reuters: China set to take the initiative in climate talks
- 2008/11/07: EarthTimes: China urges rich nations to lead on climate change
- 2008/11/07: Reuters: China tells rich polluting nations to change lifestyle
- 2008/11/08: DerSpiegel: China's Third World Challenge - Rich Nations Should Pay for Green Technology
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao opened a climate conference in Beijing on Friday with a call for industrial nations to pay for green technology in the developing world. Westerners are skeptical, and the UN says nothing will change until America shows its cards. - 2008/11/08: BBC: China tells rich states to change
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao has said developed countries should change their "unsustainable lifestyles" to tackle global warming. Mr Wen said richer nations should help poorer ones solve the global problem. United Nations climate chief Yvo de Boer said rich countries had to transfer cleaner energy technologies to developing nations. The two were speaking at a two-day conference in Beijing discussing climate change. Mr Wen said the international community must not waver in its determination to tackle climate change. But he made it clear where the main responsibility lay. Developed countries had a "responsibility to tackle climate change and should alter their unsustainable lifestyle", he said. - 2008/11/07: PhysOrg: UN official hopes for US role in climate change
- 2008/11/07: Reuters: Tax polluters for global warming funds-UN official [UNFCCC head, Yvo de Boer]
- 2008/11/06: TreeHugger: UNDP Projects Climate For 52 Developing Countries
While on the carbon trading front:
- 2008/11/03: EurActiv: IEA finds no EU 'carbon leakage' to date
There has so far been no sign that the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) has prompted industry to relocate outside of Europe, says the International Energy Agency (IEA) in a report which seeks to "demystify" the "noises" coming from sectors such as cement and steel. - 2008/11/07: PhysOrg: Yale report cites emerging carbon finance market
- 2008/11/08: TreeHugger: Greyhound Australia to Begin Carbon Offset Program
- 2008/11/06: TreeHugger: Investment Bankers = Carbon Traders: Entrusted With Earth's Future?
The idea of a carbon tax is still bouncing around:
- 2008/11/06: EnvEcon: New research on a carbon tax
The debate over the optimal strategy [carbon trading, carbon offsets, auction vs. allocation, and/or a carbon tax] to use in dealing with GHGs continues:
- 2008/09/: BAS: Carbon tax vs. cap-and-trade
- 2008/11/07: C411: A Carbon Cap Would Promote International Participation
- 2008/11/07: EnvEcon: A cap-and-trade system would promote broad international participation
And on the American political front:
- 2008/11/05: ClimateP: The 3 key energy and climate questions -- and why conservatives just don't get why they lost, Part 1
- 2008/11/04: TP:WonkRoom: On Election Day, King Coal Celebrates Public Relations 'Landslide'
- 2008/11/04: GristMill: Rendered Newt -- Gingrich shills for Republican energy policy under bizarre guise as energy guru
- 2008/11/04: DeSmogBlog: Poll: coal state Virginia sees global warming as 'very serious'
- 2008/11/03: GristMill: Fuel me once, shame on you -- Biofuels reps ask EPA to exclude greenhouse gas emissions considerations from rulemaking
- 2008/11/03: NEN: Incentives and solarA turning point in the solar energy industry: Short-term, limited tax credits are expiring and long-term, expanded tax credits begin January 1, 2009.
- 2008/11/03: CSM: Will cheaper gas nix energy reforms? If prices keep dropping, the next president may find it harder to ease the US off foreign oil.
- 2008/11/07: ClimateP: Green investment does create jobs
- 2008/11/06: ClimateP: The intellectual bankruptcy of conservatism: Heritage even opposes energy efficiency
- 2008/11/07: TP:WonkRoom: Heritage's Broken Conclusions On A Green Recovery
- 2008/11/08: BSD: The new Senate's effect on climate legislation
- 2008/11/04: CJR: Coal's Curtain Call -- A late spate of news as the campaigns wind down
- 2008/11/06: OilChange: 7 of the "Dirty Dozen" Are Ousted Too...
A lot of people are speculating about the Obama administration, with advice & criticisms:
- 2008/11/09: NakedCapitalism: The Obama Game: Advice and Speculation
[...] There are two types of articles very much on display:
1. Who will key members of Obama's cabinet be (with the financial press focused on the Treasury secretary possibilities)
2. What should Obama do? Tons, and I mean TONS, of advice pieces. The New York Times Sunday business section, for instance, has seven articles with advice on economic policy, and they don't come close to converging.
This sort of speculation is impractical. We can natter all we want to about who Obama may pick, should pick, and what the implication of those choices might be. Guess what? He is gonna pick someone, and he isn't listening to any us out here in the peanut gallery. - 2008/11/05: NatureCF: Obama victory brings new hope for climate policy, dark days for fossil fuels
- 2008/11/05: ClimateP: Under Obama, Dark Days Seen Ahead For Fossil Fuels
- 2008/11/05: ClimateP: Obama win paves the way for big changes in energy, environment debate
- 2008/11/05: DotEarth: The President and the Planet, On a Budget
- 2008/11/05: NewScientist: Obama on science, in his own words
- 2008/11/05: NewScientist: Obama promises new era of scientific innovation
- 2008/11/05: ENN: Climate talks: Obama victory offers hope, but Congress is key
- 2008/11/05: WSJ:EnvCap: Obama Nation: What Will It Be Able To Do On Energy?
- 2008/11/04: DotEarth: What Would an Energy 'Moon Shot' Look Like?
- 2008/11/04: DotEarth: The Presidency and the Climate Challenge
- 2008/11/04: TreeHugger: Will Next US President Consider A "New Green Deal" To Solve The Credit, Employment, And Climate Crisis?
- 2008/11/04: WorldChanging: Chop Wood, Carry Water
- 2008/11/03: PlanetArk: Next US President Faces Economy Hurdle On Climate
- 2008/11/03: BCLSB: Global Warming And The U.S. Election: The People Vs. The MSM
- 2008/11/07: KSJT: Lots of Ink: Speculation on Obama's and USA's new resolve to tackle climate change
- 2008/11/06: Reuters: Obama climate shift could add pressure on China
- 2008/11/07: CSW: President-elect Obama will need top climate and energy advice in the White House
- 2008/11/07: TreeHugger: Canada, Germany Want to Work With Obama on Climate Change
- 2008/11/07: TreeHugger: Willie Nelson Passes One to the President-Elect...An Open Letter on Farm and Food, That is.
- 2008/11/07: PeakEnergy: Obama: Captain climate change
- 2008/11/07: BBerg: Obama to Back Ailing Ethanol Makers, Follow Failed Bush Policy
- 2008/11/06: Reuters: Al Gore group urges Obama to create U.S. power grid
- 2008/11/06: Guardian(UK): Making government green
Barack Obama says his top priority will be to tackle energy, but getting a climate change bill through Congress won't be easy - 2008/11/08: CSW: Expected Obama early actions to reverse Bush on EPA greenhouse gas rules a first step
- 2008/11/08: CSW: "One minute elevator speech" on climate policy to President-elect Obama
- 2008/11/06: IR^2: Highlights of Obama's Energy Proposals
- 2008/11/08: Guardian(UK): Energy: can Obama keep it clean?
- 2008/11/06: MongaBay: Obama may bring leadership, rather than obstruction, to climate change talks
- 2008/11/05: GristMill: Enviro reax - Green groups react to the election of Barack Obama
- 2008/11/05: GristMill: World please -- World leaders express hope that Obama will actively address climate change
- 2008/11/05: Google:AFP: UN climate chief seeks Obama input in December talks [at Poznan, Poland]
The UN climate chief said Wednesday he was "very encouraged" by Barack Obama's stance on global warming, and said he hoped the US president-elect would join in key talks in December before taking office. "It is impossible to advance on this important topic without the full engagement of the United States," Yvo de Boer, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, told AFP by phone. - 2008/11/06: Australian: US must lead in climate fight - Wong
Climate Change Minister Penny Wong says Australia will look to the new US Administration for leadership in tackling global warming - 2008/11/06: BBerg: Obama to Back Ailing Ethanol Makers, Follow Failed Bush Policy
- 2008/11/06: CSW: "Science and the Next President -- Addressing the Politicization of Science"
- 2008/11/06: Guardian(UK): Renewable energy: Obama's cruise to the White House puts the wind back in green sails -- After Bush's years of neglect, the new president promises the planet a fresh start
- 2008/11/05: Yale360: President Obama's Big Climate Challenge
- 2008/11/05: Guardian(UK): Obama victory signals rebirth of US environmental policy
- 2008/11/06: Guardian(UK): Hands across the ocean -- Obama and Europe will find many mutual benefits, especially by furthering trade links and holding climate talks
Results for various state propositions:
- 2008/11/05: ClimateP: California Sends Pickens Packing - Prop 10 Loses
- 2008/11/05: TreeHugger: California Voters Reject Well Meaning But Poorly Drafted Renewable Energy Ballot Initiatives
- 2008/11/05: NewScientist: California votes against green power initiatives [Props 7 & 10]
- 2008/11/05: WSJ:EnvCap: Not So Green: Voters Nix Most Environmental State Ballot
- 2008/11/07: GristMill: Put yer nukes up -- Three nuke-dependent communities vote for a nuclear phase-out
- 2008/11/07: TreeHugger: High-Speed Trains Coming to California, Voters Approve Prop 1A
- 2008/11/06: Google:AP: Calif. voters approve $10B bond for bullet trains
- 2008/11/07: PeakEnergy: Bullet Trains For California
- 2008/11/09: AutoBG: California voters approve $10 billion for high speed train
- 2008/11/06: EnvEcon: Renewables struggle in US state ballots
- 2008/11/06: NEN: New energy advocates defeat phony new energy bills [Cal props 7 & 10]
- 2008/11/06: AutoBG: California renewable energy Proposition 10 (and T. Boone Pickens) defeated
Henry Waxman is challenging John Dingell for chairmanship of the Energy and Commerce Committee:
- 2008/11/08: ClimateP: Waxman vs. Dingell, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
- 2008/11/08: PhysOrg: Obama climate policy caught in Democratic tussle
- 2008/11/07: inel: Waxman Dingell fight for chair of Energy and Commerce Committee
- 2008/11/07: HillHeat: Waxman Supporters Claim He 'Has The Votes' To Replace Dingell
- 2008/11/08: ENN: Obama climate policy caught in Democratic tussle
- 2008/11/07: NEN: Many a faction 'twixt the speech and the action (political infighting over energy already)
- 2008/11/05: ClimateP: Bombshell: Waxman to take On Dingell
- 2008/11/07: AutoBG: Dingell and Waxman will fight for leadership position in Committee on Energy and Commerce
- 2008/11/06: WaPo: Power Play Emerges On House Energy Panel
In the first sign of Democratic intraparty strife since the election, Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.) has told colleagues that he plans to challenge the House's most senior member, Rep. John D. Dingell (D-Mich.), for the chairmanship of the Energy and Commerce Committee. - 2008/11/07: Guardian(UK): Democrats fight for environment crown [Dingell & Waxman]
- 2008/11/05: ClimateP: Update on Waxman vs. Dingell
- 2008/11/06: GristMill: Does the bell toll for Dingell? Tensions mounting among House Dems as Waxman lobbies to replace Dingell
- 2008/11/05: TP:WonkRoom: Waxman Plans To Challenge Dingell For Control Of Energy And Commerce
The Bush administration continues its last minute mischief & deregulating:
- 2008/11/05: NatureCF: 'Midnight regulations' target power plants, and more
- 2008/11/04: NatureN: Bush may introduce environmental regulations -- Policy watchdogs expect industry-friendly changes in coming months
- 2008/11/04: GristMill: When Bush comes to shove -- Bush administration prepares environmental messes for the next prez
- 2008/11/03: NewScientist: Bush rushes 'harmful' environment laws
- 2008/11/07: PhysOrg: Bush officials plan to dial back environmental protections
I don't know about you, but I am glad the election spin & BS is over:
- 2008/11/03: ClimateP: Revealing comments on coal from Obama -- and even more revealing comments from McCain
- 2008/11/03: NEN: The presidential candidates and the nuclear debate
- 2008/11/02: TP:WonkRoom: McCain And Obama Criticize New Coal Plants -- Right Wing Goes Insane
The Gore-apalooza is still bopping along:
- 2008/11/07: C411: Nature Does Not Do Bailouts
- 2008/11/06: Reuters: Al Gore group urges Obama to create U.S. power grid
While in the UK:
- 2008/11/04: Times(UK): BizzEnergy collapse is bleak news for UK energy market
- 2008/11/04: Guardian(UK): [Letters] Many ways to tackle climate change
- 2008/11/03: GristMill: You put your feed-in there -- An ideological breakthrough on feed-in tarriffs in Britain
- 2008/11/03: Guardian(UK): The planet is the big loser in Brown's economic assault
Labour looks set to let airports expand in the name of fighting recession. And the new climate secretary is silent - 2008/11/04: EurActiv: EU talks on car CO2 cuts enter final round
- 2008/11/04: PlanetArk: European Climate Backlash Puts Global Deal At Risk
Europe's plan to lead the world towards a deal on fighting climate change has been seriously imperilled by a backlash by Italy, Poland and other east European nations wary of the short-term costs. - 2008/11/03: EurActiv: [EU Energy Commissioner Andris] Piebalgs wants EU-wide energy regulator
- 2008/11/07: EurActiv: Poland proposes 'price band' for CO2
Poland, backed by a number of Eastern European member states, has proposed setting upper and lower limits for CO2 permits within the EU's Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). - 2008/11/06: EurActiv: 'Pragmatic' Czechs to push for climate change deal
After taking over the rotating EU presidency from France next January, the Czech Republic will take all the necessary steps to reach agreement on the climate and energy package by adopting a pragmatic approach, Czech officials revealed... - 2008/11/08: TreeHugger: Extreme Coal - Poland's 96% Dependency Could Be World Record
- 2008/11/06: WorldChanging: Europeans Form [IRENA] Renewable Energy Agency
- 2008/11/06: TreeHugger: New Acronym Alert: IRENA, The International Renewable Energy Agency
- 2008/11/06: AutoBG: Germany could get CO2 bonus/malus system starting in 2009
- 2008/11/05: Guardian(UK): Lack of political will slowing Europe's renewables revolution, engineers say
Meanwhile in Australia:
- 2008/11/04: ABC(Au): Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan has dismissed the advice of a leading climate change economist to delay its proposed emissions trading scheme until international negotiations are completed
- 2008/11/04: ABC(Au): The New South Wales Government has announced nearly $18 million in funding to help local councils adapt to the affects of climate change
- 2008/11/05: ABC(Au): Desert-based renewable energy could supply nation: expert
A climate change expert says renewable energy projects could provide economic opportunities for remote communities. Dr Barrie Pittock will tell the Desert Symposium in Alice Springs today that solar and geothermal energy from Australia's deserts could supply the whole country with electricity. - 2008/11/04: ABC(Au): Greenpeace trio fined thousands over smoke stack stunt
Three Greenpeace activists who scaled a smoke stack at a power station west of Brisbane have been ordered to pay more than $23,000 in damages. - 2008/11/03: ABC(Au): Climate Change Minister Penny Wong says the United States is crucial to any viable global action on climate change
- 2008/11/03: ABC(Au): Including agriculture in emissions scheme 'not realistic' [says Australia Institute]
A new report says it will not be possible for the Federal Government to include agriculture in the emissions trading scheme by 2015. The Government has delayed including agriculture until then because of the difficulty in measuring emissions from farms, especially methane from cows and sheep. The think tank, the Australia Institute, says it is not realistic to expect a breakthrough in technology that makes such measurement possible by 2015. - 2008/11/03: ABC(Au): Climate change targets will hurt Qld economy most
The Queensland Government says it can handle any damage to the economy from climate change targets. A report by Access Economics says Queensland will be hardest hit by climate change targets because it uses a lot of black coal to generate electricity and relies more than other states on mining in its gross state product - 2008/11/03: ABC(Au): Union leaders from Australia's steel industry will head to Japan this week to discuss the implications of a global emissions trading scheme
- 2008/11/03: SMH: A lot of hot air expended on climate-change debate
- 2008/11/07: ABC(Au): Three people have been charged over a global warming protest at the Tarong Power Station in the South Burnett earlier today
- 2008/11/07: ABC(Au): Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare says wealthy countries like Australia need to help Pacific nations cope with the effects of climate change
- 2008/11/07: ABC(Au): Far south coast warned of climate change impact
A climate change expert says the New South Wales far south coast can expect to feel the full effects of rising sea levels as global warming takes hold. Dr John Church, a scientist for the Centre for Climate Research, was the keynote speaker at a three-day coastal management conference at Wollongong this week - 2008/11/07: ABC(Au): Govt accused of 're-branding' climate change funds
Greens' MP Ian Cohen has attacked the New South Wales Government for recycling grant money. The Minister for Climate Change, Carmel Tebbutt, this week announced $18 million in funding to help local councils deal with the effects of climate change. Mr Cohen says he originally welcomed the idea, but on closer inspection says it is simply a re-branding of money that was already available to councils as capital works funds. - 2008/11/07: ABC(Au): Tarong Energy says two demonstrators have chained themselves to a conveyor belt carrying coal to a power station in Queensland's south Burnett region
- 2008/11/07: ABC(Au): A new [Planning Institute] report shows all levels of Australian government must improve planning for climate change, urban design and infrastructure
- 2008/11/07: ABC(Au): Indigenous Australians in unique position to help climate fight
- 2008/11/09: ABC(Au): Greens call for national scheme to pay energy-savers
The Greens are calling for a nationally consistent scheme to pay the public for any renewable power they generate. [via a gross national feed-in tariff] - 2008/11/06: ABC(Au): Power station owner to reveal debt woes
Verve Energy says its coal-fired power station at Collie is at risk of being run into the ground because of old technology, a lack of profitability and the impending carbon emissions trading scheme. - 2008/11/06: ABC(Au): Vic Parliament passes carbon capture legislation
The researchers involved in Victoria's first carbon capture project say the future use of the technology is now more certain, after legislation legalising the practise passing through the Victorian Parliament yesterday. The CO-2 Cooperative Research Centre is conducting a geo-sequestration trial at Nirranda, in the State's south west. So far about 30,000 tonnes of carbon has been injected underground. - 2008/11/06: ABC(Au): Qld academic [Professor Ian Lowe] to address Dubai climate forum [World Economic Forum]
- 2008/11/07: SMH: Power, water, roads at risk: climate report
The country's electricity and water supplies are at high risk from climate change, and immediate action is needed to prepare for the threat, a report presented to the Federal Government has warned. Dams, roads, power stations and even paved footpaths are all at risk of damage from the increasing number of droughts and bushfires and rising sea levels during the next 30 to 50 years, said the report by the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering. A national taskforce should be formed to develop guidelines for adapting to climate change and to consider legal liabilities for allowing developments to go ahead, said the report, made public yesterday by the Minister for Climate Change, Penny Wong. - 2008/11/05: Hindu: India for technological answer to climate change
- 2008/11/07: ENN: Indian temperature rise 'will exceed projected rainfall'
While in China:
- 2008/11/07: UN: UN industrial agency partners with China to tackle climate change
- 2008/11/07: ClimateP: Chinese Premier: Rich nations should ditch 'unsustainable' lifestyles ... and stop buying all the crap we make
- 2008/11/07: ABC(Au): China has stepped up its rhetoric on climate change, calling on Western countries to do more to tackle the problem
- 2008/11/07: Yahoo: Rich nations should ditch 'unsustainable' lifestyles: China's [Premier] Wen [Jiabao]
- 2008/11/02: FuturePundit: China Carbon Emissions Might Double By 2030
- 2008/11/05: FuturePundit: China Might Accelerate Nuclear Power Ramp Up
In Canada, minority neocon PM Harper fooled nobody falling over himself to share the Obama buzz:
- 2008/11/08: EPlawiuk: Made In Canada Climate Policy RIP
- 2008/11/08: ScottsDiatribe: Reading between the lines: Did Obama brush aside Harper's environmental proposal?
- 2008/11/08: TStar: Obama will let us off the Kyoto hook
Prime Minister Stephen Harper must be pinching himself over his great luck. One day, he's isolated with the reviled George W. Bush as a pariah of climate change. The next, he's shoulder to shoulder on the issue with the most popular politician on the planet. All without having to lift a finger. American voters did him the favour by making Barack Obama their president-elect. Obama pledges to act on climate change, and after eight years of American obstructionism, "re-engage" with the international negotiations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. His administration will "work constructively" within the United Nations process aimed at putting the Kyoto Protocol into practice. He proposes a firm target for reducing emissions. He promises an ambitious list of measures to achieve that goal, including a cap-and-trade system far tougher than any attempted elsewhere. But a crucial outcome of all this -- for Harper and the world -- is that the Protocol is dead. Obama will not commit the United States to meet the emissions target -- a cut to 6 per cent below 1990 levels by 2012 -- that it accepted then rejected under the 1997 agreement. Instead, his goal is to get back down to 1990 levels by 2020. - 2008/11/07: DeSmogBlog: Obama triggers first environmental dividend -- Canada moves to protect U.S. market for dirty oil
- 2008/11/06: CBC: Alberta deserves seat at climate change negotiation table: Stelmach
Premier Ed Stelmach says Alberta wants a seat at the table during any talks aimed at reaching a climate change deal between the federal government and the United States. Prime Minister Stephen Harper's government has indicated that it will be making overtures to Washington about a climate change pact now that Barack Obama has been elected president. Stelmach said Alberta must be included because any deal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions would have an impact on major energy projects in the province. - 2008/11/06: CleanBreak: Canada's Conservative government wants to talk continental cap-and-trade with Obama administration
- 2008/11/06: AGRoDT: A North American cap and trade system: will it be effective?
- 2008/11/06: TStar: PM looks to U.S. for climate deal -- Ottawa wants North American carbon market; critics predict failure
- 2008/11/06: G&M: Ottawa swoops in with climate-change offer
Less than 24 hours after the election of Barack Obama, Canadian cabinet ministers begin calling for a pact that would keep emissions down while protecting Alberta's oil sands projects - 2008/11/05: CBC: Canada to push climate agreement with Obama government
A security pact for the North America environment?
- 2008/11/02: Google:CP: Canada may join U.S.-led energy, environment security project
- 2008/11/03: Canoe: Canada may join U.S.-led energy, environment security project
Canada may join a new, U.S.-led effort to gather and share intelligence about threats to energy and environmental security, a newly released document shows. The project, spearheaded by the U.S. Energy Department's intelligence and counterintelligence unit, is billed as a "radically different" way of understanding security matters. The Energy and Environmental Security Ecosystem, or EESE, will include a members-only website for governments, industry and experts to swap information and make contacts. There may also be face-to-face meetings. The project, to be launched next year, is meant to improve understanding of the security implications of energy and environmental issues, says the website's architect. - 2008/11/05: NatureTGB: Canada is not so green
- 2008/11/05: Canoe: Climate change climbing corporate priority list, report says
- 2008/11/03: Reuters: Canada an environmental slouch, study says
- 2008/11/04: DeSmogBlog: Canada Slouches Toward Climate Meltdown!
- 2008/11/04: Yahoo: Canada an environmental slouch, study says
- 2008/11/04: CanWest: Canada near bottom of environmental standings
Canada's environmental record is among the worst in the industrialized world, due in part to its poor performance fighting global warming, according to a report from the Conference Board of Canada yesterday. Canada placed 15th among 17 peers, beating only Australia and the United States. - 2008/11/04: TreeHugger: Canadian Tar Sands Look Like Tolkein's Mordor Says UN Water Advisor
- 2008/11/03: OilChange: "The air is foul, the water is being drained and poisoned"
- 2008/11/08: HoustonChronicle: Q&A - Alberta official says oil sands worth commitment
- 2008/11/08: TreeHugger: Canada, Tarry-Eye'd, Pumps Out Climate Pact For US President-Elect Obama
And then there is the miscellaneous Canadiana:
- 2008/11/04: CBC: N.B. issues first-ever biomass policy
- 2008/11/04: CBC: Ontario delays deadline for final bids on two new nuclear reactors
- 2008/11/02: Maribo: Looking south
- 2008/11/07: CBC: Shell Canada president [Brian Straub] wants better co-ordination on climate change
Governments across the country need to get their act together on policies to address climate change, the president of one of Canada's major oil companies says. Brian Straub, president of Shell Canada, said Thursday that voluntary efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emission should be replaced by coherent and consistent government-mandated rules. "It often comes as a bit of a surprise to hear a major oil company advocating for more and better public policy guidance," Straub said at a news conference in Regina. "But that's exactly what we're after. We believe the time for voluntary action has passed and must be replaced by consistent government policy on a Canadian, North American and a global basis." - 2008/11/06: CBC: Fraudulent science used to hide hydro project's damage to B.C. creek: scientist
- 2008/11/06: CBC: WWF warns of global boycotts over Baffin Bay polar bear hunt quota
The movement toward a long term ecologically viable economics is glacial:
- 2008/11/03: CCurrents: The Psychology Of Denial In The Age Of Consumerism
- 2008/11/03: FTimes: The dawn of a disturbing new reality [PO & recession]
- 2008/11/03: MR: Capitalist and Socialist Responses to the Ecological Crisis
- 2008/11/06: NewScientist: Putting a price on the 'eco-crunch'
- 2008/11/05: EnergyBulletin: A proposal for transition to a sustainable economy
As for how the media handles the science of climatology:
- 2008/11/04: GristMill: Cap-and-assess -- Judgment and objectivity in media
- 2008/11/06: Portfolio: When Can You Trust Economics Papers?
[...] many scientists now come with PR people attached, who will pitch a story to dozens of journalists. If the paper is crap and most of the journalists turn it down, harm is still done, because the few lazy journalists who do pick it up are even more likely to just regurgitate whatever the PR person gives them and not even ask for a copy of the paper in question. From a reader's point of view, it's often impossible to tell how assiduous the journalist has been in writing the story. - 2008/11/08: GristMill: Energy independence is the easy part [(long) Book Review] _Hot, Flat, and Crowded_ by Tom Friedman
- 2008/11/06: Tyee: Trapped in Black Tar [Book Plug] _Tar Sands: Dirty Oil and the Future of the Continent_ by Andrew Nikiforuk
Developing a new energy infrastructure is a fundamental challenge of the current generation:
- 2008/11/05: Atmoz: The Future: Distributed Energy Production and Storage
- 2008/11/04: Reuters: Most U.S. Gulf oil production seen back by March: MMS [U.S. Minerals Management Service]
- 2008/11/05: FTimes: IEA predicts oil price to rebound to $100
- 2008/11/04: GristMill: Wind fail -- The European wind industry continues its march to dominance
- 2008/10/14: NWO: Hydrogen tank lighter than battery
- 2008/11/04: TreeHugger: China Will Be the Biggest Wind Power Equipment Manufacturer by End of 2009
- 2008/11/03: Eureka: New type of fuel found in Patagonia fungus [myco-diesel]
- 2008/11/04: PeakEnergy: Axe fossil fuel handouts, says [ex-BP chief] Browne
- 2008/11/03: Eureka: Fuels of the future may come from 'ice that burns,' water and sunshine
- 2008/11/03: LA Times: Utilities putting new energy into geothermal sources
- 2008/11/02: ADN: Prospects gain steam as state leases geothermal rights
- 2008/11/03: BBC: Oil hovering around $67 a barrel
- 2008/11/07: GreenGrok: Statistically Speaking: Lessons from an Electricity Crisis
Do people change the amount of energy they use when prices rise? [...] But what about electricity use? - 2008/11/07: Eureka: Scientific community called upon to resolve debate on 'net energy' once and for all
- 2008/11/07: PeakEnergy: Deserts could solve the energy crisis
- 2008/11/07: JFleck: Energy Subsidies
- 2008/11/08: PeakEnergy: Tidal farm to be developed in Pentland firth
Meanwhile among the solar aficionados:
- 2008/11/05: NatureTGB: Solar cells beat the blues [with antireflective coating]
- 2008/11/05: TreeHugger: 4 Megawatt Solar Power System Will Save L.A. Community College $280,000 on Electric Bills
- 2008/11/05: NEN: Pursuing the better solar cell, making the better investment
- 2008/11/04: KSJT: Reuters: A near-perfect sunlight catching coating may boost solar cell efficiency
- 2008/11/04: TreeHugger: World's Largest Concentrating Solar PV Project Announced by SolFocus
- 2008/11/05: TheAge: Running on empty: deserts could solve energy crisis [with solar electricity]
- 2008/11/03: PhysOrg: Solar power game-changer: 'Near perfect' absorption of sunlight, from all angles [new anti-reflective coating]
- 2008/11/03: GristMill: Berkeley rules -- Everything you need to know about Berkeley's innovative rooftop solar program
- 2008/11/03: TreeHugger: World's Largest Pitched Thin-Film Solar Roof Begins Operation
- 2008/11/03: RPI: Solar Power Game-Changer: "Near Perfect" Absorption of Sunlight, From All Angles
- 2008/11/09: SciDaily: Record High Performance With [dye-sensitized] New Solar Cells [10%]
- 2008/11/03: FuturePundit: Researchers Increase Light Absorption By Photovoltaics
- 2008/11/05: FuturePundit: Big Solar Energy Price Declines Expected
- 2008/11/08: PeakEnergy: Andasol 1 CSP Plant Goes Into Operation In Spain [solar thermal]
- 2008/11/08: AutoBG: UK Petrol Retailers Association suggests solar-powered EV stations
- 2008/11/06: TreeHugger: Anti-Reflective Solar Panel Coating Absorbs 96% of Sunlight, Called Photovoltaic 'Game Changer' by Developer
The arithmetic of coal carbon is striking home:
- 2008/11/08: TreeHugger: Extreme Coal - Poland's 96% Dependency Could Be World Record
Biofuel bickering abounds:
- 2008/11/05: NYT: Economy Shifts, and the Ethanol Industry Reels
- 2008/11/04: Register: VeraSun Is VeraDone -- America's second largest ethanol producer goes titsup
- 2008/11/03: TreeHugger: World's Largest Ethanol Producer, Verasun Energy Corp, Files for Bankruptcy
- 2008/11/07: KSJT: Big Global Media Reaction: Montana State biologist finds a fungus that makes diesel fuel, sort of
- 2008/11/07: GristMill: When in doubt, propagandize [biofuel]
- 2008/11/07: BBerg: Forget Corn: Mushrooms May Hold Key to Energy Crisis
- 2008/11/07: ClimateP: Boeing: Jet biofuel in three years
- 2008/11/04: IR^2: Cellulosic Ethanol Politics
The nuclear energy controversy continues:
- 2008/11/03: FTimes: Finland's symbol of resurrection [Olkiluoto nuclear power station] becomes showcase for hassles, delays and cost-overruns
- 2008/11/08: FuturePundit: Duke Nuclear Power Plants Double In Price
- 2008/11/09: Guardian(UK): Mini nuclear plants to power 20,000 homes -- £13m shed-size reactors will be delivered by lorry
- 2008/11/06: GristMill: Notable quotable -- 'Poor quality control' in nuclear construction? Heaven forfend
Yes we have a peak oil (& gas) sighting:
- 2008/11/03: GristMill: The end is nigh -- Geologists predict that oil production will decline within a decade
- 2008/11/04: Guardian(UK): Cassandra's lethal paradox -- [UK Chancellor Alistair] Darling must re-engineer the economy in the face of a triple crunch of credit, oil and climate
[...] For decades, the mainstream dismissed the environmental movement as a "bunch of Cassandras", unaware that Cassandra's lethal paradox was to be right, but to be cursed to be disbelieved. Now the gods themselves admit that peak oil is imminent. In a report entitled the Medium Term Oil Market, the International Energy Agency - an official adviser to most of the major economic powers - said there will be "a narrowing of spare capacity to minimal levels by 2013". - 2008/11/05: Platts: Peak gas output could come 'earlier than we think': Shell's [executive vice president John] Mills
- 2008/11/08: GEA: Peak Oil vs. Falling Demand
- 2008/11/08: PeakEnergy: The Age Of Easy Oil Is Gone Forever
And then there is the matter of efficiency & conservation:
- 2008/11/04: PeakEnergy: Will the Computer Giants Invade Lighting Too?
- 2008/11/08: TreeHugger: Daylight Savings Time Could Be Costing Billions of Dollars a Year in Electric Bills
Automakers & lawyers, engineers & activists argue over the future of the car:
- 2008/11/04: MiamiHerald: Key West moves the mail with electricity -- The U.S. Postal Service is testing electric vehicles to deliver the mail in eight cities, including Key West.
- 2008/11/04: AutoBG: Germany's top 20 lowest CO2-emitting models
- 2008/11/03: CalcRisk: GM: "probably worst industry sales month in the post-WWII era."
- 2008/11/03: BBC: Spanish and French car sales dive
New car sales in Spain and France fell in October as consumers tightened their belts in preparation for a prolonged economic slowdown. Sales of new cars in Spain fell 40% compared to the same month last year, while sales in France fell 7.3%, the national carmakers' associations said. Year-to-date sales in Spain are now down almost a quarter. - 2008/11/03: CalcRisk: Ford: Auto Sales Decline 30% in October
- 2008/11/03: NYT: U.S. Rejects G.M.'s Call for Help in a Merger
- 2008/11/07: CNN: Ford: Massive loss [US$3 billion quarterly], job cuts [2,600]
- 2008/11/07: NEN: Still rockin' the electric car
- 2008/11/07: BBC: US carmaker GM has reported a third quarter operating loss of $4.2bn (£2.66bn) after Ford announced it lost $2.98bn during the same period
- 2008/11/07: BBC: Car sales in Western Europe fell by 15.5% year-on-year in October and sales will remain weak, J.D. Power Automotive, a leading forecaster, said
- 2008/11/09: Google:AP: Automakers struggle to survive past mistakes
- 2008/11/08: DeviceGuru: Car runs on compressed air
- 2008/11/06: AutoBG: World financial mess slowing South African electric car plans
Meanwhile in the greenwashing chronicles:
- 2008/11/06: Guardian(UK): Greenwash -- The slippery business of palm oil
Palm oil is used in a third of all groceries. But can it ever be produced without causing environmental devastation as some big companies are promising? - 2008/11/05: ERabett: What works
- 2008/11/05: Deltoid: Department of not making corrections
- 2008/11/04: GristMill: Whistle while you work -- EPA investigator blows the whistle on BP oil spill case
- 2008/11/02: DeSmogBlog: The American Enterprise Institute: Still Peddling Lies, Lies and More Lies About Global Warming
- 2008/11/04: QuarkSoup: Has Global Warming Stopped?
- 2008/11/02: ERabett: We are honored
- 2008/11/03: Deltoid: Blog posts in jack boots
- 2008/11/07: BCLSB: Skeptics Jump Gun On Hurricane Activity
- 2008/11/06: ClimateP: Inactivist business leaders push climate delay
- 2008/11/05: Stoat: Nierenberg, chapter 3 and 4
- 2008/11/05: DeSmogBlog: Manipulative COMPAS poll bolsters skeptics' position
Crichton obits:
- 2008/11/05: NYT: A Tireless Craftsman
- 2008/11/07: CSW: Michael Crichton, author of State of Fear, leaves global warming disinformation legacy
- 2008/11/06: NatureTGB: Michael Crichton, author of Jurassic Park and State of Fear, dies of cancer
- 2008/11/08: BCLSB: Denier On Denier Action! Lorne Gunter Burned By Climate Change Crazy!
- 2008/11/05: ClimateP: Michael Crichton, world's most famous global warming denier, dies
As for climate miscellanea:
- 2008/11/04: ENN: A green lesson from Iceland
- 2008/11/03: MTobis: Several Inconvenient Truths: Ethics of CO2
- 2008/11/03: EnvExpert: Climate disaster a significant possibility says Nobel price winner Steven Chu
- 2008/11/07: NOAANews: Near Average Temperature and Precipitation in U.S. for October; West North Central Much Wetter than Average
- 2008/11/09: Guardian(UK): Countdown to perilous global warming -- The climate clock is speeding up. Governments must take responsibility and protect their people from disaster
- 2008/11/08: DeSmogBlog: Humans Achieve a "Regime Change" -- For the Climate
- 2008/11/06: Straight: David Suzuki: Renewable energy requires strength of will
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- Alliance for Climate Protection
- FEWS: Famine Early Warning System
- Oxford: UNDP Climate Change Country Profiles
- IRENA: International Renewable Energy Agency
- PewClimate: Global Warming in Depth
- PewClimate: Global Warming Basics
- Greenpeace International News
- CCPI: Climate Change Performance Index
- Wiki: Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency
- PAGES: Past Global Changes
- ACP: The Alliance for Climate Protection
- New Scientist Environment
- CEOS: Committee on Earth Observation Satellites
- Earth911 - Global Warming
- COSMIC: Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere & Climate
- UCSUSA: The A to Z Guide to Political Interference in Science
- GWWatch: Global Warming Watch
- BCLSB: BigCityLib Strikes Back (some Canadian GW)
It's always nice to start with a smile:
This might starch your shorts:
Real Climate has done a FAQ on climate models page:
As for glaciers:
Meanwhile in near earth orbit:
More GW impacts are being seen:
And then there are the world's forests:
And at the UN:
And in Europe:
And in the subcontinent:
Canada is earning a not-so-stellar reputation:
The tricky & difficult question of the tar sands looms:
Here is something for your library:
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
Low Key Plug
My first novel Water was published in Canada May, 2007. The American release was in October. An Introductionto the novel is available, along with the Unpublished Forewordand the Launch Talk. An overview of my writing is available here.
P.S. Recent postings can be found in the week archive and the ancient postings can be accessed here, which should open to this.
"It is much more important to change your leaders than your lightbulbs." -Thomas Friedman
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