Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years
This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
Another week of Climate Instability News
Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years
June 13, 2010
- Chuckles, Bonn, REDD, COP15, COP16+, IPBES, IPY-OSC, Northern Weather, Backgrounder
- Bottom Line, Total Subsidies, Subsidies, UNCFG, Free Science, Beeville Hoax, Post-CRU
- Melting Arctic, Polar Bears, Geopolitics, Antarctica
- Food Crisis, Food vs. Biofuel, GMOs, Food Production
- Hurricanes, GHGs, Temperatures, Aerosols, Paleoclimate
- ENSO, Solar, Abrupt CC, Satellites
- Impacts, Forests, Tornadoes, Wildfires, Corals, Acidification, Glaciers, Sea Levels, Floods & Droughts
- Mitigation, Transportation, Buildings, Sequestration, Geoengineering, Adaptation
- Journals, Other Docs , Misc. Science, Wegman, Mclean
- Carbon Trade, Carbon Tax, Bank Tax, Optimal Carbon Reduction Strategy
- International Politics: Misc., Security, Religioso, Polls, Water Politics & Business
- National Politics: America, AOWEC, Watershed?, Obama
- USAdmin, Congress, Climate Bill, Lobbyists, Murkowski, Al Gore
- Britain, Europe, Australia, China, Japan, Asia
- Canada, Offshore Drilling, Pipelines, Arctic Park, NORAD, Salmon, BC, Tar Sands, Maritimes
- Ecological Economics, IPAT, Apocalypso, Media, Books, Video, Courts
- Energy, Fracking, Solar, Coal, Biofuel, Nukes, Peak Oil, Grid, Efficiency, Cars, Energy Storage
- Greenwashing, Joe's List, Carbon Lobby, Miscellaneous Climate, Useful Links
- Shameless Self Promotion, .sig
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- 2010/06/07: uComics: (cartoon - Danziger) Helpful Hints from Chevron in Ecuador
- 2010/06/11: Reuters: Probe at U.N. climate talks after Saudi sign smashed
U.N. climate negotiators agreed to an investigation on Friday after protesters smashed a sign emblazoned "Saudi Arabia" and dropped it in toilet after Riyadh blocked a study of deeper cuts in greenhouse gases. - 2010/06/07: ClimateP: (cartoon - Toles) Toles BP cartoon makes spill-to-bill pivot
And for those who enjoy challenging Poe's Law:
- 2010/06/11: FoGT: De Bello contra Scientiam - About the War on Science
- 2010/06/12: TSoD: Venusian Mysteries
The Bonn meeting wrapped up Friday:
- 2010/06/11: UNFCCC: [301k pdf] Advance draft of a revised text to facilitate negotiations among Parties
- UNFCCC: Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention (AWG-LCA)
- 2010/06/13: Xinhuanet: UN climate talks end with some progress amid rifts on "imbalanced text"
- 2010/06/11: Google:AP: Critics slam new climate change proposal in Bonn
A new round of climate talks ended Friday with rich and poor countries both sharply criticizing a new text meant to pave the way toward a deal to halt global warming. - 2010/06/12: DailyTimes(Pk): UN climate talks 'positive' but problems persist
- 2010/06/11: UN: Outgoing UN climate change official says some progress made in latest talks
- 2010/06/11: DeutscheWelle: Climate talks seek progress in Bonn with step backwards
An interim session of UN climate negotiations in Bonn has healed some of the wounds opened at Copenhagen, but the prospects of reaching a legally binding agreement by the end of this year seem bleak. - 2010/06/11: Reuters: New UN climate text under fire as talks end
Rich and poor nations alike criticized a new blueprint for a U.N. climate treaty on Friday as two weeks of talks among 185 countries ended with small steps toward an elusive deal. - 2010/06/11: Reuters: Probe at U.N. climate talks after Saudi sign smashed
U.N. climate negotiators agreed to an investigation on Friday after protesters smashed a sign emblazoned "Saudi Arabia" and dropped it in toilet after Riyadh blocked a study of deeper cuts in greenhouse gases. - 2010/06/11: TCoE: Call it Bonn. Failed Bonn.
- 2010/06/11: BBC: Gulfs remain after UN climate change talks in Bonn
UN climate talks have ended, with delegates speaking of an improved mood but with major gulfs remaining between various blocs. A last-minute spat between Russia and Japan and the G77 bloc of developing countries showed the differing goals in play at the talks in Bonn. - 2010/06/11: Guardian(UK): Bonn climate talks diary
Saudi name down the toilet, Yvo cooks a delegate, the World Bank gets a bashing and windy wonders - 2010/06/11: EurActiv: Oil nations block switch to 1.5°C climate goal
Two weeks of climate talks in Bonn saw developing countries launch a new push to agree on stricter targets for halting global warming, only for the deal to be killed by Saudi Arabia. The blow came as new data showed that loopholes in pledges would allow rich countries to increase their emissions. - 2010/06/11: BBerg: Legally Binding Climate Deal Likely in 2011, UN'S De Boer Says
- 2010/06/10: Reuters: New U.N. climate text omits deepest 2050 carbon cuts
Negotiators from 185 nations end two weeks of talks on a new climate treaty on Friday with a new blueprint for a pact that omits the most draconian options for greenhouse gas cuts by 2050.
The new text, issued shortly before midnight (2200 GMT) on Thursday, is meant as a blueprint to guide negotiators to overcome rifts between rich and poor nations when they reconvene at a next session in early August in Bonn. It outlines a goal of cutting world emissions of greenhouse gases by "at least 50-85 percent from 1990 levels by 2050" and for developed nations to cut emissions by at least 80-95 percent from 1990 levels by mid-century. The text drops far more radical options, championed by Bolivia in the previous draft, for a cut of at least 95 percent in world emissions by 2050 and for rich nations to cut their emissions by "more than 100 percent by 2040." - 2010/06/11: Guardian(UK): Climate deal blueprint could curb US emissions and poor nations' growth
Draft text from UN proposes that rich countries cut emissions up to 40% but requires poor countries to 'peak' emissions by 2020 - 2010/06/11: IndiaTimes: Bonn talks clearing doubts on measuring, reporting & verification
Bonn: The villain of the piece in 2009 -- measuring, reporting and verification or MRV -- appears to have been vanquished to some degree during this current round of talks. In a positive move, consensus has been reached on the periodicity of the information provided by the developing countries to the UNFCCC on the efforts made to deal with climate change. Differences persist on the issue of how to undertake "international consultation and analysis" on domestically supported actions by developing countries as agreed to in the Copenhagen Accord. - 2010/06/11: BizDay(Za): Island states want to cap warming at 1.5° C
- 2010/06/10: Yahoo:AFP: Saudis block call for global warming report
- 2010/06/11: IndiaTimes: Small islands, Saudi Arabia temperatures rise over 1.5 degrees C
- 2010/06/10: TerraDaily: Despite pledges, world still heading for 3C warming: study
The world is careering towards three degrees Celsius (5.4 degrees Fahrenheit) of warming by 2100 despite headline-making promises to curb carbon emissions, a study released at UN talks here said on Thursday. "The current pledges and loopholes give us a virtual certainty of exceeding 1.5 C (2.7 F), with global warming very likely exceeding 2 C (3.6 F) and a more than 50-percent chance of exceeding 3 C (5.4 F) by 2100," said Bill Hare of Germany's Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). - 2010/06/11: TerraDaily: Climate: Saudis block call for warming report
Saudi Arabia on Thursday blocked a call by vulnerable island states at climate talks for a study into the impact of 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) of global warming, delegates said. The appeal came from the Association of Small Island States (AOSIS), gathering low-lying islands in the Caribbean, Indian Ocean and the Pacific, which is lobbying hard for the UN climate arena not to abandon the 1.5 C target. The goal is receding as emissions of greenhouse gases rise and political problems for tackling climate change multiply. AOSIS, supported by the European Union (EU), Australia and New Zealand, called for a technical report on the cost of reaching the 1.5 C target and the consequences of breaching it. But it was thwarted by Saudi Arabia, with support from Kuwait and Qatar, under the UN's consensus rule, the sources said. - 2010/06/11: WWF: Bonn climate talks hold up hope of turning trust into traction in Mexico
- 2010/06/11: BBC:RB: Climate talks eye level playing field
- 2010/06/10: BBC:RB: Bonn's obscured climate vision
A comprehensive, global, legally-binding deal in Cancun this December is still sought by many smaller developing countries.
But China doesn't want it - at least not on terms the West would accept - there appears to be little appetite among other major players such as Russia and Japan, and as for the US - well, it's a sign of how fast things have turned around since Barack Obama's election that some delegates are saying the US is now a bigger obstacle than it was under George W Bush.
So if not a global deal in Cancun, what then? - 2010/06/10: Guardian(UK): Bonn climate talks diary
Monckton gives first official UN press conference, Mexico sets out its stall and the UN football team thrashes 'the world' - 2010/06/10: EurActiv: De Boer passes on UN climate negotiation baton
As the latest round of talks draw to a close, outgoing UN climate chief Yvo de Boer warned of slow progress in the negotiations, leaving his successor with the daunting task of concluding a new global climate treaty in 2011. EurActiv reports from Bonn. UN climate talks will end in Bonn on Friday (11 June) with little achievements made, leaving only two weeks of official negotiating time before the December high-level conference in Cancún, Mexico. - 2010/06/09: BBerg: UN's New Climate Chief [Christiana Figueres] Says Final Deal Unlikely in Her Lifetime
- 2010/06/10: PlanetArk: World At Risk Of "Red Card" Over Climate: De Boer
- 2010/06/10: IndiaTimes: Negotiators at Bonn working hard to win trust before Cancun climate change conference
- 2010/06/10: IndiaExp: Climate talks: Need to go back to basics, say India, China
With little progress being made in the climate talks underway in Bonn for the past one and half weeks, India and China Wednesday stressed on the need to go back to basics and re-start the process from the first principles enshrined in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). With just three days of talks left, lead negotiators from India and China said there were two issues that needed to be addressed: rebuilding of the trust that was destroyed in Copenhagen; and re-aligning the talks with the fundamental principles that have been guiding the climate debate through the last two decades. - 2010/06/10: IndiaTimes: Climate change: No solution at hand on funds for developing countries
Bonn: Providing adequate amount of money to help developing countries to slow down climate change continues to be a stumbling block at the negotiating process in Bonn. There are two parts to the finance knot: The short-term or fast-track financing of $30 billion by 2012 and the long-term or mobilising of funds to the tune of $100 billion annually by 2020. At Bonn, developing countries have expressed scepticism about fast-track finance. - 2010/06/09: Guardian(UK): Bonn climate talks diary -- Christiana Figueres gets off to a rocky start, sorting out hot air and developing countries fight back
- 2010/06/09: EarthTimes: UN climate chief: Emissions increases until 2020 may be unstoppable
Bonn, Germany - Outgoing United Nations climate change panel chief Yvo de Boer said Wednesday that current efforts to combat climate change will not be enough to halt a rise in greenhouse gas emissions. "As things stand now we will not be able to halt the increase of global greenhouse gas emissions in the next ten years," said de Boer,in his departing speech. - 2010/06/09: BBC: New UN climate chief Christiana Figueres calls for more ambition
The incoming head of the UN climate convention has said rich nations must pledge bigger emission cuts if climate change is to be tackled effectively. But Christiana Figueres said she was confident that leaders would meet the challenge "because humanity has to meet it - we don't have another option." Ms Figueres was speaking at a two-week session of UN negotiations in Bonn. She said the mood was "constructive"; but major differences are evident between different groups of countries. - 2010/06/08: Guardian(UK): Bonn climate talks diary
- 2010/06/08: Reuters: World to fail in deep climate cuts this decade - U.N.
The world is set to fail to make deep enough cuts in greenhouse gases in the next decade to tackle global warming, the U.N.'s top climate official said on Monday in a bleak assessment of the prospects for a U.N. deal. Despite his gloomy short-term outlook, Yvo de Boer, who will step down on July 1 after about four years in the job, expressed confidence governments would eventually enact sufficiently tough goals, such as an emissions cut by rich nations of 80 percent by 2050. - 2010/06/07: Google:AFP: 10 years needed to seal climate cuts, says UN pointman
- 2010/06/08: IndiaExp: Slow progress, global pact not possible in next 10 years: de Boer
- 2010/06/08: IrishTimes: UN climate chief forecasts missed targets on emissions
- 2010/06/07: Grist: 10 years needed to agree on global climate action, says U.N. pointman [Yvo de Boer]
The world community may need another 10 years to agree on carbon cuts deep enough to roll back global warming, the U.N.'s pointman for climate change warned on Monday. "I don't see the process delivering adequate mitigation targets in the next decade," Yvo de Boer, executive secretary of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), said in a webcast from Bonn. "Over the longer term, I think we will get this issue under control. Having said that, I do believe that it's a longer journey." - 2010/06/06: National(AE): Brazil buries carbon plan
A proposal supported by the UAE to fund the fight against climate change by burying carbon pollution underground has been blocked by a powerful, perhaps insurmountable foe: Brazil. Climate negotiators are in the German city of Bonn this week debating a stalled proposal to award UN-administered carbon credits to projects that capture and bury carbon dioxide. - 2010/06/07: IndiaExp: Post-Copenhagen, few expectations from Bonn
Carbon accounting under REDD is under challenge:
- 2010/06/10: ClimateShifts: One of the many ways rich countries are going to try to weasel out of truly reducing emissions
- 2010/06/10: BBC: Rich countries accused of carbon 'cheating'
Some rich countries are seeking new rules under the UN climate convention that campaigners say would allow them to gain credit for "business as usual". Russia, Australia, Canada and some EU countries are among the accused. The rules relate to land-use change, which can either release or absorb carbon, depending mainly on whether forests are planted or chopped down. Rich countries, apart from the US, could account for about 5% of their annual emissions through this loophole. - 2010/06/09: Guardian(UK): Rich nations backtracking on new climate aid, development watchdog warns
International Institute for Environment and Development [IIED] says rich nations are double-counting cash and raiding existing budgets to 'wriggle out' of £21bn aid promise - 2010/06/09: Guardian(UK): Rich nations could increase emissions under pledge loopholes, UN data shows
Analysis seen at Bonn climate talks shows rich nations could use carbon accountancy tricks to increase their emissions by up to 8% - 2010/06/08: Guardian(UK): Rich nations accused over 'logging loophole' at Bonn climate talks
Bid by rich countries to change forestry rules would create accounting loopholes that would hide true emissions, developing nations say - 2010/06/07: SolveClimate: Surprise Call to Close Forest Loophole Shakes Up Climate Talks in Bonn -- Rich nations insist on allowing accounting trick that would hide true emissions
More Copenhagen post-mortems:
- 2010/06/07: IndiaTimes: First World breaking Copenhagen promises
Looking ahead to COP16 and future international climate negotiations:
- 2010/06/12: IndiaTimes: Hope for Cancun only if nations sort out issues, says Yvo de Boer
- 2010/06/11: Bullet: From Cochabamba to Cancun: Building a Climate Justice Movement in Quebec
- 2010/06/10: CanWest: Poor nations demand climate pact in 2010
Many developing nations insisted at UN climate talks yesterday that a full UN treaty should be agreed in 2010 even though others are resigned to a far longer haul to tackle global warming. "This is about our survival", said Collin Beck of the Solomon Islands. He is vice-chair of the Alliance of Small Island States which fears a creeping rise in world sea levels caused by global warming. He said his group insisted a treaty should be agreed at the next annual meeting of environment ministers in Cancun, Mexico, Nov. 29 to Dec. 10. Many rich nations and some major emerging countries such as China, India and Brazil at talks being held in Bonn from May 31 to June 11 reckon that a legally binding deal may have to wait, perhaps until a next meeting of senior negotiators in 2011 in South Africa. - 2010/06/09: Grist: No quick fix on warming, says new U.N. climate chief
- 2010/06/08: Reuters: Trade, human rights seen aiding UN climate deal
A planned U.N. climate deal might adapt systems for monitoring trade or human rights as models to check up on poor nations' curbs on greenhouse gases, Mexico's climate chief said on Tuesday. Luis Alfonso de Alba, whose country will host this year's main climate talks in Cancun from November 29-December 10, said a review system could help the world towards a U.N. climate treaty after the 2009 Copenhagen summit fell short of a binding deal. - 2010/06/09: IndiaTimes: Be optimistic about Cancun, says Mexico
- 2010/06/07: NewKerala: Talks won't arrest global warming in next decade: UN climate chief
The ongoing global climate negotiations will not lead to "adequate mitigation targets" ... to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the coming decades, but will eventually do so, UN climate chief Yvo de Boer predicted here Monday. - 2010/06/08: EurActiv: [Danish Energy and Climate Change Minister Lykke] Friis: 'Climate depression' is over, full speed to Cancún
Countries negotiating to deliver an international climate deal are back in business and both Denmark and Mexico, the outgoing and incoming chairs of the UN-led talks, are developing a "GPS system" to successfully reach their destination on time by December, Danish Energy and Climate Change Minister Lykke Friis told EurActiv in an interview. "A lot of negotiators and ministers were suffering from climate depression after Copenhagen ... But now, I think we have moved ahead," Friis said, explaining that a number of steps in the right direction had been taken. - IPBES: Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
- 2010/06/07: UNEP: [Achim] Steiner on the Creation of a Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity & Ecosystems
- 2010/06/11: UNEP: Breakthrough in International Year of Biodiversity as Governments Give Green Light to New Gold Standard Science Policy Body
To Bridge the Gap Between Research and Urgent Need for Responses to Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Losses History was made, Friday, in the South Korean port city of Busan, when governments gave the green light to an Intergovernmental Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). - 2010/06/12: NatureN: New UN science body to monitor biosphere -- 'IPCC for biodiversity' approved after long negotiation [IPBES: Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services]
- 2010/06/11: Guardian(UK): UN's 'IPCC for nature' [IPBES] to fight back against destruction of natural world
International body will organise global response to protect ecosystems 'that underpin all life -- including economic life' - 2010/06/10: Guardian(UK): Biodiversity protection can help tackle climate change and poverty
- 2010/06/09: Guardian(UK): France and Japan propose an 'IPCC for nature'
Delegates from 97 countries meet in South Korea to hear plans for an international body to monitor destruction of flora and fauna [Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)] - 2010/06/08: Guardian(UK): Give decision makers access to the value of nature's services
This week, governments will meet in Korea to decide whether to establish an intergovernmental panel on biodiverisy services - Polar Science Conference
- 2010/06/13: RealClimate: A conclusion of the 4th International Polar Year
- 2010/06/12: HotTopic: Don't watch that, watch this! [International Polar Year - Oslo Science Conference]
- 2010/06/12: BBC: Polar science diary
Science writer and broadcaster Sue Nelson is at the world's largest polar science conference, which is taking place in Oslo, Norway from 8-12 June. Experts have gathered to discuss everything polar - from penguins and sea ice to permafrost and Inuit communities. - 2010/05/31: IPY-OSC: Arctic sea ice cover heading towards another record low?
- 2010/06/09: IPY-OSC: Rising sea levels on the agenda
Sea levels may rise by as much as one metre before the end of this century, according to new predictions. Melting glaciers may contribute more to the rise in sea levels than scientists have previously realised. - 2010/06/10: IPY-OSC: The ocean brings the message of polar change to the global arena
- 2010/06/11: IPY-OSC: Extent data are misleading our notion of the ice loss in the Arctic Ocean
One presentation at the Oslo Conference noted the counterintuitive effect of rapid Arctic changes on Northern Hemispheric weather:
- 2010/06/11: IPY-OSC: More cold and snowy winters to come
A warmer Arctic climate is influencing the air pressure at the North Pole and shifting wind patterns on our planet. We can expect more cold and snowy winters in Europe, eastern Asia and eastern North America. - 2010/06/11: Grist: Extreme warming in Arctic will cause colder winters -- and political gridlock
- 2010/06/11: SciDaily: More Cold and Snowy Winters to Come in Europe, Eastern Asia and Eastern North America
A warmer Arctic climate is influencing the air pressure at the North Pole and shifting wind patterns on our planet. We can expect more cold and snowy winters in Europe, eastern Asia and eastern North America. - 2010/06/13: ProfMandia: Climate Change: The Coming Crisis
And on the Bottom Line:
- 2010/06/08: TPL: The Real Cost [of fossil fuels]
- 2010/06/07: Guardian(UK): The oil firms' profits ignore the real costs
The energy industry has long dumped its damage and, like the banks, made scant provision against disaster. Time to pay up - 2010/06/07: FT: IEA counts $550bn energy support bill
The world economy spends more than $550bn in energy subsidies a year, about 75 per cent more than previously thought, according to the first exhaustive study of the financial assistance devoted to oil, natural gas and coal consumption. The study by the International Energy Agency, the western countries' oil watchdog, says phasing out subsidies over the medium term, as agreed last year by the G20, would trigger vast savings in energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. - 2010/06/07: Grist: IEA stunner: global subsidies to dirty energy top $550 billion a year
File this one under "news that ought to be the top headline across the world but will likely be ignored." An early draft of a comprehensive new study from the International Energy Agency reveals that total global subsidies to dirty fossil-fuel energy amount to $550 billion a year -- about 75 percent more than previously thought. - 2010/06/10: PlanetArk: OECD Tells G20 Fossil Fuel Subsidies Should End
- 2010/06/09: EarthTimes: OECD: Ending fuel subsidies would lower greenhouse gases, deficits
- 2010/06/07: BWeek: Ending Fossil-Fuel Aid Will Cut Oil Demand, IEA Says
Fatih Birol, the International Energy Agency's chief economist, called on leaders of the Group of 20 Nations to fulfill their pledge to end fossil-fuel subsidies, a move he said will cut oil demand and greenhouse-gas emissions. Stopping aid by 2020 would reduce global oil demand by 6.5 million barrels a day, he said, or about a third of the current U.S. use. Subsidies that promote consumption, such as below- market gasoline prices, totaled $557 billion in 2008, he said. Nations that use them the most include China, Venezuela, Egypt Iraq and Iran, according to IEA surveys. - 2010/06/07: Reuters: Many sources beyond budgets seen for climate funds
- 2010/06/06: UN: Norwegian premier to co-chair UN-backed advisory group on climate change financing
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today announced that the Prime Minister of Norway, Jens Stoltenberg, has accepted his invitation to become the co-chair of the United Nations-appointed high-level advisory group on climate change financing with immediate effect - 2010/06/06: Reuters: Norway PM [Jens Stoltenberg] succeeds UK's Brown in UN climate group [UNGCF aka High-level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing]
A spat between Nature & UCLA gives me an excuse to exercise my hobby horse:
- 2010/06/12: CIP: Commercial Scientific Journals
- Free Science News
- Free Science Sources
- 2010/06/10: ScienceInsider: University of California Considers Boycott Against Nature Journals
The Beeville hoax got a bit of attention:
- 2010/06/09: OCC: Uncritical "skeptics" taken in by hoax yet again [Beeville]
- 2010/06/09: TCoE: HOAX: The 4-grader who disproved global warming
- 2010/06/10: TCoE: NSF hoax follow-up
- 2010/06/09: ERabett: Do unto others
- 2010/06/05: MySouTex: R.A. Hall fourth-grader is science national champion
- 2010/06/08: ClassM: The (not-so) Great Beeville Science Fair Hoax
- 2010/06/08: MTobis: NSF: Letter "Fraudulent"
- 2010/06/07: MTobis: A New Low
- 2010/06/08: TP:WR: Marc Morano Promotes Climate Denial Hoax Against Fourth Grader
- 2010/06/06: MoD: Global warming proved false by a 4th grader
Post CRU theft, controversy & inquiry:
- 2010/06/08: S&R: Climate scientists still besieged
- 2010/06/09: Deltoid: How to figure out what the stolen CRU emails mean
- 2010/06/09: ODT(NZ): Climate row undermining confidence, PM's scientist says
The public debate over the science of climate change is being framed in a way that undermines confidence in the science system, says a senior advisor to Prime Minister John Key. "The public is confused about what we know and what we do not know about the science, and is unsure whether governments are justified in making hard decisions, despite the science not being certain," said the PM's science advisor Sir Peter Gluckman. "There is a growing concern among those of us who have some role in marrying science and policy that the way the debate is being framed is undermining confidence in the science system," he told a Victoria University seminar series on key policy challenges facing New Zealand. There was a high level of denial and scepticism in the broader community, driven by a variety of motives. Comparable situations had included the arguments over tobacco and cancer, evolution and creation, and the HIV-AIDs denial movement. - 2010/06/13: ASI: Sea ice extent update 3: where's my update?
- 2010/06/12: ASI: 2010 SIE predictions: Goddard and Watts
- 2010/06/11: TCoE: Meanwhile on Planet Earth
- 2010/06/10: HotTopic: It's grim up North #2
- 2010/06/08: PhysOrg: NASA Icebreaker Voyage To Probe Climate Change Impact On Arctic
- 2010/06/09: TreeHugger: NASA Taking First Trek to Arctic for Ocean Research
- 2010/06/08: CBC: Iceberg melting sinks sculpture project
Sculptures by Dutch artist Ap Verheggen are sitting under 500 metres of water, after the iceberg on which they were placed melted too quickly. Verheggen set the two sculptures Dog Sled Riders adrift on an iceberg off Greenland to draw attention to climate change. But global warming happened a little too quickly for the artist, whose project is supported by the World Wildlife Fund. The iceberg was to take several years to float down the Davis Strait to Newfoundland and Labrador, after calving from the Greenland glacier in March. But an average high temperature record for the Arctic was set in May and the iceberg collapsed in a matter of months. - 2010/06/09: CBC: NASA to launch Arctic mission
More than 40 scientists will spend five weeks on board the Coast Guard Cutter Healy, the most technologically advanced polar icebreaker in the U.S. [...] Scientists will sample physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the Chukchi and Beaufort seas and sea ice. - 2010/06/08: TCoE: Arctic Observing Network
Ah, another Arctic melt prediction:
- 2010/06/06: ClimateP: Arctic death spiral: Naval Postgrad School's Maslowski "projects ice-free* fall by 2016 (+/- 3 yrs)"
Charismatic megafauna, anyone?
- 2010/06/08: TreeHugger: Polar Bears Will Be Extinct in Western Hudson Bay by 2040
- 2010/06/08: CanWest: Manitoba polar bear population facing collapse, scientists say
Northern Manitoba's celebrated polar bear population is set to vanish in just a few short decades, two of the world's top experts predict. The Western Hudson Bay subpopulation of polar bears, estimated at 935 animals in 2004, is expected to decline over the next30 years to the point where there are not enough bears to sustain a breeding population, says University of Alberta biologist Ian Stirling. - 2010/06/10: ChronicleHerald: Canada-Russia relations thaw in Arctic
The Canadian government denounced it as a land-grabbing stunt when Russia planted its flag on the sea floor under the North Pole in 2007. But when federal Northern Affairs Minister Chuck Strahl met the man who piloted the flag-bearing sub, the first thing Arthur Chilingarov did was invite him to a conference. "He was keen to work with us," Strahl said Wednesday from Oslo, Norway, where he met Chilingarov this week. "I said, 'Give me some more details.'" And that, Strahl said, is the new tone of Canada-Russia relations in the North. Instead of snarling over Arctic paratroop drops and bomber overflights, the two countries are now playing nice. - 2010/06/10: CSM: Mysterious mountains found hidden beneath Antarctic ice
The food crisis is ongoing:
- 2010/06/11: CBC: Locusts threaten Australian economy
- 2010/06/11: CBC: Grim Prairie growing year forecast
The Canadian Wheat Board has released a grim preliminary crop forecast because of what it calls unprecedented wet weather across the Prairies. - 2010/06/11: PlanetArk: La Nina Brings Cheers, Australia Wheat Crop To Flourish
- 2010/06/10: NPR: Study: Shrinking Glaciers To Spark Food Shortages
- 2010/06/10: TerraDaily: Global warming spells doom for Asia's rivers
- 2010/06/10: Reuters: Melting mountains put millions at risk in Asia: study
Increased melting of glaciers and snow in the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau threatens the food security of millions of people in Asia, a study shows, with Pakistan likely to be among the nations hardest hit. - 2010/06/10: CBC: Too much rain a 'disaster' for some Sask. farmers
- 2010/06/09: ProMedMail: Stripe rust, soft wheat - Syria (east)
- 2010/06/10: PhysOrg: Study: Shrinking glaciers to spark food shortages
Nearly 60 million people living around the Himalayas will suffer food shortages in the coming decades as glaciers shrink and the water sources for crops dry up, a study said Thursday. But Dutch scientists writing in the journal Science concluded the impact would be much less than previously estimated a few years ago by the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The U.N. report in 2007 warned that hundred of millions of people were at risk from disappearing glaciers. - 2010/06/09: Google:AFP: Global warming spells doom for Asia's rivers
- 2010/06/08: MetroNews: Thailand's rice production to take a battering from drought as water crisis looms
- 2010/06/07: CCurrents: Growing Hunger Pushes Pakistan Deeper Into Crisis
It isn't only cricket where India and Pakistan compete with each other. Both the countries are neck-to-neck when it comes to the percentage of population living in hunger. - 2010/06/07: RecordOnline: Food pantries fear the future -- Less assistance, more demand strain resources
- 2010/06/03: BostonGlobe: More than 40m [Americans] now use food stamps
The conflict between biofuel and food persists:
- 2010/06/11: PlanetArk: Ethanol Boom Sharply Cuts US Corn Surplus: USDA
The resurgent U.S. ethanol industry will use an additional 250 million bushels of corn through the next 15 months, dramatically reducing the corn surplus despite record crops, said the government on Thursday. Traders said the forecast of higher demand would boost corn prices. They had expected modest reductions in the corn stockpile instead of the Agriculture Department's large cuts. - 2010/06/10: PressEurop: EU puts GM crops on the menu
- 2010/06/09: KSJT: BBC: GM potatoes growing in the UK, and other bits from the genetic engineering front
- 2010/06/09: PlanetArk: EU Moves On GMO Crops A "Big Step": DuPont Executive
- 2010/06/09: PlanetArk: Commercial GM Wheat 10 Years Away: Report
- 2010/06/08: SeedDaily: Rust resistance genes added to beans
- 2010/06/08: NatureTGB: Illegal GM maize found across Germany
- 2010/06/08: BBC: A field trial of a genetically modified (GM) variety of potato resistant to "late blight" - a major threat to the crop - has begun in eastern England
- 2010/06/07: TreeHugger: GMO Crop Takes Over Thousands of Acres in Germany
- 2010/06/07: BBC: Banned GM maize sown in Germany
And how are we going to feed 9 billion?
- 2010/06/07: EnergyBulletin: What next for Industrial Ag? More toxic chemicals?
- 2010/06/08: BBC: MPs and experts in talks to stop fish stocks' collapse
MPs from major fishing nations and fisheries experts are holding talks in London on how to prevent the collapse of global fish stocks. - 2010/06/07: SolveClimate: Carbon-Friendly Beef? Look to Africa, Experts Say -- Studies in Africa reveal that raising livestock through pastoralism is 'far more' ecological than crop production
Cyclone Phet died over Pakistan, but otherwise it has been quiet:
- 2010/06/11: UN: Guatemala: UN appeals for more than $14 million for victims of tropical storm [Agatha]
- 2010/06/08: Eureka: NASA'S TRMM Satellite provides rainfall estimate for Cyclone Phet
While elsewhere in the hurricane wars:
- 2010/06/10: Wunderground: TSR predicts very active hurricane season; Atlantic May MDR SSTs warmest on record
As for GHGs:
- 2010/06/11: PlanetArk: German Utilities Biggest Polluters In 2009: Report
German utilities RWE and E.ON were the top greenhouse gas emitters in Europe last year, a report said on Thursday. Analysts Carbon Market Data said power plants fully or partly owned by the two companies pumped out a total 235 million tonnes of carbon dioxide, or more than Scandinavia's total carbon emissions last year. Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland's collective emissions in 2009 were around 234 million tonnes, according to Reuters estimates. - 2010/06/10: ClimateP: What about China and India?
- 2010/06/10: PlanetArk: China Fossil Fuel CO2 Jumps As Global Total Falls
- 2010/06/09: SciAm: China fossil fuel CO2 jumps as global total falls -- China could face increasing pressure in U.N. climate talks after data release
- 2010/06/09: TCoE: China's CO2 emissions jump
And the temperature record:
- 2010/06/10: BSD: More record global heat for May, Jan-May, and a new 12-month record. Maybe the ostriches might even feel it on their beaks beneath the sand.
- 2010/06/10: ClimateP: NASA: Easily the hottest spring -- and Jan-May -- in temperature record
- 2010/06/10: TerraDaily: Despite pledges, world still heading for 3C warming: study
The world is careering towards three degrees Celsius (5.4 degrees Fahrenheit) of warming by 2100 despite headline-making promises to curb carbon emissions, a study released at UN talks here said on Thursday. "The current pledges and loopholes give us a virtual certainty of exceeding 1.5 C (2.7 F), with global warming very likely exceeding 2 C (3.6 F) and a more than 50-percent chance of exceeding 3 C (5.4 F) by 2100," said Bill Hare of Germany's Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). - 2010/06/11: TreeHugger: NASA: Last Spring Was the Hottest on Record
- 2010/06/10: CCP: 2010 on track to become warmest year ever
- 2010/06/10: QuarkSoup: GISS's May temperature
- 2010/06/08: NOAANews: NOAA: Near-Normal U.S. Temperatures and Above-Normal U.S. Precipitation in May
Aerosols are making their presence felt:
- 2010/06/11: TerraDaily: Simplifying View Of Atmospheric Aerosols A Factor In Climate Change
- 2010/06/07: PhysOrg: Amount of dust, pollen matters for cloud precipitation, climate change
- 2010/06/07: CSU: Amount of Dust, Pollen Matters for Precipitation in Clouds, Climate Change, Colorado State University Atmospheric Scientists Reveal
While in the paleoclimate:
- 2010/06/09: Eureka: A cooler Pacific may have severely affected medieval Europe, North America
Combination of hi-tech models and paleo-records may hold key to unlocking reason for Anastazi people's migration and other global events - 2010/06/08: CCurrents: Water In The Middle East -- Shaping Civilizations Of The Past And Future
- 2010/06/08: Eureka: East-African human ancestors lived in hot environments, says Caltech-led team -- Geochemical findings could help explain facets of early human evolution, including the development of bipedalism
- 2010/06/07: KSJT: CBC Quirks & Quarks - How the Clovis guys may have changed climate 12,000 years ago or so
And on the ENSO front:
- 2010/06/08: Wunderground: La Niña by July?
Regarding the solar hypothesis:
- 2010/06/07: AFTIC: Solar change and climate: an update
Abrupt Climate Change put in an appearance:
- 2010/06/11: ScienceInsider: What the Gulf Disaster Could Tell Us About Sudden Global Warming [via natural methane seeps and their link to rapid climate change]
Meanwhile in near earth orbit:
- 2010/06/10: NASA:JPL: NASA and DLR Sign Agreement to Continue GRACE Mission Through 2015
- 2010/06/09: PhysOrg: ESA makes first GOCE dataset available
More GW impacts are being seen:
- 2010/06/13: CapeCodOnline: Cape lobster industry faces crisis
[...] In what could be the first major economic blow to local fisheries pinned on global warming, regulators are contemplating shutting down the lobster industry from Buzzards Bay to Long Island Sound for five years due to a drastic population drop brought on by temperature changes of just a few degrees in inshore waters. - 2010/06/11: UPI: Mountain bird climate survival studied
- 2010/06/12: SF Gate: Trees shift upward as climate warms, data show
- 2010/06/10: Reuters: Climate already helping disease spread north: study
- 2010/06/10: PhysOrg: Changing Chesapeake Bay acidity impacting oyster shell growth
- 2010/06/08: PhysOrg: A mountain bird's survival guide to climate change
- 2010/06/09: TreeHugger: Climate Change Already Pushing Vegetation Towards Poles & Equator
- 2010/06/08: MongaBay: Already on the edge, lemurs could become victims of climate change
- 2010/06/08: RadioAustralia: Warning climate change to cause humanitarian disasters
- 2010/06/08: Oregonian: Increased heat waves from climate change a 'public health disaster,' federal official says
- 2010/06/06: Yahoo:AFP: UN warns climate change could trigger 'mega-disasters'
- 2010/06/06: TerraDaily: UN warns climate change could trigger 'mega-disasters'
And then there are the world's forests:
- 2010/06/08: DerSpiegel: Using the Internet to Save the Rainforest -- How an Amazonian Tribe Is Mastering the Modern World
The Surui people from the Brazilian rainforest are fighting to stop the destruction of their homeland. But instead of bows and arrows, they are using the Internet, GPS and Google Earth. Next they plan to start carbon emissions trading. - 2010/06/09: TerraDaily: Fires In Amazon Challenge Emission Reduction Program
Fire occurrence rates in the Amazon have increased in 59% of areas with reduced deforestation and risks cancelling part of the carbon savings achieved by UN measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and degradation. - 2010/06/08: PhysOrg: Fire may be key to reviving dogwood trees in Eastern forests
Proper and timely burning of some Eastern U.S. forests could help revitalize flowering dogwood trees, which benefits a wide range of species, a Purdue University report shows. - 2010/06/07: Eureka: A rainforest revelation -- Lemurs of Madagascar offer clues to global-warming impact
- 2010/06/07: Eureka: [link to 7.7 meg pdf] 5-year report highlights status of Washington's forest resources
- 2010/06/06: BBC: Amazon forest fires 'on the rise'
The number of fires destroying Amazon rainforests are increasing, a study has found. - 2010/06/10: CBC: Ontario to help tornado victims: premier -- McGuinty tours storm damage in Leamington
- 2010/06/09: PhysOrg: What caused the Leamington tornado? UWO professor has a theory
- 2010/06/09: CBC: Ont. tornado winds in 180-220 km/h range
The tornado that ripped through Essex County on the weekend was stronger than originally thought. Environment Canada has upgraded the twister from an F1 to an F2, meaning it generated winds between 180 km/h and 220 km/h. - 2010/06/06: TerraDaily: Seven confirmed dead in US Midwest tornado: official
- 2010/06/07: Wunderground: Second deadliest tornado of 2010 kills 7 in Ohio; oil spill update
- 2010/06/07: Examiner: Tornado rated an EF-3 (winds >136 mph); 8 dead; biggest outbreak in IL this yr; deadliest in 25 yrs
8 tornadoes hit Michigan over the weekend. Severe Thunderstorm Watches are up this morning for southern Kansas and northern Oklahoma. Today, there is a slight risk for severe weather across eastern Utah, southern Wyoming, northern and eastern Colorado, much of Nebraska, northern Kansas, southwest Iowa, and northwest Missouri. At least 8 are dead from tornadoes over the weekend. BP said Monday that the cost of the response has reached about $1.25 billion. 11,000 barrels of oil have been collected from ruptured well in last 24 hours. Severe Weather Reports: Over 50 tornadoes were reported over the weekend across the Midwest. The EF-3 tornado that killed 7 in Ohio makes it the state's deadliest in 25 years. Cass and Miami County, IN tornado near Grissom AFB also rated an EF-3. Saturday night's tornado outbreak was the biggest in Illinois and the second biggest for the country this year. Over 50 tornadoes were reported in 6 states including Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Iowa and Vermont. - 2010/06/07: CBC: Leamington tornado damage in the millions -- Winds destroyed homes, businesses and greenhouses
- 2010/06/06: BBC: Deadly tornadoes rip through US Midwest, killing seven
- 2010/06/07: BBC: Tornadoes rip through US Midwest
As for heatwaves and wild fires:
- 2010/06/11: SciDaily: Hot Spots Where Heatwaves Could Pose Greater Health Risk
Heatwaves could especially pose an increased health risk this century in Southern European river valleys and along the Mediterranean coast, a study by two scientists from ETH Zurich has revealed. - 2010/06/08: AOLNews: West, Southern Plains Bake in Early Heat Wave
- 2010/06/07: CBC: Wildfire suspends Yukon mine operations
- 2010/06/07: CBC: B.C. forest fire prevention slammed by experts -- Author of key report says government downplaying risk
The B.C. government is underestimating the risk of forest fires and failing in efforts to clear away wood and other fuel next to urban areas, according to one author of a landmark report. - 2010/06/12: ClimateShifts: Good news for the GBR story on ABC's AM show
- 2010/06/09: ABC(Au): Seals track impact of climate change on reef
In a bid to find out how the Great Barrier Reef will be affected by climate change, scientists are using elephant seals to collect data from the ocean around Antarctica. - 2010/06/08: Eureka: Tracking coral larvae to understand Hawai'i reef health
- 2010/06/09: CBC: B.C.'s ancient reefs slated for protected status
A group of rare, glass sponge reefs off B.C.'s north coast have been selected for potential designation as marine protected areas, Fisheries and Oceans Minister Gail Shea announced on Tuesday. B.C.'s living glass sponge reefs in Hecate Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound are the only reefs of their kind in the world, and the announcement was met with applause by conservation groups. The federal government has designated the reefs an area of interest, the first step towards permanent protection. - 2010/06/06: ProfMandia: The 800 lb. Gorilla in the Ocean
Glaciers are melting:
- 2010/06/11: BBC: Himalayan climate impacts 'cannot be generalised'
Melting glaciers in the Himalayas will have varying impacts on the region's five major river basins, a study says. Changes to the flow of meltwater as a result of global warming is likely to have a "severe" impact on food security in some areas, say scientists. Yet people living elsewhere are likely to see food productivity increase, they added in a paper published in Science. Overall, the food security of 4.5% of 1.4bn people in the region is threatened, the researchers conclude. More than 1.4bn people depend on water from the Indus, Ganges, Brahmaputra, Yangtze and Yellow rivers. - 2010/06/10: NewScientist: Himalayan ice is stable, but Asia faces drought
Sea levels are rising:
- 2010/06/12: CCP: Tim Naish: Sea level rise heading toward upper limit of 2 meters by end of century
- 2010/06/11: Reuters: West Africans rue rising seas as climate talks stall
- 2010/06/11: ClassM: A reprieve for the small island states?
As for hydrological cycle disruptions [floods & droughts]:
- 2010/06/12: CBC: Arkansas flood rescuers hunt for missing
Rescue crews took to kayaks, horseback and ATVs at daybreak Saturday to resume the desperate search for dozens of people still missing after flash floods swept through a popular campground, killing at least 17 people. The surge along the Caddo and Little Missouri rivers came in the darkness before dawn Friday, catching sleeping campers in and around the Albert Pike Recreation Area by surprise, with little time to scramble to higher ground. Authorities don't know how many people are missing. A registry that those using the campground were required to sign was washed away in the flood. - 2010/06/11: MTobis: Flash Flood in Arkansas Park Kills At Least 16
- 2010/06/12: BBC: Rescuers in the US state of Arkansas are searching for dozens of people missing after floods swept through campsites in a national park
- 2010/06/12: MSNBC: Grim search resumes after Ark. floods -- Crews find 17th body at remote campground
- 2010/06/11: DWWSJ: 16 Dead in Arkansas Flash Flood
- 2010/06/11: CBC: Arkansas flash floods kill 20 -- More than 40 people missing
- 2010/06/11: CNN: 16 dead in Arkansas flooding
36 people remain missing after campground flood - Rescuer packed people into cabin on a hill - Hospital treating five flood victims - Scores could be trapped in area, authorities say - 2010/06/11: Wunderground: Floods kill 16 in Arkansas
- 2010/06/11: EarthTimes: Flooding kills two in northern Spain
- 2010/06/11: RawStory: Toll in US camp flood disaster rises to 16
- 2010/06/11: BBC: Police in the southern US state of Arkansas say 12 people have died after flash flooding hit two campsites in the south-west of the state
- 2010/06/10: NatureN: Global warming's impact on Asia's rivers overblown -- Freshwater flow dominated by monsoon rains rather than glacier run-off
- 2010/06/10: Inquirer(Ph): Global warming spells doom for Asia's rivers
- 2010/06/08: JFleck: Colorado River Forecast in a Nutshell
- 2010/06/08: PlanetArk: Floods And Landslides Kill 53 In Southwest China
- 2010/06/07: TerraDaily: Warsaw braces for flood, Slovakia and Hungary reel
- 2010/06/08: EarthTimes: Flooding spreads in Poland, capital braces for high water's arrival
- 2010/06/07: CBC: China flooding, landslides kill 53
Elsewhere on the mitigation front:
- 2010/06/11: CCurrents: Fixing Planet Earth: A Not-So-Modest Proposal
- 2010/06/09: PhysOrg: Cutting the Internet's carbon footprint
Over the last 20 years the Internet has grown from almost nothing to something of enormous economic and social value. But in the meantime, its consumption of electricity, which currently stands at 3% to 5% of the global supply, is increasing exponentially. - 2010/06/12: AutoBG: Are hybrid and electric airplanes ready for commercial debut?
- 2010/06/12: PeakEnergy: China Unveils World's Fastest High-Speed Train
- 2010/06/10: TreeHugger: Lowering The Speed Limit To 50 MPH Could Reduce CO2 By 30%
- 2010/06/09: BizGreen: China attacks EU efforts to tackle aviation emissions
China joins US in condemning EU plans to incorporate flights to and from Europe in its emissions trading scheme - 2010/06/07: CalcRisk: Rail Traffic Softens in May [up 15.8% compared to May 2009, down 11.8% compared to May 2008]
While in the endless quest for zero energy, sustainable buildings and practical codes:
- 2010/06/07: Eureka: NJIT professor tells architects building practices to withstand hurricanes -- Architecture for Humanity invites NJIT professor to help them in Haiti
- 2010/06/07: TDC: Green design missing some hues, group says
LEED's downplaying of human health should be corrected as the gold standard for sustainable design becomes more accepted, a group of environmental health scientists warn in a new report. - 2010/06/06: National(AE): Brazil buries carbon plan
A proposal supported by the UAE to fund the fight against climate change by burying carbon pollution underground has been blocked by a powerful, perhaps insurmountable foe: Brazil. Climate negotiators are in the German city of Bonn this week debating a stalled proposal to award UN-administered carbon credits to projects that capture and bury carbon dioxide. - 2010/06/10: USAToday: Can whiter clouds reduce global warming?
- 2010/06/07: AlterNet: Energy Company's Shocking Plan to Spray Clouds with Toxic Chemical to Increase Rainfall -- and Make Hydropower Profits
- 2010/06/07: Yale360: Climate Intervention Schemes Could Be Undone by Geopolitics
As global warming intensifies, demands for human manipulation of the climate system are likely to grow. But carrying out geoengineering plans could prove daunting, as conflicts erupt over the unintended regional consequences of climate intervention and over who is entitled to deploy climate-altering technologies. - 2010/06/09: ClassM: A geoengineering flashforward
- 2010/06/07: CliveHamilton: [link to 148k pdf] The Return of Dr Strangelove [the strange politics of geoengineering]
- 2010/06/07: Independent(UK): Radical plan to combat global warming 'may raise temperatures'
A controversial proposal to create artificial white clouds over the ocean in order to reflect sunlight and counter global warming could make matters worse, scientists have warned.
However, a study into the effects of creating man-made clouds which reflect sunlight and heat back into space has found that the strategy could end up having the opposite effect by interfering with the natural processes that lead to the formation of reflective white clouds over the ocean. - 2010/06/07: TreeHugger: Reforestation & Biochar: Two Geoengineering Methods That Won't Cause More Harm Than Good
While on the adaptation front:
- 2010/06/07: SciDaily: Pole-to-Pole Climate Research: Adaptation Lessons from Tiny Springtails
Meanwhile in the journals:
- 2010/06/11: ACP: Cirrus clouds triggered by radiation, a multiscale phenomenon by F. Fusina & P. Spichtinger
- 2010/06/11: ACPD: Study of contrail microphysics in the vortex phase with a Lagrangian particle tracking model by S. Unterstrasser & I. Sölch
- 2010/06/11: ACPD: Variation of particle number size distributions and chemical compositions at the urban and downwind regional sites in the Pearl River Delta during summertime pollution episodes by D. L. Yue et al.
- 2010/06/10: OS: On the numerical resolution of the bottom layer in simulations of oceanic gravity currents by N. Laanaia et al.
- 2010/06/09: CP: Millennial and sub-millennial scale climatic variations recorded in polar ice cores over the last glacial period by E. Capron et al.
- 2010/06/10: CPD: Clouds and the Faint Young Sun Paradox by C. Goldblatt & K. J. Zahnle
- 2010/06/10: CPD: Questions of importance to the conservation of global biological diversity: answers from the past by K. J. Willis & S. A. Bhagwat
- 2010/06/07: CPD: A shift in the spatial pattern of Iberian droughts during the 17th century by F. DomÃnguez-Castro et al.
- 2010/05/21: G&PC(via DOI): (ab$) The dynamic response of reef islands to sea-level rise: Evidence from multi-decadal analysis of island change in the Central Pacific by Arthur P. Webb & Paul S. Kench
- 2010/06/10: AGWObserver: Thomas Karl -- a lecture on NOAA surface temperature analysis
- 2010/06/07: AGWObserver: Papers on climate and size variations of birds
- 2010/06/10: ACP: Water uptake and chemical composition of fresh aerosols generated in open burning of biomass by C. M. Carrico et al.
- 2010/06/09: ACP: Perfluorocarbons in the global atmosphere: tetrafluoromethane, hexafluoroethane, and octafluoropropane by J. Mühle et al.
- 2010/06/09: ACP: Post-coring entrapment of modern air in some shallow ice cores collected near the firn-ice transition: evidence from CFC-12 measurements in Antarctic firn air and ice cores by M. Aydin et al.
- 2010/06/10: ACPD: IASI carbon monoxide validation over the Arctic during POLARCAT spring and summer campaigns by M. Pommier et al.
- 2010/06/09: ACPD: Can 3-D models explain the observed fractions of fossil and non-fossil carbon in and near Mexico City? by A. Hodzic et al.
- 2010/06/09: ACPD: Components of near-surface energy balance derived from satellite soundings -- Part 2: Latent heat flux by K. Mallick et al.
- 2010/06/09: ACPD: Components of near-surface energy balance derived from satellite soundings -- Part 1: Net available energy by A. Jarvis et al.
- 2010/06/08: ACPD: Seasonal variability of aerosol optical properties observed by means of an elastic-Raman lidar over Northeastern Spain by M. Sicard et al.
- 2010/06/08: ACPD: Emission and deposition of accumulation and coarse mode particles in the Amazon basin by L. Ahlm et al.
- 2010/06/07: ACPD: Constraints on first aerosol indirect effect from a combination of MODIS-CERES satellite data and global climate simulations by X. Ma et al.
- 2010/06/07: ACPD: Observation operator for the assimilation of aerosol type resolving satellite measurements into a chemical transport model by M. Schroedter-Homscheidt et al.
- 2010/06/08: PNAS: Reconstructing early 17th century estuarine drought conditions from Jamestown oysters by Juliana M. Harding et al.
And other significant documents:
- 2010/06/11: ChathamHouse: [link to 1.4 meg pdf] Sustainable Energy Security: Strategic Risks and Opportunities for Business
- BP: Statistical Review of World Energy 2010
- 2010/06/11: UNFCCC: [301k pdf] Advance draft of a revised text to facilitate negotiations among Parties
- 2010/06/09: GP: [link to 3 meg pdf] Greenpeace Energy [R]evolution 2010
- 2010/06/07: Eureka: [link to 7.7 meg pdf] 5-year report highlights status of Washington's forest resources
- 2010/06/07: CliveHamilton: [link to 148k pdf] The Return of Dr Strangelove [the strange politics of geoengineering]
As for miscellaneous science:
- 2010/06/12: MTobis: Is Climate Modeling Still Stuck?
- 2010/06/09: CCP: Hiroaki Kawase et al., GRL 37 (2010), Physical mechanism of long-term drying trend over tropical North Africa
- 2010/06/09: CCP: L. Czeschel, D. P. Marshall & H. L. Johnson, GRL 37 (2010), Oscillatory sensitivity of Atlantic overturning to high-latitude forcing
- 2010/06/09: CCP: Michelle L'Heureux et al., GRL 37 (2010), Unusual extremes in the negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation during 2009
- 2010/06/09: CCP: N. M. Pedatella & J. M. Forbes, GRL 37 (2010), Evidence for stratosphere sudden warming-ionosphere coupling due to vertically propagating tides
- 2010/06/07: MTobis: Climatology as Pure Science vs as Applied Science
Regarding Wegman:
- 2010/06/07: Stoat: IPCC 1990 fig 7.1.c, again
Regarding Mclean:
- 2010/06/: GRL: Editors' Highlight -- Inappropriate data filtering skewed a recent study
- 2010/06/12: JEB: "Inappropriate data filtering skewed a recent study"
And on the carbon trading front:
- 2010/06/13: DelawareOnline: Delaware raises $2.1 million from auction of CO2 -- Regional initiative ending pollution's free ride
- 2010/06/09: PlanetArk: IETA Calls For EU-Wide Carbon Market Monitor
A European carbon market monitoring authority could prevent abuse, the International Emissions Trading Association said on Tuesday, in a bid to help restore the already damaged reputation of the nascent market. A monitoring body in an existing EU regulatory structure such as the European Securities and Market Authority or the Agency for Cooperation of Energy Regulators could ensure more coordination and data exchange among national supervisors, IETA suggested in a report to the EU Commission. - 2010/06/07: BBerg: Western U.S., Canadian Carbon Market [WCI] Faces Scaled-Back Start
A proposed carbon cap-and-trade program for the western U.S. and parts of Canada is likely to start out smaller than planned because some state governments don't have laws in place to join the regional emissions market. The Western Climate Initiative, comprised of seven U.S. states and four Canadian provinces, aims to cut carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases 15 percent from 2005 levels by 2020. Its centerpiece is a cap-and-trade program in which industrial polluters like power plants and oil refineries buy and sell carbon dioxide allowances. Of the U.S. states in the initiative, only California and New Mexico likely will be able to enforce the regional cap-and- trade program when it's due to start in 2012, along with the Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec, Tim Cheung, an analyst with Bloomberg New Energy Finance, said in a telephone interview. - 2010/06/06: Reuters: China carbon market prospects not optimistic - official
Although China has supplied massive volumes of carbon credits to the global market, prospects for CO2 trade within the country itself are not optimistic, a senior climate official said on Sunday. Lu Xuedu, influential vice-head of China's National Climate Centre and former member of the United Nations Executive Board responsible for approving clean development mechanism (CDM) projects, told a conference in Beijing that carbon transaction volumes within China were likely to remain low. - 2010/06/10: CanWest: And still people resist a carbon tax
The problem, I think, is that people don't realize how fundamental oil is to modern economies and they don't realize how many different ways our dependence on oil hurts. Just consider the fact that the people who are most hawkish on Iran -- and Russia, Venezuela, and Saudi Arabia -- tend to be conservatives who are totally opposed to a carbon tax or even a narrower tax on oil. Does that make sense? We're the junkie and they're the dealer, but conservatives oppose doing the one thing that could break our addiction and bankrupt the dealer. In darker moments I wonder if they're on Ahmadinejad's payroll. - 2010/06/11: TheHill: Labor groups fight for transaction tax but face tough battle at G-20
The labor movement is lobbying in Washington and overseas to win support for a financial transactions tax at the upcoming G-20 summit in Toronto. Their battle looks to be uphill. G-20 finance ministers dropped the proposal at a meeting last week after resistance from Canada. While European countries still favor a transaction tax and are considering going forward on their own, the tax appears unlikely to be addressed by world leaders in Toronto. - 2010/06/08: ABC(Au): Oysters could offer carbon offset option
Companies wanting to buy carbon credits to offset pollution could soon look to the sea. A study from the University of South Australia says the oyster industry could look at a new revenue stream by selling carbon credits from the shellfish. - 2010/06/09: BizGreen: China attacks EU efforts to tackle aviation emissions
China joins US in condemning EU plans to incorporate flights to and from Europe in its emissions trading scheme - 2010/06/07: TCoE: The China paradox and the US
As for GW, energy & security:
- 2010/06/08: CSW: AMS Climate Briefing Series takes on national security implications of climate change
Among the world's religions:
- 2010/06/09: TreeHugger: Australian Anglican Church Says Population Growth May Break Commandment 'Thou Shall Not Steal'
Polls! We have polls!
- 2010/06/11: DWWSJ: The Noisy 11%
- 2010/06/11: CSW: Large, consistent majority of Americans believe climate change is happening, want government to act
- 2010/06/10: CCentral: Public Warms to Climate Change
- 2010/06/08: NYT: The Climate Majority [Krosnick]
- 2010/06/11: NewDeal2.0: Are Faulty Polls Driving Policy on Climate Change?
- 2010/06/11: Guardian(UK): Confidence in climate science remains strong, poll shows
Survey shows 71% of Britons are concerned about climate, despite hacked emails, failure at Copenhagen and cold weather - 2010/06/11: ScienceInsider: Polls: Public Belief in Climate Change Remains Strong Following Controversies
- 2010/06/11: WalesOnline: Climate change scepticism is on the rise
Climate change scepticism is on the rise as people grow suspicious of scientists' forecasts and motives, Welsh researchers have found. In a major study published today, the team of Cardiff University academics discovered that 22% of the population either did not know or did not believe the world's climate is changing. Five years ago, that figure stood at just 9%. - 2010/06/10: WWF: US public desire for climate action little dented by denialist sound and fury
- 2010/06/09: ClimateP: Public support for action on global warming has grown since January
- 2010/06/10: NewScientist: US pollsters argue over public view on climate change
- 2010/06/10: SF Gate: Stanford survey finds more doubt global warming
- 2010/06/10: TreeHugger: Americans' Support for Climate Action Growing Again, Poll Finds
- 2010/06/09: PlanetArk: Support For U.S. Climate Regulation Growing: Poll
- 2010/06/09: Grist: New poll shows (again) that public likes clean energy, doesn't like taxes
- 2010/06/09: NRDC:SwitchBoard: Small Businesses Support Clean Energy and Climate Legislation
- 2010/06/09: CSW: New national survey: Public concern about global warming is once again on the rise
- 2010/06/09: Eureka: Large majority of Americans still believe in global warming, Stanford poll finds
- 2010/06/09: CBC: Global warming concerns rising in U.S.
- 2010/06/08: Eureka: Poll: American opinion on climate change warms up
- 2010/06/08: GMU: Poll: American Opinion on Climate Change Warms Up
Regarding Water Politics and Business:
- 2010/06/12: JFleck: River Beat: Water Level Update
- 2010/06/12: JFleck: River Beat: Huntington Beach, CA, Poseidon Desal
- 2010/06/11: USGS: Scientists to Discuss the Future of Water in Afghanistan
- 2010/06/11: EurActiv: Quality of EU bathing water declining: Report
- 2010/06/09: JFleck: LDS Church Protests Vegas Water Deal
- 2010/06/09: TerraDaily: Water crisis fuels Yemen's many woes
- 2010/06/10: TreeHugger: New Report: 472 Million People Worldwide Negatively Affected by Dams
- 2010/06/09: EarthTimes: India may impose cess on farm power to cut water table depletion
- 2010/06/08: CCP: Palaniappan & Gleick define "peak ecological water" -- Water: the three peaks
And on the American political front:
- 2010/06/13: LA Times: Gulf spill helps revive left-for-dead energy legislation
Public anger feeds new hope among Democrats for a strong bill, though it might not be as sweeping as once envisioned. - 2010/06/13: OilDrum: Belief Systems at a Turning Point
- 2010/06/05: PRWatch: California's Electricity Company Has Two Faces
- 2010/06/11: EnergyBulletin: If There Was Ever a Moment to Seize by Bill McKibben
- 2010/06/11: GreenGrok: As the Climate Turns: It's Just Incredible
- 2010/06/11: WaPo: Enough with the economic recovery: It's time to pay up
- 2010/06/11: NRDC:SwitchBoard: America's Future: Austerity or Invisible Energy?
- 2010/06/11: NRDC:SwitchBoard: The Choice to Move Forward on International Efforts to Address Global Warming
- 2010/06/11: AlterNet: Tea Party Flacks Are Drill, Baby, Drill Messengers Too
Why are the hoppin'-mad Teabaggers so oddly quiet these days, ever since the BP oil disaster? That's what Thomas Frank, author of What's The Matter With Kansas? asked last week in his column, "Laissez-faire Meets The Oil Spill." Ideologically, it's painfully obvious why the Teabaggers are now the Teagaggers: their free-market gospel got mugged by oil-drenched reality -- a reality so horrific that even pollster Frank Luntz couldn't spin the BP disaster as the government's fault. Best to just shut up when you're that wrong.
But there's another, more concrete reason why the Tea Party revolutionaries melted back into their suburbs as soon as the enormity of the Gulf spill disaster hit: The Tea Party evolved out of the pro-offshore drilling astroturf movement in 2008. They even share some of the same organizers and front groups, from PR operative like Eric Odom, to advocacy groups like FreedomWorks... - 2010/06/10: BWeek: Tenn. Senate nixes push to revive coal mining bill
The state Senate on Wednesday defeated a parliamentary effort to resurrect a bill to curb mountaintop removal coal mining in Tennessee. The chamber voted 14-12 to reject the motion brought by Sen. Andy Berke. The Chattanooga Democrat said the vote would show the level of influence of the coal lobby on lawmakers. "Are you on the side of the coal lobby, or are you on the side of the Tennesseans who want this bill?" Berke said. - 2010/06/09: SolveClimate: Battle in California over Potential Health Risks of Smart Meters -- Health advocates press regulators to get answers before broad rollout of wireless devices into millions of homes
- 2010/06/09: NRDC:SwitchBoard: Small Businesses Support Clean Energy and Climate Legislation
- 2010/06/09: Grist: What the Super Tuesday primary races mean for climate and clean energy
- 2010/06/09: Grist: California rejects shady Proposition 16
- 2010/06/09: REA: Retooling Michigan: Tanks to turbines -- From Military to Wind
- 2010/06/08: MTobis: Ezra Klein is Badly Wrong on Climate Policy [US pol]
Ten states and the DOI have formed the Atlantic Offshore Wind Energy Consortium:
- 2010/06/10: SolveClimate: Ten States Aim for Offshore Wind Boom in Alliance with Interior Department
Wind energy along Atlantic seaboard won't need long, expensive transmission lines to supply cities with electric power - 2010/06/09: ENS: Atlantic States, Federal Government Will Jointly Develop Offshore Wind Power
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar and the governors of 10 East Coast states signed a Memorandum of Understanding Tuesday that formally establishes an Atlantic Offshore Wind Energy Consortium. - 2010/06/08: BWeek: 10 eastern states join wind energy consortium
The governors of 10 East Coast states have joined federal authorities to form a consortium that will promote the development of offshore wind energy. U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said Tuesday the establishment of the Atlantic Offshore Wind Energy Consortium will promote safe and environmentally responsible development, enhance the nation's energy security, and create jobs. - 2010/06/10: REA: Gulf Oil Disaster: Fleeting News Headline or Defining Watershed Moment?
- 2010/06/09: NYDN: In retaliation for Gulf of Mexico oil spill, vigilantes strike at BP by vandalizing gas stations
- 2010/06/10: AlterNet: The BP Disaster Marks the End of the Age of Arrogance About the Environment ... Can We Change?
This spill will mark the time we started to learn about ecocide; as a turning point in our realization that our industrial, carbon-dependent way of life is ruinous and cannot last. - 2010/06/08: ClimateP: Post BP Disaster: Support grows for comprehensive energy bill that makes carbon polluters pay [polls]
The Obama chatter is nonstop:
- 2010/06/11: SolveClimate: Will Obama Become the First Environmental President of the 21st Century? Multiple crises offer opportunity for solutions with a higher purpose
- 2010/06/08: ClimateP: McKibben: Mr. President, lead now on fossil fuels
- 2010/06/08: Grist: Does Obama need more oilmen, not fewer, in his administration?
- 2010/06/07: TEC: Obama: Sitting out the climate war
- 2010/06/07: Grist: Will Obama stand up to Big Energy in deeds as well as words? [McKibben]
- 2010/06/07: AlterNet: Is Obama Serious About Breaking Our Catastrophic Oil Addiction? [McKibben]
The actions of the Obama administration are being watched closely:
- 2010/06/10: WaPo: NRC approves operation of New Mexico uranium [enrichment] plant
- 2010/06/10: Grist: Rahm Emanuel persuaded Obama to play it cool on climate bill. Post-spill, will the game plan change?
- 2010/06/10: TWTB: Stop blaming Rahm for Obama's decisions
- 2010/06/10: NYT:GW: DOE Backs New Technology Test After Troubled Calif. Geothermal Project
- 2010/06/09: NYT: A Clash in Texas Over Air Pollution
- 2010/05/25: Google:AP: EPA: Texas refinery permit violates Clean Air Act
- 2010/06/09: Reuters: Energy Secretary welcomes Republican [Lugar] climate bill
- 2010/06/09: NOAANews: NOAA Selects University of Washington to Lead Joint Institute to Study Atmosphere, Ocean
- 2010/06/09: TreeHugger: Amish Farming Methods & Manure Runoff Raising EPA's Ire
- 2010/06/07: E2T: EPA Swings Open Doors of Energy Star for Data Centers
- 2010/06/08: NatureN: Engineer set to run NSF -- MIT's Subra Suresh poised to take top job
As for what is going on in Congress:
- 2010/06/11: TEC: Emissions Twilight Zone
- 2010/06/09: MoJo: The Strange Musings of Lindsey Graham
- 2010/06/09: TP: Inhofe: Fiorina 'Is Supporting' My Push To Gut The Clean Air Act, Agrees Climate Change Is A 'Hoax'
- 2010/06/08: DeSmogBlog: Sen. Lindsey Graham, Former Friend of Climate Legislation, Now Foe, and Acting Denier-ish
- 2010/06/08: TheHill: Reid, Pelosi head for climate clash
Kerry-Boxer, Waxman-Markey, KGL, Cantwell-Collins, the APA or whatever -- the future climate bill -- defines a battleline:
- 2010/06/11: CNN: Can Senate get climate change bill done?
Sen. Richard Lugar introduces his energy and climate change plan this week - His plan is supported by fellow Republican Lindsey Graham - Graham had previously worked with Sens. John Kerry and Joe Lieberman on their legislation - Graham hopes that Democrats and Republicans will find common ground - 2010/06/09: NYT:GW: Senate Climate Bill's Boosters Try Smorgasbord Strategy in Bid for Votes
- 2010/06/10: EarthTimes: Republican [Senator Richard Lugar (R-In)] throws wrench into Obama's hopes for climate action
- 2010/06/10: RawStory: Senate aide says cap and trade dead, scaled-back bill likely
- 2010/06/09: ClimateP: American Power Act is a "model" for economic growth
- 2010/06/09: ClimateP: In the mother of all flip-flops, Graham rejects his own climate bill, endorses Lugar's "half-assed energy bill," which means he "just made the problem worse"
- 2010/06/08: Grist: Graham says he won't vote for the climate bill he wrote
- 2010/06/08: ClimateP: Lugar's energy plan is far too little, far too late
- 2010/06/08: NRDC:SwitchBoard: The New Climate Bill is too Dry, and I Don't Mean Boring
- 2010/06/07: Grist: Center for Biological Diversity responds: David Roberts is right and wrong on the Clean Air Act and the Senate climate bill
- 2010/06/07: TP:WR: Schumer: 'Kerry Is Going To Try To Add His Thing' To Bingaman's 'Good Strong Energy Bill'
- 2010/06/07: Guardian(UK): Why no big energy bill?
- 2010/06/07: Grist: Schumer says the climate bill is toast
- 2010/06/07: Grist: Is the climate bill going to pass? Top five things to watch
- 2010/06/07: NRDC:SwitchBoard: Five Reasons Why a Comprehensive Climate and Energy Plan Beats the Energy-Only Approach
- 2010/06/07: UCSUSA: Lugar's Energy and Climate Plan Isn't Strong Enough
- 2010/06/07: TreeHugger: Kerry-Lieberman Climate Bill to be Transformed Into "BP Spill Bill"
- 2010/06/07: TWM: What kind of energy/climate bill might we get?...
What are the lobbyists pushing?
- 2010/06/11: AutoBG: American Energy Innovation Council calls for a tripling of U.S. federal energy research budget
- 2010/06/09: NYT: A Call to Triple U.S. Spending on Energy Research
The United States is badly lagging in basic research on new forms of energy, deepening the nation's dependence on dirty fuels and crippling its international competitiveness, a diverse group of business executives warn in a study to be released Thursday. The group, which includes Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft; Jeffrey R. Immelt, chief executive of General Electric; and John Doerr, a top venture capitalist, urges the government to more than triple spending on energy research and development, to $16 billion a year. And it recommends creation of a national energy board to guide investment decisions toward radical advances in energy technology. - 2010/06/07: Grist: King Corn subjects Washington to ad blitz
The Murkowski Resolution was voted down:
- 2010/06/11: NRDC:SwitchBoard: Hall of Shame [Murk res]
- 2010/06/11: SolveClimate: Murkowski's Bid to Repeal Science and Block EPA Fails in U.S. Senate: 53 to 47
- 2010/06/10: WarmingLaw: Good News: Murkowski Resolution Fails
- 2010/06/10: TheHill:e2W: Analysis: GOP backing for Murkowski EPA plan doesn't sink climate bill
- 2010/06/10: Grist: Murkowski resolution goes down to defeat in stupid episode that means nothing
- 2010/06/09: TEC: Most Important Climate and Energy Vote of Year Tests Senate Direction [Murkowski resolution]
- 2010/06/10: NRDC:SwitchBoard: The Senate Votes in Favor of Science, Oil Savings, and Climate Action
- 2010/06/10: NRDC:SwitchBoard: Lost in the Woods: Senator Collins Repeats Weyerhaeuser's False Arguments for the Murkowski Resolution
- 2010/06/11: NatureTGB: Effort to block climate regulations fails in US Senate
- 2010/06/10: ScienceInsider: EPA Keeps Authority Over Greenhouse Emissions in Senate Vote
- 2010/06/11: DM:BA: Senate narrowly votes down antiscience greenhouse gas Resolution
- 2010/06/10: UCSUSA: Senate Rejects Murkowski Attack on Science and Clean Air Act
- 2010/06/10: ENS: Senate Rejects Bid to Block EPA Greenhouse Gas Regulations
- 2010/06/10: TerraDaily: Amid climate war, US Senate upholds greenhouse gas rules
- 2010/06/10: WaPo: Effort to block EPA from regulating greenhouse gases fails in Senate
- 2010/06/10: HuffPo: Murkowski Measure To Block EPA From Regulating Greenhouse Gases FAILS
- 2010/06/11: TWM: [Senator Scott] Brown's (R-Mass) ongoing confusion... [epa murk]
- 2010/06/11: WaPo:EK: Murkowski resolution fails, 47 to 53
- 2010/06/11: TP: Brown Defends Vote To Block The EPA From Regulating Carbon By Calling It 'A Non-Governmental Agency'
- 2010/06/10: NYT: Senate Rejects Republican Effort to Thwart Carbon Limits
The Senate on Thursday defeated a Republican-led effort to prevent the Environmental Protection Agency from curbing greenhouse gases as lawmakers road-tested arguments for a future fight over climate change legislation. The Senate voted 53-47 to reject an attempt by Senator Lisa Murkowski, Republican of Alaska, to block the E.P.A. from imposing new limits on carbon emissions based on its 2009 finding that such gases from industry, vehicles and other sources represent a threat to human health and the environment. - 2010/06/10: CBC: U.S. Senate vote backs EPA
- 2010/06/10: BBerg: Senate Votes to Preserve EPA's Carbon Dioxide Rules
- 2010/06/10: WaPo: Senate rejects move to block greenhouse gas regs
- 2010/06/10: ClimateP: The Maine word for "chutzpah" is "Collins" -- Senator votes against oil use reductions the same day she calls for oil use reductions
- 2010/06/10: TEC: The Three Biggest Honkers from Senator Murkowski and Her Supporters
- 2010/06/10: Grist: What's up with Murkowski and Graham? Formerly climate-conscious GOP senators flail around
- 2010/06/10: NRDC:SwitchBoard: Murkowski Resolution a Misguided Attack on Environmental Protections
- 2010/06/09: NRDC:SwitchBoard: Chairman Rockefeller Knows Better
- 2010/06/10: UCSUSA: Attack on the Clean Air Act -- The Murkowski Resolution
- 2010/06/09: CommercialAppeal: Cotton council opposes greenhouse gas regulation by EPA
- 2010/06/10: BWeek: Republicans Try to Sink EPA Carbon Rules Before Energy Debate
- 2010/06/10: TP:WR: The Murkowski Resolution Is A Political Assault On Science
- 2010/06/10: TheHill: Climate change showdown
Democratic leaders are scrambling to prevent the Senate from delivering a stinging slap to President Barack Obama on climate change. They have offered a vote on a bill they dislike in the hopes of avoiding a loss on legislation Obama hates. The president is threatening to veto a resolution from Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) that would ban the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from regulating carbon emissions. But if the president were forced to use his veto to prevent legislation emerging from a Congress in which his own party enjoys substantial majorities, it would be a humiliation for him and for Democrats on Capitol Hill. So Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) and other Democratic leaders are doing what they can to stop it. - 2010/06/09: PlanetArk: White House Eyes Veto If Senate Curbs EPA Climate Power
- 2010/06/09: ScienceInsider: Is It Antiscience to Limit EPA's Authority on Greenhouse Emissions?
- 2010/06/09: ADN: White House vows to counter Murkowski attack on EPA
- 2010/06/08: TerraDaily: White House threatens [Murkowski Resolution] greenhouse gas bill veto
- 2010/06/08: TP: Flashback: Murkowski Said Oil Drilling Blowouts Were 'Impossible,' Begged Big Oil To Fight 'Red Tape'
- 2010/06/08: SolveClimate: Will Senate Showdown on Clean Air Act Slow Down EPA's Momentum? Debate and vote on Thursday a nuanced political litmus test
- 2010/06/07: STimes: Murkowski seeks to rein in EPA regulation
U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) is the leading sponsor of a resolution that would prevent the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act. - 2010/06/07: ClimateP: Clean air Lisa vs. dirty air Lisa
- 2010/06/07: HuffPo: The Murkowski Resolution: A Step Backward for American Clean Energy by Lisa P. Jackson
- 2010/06/07: NYT:CW: Thursday Is High Noon for Sen. Murkowski's Climate Resolution
- 2010/06/07: TEC: Murkowski Thinks Polluters Can Police Themselves
The Gore-apalooza is still bopping along:
- 2010/06/08: EarthTimes: Gore says more support needed in fight against global warming
While in the UK:
- 2010/06/07: PlanetArk: UK Nuclear Needs High CO2 Price Or Market Reform
And in Europe:
- 2010/06/10: EurActiv: Power firms, wind sector join calls for EU grid plan
A more coordinated approach to electricity grid planning is needed if Europe is to reap the benefits of large-scale investment in renewable energies, said large EU power firms and the wind sector in a joint statement yesterday (9 June). - 2010/06/10: EurActiv: Commission sets rules for green biofuel label
- 2010/06/10: EUO: Biofuels cannot come from ripped-up rainforest, says Brussels
- 2010/06/10: EarthTimes: EU sets environmental audit rules for biofuels
- 2010/06/10: REA: EWEA: Wind Could Bring 250,000 Jobs to Europe by 2020
- 2010/06/09: EarthTimes: EU to play for time on climate goals, documents show
Brussels - The European Union is set to play for time on a controversial promise to deepen its reductions of greenhouse-gas emissions, putting off any debate until at least October by calling for more studies, internal papers show. In 2007 the bloc agreed to cut emissions to 20 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020 and to deepen the cut to 30 per cent if other major economies did the same. EU environment ministers had been set to debate the issue Friday, with an EU summit to examine it on June 17. But the summit is only set to "invite the (European) Commission (the EU's executive) to undertake further analyses and (member states) to examine further the issues raised," a draft summit statement seen by the German Press Agency dpa reads. - 2010/06/07: IPSNews: Europe's Green Energy Portfolio Up in Smoke?
Europe seems hell-bent on burning the world's forests for bioenergy, even as it offers billions of euros to save them, critics say. - 2010/06/08: JKB: The Dutch Bureau for Economic Policy Affairs analysis on climate change
- 2010/06/07: EurActiv: EU clarifies climate aid plan
The EU last week (3 June) took the first step to bring clarity to international climate financing pledges by outlining at the Bonn climate talks how it intends to implement its funding commitment to help developing countries fight global warming. But poor countries are still concerned that the money will be recycled from existing aid budgets. - 2010/06/13: ABC(Au): Turnbull attacks Rudd's climate change 'cowardice'
Former federal Opposition leader Malcolm Turnbull has accused Prime Minister Kevin Rudd of being a coward on the issue of climate change. Mr Turnbull presented last night's Deakin Lecture on climate change in Melbourne and told the gathering Mr Rudd's about-face on the issue is extraordinary and a let-down to the community. "Right now we have every resource available to us to meet the challenge of climate change except for one, and that is leadership," Mr Turnbull said. - 2010/06/13: ABC(Au): Parties point fingers over shelved climate scheme
The Federal Government and the Greens are arguing over who is to blame for the failure of the emissions trading scheme (ETS) legislation. The decision to shelve the ETS has coincided with a dip in the polls for Labor and a lift for the Greens. But Labor MPs say they will use the election campaign to remind voters that Australia could have had an ETS in place if the Greens had supported the Government late last year. - 2010/06/09: SMH: Emphasis shifts to limiting effects of global warming
There is little sense of urgency about climate change in the budget, and the more muscular rhetoric about cutting greenhouse gases in recent budget papers has been replaced by talk of "minimising" the impact of global warming. - 2010/06/07: Reuters: Could Australia's Rudd lose office? What if he did?
And in China:
- 2010/06/09: GreenGrok: China's Going Supercritical -- A Critical Test for China and World?
- 2010/06/08: GreenGrok: China's Mixed Greens: A Sweet and Sour Relationship with Sustainability
While in Japan:
- 2010/06/10: Reuters: Fate of climate bill uncertain as Japan poll nears
Japan's government could run out of time to enact a climate bill before upper-house elections expected next month, fuelling worries it might drop a plan to trade carbon emissions by setting obligatory caps on firms. - 2010/06/08: Reuters: Japan can seek deeper cuts in CO2 by 2030: panel
Japan, the world's fifth-biggest greenhouse gas emitter, can target deeper cuts in carbon dioxide emissions than first thought, a trade ministry panel said on Tuesday. It said emissions could be cut by 30 percent or more by 2030 from 1990 levels, greater than a figure of 21 percent the government had mentioned last August in its long-term energy outlook. - 2010/06/11: Tyee: Global Warming Is Cooking Asia -- In this parched part of the world, only tourists disbelieve humans are altering the climate
In Canada, minority neocon PM Harper Harper has been having fun trying to contain the various G8/G20 controversies:
- 2010/06/10: CBC: G20 leaders may discuss climate change: PM
Prime Minister Stephen Harper has stopped short of including climate change on the agenda for the G20 summit, but says leaders may discuss it as an issue related to the economy. - 2010/06/08: Dominion: Toronto vs. Cochabamba -- G20 to consolidate control over climate negotiations
A small group of the wealthiest and largest carbon-polluting nations will use this summer's G8 and G20 summits to advance an unjust global climate deal through unrepresentative, anti-democratic channels, say climate campaigners, Indigenous groups and representatives of nations in the global South. - 2010/06/08: OSun: Summits' loonie legacy -- Conservatives' 'greening' of the G8 and G20 will cost taxpayers lots of green
Stephen Harper's government is spending a mountain of taxpayers' green to show the world how much it cares about green issues, none of which are on the PM's agenda for the G8 and G20 summits he is hosting this month. - 2010/06/10: CBC: Chevron 'confident' in oil drilling safety
Chevron Canada is "quite confident" it will not cause a catastrophic oil spill like the one in the Gulf of Mexico, a top executive said Thursday. The company runs exploratory and production operations in Atlantic and northern Canada, as well as in the Alberta oilsands. - 2010/06/10: CBC: Protesters target University of Alberta convocation
Protesters from British Columbia crashed a University of Alberta convocation in Edmonton on Thursday, objecting to the presence of Enbridge CEO Patrick Daniel, who was receiving an honorary doctor of laws degree from the school. About a dozen protesters wore paper face masks made to resemble Daniel and handed out pamphlets outside the Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium, where the ceremony was being held. The protesters said they are against the gas company's plan to build the $5.5-billion Northern Gateway Pipeline between Edmonton and Kitimat, B.C. - 2010/06/09: ENS: Dangers of Third Canadian Tar Sands Pipeline Exposed
A 1,660 mile mile-long oil pipeline from Canada proposed to run through five U.S. states would be environmentally hazardous and encourage reliance on the dirtiest of fossil fuels, according to a report released today by the National Wildlife Federation. The Keystone XL pipeline would carry heavy bitumen crude from Alberta's tar sands to U.S. refineries through Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas to the Gulf of Mexico. - 2010/06/09: WpgFP: Prentice talks a confused line on Arctic
Every schoolchild knows that the Arctic and the Antarctic are the most fragile ecosystems in the world -- and the "last frontier" in humanity's ever-more-frantic race to drain the Earth's store of fossil fuels to the last drop. Federal Natural Resources Minister Jim Prentice appears to have four positions on Arctic oil and gas exploration: perhaps drill, perhaps preserve, gut environmental regulations, and criticize other countries who might drill.
On Dec. 8, 2009, Prentice announced a $5-million feasibility study to designate Lancaster Sound, the eastern portion of the Northwest Passage, a new national marine conservation area. But in April, 2010, Natural Resources Canada's Geological Survey of Canada submitted a proposal to the Nunavut Impact Review Board to do seismic testing for oil and gas within Lancaster and Jones sounds this summer. In late May, the board gave the green light, ignoring the unanimous opposition from Inuit mayors and hunters. - 2010/06/08: G&M: A call for a new kind of Canada: [Canadian International Council] Report urges NORAD responsibility for North
The federal judicial inquiry into the state of Fraser salmon starts soon:
- 2010/06/10: G&M: Commission into sockeye salmon stocks releases areas of inquiry -- Fish biology and ecosystem issues to be key focus
A federal judicial inquiry into the state of sockeye salmon stocks in the Fraser River which begins hearings next week has released a discussion paper detailing its areas of interest. - 2010/06/09: CBC: B.C. railway tie energy project seeks home
A group of senior business and community leaders in Prince George is aggressively wooing a proposal to turn old railway ties into energy after the plan was rejected in Kamloops because of air quality concerns. The president of the Prince George downtown Business Association contacted the Aboriginal Cogeneration Corp. when community opposition in Kamloops ended the company's plan to build the plant to convert creosote-coated rail ties into biofuel, earlier this year. Hugh Nicholson says the city wants the 25 jobs the railway tie gasifier and commercial pilot energy plant would bring. - 2010/06/11: TEC: Doubling of tar sands output by 2020
- 2010/06/09: NewsWire: Oil sands fuel Canadian crude oil production growth
- 2010/06/09: CBC: Oil output predicted to grow 54% by 2025 -- Oilsands to account for 81%
Expansion of Alberta's oilsands will lead to an increase of 54 per cent in Canadian crude oil production in the next 15 years, according to a forecast released by an industry association Wednesday. The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers -- which represents Canada's largest oil companies -- forecast that total production will grow from 2.8 million barrels a day this year to 4.3 million barrels a day by 2025. It expects 3.5 million barrels a day, or 81 per cent, of that will come from the oilsands by 2025. The oilsands now produce 1.5 million barrels a day, or 54 per cent of output. - 2010/06/09: CBC: Bellingham, Washington votes against Alberta oilsands
A small, environmentally conscious town in upstate Washington has moved one step closer in its bid to stop using fossil fuels derived from the Alberta oilsands for its transportation needs. City councillors in Bellingham, Wash., on Tuesday voted unanimously in favour of a motion calling on the city "to identify ways to shift operations and consumption away from fossil fuelled transportation and specifically high-carbon based Canadian tarsands." - 2010/06/08: NRDC:SwitchBoard: Environmental Entrepreneurs: Tar sands will undermine our clean energy economy
In the Maritimes:
- 2010/06/11: CBC: Turbine damage stalls Fundy power experiment
Two blades on a turbine placed in the Bay of Fundy [last November] to test the potential of tidal power have been damaged. Nova Scotia Power and its partner OpenHydro said Friday that video images show two of the blades on the 400-tonne device have broken off. The companies say the unit will be pulled out of the water by late summer or early fall and engineers will examine monitoring devices that may explain why it happened. - 2010/06/09: LFB: Have Corporations Become a Global Existential Threat?
- 2010/06/08: EnergyBulletin: Exponential growth meets finite resources
- 2010/06/06: EnergyBulletin: The addict's excuse [ecoecon]
IPAT [Impact=Population*Affluence*Technology] raised its head once again:
- 2010/06/10: Grist: Population increases may thwart U.K. sustainability plans
- 2010/06/09: Grist: The GINK Chronicles -- Women's rights are the right way to approach the population issue
- 2010/06/09: TreeHugger: Australian Anglican Church Says Population Growth May Break Commandment 'Thou Shall Not Steal'
- 2010/06/09: AlterNet: Strange But True: How Soap Operas Might Save Us From Overpopulation
Apocalypso anyone?
- 2010/06/08: CCurrents: Committing "Ecocide:" Tipping Point Between Evolution or Extinction?
- 2010/06/08: TreeHugger: What We Don't Know About the Ocean Can Kill Us
As for how the media handles the science of climatology:
- 2010/06/11: QuarkSoup: More of Chris Mooney's Abysmal Understanding of Sciencer
- 2010/06/09: WatchingTheDeniers: Some animals are more equal: The Orwellian prize for journalistic misrepresentation
Regarding the quality of blogosphere discussion:
- 2010/06/11: OCC: Reflections on climate discussions in the blogosphere between Keith, Lucia and me: The spectrum of opinions, uncertainty, risk and inertia
- 2010/06/11: C-a-S: Bridging the Climate Divide [Bart Verheggen, Lucia Liljegren & KK skype chat]
- 2010/06/08: Stoat: On tribalism
- 2010/06/08: Tamino: Your Right to Say It
- 2010/06/07: C-a-S: Climate Jousters & Jesters
Here is something for your library:
- 2010/06/13: Guardian(UK): [Book Review] _The Most Powerful Idea in the World: A Story of Steam, Industry and Invention_ by William Rosen
The story of James Watt -- the genius behind the steam revolution -- reveals how inspiration often needs a little push - 2010/06/11: NRDC:SwitchBoard: Coming Soon: [a new film, by Chad A. Stevens, called] "The Coal War"
- 2010/06/11: Rabble: Filmmaker Claudia Medina on 'Life After Growth'
Meanwhile among the 'Sue the Bastards!' contingent:
- 2010/06/09: TerraDaily: New Targets Of Nuisance Class Actions Over Climate Change
- 2010/06/07: SF Gate: NM high court: Emissions cap proposal may proceed
The New Mexico Supreme Court on Monday cleared the way for a state regulatory panel to resume consideration a petition to establish a cap on greenhouse gas emissions in the state. The justices vacated a lower court ruling that effectively halted the state Environmental Improvement Board's process for gathering expert testimony and public comments related to an environmental group's emissions proposal. - 2010/06/12: TreeHugger: New Study: Biomass Worse Than Coal
- 2010/06/12: JFleck: Wood for Heat?
- 2010/06/11: TEC: Massachusetts Biomass Study Finds Caution, Some Optimism in Using Wood to Replace Coal
- 2010/06/12: PeakEnergy: Dangerous Exponentials?
- 2010/06/10: DerSpiegel: Solar Flight Pioneer Bertrand Piccard -- 'We Have the Technology to End Our Dependence on Fossil Fuels'
Bertrand Piccard has been working on a solar-powered plane for almost a decade and hopes to fly it around the world in 2013. He spoke to Spiegel Online about ending the world's addiction to fossil fuels, the aviation industry's need to change and how he plans to stay awake during the round-the-world flight. - 2010/06/11: BRitholtz: Oil Consumption Around the World
- 2010/06/11: EnergyBulletin: BP's review: 45 years of hard-to-access deepwater oil
- 2010/06/10: USAToday: Mass.: Wood power emits more carbon than coal
- 2010/06/11: PhysOrg: Pumping up the heat for a climate-friendly future [geothermal]
- 2010/06/11: OilDrum: The True Value of Energy is the Net Energy
- 2010/06/11: TEC: What's in the IEA's roadmaps to carbon-free electricity?
- 2010/06/10: FinFacts: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2010: Recession drove 2009 energy demand lower; Oil giant says global reserves sufficient to meet 2009 production for 45.7 years
- BP: Statistical Review of World Energy 2010
- 2010/06/09: BBC: Russia becomes leading oil producer, BP says
Russia overtook Saudi Arabia to become the world's leading oil producer in 2009, while global oil consumption fell the most since 1982, BP has said. - 2010/06/09: BBC: Sir David King: oil extraction a threat to the future
Future oil extraction could create new environmental, social and technological challenges, says the UK's former chief scientist. Sir David King said that, as global oil demand started to outstrip supply, oil companies would be forced to drill in unconventional places. - 2010/06/09: TCoE: Doc alert: Energy [R]evolution
- 2010/06/08: NewScientist:SSS: Lloyd's: ditch oil, invest in renewable energy
- 2010/06/07: EnergyBulletin: Age of petroleum ends in systemic imbroglio
- 2010/06/07: UN: Experts publish research to help UN facilitate universal access to energy
- 2010/06/07: TreeHugger: Is Energy Literacy Our Biggest Challenge? Confessions of a Coal-Fired Pizza Addict
Hey! Let's contaminate the aquifer for thousands of years! It'll be a fracking gas!
- 2010/06/11: AlterNet: How Long Will the Natural Gas Industry Run Amok in the Northeast?
- 2010/06/03: Nation: The Next Drilling Disaster?
- 2010/06/08: EurActiv: Shale gas not yet game-changer for Europe
Shale gas cannot be seen yet as a game changer in Europe as it is in the United States, where roughly 50% of the country's needs are met by developing unconventional gas. The conclusion was reached by international experts at a public event held in Brussels yesterday (7 June). - 2010/06/08: NRDC:SwitchBoard: Welcome to Frackville: Natural Gas Drilling Threatening Communities
- 2010/06/07: NRDC:SwitchBoard: New Starpower in the Fracking Fight
- 2010/06/07: NRDC:SwitchBoard: New case of drinking water contamination after hydraulic fracturing in Texas
- 2010/06/09: HoustonChronicle:NWE: Wyoming now requires disclosure of fracking chemicals
Yesterday, Wyoming regulators approved rules requiring oil and gas drillers to disclose chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing -- making it the first state to order companies to do so. E&E reported that the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission unanimously agreed. Hydraulic fracturing is a controversial industry technique that is often accused of being unsafe and contaminating water supplies. - 2010/06/12: ClimateP: California gets first transmission-connected solar farm
- 2010/06/10: Grist: Tiny desert town goes solar in a big way
- 2010/06/11: REA: JA Solar Introduces 18.9% Efficient Solar Cells
- 2010/06/10: PlanetArk: Trina Solar To Supply [250 MW of] PV Modules To Edison International
- 2010/06/09: Reuters: Total, Abengoa to build $600 mln UAE solar plant
Largest concentrated solar power plant in world - Plant to have 100 MW capacity - Due online in 2012 - 2010/06/09: ABC(Au): Solar cell inventor [Michael Graetzel] wins Finnish tech award
The inventor of a new type of solar cell has won the Finnish state and industry-funded Millennium Technology Prize. - 2010/06/09: PhysOrg: Sunlight shines on clean energy future: Simple inorganic semiconductor - silver orthophosphate - used to oxidize water
- 2010/06/09: PhysOrg: Abu Dhabi to build 'world's largest' solar plant [100 megawatts]
- 2010/06/09: PlanetArk: SunPower To Build 9.1-MW Solar Plant For Naturener
- 2010/06/09: EarthTimes: Swiss solar cell researcher [Professor Michael Graetzel] wins Finnish technology prize [2010 Millennium Technology Prize]
- 2010/06/09: CSM: Renewable energy pioneer wins prestigious technology prize
- 2010/06/07: Eureka: 'Nanocoax' solves solar cell 'thick and thin' dilemma -- Boston College researchers report nanotech thin film advance
- 2010/06/08: REA: Spire To Develop High Efficiency Solar Cells [42%] for Space
- 2010/06/08: REA: First Solar To Expand German Manufacturing by 223 MW
- 2010/06/08: REA: ET Solar Launches New Black Module Product Line in the North American Markets
- 2010/06/07: PlanetArk: First Solar Says Can't Meet Demand For Modules
On the coal front:
- 2010/06/11: Grist: Coal-fired power was the big loser in the economic downturn
- 2010/06/11: TreeHugger: Canadian Coal Mining Interest Holds Glacier Park Hostage For US Taxpayer Money
- 2010/06/08: TreeHugger: After Burning for 50 Years, Chinese Coal Fires May Finally Be Extinguished
Biofuel bickering abounds:
- 2010/06/07: RRapier: Five Challenges of Next-Generation Biofuels
- 2010/06/11: RRapier: Five Positive Notes on Next-Generation Biofuels
- 2010/06/10: PhysOrg: EU sets tight biofuel standards
- 2010/06/10: PlanetArk: Biofuels From Deforested Land To Fail EU Standards
- 2010/06/10: BBC: EU biofuels 'need to be certified for sustainability'
EU nations are being encouraged to set up certification schemes to ensure biofuels help cut emissions and do not threaten biodiversity. - 2010/06/09: CBC: Fungi a possible biodiesel source
Fungi or moulds able to store oil could be economical, non-edible sources for biodiesel production, researchers say. Soybeans, palm, rapeseed and soy are plants that yield biodiesel fuel -- but at a cost, say Spanish scientists. They all require farmland, fertilizers and pesticides to grow and if they are in short supply, could increase food prices - 2010/06/09: SolveClimate: New Questions about Toxic By-Products of Biofuel Combustion -- Study finds spectrum of possible chemicals emerging from biofuel burning process, including formaldehyde
- 2010/06/08: PlanetArk: Exxon Explores Algae Biofuels As Alternative Energy
The nuclear energy controversy continues:
- 2010/06/11: NBF: Cold Fusion and Blacklight Power Explained as Stripping Reaction from Nickel Isotope
- 2010/06/11: NBF: Update on Progress to the Eight Expermental Milestones for Dense Plasma Focus Fusion
- 2010/06/10: EurActiv: Funding crisis for nuclear fusion project ITER
A multi-billion euro international research project has run into deep financial trouble as EU governments scramble to find money to meet spiralling costs. However, with European credibility at stake, officials say there is no question of abandoning the project despite the yawning funding gaps. - 2010/06/10: ClassM: Does the world need nuclear energy?
- 2010/06/10: BNC: IFR FaD 5 -- the Gen III and Gen IV nuclear power synergy -- why we need both
- 2010/06/10: PlanetArk: Costly Nuclear Fusion Demo Worries Cash-Strapped EU
- 2010/06/10: NatureTGB: ITER angers Greens, agreement still out of reach
A multinational fusion experiment known as ITER is having a tough time making friends in Europe. Last month, we reported that European partners in the project had failed to come up with the additional billions needed to begin construction in earnest. Now, it appears that Europe's left-wing Green politicians, at least, would like to see ITER cancelled outright. "I'm now convinced that this is the best moment to stop ITER before construction begins," Rebecca Harms, the leader of the Greens in the European Parliament, is reported as saying on EurActive.com. Harms is joined by a handful of other green parliamentarians who believe that ITER is too costly and too speculative to warrant support. Rather than spending money on nuclear fusion, the greens would like to see ITER's funding spent on near-term renewable energy sources. - 2010/06/09: KSJT: Reuters, etc:Dribbles of news as ITER, Ignitor, and other machines sidle toward fusion energy
- 2010/06/09: TreeHugger: Nuclear Reactor Eaten by Leaky Acid, Again
- 2010/06/09: EarthTimes: Ukraine signs 4.9 billion dollar nuclear deal with Russia
- 2010/06/08: ClimateP: NYT: "A nuclear reactor where a hidden leak caused near-catastrophic corrosion in 2002 has experienced a second bout of the same problem."
- 2010/06/08: TEC: Entergy & Exelon retreat from new builds -- Costs, risks, and lack of a price on carbon all play in their decisions
Two of the nation's largest nuclear utilities are sounding a retreat from building new nuclear reactors in the near-term. In separate speeches Entergy (NYSE:ETR) CEO J. Wayne Leonard and Exelon (NYSE:EXC) CEO John Rowe said they do not want to take the risk of building new reactors. - 2010/06/11: EnergyBulletin: Lloyds on peak oil, climate change, resource depletion... a historic publication...
- 2010/06/10: OilDrum: EIA: If This Is Peak Oil, Then I'm Not Sure What The Problem Is
- 2010/06/10: C-a-S: Defining Peak Oil
- 2010/06/09: OilDrum: I am Perplexed: Comments on the World Financial Situation and Peak Oil
- 2010/06/07: CCurrents: Imminent Oil Shortages Ahead
Less than four months ago, the United States Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM) issued a dramatic warning in its 2010 Joint Operating Environment report about an event that is likely to change the world we live in:By 2012, surplus oil production capacity could entirely disappear, and as early as 2015, the shortfall in output could reach nearly 10 million barrels per day.
- 2010/06/03: EarlyWarning: Peak Oil Stress Map
- 2010/06/08: EnergyBulletin: Peak oil and apocalypse then [Jörg Friedrichs interview]
- 2010/06/08: EnergyBulletin: EIA: From forecast of oil supply abundance to decade of stagnation
- 2010/06/08: CCP: Palaniappan & Gleick define "peak ecological water" -- Water: the three peaks
- 2010/06/08: TreeHugger: The Boom in Doom: Peak Oil in the New York Times
- 2010/06/08: OilDrum: EIA: From Forecast of Oil Supply Abundance to Decade of Stagnation
More people are talking about the electrical grid:
- 2010/06/09: SolveClimate: Battle in California over Potential Health Risks of Smart Meters -- Health advocates press regulators to get answers before broad rollout of wireless devices into millions of homes
- 2010/06/06: E2T: The Battle Over the Next-gen Open Smart Grid
- 2010/06/07: TreeHugger: Hawaii Plans Billion Dollar Undersea Cable to Bring Wind Power to Oahu
And then there is the matter of efficiency & conservation:
- 2010/06/11: TreeHugger: Can a Tiny Weatherproof Solar Light Bulb Replace Kerosene Lights?
Automakers & lawyers, engineers & activists argue over the future of the car:
- 2010/06/11: PlanetArk: Smart To Test Electric Cars In Some U.S. Cities
- 2010/06/10: AutoBG: Ask ABG: Why are electric vehicles so expensive?
- 2010/06/09: AutoBG: Mitsubishi i-MiEV headed to Australia: becomes country's first manufacturer-produced EV
- 2010/06/08: LA Times: Hundreds of electric vehicle charging stations planned for California
Coulomb Technologies plans to install 4,600 stations for free around the country, and California is slated to get about a third of them. - 2010/06/08: PhysOrg: Coulomb Technologies to install 4,600 electric vehicle charging stations
There's more good news for electric-vehicle enthusiasts. Coulomb Technologies, a Campbell, Calif., startup that is a leading maker of electric-vehicle charging stations, recently announced that it plans to install more than 4,600 charging stations in nine metropolitan regions across the United States. - 2010/06/08: WaPo: More electric cars means finding new standards to measure fuel efficiency
- 2010/06/08: AutoBG: Michelin expects electric car to make up 5% of the market in 2020
- 2010/06/07: PlanetArk: Zenn Edges Closer To Electric-Car Battery: Analyst
- 2010/06/07: AutoBG: Video: Alan Mulally explains to Jason Calacanis why most people won't be driving electric cars soon
- 2010/06/07: AutoBG: Hybrid sales skyrocket in May, Fusion hybrid jumps 64%
As for Energy Storage:
- 2010/06/10: NYT: When Electric-Car Batteries Die, Where Will They End Up?
- 2010/06/10: AutoBG: Penn State and Khosla backing Recapping, could challenge EEStor for [vapourware ultracapacitors aka] vaporcaps
- 2010/06/07: UBuffalo: Working Toward the Next Battery Breakthrough
Meanwhile in the greenwashing chronicles:
- 2010/06/07: WorldChanging: New Emissions Measurements Show "Green" Consumerism Failing
- 2010/06/08: NakedCapitalism: "Green Consumerism" Largely a Myth
Joe Romm posts a daily list of top energy and climate stories:
- 2010/06/11: ClimateP: Energy and Global Warming News for June 11...
- 2010/06/10: ClimateP: Energy and Global Warming News for June 10...
- 2010/06/09: ClimateP: Energy and Global Warming News for June 9...
- 2010/06/08: ClimateP: Energy and Global Warming News for June 8...
- 2010/06/07: ClimateP: Energy and Global Warming News for June 7...
Other (weekly) lists:
- 2010/06/11: Grist: A Walk Through the Week's Climate News -- The Climate Post: U.S. Senate gives a disapproving look
- 2010/06/08: CSW: Climate Science Watch Weekly Update
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
- 2010/06/12: Stoat: For the whingers
- 2010/06/13: SkeptiSci: How climate skeptics mislead
- 2010/06/12: JKB: Merchants of doubt -- Oreskes & Conway
- 2010/06/11: IJISH: Ex-CIA agent targets scientists, messes up Republican primaries...?!? And, Tom Harris's list is up
- 2010/06/11: JKB: Tobacco Lobbyism : the (ab)use of people's Free Market belief : A fascinating document in the legacy tobacco documents library
- 2010/06/11: SkeptiSci: Is the long-term trend in CO2 caused by warming of the oceans?
- 2010/06/11: SkeptiSci: Monckton Chronicles Part IV -- Medieval Warm Period? [Abraham]
- 2010/06/11: Stoat: Climate denial undermines all science
- 2010/06/10: CCP: John Abraham on Skeptical Science hammers the myth that the Medieval Warm Period was as warm as today in his "Monckton Chronicles Part IV" Medieval Warm Period?"
- 2010/06/10: SkeptiSci: Monckton Chronicles Part IV -- Medieval Warm Period?
- 2010/06/10: Yale360: Global Warming Deniers and Their Proven Strategy of Doubt
For years, free-market fundamentalists opposed to government regulation have sought to create doubt in the public's mind about the dangers of smoking, acid rain, and ozone depletion. Now they have turned those same tactics on the issue of global warming and on climate scientists, with significant success. - 2010/06/10: DeSmogBlog: Scholars & Rogues Digs Deeper: Who Audits the Auditors?
- 2010/06/10: TCoE: Deniers explained
- 2010/06/10: WtD: The cautionary tale of Lord Monckton: from rising star to smouldering "deep impact" crater
- 2010/06/10: MTobis: Lion's Den
- 2010/06/10: DeSmogBlog: Oreskes, Conway exposing the Merchants of Doubt
- 2010/06/09: CCentral: Unmasking Disinformation, from Tobacco to Climate
- 2010/06/10: HotTopic: Gluckman: climate denial undermines all science
- 2010/06/09: DeSmogBlog: Monckton bashing "left" and "right"
- 2010/06/08: ClimateSight: Deniers?
- 2010/06/08: C-a-S: Climate Buffoonery [TVMOB]
- 2010/06/09: Monbiot: Madder and Madder -- Lord Monckton's increasingly extravagant claims threaten to destroy the movement he champions
- 2010/06/08: CCP: George Monbiot: Monckton's climate denial is a gift to those who take the science seriously -- Monckton repeatedly exposes the shallow fallacy of climate denial, dragging down those stupid enough to believe him
- 2010/06/08: Guardian(UK): Monckton's climate denial is a gift to those who take the science seriously
Monckton repeatedly exposes the shallow fallacy of climate denial, dragging down those stupid enough to believe him - 2010/06/08: ClimateShifts: Skeptically speaking: question everything [Cook]
- 2010/06/12: HotTopic: The bad news, and the good
- 2010/06/11: KSJT: E360 - The contrarions' anti-regulation roots, and a string of perhaps misused references [Oreskes & Conway]
- 2010/06/08: SkeptiSci: Monckton Chronicles Part III -- Acid Reflux?
- 2010/06/07: CCP: John Abraham guest posts on Skeptical Science: Monckton Chronicles Part III -- Acid Reflux?
- 2010/06/07: TCoE: Abraham, Monckton, and the rest of us: Time to rumble
- 2010/06/07: JKB: Lord Christopher Monckton got pwned by John Abraham
- 2010/06/07: CCP: Neo-fascist puppet for the fossil-fuel industry's Climate Denial Machine, Monckton, tries to incite Dr. John Abraham's college against him for debunking Monckton's lies and made up laws of physics
- 2010/06/07: ClimateP: Monckton tries to incite academic hearing against author of devastating science-based evisceration of his disinformation
- 2010/06/06: CCP: John Abraham's reply to Monckton, June 6, 2010
- 2010/06/06: DeepClimate: Michaels and Knappenberger's World Climate Report: "No warming whatsoever over the past decade"
- 2010/06/06: SkeptiSci: Abraham reply to Monckton
Meanwhile in the 'clean coal' saga:
- 2010/06/10: SolveClimate: Report: Potential of "Clean Coal" to Reduce Emissions is Overstated
Number crunchers find that capturing and burying CO2 can only avoid "small fraction" of emissions by 2050 - 2010/06/13: ClimateShifts: The human fingerprint in global warming
- 2010/06/12: MoD: Irregular Climate Episode 3
- 2010/06/11: MTobis: Some Free Associations on a Friday Morning
- 2010/06/10: CBC: [Gulf of Mexico] Oil spill could harm [migrating] Arctic birds: WWF
- 2010/06/10: ERabett: And so Eli writes, by morning, night, and afternoon -- Time to submit comments to the [IAC] IPCC review.
- 2010/06/10: AutoBG: When the sand runs out of oil, do politicians' heads go there?
- 2010/06/09: C-a-S: Climate Policy: Hit Reset or Start Over?
- 2010/06/08: PlanetArk: In Drastic Green Energy Proposal, U.S. Pays Most
- 2010/06/07: EnergyBulletin: From Scream to Dream: the Inspiring Influence of Herman Daly
- 2010/06/07: GreenFyre: A Glorious defeat
- 2010/06/06: SolveClimate: The Crisis of Justice Inside the Emissions Emergency (Part I) -- Experienced campaigner [Tom Athanasiou] reflects on 20 years of effort
- 2010/06/05: SolveClimate: The Crisis of Justice Inside the Emissions Emergency (Part II) -- Experienced campaigner [Tom Athanasiou] reflects on 20 years of effort
- 2010/06/07: SkeptiSci: Radio interview with Skeptically Speaking
- 2010/06/07: BBC:RB: Bridging the energy gulf
- 2010/06/07: HotTopic: A mighty wind
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- OCC: Our Changing Climate [Bart Verheggen]
- Wiki: Barry Commoner
- 2009/01/06: JenStory: Nature Bats Last
- Arctic Sea Ice
- Polar Science Conference
- Yale360 - Yale Environment 360
- NSIDC: Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis
- WatchingTheDeniers
- CPAWS: Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society
- Wiki: World Oceans Day
- C4: Center for Climate Change Communication
- Resource Accounting
- Argo [world ocean temperature and salinity collection project]
- UNL: Drought Monitor
- BOM: The South Pacific Sea Level & Climate Monitoring Project
- Climate Progress
- LE: Lomborg Errors
- CDP: Carbon Disclosure Project
More black humour in a climatic vein:
The Busan conference has given birth to IPBES:
The International Polar Year - Oslo Science Conference closed yesterday:
A nice roundup from Scott:
Normally I wouldn't link to this paywalled piece from from the FTime$, but it is worth the aggravation for the first sentence alone:
Who's getting the subsidies?
After Brown lost the UK election, Norwegian premier Jens Stoltenberg has taken over the UN Climate Finance Group:
The Arctic melt continues to garner a lot of attention:
As for the geopolitics of Arctic resources:
While in Antarctica:
GMOs foster a steady round of press releases:
North America got zapped by a string of tornadoes:
Corals are dying:
Acidification is changing the oceans:
Consider transportation & GHG production:
As for carbon sequestration:
Large scale geo-engineering keeps popping up:
The idea of a carbon tax is still bouncing around:
The proposed G20 Bank Tax is turning into a tussle:
The debate over the optimal strategy [carbon trading, carbon offsets, auction vs. allocation, and/or a carbon tax] to use in dealing with GHGs continues:
Meanwhile on the international political front:
Some are wondering if the Deepwater Horizon disaster marks a watershed:
Meanwhile in Australia:
And elsewhere in Asia:
Questions and debate about offshore drilling continue:
Questions about pipelines abound:
Regarding the Tories two-headed Arctic policy:
Who is fostering the push towards greater continental integration?
BC is still wrangling over energy:
Meanwhile in that Mechanical Mordor known as the tar sands:
The movement toward a long term ecologically viable economics is glacial:
And for your film & video enjoyment:
Developing a new energy infrastructure is a fundamental challenge of the current generation:
Meanwhile among the solar aficionados:
Yes we have peak everything:
As for climate miscellanea:
Low Key Plug
My first novel Water was published in Canada May, 2007. The American release was in October. An Introductionto the novel is available, along with the Unpublished Forewordand the Launch Talk. An overview of my writing is available here.
P.S. Recent postings can be found in the week archive and the ancient postings can be accessed here, which should open to this.
"The great obstacle is simply this: the conviction that we cannot change because we are dependent on what is wrong. But that is the addict's excuse, and we know that it will not do." -Wendell Berry
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Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years
This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
skip to bottom Another week of Global Warming News Sipping from the Internet Firehose...December 12, 2010 Chuckles,…
Sipping from the internet firehose...
This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H.E.Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
skip to bottom Another week of Climate Disruption News Logging the Onset of the Bottleneck Years September 13, 2009 Chuckle…
Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years
This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
skip to bottom Another week of Climate Instability News April 11, 2010 Chuckles, Bonn, COP 15, COP 16, MEF,…
Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years
This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
skip to bottom Another week of Climate Disruption News December 13, 2009 Chuckles, COP15, COP15 Dailies, COP15…
The thing that first caught my eye here is the federal inquiry, the Cohen Commission, for understanding the decline of Fraser River sockeye. It's almost out of place in Global Warming News, because a lot of the focus will be on other topics. There is some intersection, however, that might be worth investigating. This goes beyond the warming of the Fraser River and the consequent migratory mortality experienced by the sockeye.
First, we have politicians, lawyers, judges, and interest groups taking up a lot of time and resources to "get to the bottom of things." Really, that is what science is for, and it's too bad the money going to support this stuff (Cohen Commission is probably going to cost over 25 million) isn't instead directed to scientific study (DFOs science budget keeps getting cut).
That brings up a second point, but this one highlights a difference between AGW and the Fraser sockeye problem. WRT AGW, the fundamental science is quite mature -- we know that pumping out too much CO2 has consequences, and politicians, lawyers, judges, and interest groups should be involved in finding solutions. Fraser sockeye are still poorly understood, and the inquiry doesn't even hope to arrive at solutions.
A third point of intersection is the subjectivity owing to the background of the person. Detection of the trend in both cases is less controversial; attribution to cause in both cases is frequently divorced from reality. For AGW it's solar output, cosmic rays, ocean cycles, under-water volcanoes, socialist plots, etc that cause the trends in CO2 or temperature. For Fraser sockeye, it's commercial fishing, native poaching, government plots, etc. All we know is that the freshwater can still produce a lot of young sockeye -- fewer come back from the ocean. There are simply too few fish to be caught.
Something is going on in the ocean. I was interested to see climate change among the topics that the Judicial Inquiry will review, and I was a bit surprised to see ocean acidification left out. There is a workshop starting today, organized by the Pacific Salmon Commission, that will address several leading hypotheses for the Fraser sockeye decline. The workshop involves mostly scientists. It's being held now because the Cohen Commission's findings will arrive too late. Interestingly the Judicial Inquiry is in the news, but the scientific inquiry is not.