Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years
This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
Another week of Global Warming News
Sipping from the Internet Firehose...
March 6, 2011
- Chuckles, Cancun, COP17+, Suzuki, Tim DeChristopher, Glory, NYT-Fracking, Barnosky
- Carbon Tariffs, Subsidies, Thermodynamics, Cook, Post CRU
- Melting Arctic, Antarctica
- Food Crisis, Food Prices, Food Riots, FAC, Land Grabs, GMOs, Food Production
- Hurricanes, GHGs, Carbon Cycle, Temperatures, Aerosols, Paleoclimate
- Solar, Climate Sensitivity, Satellites
- Impacts, Forests, Desertification, Extreme Weather, Tornadoes
- Wildfires, Acidification, Floods & Droughts
- Mitigation, Transportation, Sequestration, Adaptation
- Journals, Other Docs , Misc. Science, DIY Science, Models, Curry, Muller, Spencer
- UN, Carbon Trade, Carbon Tax, Optimal Carbon Reduction Strategy
- International Politics: Misc., Twisted, Security, Law & Activism, Activism
- Polls, Water Politics & Business, Software, Predictions
- National Politics: America, BP Disaster, Oceanographic Library, Canute
- Keystone XL, Obama, USAdmin, Congress, Chamber
- Britain, Europe, Australia, Carbon War, China, Japan, Asia
- Canada, Post G20, C.D. Howe, Pipelines, AECL
- BC, Tar Sands, Sask, Ontario, Quebec, Maritimes, North
- Ecological Economics, IPAT, Media, Books, Video, Podcasts, Courts
- Energy, Fracking, Wind, Solar, Biofuel, Nukes, Grid
- Efficiency, Cars, Gee Whiz, Energy Storage, Oil & Gas
- Insurance, Greenwashing, FAQs, Joe's List, Carbon Lobby, Miscellaneous Climate, Useful Links
- Shameless Self Promotion, .sig
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- 2011/03/03: TI:CF: (cartoon - Roberts) Love Thy Neighbour
- 2011/03/02: TI:CF: (cartoon - Roberts) Transition 11
- 2011/02/28: TI:CF: (cartoon - Roberts) Transition 10
- 2011/03/04: uComics: (cartoon - Toles) Green Water
- 2011/03/02: ClimateP: A gas station sign of the times
- 2011/02/28: ClimateP: Groucho Marxist Bill McKibben takes on Glenn Beck
And for those who enjoy challenging Poe's Law:
- 2011/03/02: TPL: Harry Potter and Climate
- 2011/02/28: Wonkette: Earth-Raping Dictator-Supporting House GOP Brings Styrofoam Back
Oh No! I need a category for the ridiculous lengths some fundamentalists reach:
- 2011/03/02: Guardian(UK): No, this wasn't an Onion headline -- Fetus Set to 'Testify' in Favor of Ohio Abortion Bill
Looking back at Cancun:
- 2011/03/03: PlanetArk: U.N. Climate Talks Seen Missing Aid Plan Deadline
A plan by almost 200 countries to step up efforts to fight climate change is set to miss a March deadline for starting work on a green fund to help developing nations, delegates said on Wednesday. Groups of Asian, and Latin American and Caribbean countries have yet to decide who will gain early influence in designing the "Green Climate Fund" by attending 40-nation U.N.-led talks due in Mexico City on March 14 and 15. The fund, under which aid flows are meant to reach $100 billion a year by 2020, was agreed by governments in December as part of a deal that the United Nations said reignited "a beacon of hope" for tackling global warming. John Ashe of Antigua and Barbuda, who represents the Latin American and Caribbean group where 14 countries are vying for seven seats in the fund planning committee, said it looked unlikely the matter could be resolved by mid-month. - 2011/03/01: UN: UN climate change chief urges governments to quickly implement Cancún accords
Looking ahead to COP17 and future international climate negotiations:
- 2011/03/02: PlanetArk: China Sets Out Disputes Facing "Arduous" Climate Talks
China, the world's biggest greenhouse gas emitter, wants rich nations to vow bigger cuts to emissions as part of a new international deal on fighting global warming, Beijing's top climate negotiator said on Tuesday. The negotiator, Xie Zhenhua, said he expects "arduous" wrangling about that and other issues facing governments seeking to settle on the key parts of a comprehensive climate change pact at talks in Durban, South Africa, in late 2011. Above all, Xie said in a policy-setting essay in China's official People's Daily, Beijing will not budge from demanding a second lease of life for the Kyoto Protocol, the greenhouse gas emissions pact which Japan, Russia, Canada and other critics have said does too little to curb the fast-growing emissions of China and other big developing countries. - 2011/03/01: Straight: David Suzuki: Politicians who reject science are not fit to lead
Tim DeChristopher was found guilty this week. Sentencing is in June:
- 2011/03/04: DemNow: Environmentalist Tim DeChristopher Found Guilty of Sabotaging Oil and Gas Auction; Faces up to 10 Years in Jail
- 2011/03/04: DeSmogBlog: Tim DeChristopher stands tall despite guilty verdict
- 2011/03/04: ClimateP: Tim DeChristopher aka Bidder 70: Game changer in the fight against global warming
- 2011/03/03: Grist: Tim DeChristopher found guilty, shows power of nonviolent civil disobedience
- 2011/03/03: Grist: As climate crime continues, who are we sending to jail? Tim DeChristopher?
- 2011/03/04: TreeHugger: Jurors Not Allowed To Hear That DeChristopher Tried to Pay For His Bids & Feds Rejected His Money
- 2011/03/04: TreeHugger: Bill McKibben: Tim DeChristopher "Should be Getting a Medal, Not a Sentence" (Video)
- 2011/03/03: HuffPo: Bidder 70 by Robert Redford
- 2011/03/03: SLTrib: The DeChristopher case from auction to conviction
- 2011/03/03: Time:Ecocentric: Eco-Injustice: Tim DeChristopher Is Convicted
- 2011/03/03: HuffPo: Tim DeChristopher's Speech After Guilty Verdict for Climate Civil Disobedience (video + transcript)
- 2011/03/03: Casavaria: Tim DeChristopher Speech, after Guilty Verdict (video + transcript)
- 2011/03/03: CCP: Utah jury finds activist Tim DeChristopher guilty of interfering with an onshore oil and gas leasing act and making a false representation to the federal government
- 2011/03/04: PSinclair: DeChristopher Guilty: Sentencing to Follow
- 2011/03/02: CCP: "Utah activist, Tim DeChristopher, goes on trial for disrupting oil auction"; Judge Dee Benson will not permit important evidence to be heard by the jury
- 2011/03/01: SEasterbrook: Climate Heroes: Tim DeChristopher
- 2011/02/28: Grist: Climate activist Tim DeChristopher goes to trial in Salt Lake City [video]
- 2011/02/28: DeSmogBlog: Tim DeChristopher Trial Commences in Salt Lake City
- 2011/02/28: Guardian(UK): Tim DeChristopher on trial for sabotaging oil and gas land auction
The launch of the Glory climate satellite failed on Friday:
- 2011/03/04: Guardian(UK): Taurus rocket carrying Glory climate satellite falls back to Earth
- 2011/03/04: GreenGrok: Blaze of Glory! Climate Science Takes Another Hit
- 2011/03/04: KSJT: AP : Another NASA setback -- New enviro satellite splashes near Antarctica after launch mishap
- 2011/03/04: NatureTGB: Glory probe crashes
- 2011/03/04: NatureN: NASA satellite crashes to Earth -- The loss of Glory is the second in two years for NASA's troubled Earth-observation programme
- 2011/03/04: ScienceInsider: All-Too-Familiar Rocket Failure Dooms NASA Climate Mission
- 2011/03/04: RealClimate: Glory (not to) be
- 2011/03/04: EarthTimes: NASA satellite fails to reach orbit
- 2011/03/04: BBC: NASA Glory mission ends in failure
- 2011/03/04: CBC: NASA satellite [Glory] crashes into ocean
- 2011/03/04: NASA: NASA's Glory Satellite Fails To Reach Orbit
- 2011/03/04: SFN: NASA science satellite [Glory] lost in Taurus launch failure
- 2011/03/01: Eureka: NASA's Glory Satellite scheduled for launch March 4
The New York Times series on fracking is causing a stir. See also:
- 2011//: NYT: Drilling Down - Series
- 2011/03/03: NYT: Pressure Limits Efforts to Police Drilling for Gas
- 2011/03/01: NYT: Wastewater Recycling No Cure-All in Gas Process
- 2011/02/27: NYT: Regulation Lax as Gas Wells' Tainted Water Hits Rivers
The Barnosky paper on the sixth extinction got a few people talking:
- 2011/03/02: Nature: (ab$) Has the Earth's sixth mass extinction already arrived? by Anthony D. Barnosky et al.
- 2011/03/02: BBC: Refining the sixth great extinction
- 2011/03/02: DM:80B: Species Census: Yes, the 6th Mass Extinction Is Happening Now
- 2011/03/02: NSF: Earth's Sixth Mass Extinction: Is It Almost Here? Steep decline of many animal species warns that Earth is on the brink
- 2011/03/02: SciNow: Are We in the Middle of a Sixth Mass Extinction?
- 2011/03/02: Eureka: Has the Earth's sixth mass extinction already arrived? Rate of extinction higher, but intensity lower, today compared to past 5 mass extinctions
Carbon Tariffs are back. This time in Australia:
- 2011/03/04: ABC(Au): Unions are calling on the Government to consider imposing tariffs on imports from countries without a carbon price
Subsidies, tax exemptions, loan guarantees & grants weave a difficult to penetrate web:
- 2011/03/03: ClimateP: Time for fossil fuel companies to pay their fair share
Delving into the laws of thermodynamics this week:
- 2011/03/05: MTobis: Spot the Denialist Bug
John Cook and friends continue their counterpoint articles:
- 2011/03/05: SkeptiSci: Blaming the Pacific Decadal Oscillation by Riccardo
- 2011/03/04: SkeptiSci: A Real-World Example of Carbon Pricing Benefits Outweighing Costs by dana1981
- 2011/03/04: SkeptiSci: Icing the Medieval Warm Period by Daniel Bailey
- 2011/03/04: SkeptiSci: Putting a new finger on climate change by Daniel Bailey
- 2011/03/03: SkeptiSci: Crux of a Core, part 1b: J Storrs Hall on WUWT by Rob Honeycutt
- 2011/03/02: SkeptiSci: No Illusions podcast interview (and elocution lessons from an 11 year old)
- 2011/03/02: SkeptiSci: Climate Sensitivity: The Skeptic Endgame by dana1981
Post CRU theft, controversy & inquiry:
- 2011/03/02: ClimateP: Climategate: The greatest nonstory ever sold
- 2011/02/28: Grist: What we have and haven't learned from 'Climategate'
The Arctic melt continues to garner a lot of attention:
- 2011/03/05: ASI: TOPAZ data by Cryosphere Today regions
- 2011/03/04: QuarkSoup: On the Repeating JAXA Data
- 2011/03/01: QuarkSoup: Why the Repetition in Sea Ice Data?
- 2011/03/04: KSJT: Climate Central: Earth's warmer? Well how come the Bering Sea is so much colder?
- 2011/03/04: Wunderground: Greenland update for 2010: record melting and a massive calving event
- 2011/03/03: TreeHugger: February Arctic Sea Ice Ties For Record Low As Global Snow Cover Remains High
- 2011/03/03: Eureka: Shrinking tundra, advancing forests: how the Arctic will look by century's end -- Study estimates climate change's impact on Arctic regions by 2099
- 2011/03/02: Eureka: Scripps oceanography researchers discover arctic blooms occurring earlier
Phytoplankton peak arising up to 50 days early, with unknown impacts on marine food chain and carbon cycling - 2011/03/02: QuarkSoup: Did February Sea Ice Extent Set a Record Low?
- 2011/03/02: ClimateP: February Arctic ice extent ties 2005 for record low
- 2011/02/28: Stoat: This year's sea ice
- 2011/02/28: SkeptiSci: Various estimates of Greenland ice loss
While in Antarctica:
- 2011/03/04: KSJT: Lots of Ink: Antarctica's ice sheets add new (recycled) ice on the bottom too
- 2011/03/04: PlanetArk: Some Antarctic Ice Forms From The Bottom Up
- 2011/03/03: SciNow: Gigantic Remelted Ice Mass Discovered Below Antarctic Ice Sheet
- 2011/03/03: BBC: Antarctic ice sheet built 'bottom-up'
- 2011/03/02: Eureka: New interpretation of Antarctic ice cores -- Researchers at Alfred Wegener Institute expand prevailing theory on climate history
The food crisis is ongoing:
- 2011/03/04: ProMedMail: Stripe rust, wheat - UK: (England), Claire strain
- 2011/03/04: TreeHugger: China's Wheat Shortage Could Affect World Prices
- 2011/03/03: Eureka: Mapping food deserts
- 2011/03/01: BBC: China drought worsens in parched north
- 2011/03/03: PlanetArk: Climate Change To Drive Up Food Prices
- 2011/03/02: Reuters: Analysis: Rising freight rates add to agflation worries
Spiraling shipping costs for commodities threaten to drive food inflation even higher as nations from Asia to the Middle East and Africa scramble for supplies, stung by grain prices that have more than doubled in less than a year. - 2011/03/03: TStar: Hunger on the rise in Canada, [Recession Relief Coalition] report warns
- 2011/03/02: TreeHugger: California Farmers Face Frightening Water Debt During Drought
- 2011/02/28: CBC: Water woes a wild card for western [Canadian] farmers
Food Prices are still rising:
- FAO: World Food Situation - Food Price Indices
- 2011/03/03: CCurrents: World Food Prices Hit Record Highs Amid Oil Jitters
- 2011/03/05: PostMedia: Food prices on the way up, analysts predict -- Shoppers should expect as much as a 7% jump in the cost of what they buy in the grocery aisles
- 2011/03/04: Grist: World's dollar menu will now cost $1.50
- 2011/03/04: TreeHugger: As Food Prices Hit New Record Highs, Which Countries Are Most At Risk Of Hunger & Shortage?
- 2011/03/03: al Jazeera: Global food prices hit record high
UN agency says food prices at highest point in 20 years, as a result of stockpiling and spikes in global oil prices. - 2011/03/03: Guardian(UK): Food prices hit new record high
- 2011/03/03: CBC: World food prices hit record high: UN
- 2011/03/03: UN: Global food prices increase for eighth straight month, UN agency reports
- 2011/03/03: FAO: Tight cereal markets as food prices increase again -- Recent oil price surge adds to concerns over high food prices
- 2011/03/03: ClimateP: Global food prices hit new record high
- 2011/03/03: TreeHugger: World Wide Sugar High [prices] Caused By Extreme Weather
- 2011/02/28: SEasterbrook: Oil Shocks and Food Prices
- 2011/02/28: CSM: Attention, shoppers! Food prices are rising.
Regarding the food factor in ongoing revolutions:
- 2011/02/28: Independent(UK): The price of food is at the heart of this wave of revolutions -- No one saw the uprisings coming, but their deeper cause isn't hard to fathom
There is a Food Aid Convention meeting going down in London:
- FAC: Food Aid Convention
- 2011/02/28: G&M: Canada 'in position to be listened to' in secretive world food-aid talks
For the first time in more than a decade, an elite compact of the world's richest nations will begin redrawing the historic international agreement that governs food-aid commitments to hungry countries. Canada, as chair of the talks, is uniquely poised to shape the secretive negotiations, which are held behind closed doors in London at quite a distance from the Rome-based nerve centre of global food politics. The treaty, called the Food Aid Convention, is so political that its signatories -- including the United States, the European Union and Japan -- have been unable to agree on updated terms since 1999. Their unwillingness to modernize the agreement has caused what could be one of the most important tools in the battle against global hunger to become ineffective and nearly invisible; it has also stalled several new countries from writing their food-aid commitments into the pledge. The timing couldn't be worse: The food-aid sector is suffering from chronic fragmentation -- the responsibility for feeding the world's hungry is shared by a handful of overlapping humanitarian organizations with varying degrees of effectiveness -- and panic is escalating over how to feed the one-billion-plus people in need of more food; unrelenting volatility has seized commodity markets; and food security is looming ever-larger on the global agenda, including that of the G20, as its connection to climate change, development and political instability grows clearer. - 2011/03/02: EnergyBulletin: In field and for food, the return of structural adjustment
Regarding the genetic modification of food:
- 2011/03/05: TreeHugger: California Court Overturns Order to Destroy GMO Beets
- 2011/03/04: NBF: China will roll out genetically modified rice and corn on a large scale from domestic seeds after 2013
- 2011/03/04: BBC: Flood-resistant rice 'also has drought-proof trait'
A gene that increases a rice plant's resistance to floods also boosts its ability to recover from droughts, a study has shown. - 2011/03/02: EnergyBulletin: Roundup Ready alfalfa -- Monsanto's big goof?
- 2011/03/02: Eureka: Flood-tolerant rice plants can also survive drought, say UC Riverside scientists
- 2011/03/01: PlanetArk: Scientist Warns On Safety Of Monsanto's Roundup
And how are we going to feed 9 billion?
- 2011/03/01: UN: Small enterprises ideal for producing quality seeds for farmers in poorer countries - UN [FAO]
- 2011/03/01: Grist: The Economist dismisses organic ag, while also making the case for it
- 2011/03/02: NatureN: Climate-smart agriculture is needed -- Changes in use of nitrogen fertilizer are key to reducing greenhouse gases
- 2011/03/01: Eureka: Diversifying crops may protect yields against a more variable climate -- Recommendations could suppress pest and pathogen outbreaks and benefit farmers economically
- 2011/02/28: EnergyBulletin: Food: Getting fossil fuels off the plate
- 2011/02/28: NatureTGB: Fight against [wheat stem rust Ug99] cereal killer receives $40 million boost
- 2011/02/28: TreeHugger: Norway's Doomsday Seed Vault Has Third Anniversary, Welcomes Over 3,000 New Deposits
It has been mercifully quiet this week in the hurricane wars:
- 2011/03/03: NOAANews: Hurricane Forecasters Bring Preparedness Message to Mexico and Caribbean -- Public invited to tour Air Force Reserve "Hurricane Hunter" aircraft
- 2011/03/01: Eureka: NASA tracks the brief life of Tropical Cyclone Atu in the southern Pacific -- NASA's AIRS instrument covers Atu's Life
As for GHGs:
- 2011/03/04: TheIT: Accelerating CO2 Trend
- 2011/03/01: OpenDem: The UK isn't reducing emissions; we're outsourcing them
- 2011/03/01: PlanetArk: EU Industry CO2 Emissions Edge Up In 2010: Analysts
- 2011/03/01: Eureka: Measuring methane -- Researchers develop technique to measure methane gas from cattle
- 2011/02/28: SkeptiSci: Visualizing a History of CO2 by Robert Way
And in the carbon cycle:
- 2011/03/04: Eureka: Sink or source? A new model to measure organic carbon in surface waters
- 2011/03/03: Eureka: Rising CO2 is causing plants to release less water to the atmosphere, researchers say
As for the temperature record:
- 2011/03/06: BNC: Correlates of global temperatures -- part 2
- 2011/03/02: BNC: A toy model for forecasting global temperatures -- 2011 redux, part 1
- 2011/03/05: JQuiggin: An above average performance
Aerosols are making their presence felt:
- 2011/03/03: Eureka: Soot packs a punch on Tibetan Plateau's climate -- Polluted snow causes early runoff, stronger monsoons in Asia
While in the paleoclimate:
- 2011/03/01: RealClimate: Requiem for the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis?
- 2011/02/28: KSJT: NatureNews -- A sulphurous news story, or what happens when the press releases misses the point?
Regarding the solar hypothesis:
- 2011/03/03: CBC: Solar study sheds light on sunspot doldrums
- 2011/03/03: ArsTechnica: New model explains how the Sun loses its spots
At the surface of the sun, we can detect a poleward flow (it goes in opposite directions in the two hemispheres) that averages about 20 meters a second, although there are significant variations around that average.
This deep flow is thought to be a key driver of the sunspot cycling, since it is thought to carry the magnetic disturbances that generate sunspots from the Sun's magnetic poles. But there seems to be little direct correlation between the current rate of flow and the state of the solar cycle.
Instead, it's the flow speed during the cycle before that seems to dictate the number of sunspots. Having a fast flow from the poles while a cycle is ramping up, followed by a slow flow during its decline, results in a very deep minimum. In addition, a larger difference between the rates at these two times resulted in fewer sunspots. - 2011/03/02: SciNow: The Mystery of the Absent Sunspots
- 2011/03/02: SciNews: Sun's doldrums likely to last -- Despite a recent flare, solar physicists project low activity for up to a decade
Regarding Climate Sensitivity:
- 2011/03/02: TCoE: Climate sensitivity and the deniers' last stand
Meanwhile in near earth orbit:
- 2011/03/04: NOC: Observing Arctic ice-edge plankton blooms from space
Ongoing climate-driven changes to the Arctic sea-ice could have a significant impact on the blooming of tiny planktonic plants (phytoplankton) with important implications for the Arctic ecosystem, according to new research conducted by scientists at the UK's National Oceanography Centre (NOC). - 2011/02/28: CCP: Satellite data to show how changes in snow and ice (albedo) in the Northern Hemisphere have contributed to rising temperatures in the last 30 years
More GW impacts are being seen:
- 2011/03/06: HotTopic: Riders on the storms
- 2011/03/06: CCP: Jeffrey K. Lazo et al., J. Amer. Met. Soc. (2011), U.S. Economic Sensitivity to Weather Variability
- 2011/03/03: Eureka: Will loss of plant diversity compromise Earth's life-support systems?
Meta-analysis and reflections on two decades of biodiversity research provide some answers and reveal new questions - 2011/03/03: BBerg: Australian Building Approvals Slump, Exports Decline on Floods
- 2011/03/01: UCSUSA: Climate Change Makes Major Snowstorms More Likely -- Heavy Snowpack, "Spring Creep" Raise Threat Of Record Floods
- 2011/03/02: TreeHugger: As Climate Warms We Can Expect More Snowfall... Until It's Too Hot For Heavy Snows
- 2011/02/28: DerSpiegel: Best Served Chilled -- Top French Wines at Risk from Climate Change
Bordeaux wines are under threat from global warming, say industry experts, who warn that the southwestern French region may no longer be suitable for winemaking by 2050. Winegrowers are already switching to heat-resistant grape varieties as a precaution. - 2011/03/01: CBC: Climate change could spark cholera return: water expert
And then there are the world's forests:
- 2011/03/04: Eureka: Tracking forest threats -- insects, disease and wildfire
- 2011/03/05: CBC:Q&Q: (mp3) Pining for Lodgepoles?
- 2011/03/03: BBC: Brazil court reverses Amazon Monte Belo dam suspension
A court in Brazil has approved a controversial hydro-electric project in the Amazon rainforest, overturning an earlier ruling. Last week a judge blocked construction of the Belo Monte dam, saying it did not meet environmental standards. But a higher court on Thursday said there was no need for all conditions to be met in order for work to begin. - 2011/03/02: ADN: White spruce growth stunted as forests warm
Study: Scientists combine satellite imagery with ground truth to confirm the findings. - 2011/03/01: ABC(Au): Scientists are warning that north Queensland's rainforest areas will take decades to recover from Tropical Cyclone Yasi
- 2011/03/01: PostMedia: Climate change to drive lodgepole pine trees from B.C.
Climate change is expected to drive lodgepole pine, the backbone of the central Interior forest industry, from most of its range in B.C. by 2080, says a study by researchers at the University of B.C. and Oregon State University. The study, to be published in the journal Climate Change, measures how trees respond physiologically to changes in their environment, resulting in precise forecasts for researchers Nicolas Coops at UBC and Richard Waring at OSU. Although lodgepole pine will be mostly gone by 2080, as early as 2020, its habitat will begin shrinking. It is expected to move northward into the Yukon. - 2011/02/28: Eureka: Hotspots of carbon confusion in Indonesia threaten to warm the world more quickly
Indonesia has promised to become a world leader in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In 2009, the president committed to a 26% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 to below 'business-as-usual' levels. Of this total, 14% would have to come from reducing emissions from deforestation or forest degradation. Investments by foreign governments and other bodies are expected to raise total emission reduction from 26% to 41%. While international negotiations on rules about how to reduce emissions and slow global warming are slow but ongoing, the Indonesian and Norwegian governments signed a letter of intent under which up to US$ 1 billion is available to assist in setting up a 'stop deforestation and forest degradation' system that also addresses peatland emissions. Part of the agreement is that Indonesia will implement a moratorium or 'two-year suspension on all new concessions for conversion of peat and natural forest'. Promising as this may sound, the devil is in the detail. A lot depends on how 'peat' and 'natural forest' are defined and how rights are agreed upon. Strong lobbies from the forest and tree-crop plantation industry argue that the economy will be harmed if 'business as usual' is interrupted. According to news sources, definitions of 'natural forest' and 'peat' differ between drafts prepared by the Indonesian Government's emissions reduction taskforce and by the Ministry of Forestry. - 2011/02/28: Eureka: Climate change causing demise of lodgepole pine in western North America
Desertification looms as a threat:
- 2011/03/04: UNEP: Coordinating Global Action to Combat Desertification and Land Degradation
This week in extreme weather:
- 2011/03/02: PlanetArk: Extreme Winter Weather Linked To Climate Change
- 2011/03/01: CBC: Hurricane-strength windstorm to hit B.C. coast
- 2011/03/01: CBC: West Coast windstorm cancels ferries, cuts power
Tornado season is beginning in the alley:
- 2011/03/06: CBC: Deadly tornado hits [Rayne] Louisiana town [killing a woman & injuring 11]
- 2011/03/05: BBC: US 'tornado' smashes town of Rayne in Louisiana
- 2011/03/05: CNN: Mother killed protecting daughter during tornado, mayor says
1 woman dies after tree falls on her house, a mayor says - At least 11 are hurt after the twister hits the Lousiana city of Rayne, a trooper says - Three are hurt after a tornado touches down in Crowley, the National Weather Service says - Heavy rains put a damper, force schedule changes for Mardi Gras festivities in New Orleans - 2011/03/01: al Jazeera: Tornado season begins -- It generally runs from late winter through mid summer, but a twister can happen in any of the 12 months.
- 2011/02/28: CBC: Tornado, storms batter central U.S.
As for heatwaves and wild fires:
- 2011/03/02: Wunderground: Fire season is here: wildfires scorch Florida, Texas
- 2011/02/28: CBC: Texas wildfires scorch nearly 36,000 hectares
Acidification is changing the oceans:
- 2011/03/02: ABC(Au): Ocean acidification threatens marine ecosystems
As for hydrological cycle disruptions [floods & droughts]:
- 2011/03/02: FuturePundit: US Southwest At Risk For Megadrought?
- 2011/03/03: ClimateP: Yes, "human-induced increases in greenhouse gases have contributed to the observed intensification of heavy precipitation events" over much of the NH
- 2011/03/02: CNN: Shrinking Lake Chad turning farmland into desert
Lake Chad is just a twentieth of the size it was 50 years ago - The lake feeds between 20 million people in Chad, Nigeria, Cameroon and Niger - Local fishermen say they are catching fewer, and smaller, fish in the lake - Some people are planting trees to stop desertification of the surrounding land - 2011/03/02: UN: Drought-hit Somalia on brink of humanitarian disaster, warns UN expert
- 2011/03/02: TreeHugger: Ancient Megadroughts in American Southwest Area a Snapshot of Area's Dry Future
- 2011/03/01: Grist: Climate change and the Southwest water crisis: making a bad situation worse
- 2011/02/28: LANL: Dry lake reveals evidence of Southwestern 'megadroughts' -- Cooling trend could be on the way unless thwarted by greenhouse gasses
- 2011/02/27: BBC: Floods and landslides hit Bolivia
A landslide caused by intense rains has destroyed more than 300 homes in the Bolivian city of La Paz. - 2011/02/27: Guardian(UK): La Paz landslide wrecks 400 homes [after prolonged heavy rains]
Elsewhere on the mitigation front:
- 2011/03/03: CCurrents: Wetlands Are Not Wastelands!
- 2011/03/01: GreenGrok: Global Warming Mitigation: Smoke and Not Mirrors
- 2011/03/02: Eureka: Sustaining the biodiversity of the western Great Plains
- 2011/03/01: TreeHugger: Great Green Wall of Africa Given Green Light - Billions in Funding Pledged
As for transportation & GHG production:
- 2011/03/05: TreeHugger: High Gas Prices Make Buses & Trains the Best Deal in Two Years
- 2011/03/05: RRapier: Electric Aviation is the Future of Transport
- 2011/03/03: Grist: Traffic-snarled LA goes bike-wild with 1,600 miles of lanes
- 2011/03/02: BBC: IATA cuts its airline profits forecast on high oil cost
Airlines will see their profits almost halve this year because of the recent jump in oil prices, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) says. - 2011/03/01: CalcRisk: General Motors: February U.S. sales increase 22% year-over-year
...Ford U.S. February auto sales up 13.8% to 156,626
...Chrysler sales rise 13% in Feb
...Toyota U.S. February sales soar 41.8% to 141,846 - 2011/03/01: CalcRisk: U.S. Light Vehicle Sales 13.44 million SAAR in February
- 2011/03/01: Noahpinion: Why conservatives hate trains
- 2011/03/01: Grist: George Will thinks that high-speed rail is really a tool to control your mind
- 2011/02/28: TreeHugger: Quote of the Day: Warren Buffett On The Future of Rail
- 2011/02/28: TreeHugger: Cargill to Start Flying Kites Across the Ocean: SkySails Will Reduce Carbon Emissions of Shipping Vessels
As for carbon sequestration:
- 2011/03/02: GEP: WorldStove Biochar Program Certified as Carbon Offset [CCS]
- 2011/03/02: NatureTGB: US carbon storage project chooses new ground
The Department of Energy (DOE)'s ambitious but troubled flagship program to capture and bury carbon dioxide emissions, FutureGen, has picked the area where it will inject captured greenhouse gas underground: at Morgan County, Illinois. - 2011/03/02: ABC(Au): Researchers in north Queensland say better planning is needed in cyclone-prone areas to limit the sort of vegetation damage seen after Cyclone Yasi
- 2011/03/01: ClimateP: Conservatives oppose adaptation, too
- 2011/02/28: BBC: Eco-engineering hopes for amphibians' future
An international team of researchers have tabled a range of engineering ideas that could help protect amphibians from future climate change. - 2010/12/28: ACS:ES&T: (ab$) CO2 Mitigation via Capture and Chemical Conversion in Seawater by Greg H. Rau
- 2008/11/11: PNAS: In situ carbonation of peridotite for CO2 storage by Peter B. Kelemen & Jürg Matter
- 2011/03/04: ACP: VOCALS-CUpEx: the Chilean Upwelling Experiment by R. D. Garreaud et al.
- 2011/03/04: ACPD: Seasonal variations and vertical features of aerosol particles in the Antarctic troposphere by K. Hara et al.
- 2011/03/04: ACPD: Black carbon in the atmosphere and snow, from pre-industrial times until present by R. B. Skeie et al.
- 2011/03/04: TC: Thermal structure and drainage system of a small valley glacier (Tellbreen, Svalbard), investigated by ground penetrating radar by K. Bælum & D. I. Benn
- 2011/03/02: TCD: Changes in seasonal snow cover in Hindu Kush-Himalayan region by D. R. Gurung et al.
- 2011/03/02: GMDD: Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project (PlioMIP): experimental design and boundary conditions (Experiment 2) by A. M. Haywood et al.
- 2011/03/04: GMDD: The atmosphere-ocean general circulation model EMAC-MPIOM by A. Pozzer et al.
- 2011/03/04: CP: Clouds and the Faint Young Sun Paradox by C. Goldblatt & K. J. Zahnle
- 2011/03/03: CP: Refugia of marine fish in the northeast Atlantic during the last glacial maximum: concordant assessment from archaeozoology and palaeotemperature reconstructions by A. J. Kettle et al.
- 2011/03/03: CP: Modeling Mediterranean Ocean climate of the Last Glacial Maximum by U. Mikolajewicz
- 2011/03/02: CP: Can oceanic paleothermometers reconstruct the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation? by D. Heslop & A. Paul
- 2011/02/28: CP: Variations of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in control and transient simulations of the last millennium by D. Hofer et al.
- 2011/02/28: CP: The effect of a dynamic background albedo scheme on Sahel/Sahara precipitation during the mid-Holocene by F. S. E. Vamborg et al.
- 2011/03/02: CPD: Past surface temperatures at the NorthGRIP drill site from the difference in firn diffusion of water isotopes by S. B. Simonsen et al.
- 2011/03/02: CPD: Boron isotope fractionation during brucite deposition from artificial seawater by J. Xiao et al.
- 2011/03/01: CPD: Regional climate model experiments to investigate the Asian monsoon in the Late Miocene by H. Tang et al.
- 2011/03/01: CPD: Strength of forest-albedo feedback in mid-Holocene climate simulations by J. Otto et al.
- 2011/03/01: CPD: Are paleoclimate model ensembles consistent with the MARGO data synthesis? by J. C. Hargreaves et al.
- 2011/02/28: CPD: Annual layering in the NGRIP ice core during the Eemian by A. Svensson et al.
- 2011/03/02: ACP: Controls of carbon dioxide concentrations and fluxes above central London by C. Helfter et al.
- 2011/03/03: ACP: Ionization effect of solar particle GLE events in low and\ middle atmosphere by I. G. Usoskin et al.
- 2011/03/01: ACP: Radiative impact of mineral dust on monsoon precipitation variability over West Africa by C. Zhao et al.
- 2011/03/01: ACP: Length and time scales of atmospheric moisture recycling by R. J. van der Ent & H. H. G. Savenije
- 2011/03/02: ACPD: Satellite-based evidence of wavelength-dependent aerosol absorption in biomass burning smoke inferred from ozone monitoring instrument by H. Jethva & O. Torres
- 2011/03/01: ACPD: Global cloud condensation nuclei influenced by carbonaceous combustion aerosol by D. V. Spracklen et al.
- 2011/03/01: arXiv: Evidence for super-exponentially accelerating atmospheric carbon dioxide growth by Andreas D. Hüsler & Didier Sornette
- 2011/03/01: PNAS: (Letter$) Reply to Vermeulen and Wollenberg: Distinguishing food security and crop yields by Paul C. West et al.
- 2011/03/01: PNAS: (Letter$) Benefits of tropical crops for food security by Sonja J. Vermeulen & Eva K. Wollenberg
- 2011/03/01: PNAS: (Letter$) Reply to Butterfield: The Devonian radiation of large predatory fish coincided with elevated atmospheric oxygen levels by Tais W. Dahl et al.
- 2011/03/01: PNAS: (Letter$) Was the Devonian radiation of large predatory fish a consequence of rising atmospheric oxygen concentration? by N. J. Butterfield
- 2011/03/01: PNAS: (ab$) Exopolymer alteration of physical properties of sea ice and implications for ice habitability and biogeochemistry in a warmer Arctic by Christopher Krembs et al.
- 2011/03/01: PNAS: (abs) Compartmentalization increases food-web persistence by Daniel B. Stouffer & Jordi Bascompte
- 2011/03/01: PNAS: (abs) Genetic structure and domestication history of the grape by Sean Myles et al.
- 2011/03/01: PNAS: (abs) Global land use change, economic globalization, and the looming land scarcity by Eric F. Lambin & Patrick Meyfroidt
- 2011/03/01: PNAS: (ab$) Identifying organic aerosol sources by comparing functional group composition in chamber and atmospheric particles by Lynn M. Russell et al.
- 2011/02/28: OSD: A multi-decadal meridional displacement of the Subpolar Front in the Newfoundland Basin by I. Núñez-Riboni et al.
- 2011/02/28: OSD: A study on distribution of chlorophyll-a in the coastal waters of Anzali Port, south Caspian Sea by S. Jamshidi & N. Bin Abu Bakar
- 2011/03/01: TC: The imbalance of glaciers after disintegration of Larsen-B ice shelf, Antarctic Peninsula by H. Rott et al.
- 2011/03/01: TCD: Temperature variability and thermal offset in steep alpine rock and ice faces by A. Hasler et al.
- 2011/02/28: AGWObserver: New research from last week 8/2011
- 2011/02/12: GRL: (ab$) Revisiting Greenland ice sheet mass loss observed by GRACE by Ernst J. O. Schrama & Bert Wouters
And other significant documents:
- 2011/02/28: PI: [link to 143k pdf] Developing an environmental monitoring system for Alberta
- 2011/03/02: SEI-US: [link to 1.2meg pdf] The Water-Energy Nexus in the Western States: Projections to 2100
- 2011/03/02: SEI-US: [link to 1.2meg pdf] California Water Supply and Demand: Technical Report
- 2011/02/22: SEI-US: [link to 906k pdf] The Last Drop: Climate Change and the Southwest Water Crisis
- 2011/02/28: House: [link to 462k pdf] Republicans' Anti-environment and Anti-energy Actions Detailed in New Report
As for miscellaneous science:
- 2011/03/02: ERabett: We Got a Winner
- 2011/03/02: Guardian(UK): Plane spotters and bubble blowers wanted for climate survey
- 2011/03/02: Tamino: 8,000 years of AMO?
More DIY science:
- 2011/03/06: moyhu: Voronoi weighting of temperature stations
What's new in models?:
- 2011/03/05: ERabett: A Toy Model
- 2011/03/04: Eureka: Icy behavior -- the Scalable, Efficient, and Accurate Community Ice Sheet Model
- 2011/03/02: BNC: A toy model for forecasting global temperatures -- 2011 redux, part 1
Regarding Curry:
- 2011/03/01: IdiotTracker: Minor myths: Judith Curry and the failure to persuade
- 2011/02/28: DeepClimate: Post Normal Meltdown in Lisbon, part 2
- 2011/02/27: SkeptiSci: Preference for Mild Curry by dana1981
Regarding Muller:
- 2011/03/03: CCP: Berkeley physics professor Richard Muller's WSJ op-ed, just before the Copenhagen conference...
- 2011/02/27: Guardian(UK): Can a group of scientists in California end the war on climate change?
Regarding Spencer:
- 2011/03/05: APSmith: Roy Spencer's six trillion degree warming
- 2011/03/05: Stoat: "Dr" Roy Spencer is sad and lonely and wrong
- 2011/03/03: APSmith: Mathematical analysis of Roy Spencer's climate model
- 2011/03/03: SkeptiSci: Roy Spencer's Great Blunder, Part 3 by bbickmore
- 2011/03/02: Deltoid: Roy Spencer fitting an elephant
- 2011/03/01: BBickmore: Roy Spencer's Great Blunder, Part 3
- 2011/03/01: SkeptiSci: Roy Spencer's Great Blunder, Part 2 by bbickmore
- 2011/02/25: BBickmore: Roy Spencer's Great Blunder, Part 1
- 2011/02/28: BBickmore: Roy Spencer's Great Blunder, Part 2
- 2011/02/28: CCP: Roy Spencer's Great Blunder: Part II by Barry Bickmore
While at the UN:
- 2011/03/04: UN: Transition to 'green economy' must aim at poverty eradication -- UN official
A senior United Nations official today cautioned that the failure to tackle poverty can only lead to rising social tensions, ecological pressures and economic crisis, stressing the importance of a transition to a "green economy" that fosters sustainable development and poverty eradication. "The sad truth is that despite two centuries of spectacular growth on our planet, we have failed to eradicate the scourge of poverty," Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, told a news conference in New York, as preparations continue for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 2012. - 2011/03/04: EarthTimes: Austria and Poland to be allowed back into EU emission trading
- 2011/03/03: PlanetArk: Japan Wants New CO2 Offset Scheme To Complement U.N.
- 2011/03/03: PlanetArk: EU Proposes New Carbon Registry Security Measures
- 2011/03/02: PlanetArk: GreenX To Resume CO2 Trade When Stolen Permits Known
The New York-based GreenX exchange will resume spot carbon trading in the European Union when Austria identifies emissions permits stolen in January, its chief executive said on Tuesday. - 2011/03/02: PlanetArk: Carbon Market Puts Brave Face On Headwinds
The idea of a carbon tax is still bouncing around:
- 2011/02/24: BizInsider: It's time for a gas tax
Well, here we go again.
Three years ago, when oil prices spiked over $100, Americans momentarily freaked.
The world had changed forever! We had to build more efficient cars! We needed a green energy policy!
But then the global economy crashed, oil prices fell back below $100, and we went right back to business as usual.
And now the global economy is growing again, oil supply is steady or declining (because there's just not enough oil out there to increase supply), the Middle East is descending into chaos, and oil prices are skyrocketing again.
Enough. It's time for this ridiculous shock therapy to end. - 2011/02/28: PI:B: Is there a "silver bullet" for climate change?
- 2011/03/04: TreeHugger: A Real-World Example of Carbon Pricing Benefits Outweighing Costs
Meanwhile on the international political front:
- 2011/03/03: BBC: Japanese and Korean firms look to Brazil for rare earth
Here's an interesting example of how things get twisted:
- 2011/03/01: Guardian(UK): EU pledges 90m euros in climate funds for Pacific island states
Funding for adaptation measures requires poor states to support Europe in international climate negotiations - 2011/03/02: SciAm: How National Security Depends on Better Lithium Batteries
ARPA-e funds potential breakthrough work to make energy-dense batteries that enable long distance travel - 2011/02/28: DeSmogBlog: Why The U.S. Department of Defense Should Fight A War Against Global Warming Instead Of People
The issue of the law and activism is playing out around the world:
- 2011/03/03: ABC(Au): Compensation claim against climate change activists dismissed
A Court has dismissed a $500,000 compensation claim against seven activists who stopped coal loading in the Port of Newcastle last year. On September 26, 2010 seven activists from the group, "Rising Tide" dressed as Port Waratah Coal Services' employees and broke into the company's coal terminals at Kooragang and Carrington. Some chained themselves to boom cables attached to ship loaders more than 40-metres above the ground. PWCS was pursuing the group for $500,000 saying 140,000 tonnes of coal was not loaded and they are out of pocket. Magistrate Elaine Truscott today dismissed the victims compensation claim, criticising the reliability and accuracy of the prosecution's figures about the actual loss to PWCS. - 2011/02/28: CCurrents: Three Killed In Police Firing On People Protesting Against Thermal Power Project In Andhra Pradesh
What are the activists up to?
- 2011/03/02: Guardian(UK): Climate Camp disbanded
Climate activists decide to end annual camp and focus on tackling broader ecological, social and economic issues - 2011/03/02: Guardian(UK): Climate Week is trying to galvanise the green movement -- but it is splitting it
The backing of Cameron, Clegg and Kofi Annan isn't enough, say Climate Week's critics, it is blinkered -- and RBS-sponsored - 2011/03/04: UCSUSA: NBC-WSJ Poll: Majority of Americans Rank Nuclear Power Subsidies Top Target for Federal Budget Cuts
New UCS Report Finds That Nuclear Industry, Which Wants Tens of Billions in New Subsidies, Has Never Been Economically Viable - 2011/03/03: ClimateP: Wall Street Journal poll: Most popular spending cut is to subsidies for new nuclear plants
Regarding Water Politics and Business:
- 2011/03/04: Guardian(UK): China's dam-building will cause more problems than it solves
- 2011/03/04: EarthTimes: Environmentalists warn investors over Mekong dam plans
- 2011/03/03: EnergyBulletin: Using traditional strategies to address water problems
- 2011/03/03: TreeHugger: Will 7 Billion People Make Us Smarten Up About Water? A Look at Technology, Supplies, and Politics
- 2011/02/24: F&WW: Out of Sight, California's Groundwater Disaster is Also Out of Mind
Food & Water Watch Report Finds Regulators Turn Blind Eye to Central Valley Pollution from Large-Scale Dairies, Fail to Keep Groundwater, Communities Safe - 2011/02/28: PostMedia: Canada will emerge as global leader in water -panel -- Country home to world-changing technology
Canada, with its abundance of water and expertise in managing the valuable resource, will be called on to help other nations struggling to deal with frequent drought, flooding and water quality concerns in just decades, according to a panel of experts. Demand for water in many countries will exceed supply by an estimated 40 per cent in 15 to 20 years and only one third of the world's population will have half the water needed for life's basics, global researchers have predicted. They forecast that by 2020, a $1-trillion market will exist for technologies and plans to discover, manage, filter, disinfect and distribute water -a process that Canadians are leading. - 2011/03/05: ClimateP: Climate video games
- 2011/03/03: QD: Fermilab releases new version of Scientific Linux
- 2011/03/02: SEasterbrook: New [computer] game: Fate of the World
Who's making predictions this week?
- 2011/02/28: CBC: Environment Canada forecasts colder than normal spring
And on the American political front:
- 2011/03/06: ClimateP: Renewable energy standards: The health, security, and competitiveness benefits
- 2011/03/04: CCP: Veterans group links climate regulations to national security
- 2011/03/04: SF Gate: California utilities miss green energy deadline
- 2011/03/03: CSW: A federal "shutdown" isn't really a shutdown --- but it does harm science and society
- 2011/03/03: NBF: Economics of retrofit air pollution control technologies
- 2011/03/04: AlterNet: Why the Right-Wing's Insane Attacks on Women's Health May be Backfiring
- 2011/03/03: AlterNet: New Findings Reveal the Clean Air Act Saved 160,000 lives in 2010 and Aided the Economy
- 2011/02/17: LCV: League of Conservations Voters Releases 2010 National Environmental Scorecard -- Lowlights Include Dirty Air Acts, Failure to Address Oil Spill & Climate
- 2011/03/03: Grist: Traffic-snarled LA goes bike-wild with 1,600 miles of lanes
- 2011/03/02: ACLU: Unprecedented South Dakota Law Creates Major Obstacles For Women's Health -- State Legislature Approves Law That Creates Barriers To Abortion Care And Endangers Abortion Providers
- 2011/03/02: CSM: Republicans fear 'war on the West' in new wild lands protection
Western Republican lawmakers and governors are up in arms over the Obama administration's plan to consider whether millions of acres of federal land in the West should be protected as "wild lands." Their outrage is setting the stage for a new round of the "sagebrush rebellion" over land use in the West -- a battle that could have repercussions for Election 2012. - 2011/03/02: DeSmogBlog: EPA Study Again Shows The Benefits Of The Clean Air Act To U.S. Economy
- 2011/03/02: Guardian(UK): No, this wasn't an Onion headline -- Fetus Set to 'Testify' in Favor of Ohio Abortion Bill
- 2011/03/02: IJISH: US Democrats make facepalm move on Team Themis; and a joke that is circulating
- 2011/03/02: NBF: More Air Pollution controls would save a lot of lives and money - Air pollution deaths similar to World War 2 military deaths each year
- 2011/03/01: DeSmogBlog: Pennsylvania [Republican] Governor [Tom Corbett] Ends Moratorium On Marcellus Shale Gas Drilling In Sensitive State Forests
- 2011/03/01: Guardian(UK): From freedom fries to freedom lighting
- 2011/03/01: ClimateP: Conservatives oppose adaptation, too
- 2011/02/28: SEasterbrook: Disinformation Works (for receptive audiences)
- 2011/03/01: ClimateP: House Democrats send clear message: Cut oil subsidies, invest in clean energy future
- 2011/03/01: PlanetArk: States In CO2 Pact Invest $404 Million In Efficiency
- 2011/03/01: AlterNet: Revealed: The Group [AUL] Behind the Bills that Could Legalize Killing Abortion Providers
- 2011/03/01: PSinclair: Brains vs Blowhard 2: Taking it to the Tweets
- 2011/02/28: Grist: If the GOP can't destroy nature, they'll at least make sure others can't enjoy it
The BP disaster continues to twist US politics:
- 2011/03/01: ProPublica: First Deepwater Drilling Permit Since BP Spill Goes to ... a Well Co-Owned by BP
- 2011/03/04: CSM: Baby dolphin die-off in Gulf: Cold water, not oil spill, the culprit?
- 2011/03/01: PlanetArk: Gulf Coast Dolphin Death Toll Rises To Nearly 60
- 2011/02/28: ScienceInsider: NIH Begins Study of Oil Spill's Impact on Residents
- 2011/03/01: OilChange: [Deepwater] Drilling Resumes, but Doubts Remain
- 2011/02/28: BBC: US grants first deepwater drill permit since Gulf spill
A sad sign of the times:
- 2011/03/01: NatureN: Budget woes sink marine archive -- Oceanographic library could be a casualty of California's $25-billion deficit.
The fiscal crisis at the University of California looks set to engulf the world's largest collection of research materials focused on marine sciences. On 11 February, Brian Schottlaender, librarian at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), proposed closing the Scripps Institution of Oceanography Library, along with four other libraries affiliated with UCSD, including the Medical Center Library and the Science & Engineering Library. - 2011/02/28: ClimateP: Koch-Powered Tea Party pushes climate denial bill in New Hampshire: "Neither man nor cow is responsible for global warming."
The Keystone XL pipeline battle rages:
- 2011/03/02: Guardian(UK): Texas activists ready to fight over $7bn oil pipeline in the home of black gold
US landowners along the proposed route -- from Alberta to the Gulf coast -- accuse oil firm TransCanada of bullying - 2011/03/06: MTobis: Texas Tea Partiers vs Canadian Energy
- 2011/03/03: AlterNet: US Landowners Fighting Back Against Pipeline That Would Run From Alberta to the Gulf Coast
- 2011/03/03: CBC: Clinton quiet on cross-border pipeline proposal -- U.S. Secretary of State 'generally supportive' of more oil from Canada
- 2011/03/02: OSun: Obama administration open to Canadian pipeline
The Obama administration gave some tepid support to the idea of a pipeline running from northern Alberta to the US Gulf Coast, but stopped short of full support. - 2011/03/02: ClimateP: Relax, climate hawks, it's not about the science. The White House is just lousy at messaging in general
- 2011/02/28: Guardian(UK): Barack Obama may be forced to delay US climate action
The actions of the Obama administration are being watched closely:
- 2011/03/04: PlanetArk: DOE Approves $102 Million Loan Aid For Maine Wind Farm
- 2011/03/04: ScienceInsider: Bolden Defends NASA's Earth Science Missions
- 2011/03/03: ScienceInsider: Major Reports Under Way at Energy Department
Yesterday, Energy Secretary Steven Chu told the Senate Budget Committee that his agency has begun work on its portion of a national energy policy that may be assembled by the Obama Administration. - 2011/03/03: TreeHugger: Dept. of Interior Ignoring Ethical Violations at BLM, Secret Dealings with Energy Industry
- 2011/03/01: Grist: Secretary Clinton stresses importance of international climate investments
- 2011/03/01: ScienceInsider: Clean Energy Research Summit Has a Shortage of Green...and the dearth of funding...
- 2011/03/01: NatureTGB: ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit upbeat, despite budget questions
- 2011/02/28: AutoBG: Sell unclean engines, pay a fine: EPA issued $2 million penalty to PowerTrain
- 2011/02/28: Grist: New EPA regulations better but not good enough
- 2011/02/28: Grist: EPA lets natural gas industry brazenly pollute my state's drinking water
As for what is going on in Congress:
- 2011/03/05: NatureTGB: Modest cuts for science in Senate compromise bill
- 2011/03/04: ClimateP: Congress, DOE's loan guarantee program, and America's Clean Energy Future
- 2011/03/04: PlanetArk: Republicans Launch Bill To Axe EPA Carbon Rules
- 2011/03/04: Grist: House GOP may actually be trying to poison us [defunding poison control centers]
- 2011/03/03: Grist: Minn. Rep. Collin Peterson's crusade against climate policy rages on
- 2011/03/04: ScienceInsider: Senate Panel Proposes Smaller Cuts to Science Agencies Than House
- 2011/03/04: EarthTimes: Republicans look to limit Obama's power to curb climate change
- 2011/03/03: ClimateP: House GOP passes "the most anti-environmental piece of legislation in recent memory."
- 2011/03/01 ClimateP: House GOP all vote to protect Big Oil subsidies
- 2011/03/02: Grist: House Republicans will now toast their victories over decency using non-biodegradable cups
- 2011/03/01: NatureTGB: Science budgets win short-term reprieve from cuts
- 2011/03/01: CCP: House GOP agrees to hold climate science hearing at request of 10 Democrats, including Henry Waxman and Bobby Rush
- 2011/02/28: CitChall: Colorado Congressman Tipton - votes to cut off funding for Planned Parenthood
- 2011/02/28: CCP: Republicans' Anti-environment and Anti-energy Actions Detailed in New Report
"Dirty Work" Presents Comprehensive View of House Republican Attacks in Yearly Spending Bill - 2011/02/28: CCP: [Rep.] Maurice Hinchey (D-NY): Feds Should Immediately Take Action to Protect Drinking Water from Radioactive Hydrofracking Waste, Congress Must Untie EPA's Hands, Eliminate Natural Gas Industry Exemption from Safe Drinking Water Act
- 2011/02/28: Grist: Sen. Sherrod Brown and the Clean Air Act
The Democrats are calling for an investigation of the Chamber of Commerce's hacking contracts:
- 2011/03/01: AlterNet: Democrats Call for Probe Into Chamber's Shady Plot to Sabotage Progressive Organizations
- 2011/02/28: WaPo: Democrats call for an investigation of law firm, 3 tech companies
A group of House Democrats is calling on Republican leaders to investigate a prominent Washington law firm and three federal technology contractors, who have been shown in hacked e-mails discussing a "disinformation campaign" against foes of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. In a letter to be released Tuesday, Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) and more than a dozen other lawmakers wrote that the e-mails appear "to reveal a conspiracy to use subversive techniques to target Chamber critics," including "possible illegal actions against citizens engaged in free speech." The lawmakers say it is "deeply troubling" that "tactics developed for use against terrorists may have been unleashed against American citizens." - 2011/03/05: Guardian(UK): Oil prices: Urgent steps needed to wean UK onto other energy sources, MPs say
- 2011/03/04: OilChange: UK Gov: its "crazy" not to prepare a low-carbon future
- 2011/03/03: Guardian(UK): UK facing 1970s-style oil shock which could cost economy £45bn -- [Chris] Huhne
Climate and energy secretary says an oil price of $100 a barrel transforms the economics of climate change - 2011/03/03: NatureTGB: Committee issues red alert on emergency science advice
- 2011/03/02: ScienceInsider: In Times of Crisis, U.K. Government Should Listen to Its Scientists, Says Report
- 2011/03/03: BBC: 'People's watchdog' touted to keep UK green
Sustainability experts are planning to set up a "people's watchdog" on green government when the spending axe falls on the official body next month. The proposal was aired on Tuesday at a meeting of the Sustainable Development Commission (SDC) whose 10-year Whitehall funding is about to end. The new body would use techniques such as crowdsourcing and social media to dissect data and lobby government. There is no funding for the new group, although conversations are underway. - 2011/03/01: Guardian(UK): National Grid chief says 2011 is 'pivotal' year for UK energy market
- 2011/03/01: OpenDem: The UK isn't reducing emissions; we're outsourcing them
And in Europe:
- 2011/03/04: DerSpiegel: Chaos at the Pumps -- German Consumers Are Wary of New E10 Biofuel
Germany recently began introducing gasoline containing a higher percentage of biofuels. But consumers have so far been skittish, leading to production chaos and shortages of traditional gasoline. Some politicians have called for laws mandating that biofuels be scrapped altogether. - 2011/03/03: DerSpiegel: Stepping on the Gas -- New Drilling Technologies [Fracking] Shake Up Global Market
While the world fears a new oil price shock, the entire energy market is on the verge of a revolution. Companies are using increasingly sophisticated technology to tap new sources of natural gas. Drilling is also underway in Germany, where both the potential and the risks seem enormous. - 2011/03/04: BBC: EU backs away from 30% emissions target, leak shows
- 2011/03/01: EUO: EU ministers blow cold on tougher energy efficiency targets
EU energy ministers faced criticism on Monday (28 February) over a decision to ease up on tougher EU energy efficiency targets, even as turmoil in Libya kept oil prices hovering around the $100-a-barrel mark. Speaking at a hearing in the European Parliament on the same day, EU climate commissioner Connie Hedegaard added to pressure saying an EU pledge to cut carbon emissions by 20 percent over the next decade lacked sufficient ambition. - 2011/02/28: PlanetArk: Spain Brings In Measures To Lower Oil Costs
Meanwhile in Australia:
- 2011/03/05: ABC(Au): Acidic Murray-Darling water poses risk to livestock
South Australian farmers are being warned that acid levels in the lower Murray-Darling River are so high that animals' mouths may be burned if they drink the water. Water Minister Paul Caica says acidic water with PH levels of between two and four has been detected at nine salt drains between Mannum and Wellington. - 2011/03/04: ABC(Au): Oakeshott calls for Commonwealth money for coastal erosion
The Independent Lyne MP says the Federal Government needs to do more to help coastal communities deal with erosion issues. Robert Oakeshott says the Commonwealth should provide funding for offshore reefs and other measures to help control erosion at hotspots like Old Bar and Lake Cathie. He says a full government response is needed to address the impact of climate change on coastal communities. - 2011/03/04: ABC(Au): The New South Wales Government has refused permission for a $600 million coal mine in a key central coast electorate
- 2011/03/04: ABC(Au): [Victoria] Councils get control of wind farm developments
Planning Minister Matthew Guy has amended wind farm planning guidelines. The amendment requires new wind farm planning applications to identify homes within two kilometres of turbines. It also includes new noise guidelines and makes local government the responsible planning authority for wind farms of all sizes. Mr Guy says local councils will be offered assistance. - 2011/03/03: ABC(Au): Government urged to adopt interim greenhouse targets
Tasmania's independent climate advisory council wants the state to reduce its green house gas emissions by 25 percent by 2020 Tasmania already has a target to reduce emissions by 60 percent by 2050, but the Tasmanian Climate Action Council has warned more interim targets are needed. The Climate Action Council says a reduction target of 25 per cent by 20-20 would help the government meet its main target of 60 per cent by 20-50. - 2011/03/03: ABC(Au): Compensation claim against climate change activists dismissed
- 2011/03/03: ABC(Au): Environment Centre blasts 'clean green' claim
Chief Minister Paul Henderson should stop claiming the Northern Territory's gas-fired power generation is "clean and green", the Environment Centre says. - 2011/03/03: PlanetArk: CO2 Farming Could Help Australia Brake Emissions
- 2011/03/03: BBerg: Australian Building Approvals Slump, Exports Decline on Floods
- 2011/03/02: ClimateP: Australia's farms "particularly vulnerable" to climate change, adviser Ross Garnaut Says
- 2011/03/02: ABC(Au): About 50 environment activists gathered outside Tasmania's Executive Building to call on the Premier to stop logging in high conservation areas
- 2011/03/02: ABC(Au): A residents' group in southern Queensland's South Burnett region says it believes Cougar Energy has no grounds to appeal against the decision to shut down its coal seam gasification (CSG) project at Kingaroy
- 2011/03/02: ABC(Au): For the second time in Tasmania's political history, a Labor Green State Government is being tested over forestry issues
- 2011/03/02: PlanetArk: Australian Farmers Key To Climate Change Fight: Adviser [Ross Garnaut]
- 2011/03/01: ABC(Au): Resources company Cougar Energy has confirmed it is appealing against a State Government decision to shut down its trial underground coal gasification (UCG) plant in the South Burnett region of southern Queensland
- 2011/02/28: ABC(Au): EC drought aid to go by April
Riverina farmers will soon lose the interest rate subsidies and income relief that many have relied on for up to five years. The Federal Agriculture Minister Joe Ludwig said natural disaster assistance will be enough to help Riverina farmers coming out of Exceptional Circumstances declarations. - 2011/02/28: ABC(Au): Resistance grows to north coast coal-seam gas exploration
- 2011/02/28: ABC(Au): Queensland Urban Utilities says it will continue to pursue government assistance for $55 million worth of repairs to flood damaged water and sewerage infrastructure
The tussle over pricing carbon is turning into a knock-down drag'em out free-for-all:
- 2011/03/07: ABC(Au): Abbott 'running scare campaign' against carbon tax
The Federal Government says it will not be rushed into announcing the finer details of its carbon tax plan as it tries to counter the Opposition's attacks. Acting Prime Minister Wayne Swan yesterday acknowledged there is confusion over the Government's plan to put a price on carbon by the middle of next year. He tried to reassure voters about a carbon price by reminding them big polluters will directly pay and not households. But Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says the plan is effectively an increase to the GST. - 2011/03/06: ABC(Au): Swan attacks Abbott's carbon tax 'lie'
Acting Prime Minister Wayne Swan has accused the Opposition of misrepresenting how the Government's carbon tax will work. - 2011/03/05: ABC(Au): Coal jobs safe under carbon scheme: Combet
Climate Change Minister Greg Combet has moved to reassure the coal industry that jobs will be protected under the Federal Government's carbon tax scheme. A multi-party climate change committee is discussing the carbon price and examining compensation levels for heavy polluting industries. But some industry figures are worried the Greens will block any compensation deal. - 2011/03/05: JQuiggin: Changing places
- 2011/03/03: ABC(Au):TDU: Gillard's carbon-price politics
- 2011/02/28: ABC(Au):TDU: Climate change has changed the next election
- 2011/03/05: CCurrents: Climate Activists Support Australian Government CTETSIA [Carbon Tax-ETS-Ignore Agriculture] Climate Change Inaction Plan
- 2011/03/04: ABC(Au): Post-Kevinist Julia meets Howard-school expressionists
- 2011/03/04: ABC(Au): Unions are calling on the Government to consider imposing tariffs on imports from countries without a carbon price
- 2011/03/03: ABC(Au): Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has persisted with his strategy to censure the Government in Question Time over its proposed introduction of a carbon tax
- 2011/03/03: JQuiggin: Alarmists -- My column from today's Fin -- Tax alert for real alarmists
- 2011/03/02: ABC(Au): NT wants rebates if carbon tax increases costs
- 2011/03/02: ABC(Au): The New South Wales Nationals are hopeful the Federal Government's carbon tax will help the party's chances at this month's state election
- 2011/03/02: ABC(Au): Swan appalled by Gillard-Gaddafi comparison
Deputy Prime Minister Wayne Swan says he is "appalled" after an Opposition MP compared Prime Minister Julia Gillard to embattled Libyan leader Moamar Gaddafi. As part of the heated carbon tax debate, Liberal MP Sophie Mirabella said Ms Gillard was as "deluded" as Mr Gaddafi, whose sanity has been questioned in recent days. - 2011/03/02: ABC(Au): [PM] Julia Gillard has launched a counter-offensive in the carbon tax debate, citing figures from a Government-commissioned review that show a "black hole" of at least $20 billion in the Coalition's direct action climate policy, along with a large increase in greenhouse gas emissions
- 2011/03/02: ABC(Au): Queensland Opposition Leader John-Paul Langbroek says Premier Anna Bligh should resign as the federal ALP president to make a stand against the Federal Government's proposed carbon tax
- 2011/03/02: ABC(Au): Windsor calls for calm after death threats
Independent MP Tony Windsor has called for restraint from talkback radio hosts and fellow MPs amid an increasingly vitriolic debate about the Government's carbon tax plans. - 2011/03/02: ABC(Au): Muswellbrook Mayor, Martin Rush is urging the Federal Government to include his Hunter Valley council in the debate about the future introduction of a carbon price
- 2011/03/01: ABC(Au): Alcoa says jobs could be cut at the Portland aluminium smelter if the Federal Government fails to choose the right price for carbon
- 2011/03/01: ABC(Au): Prime Minister Julia Gillard says the Coalition's pledge to scrap her carbon pricing scheme is threatening Australia's economic future
- 2011/03/02: ABC(Au): [The Australian Farm Institute] says the Federal Government needs to do more to help farmers reduce carbon emissions
- 2011/03/01: ABC(Au): Give carbon price a chance: Garnaut
Climate change expert Professor Ross Garnaut says he hopes the "noise" of Australian politics does not derail the plan for a carbon price. - 2011/03/01: ABC(Au): Both Prime Minister Julia Gillard and her opponent Tony Abbott have issued a call to arms to their parliamentary parties over the Government's proposed carbon tax
- 2011/03/01: ABC(Au): Dairy farmers fear carbon price impact
Dairy farmers say they are concerned about the effects on the industry of the Federal Government's proposed introduction of a carbon price. The president of the United Dairy Farmers of Victoria, Chris Griffin, says dairy farming is electricity intensive - 2011/02/28: ABC(Au): Green group says carbon pricing part of the solution
The Sunshine Coast Environment Council's (SCEC) campaigns manager says most Australians understand a carbon price is needed. - 2011/02/28: ABC(Au): The Uranium Association says the Federal Government's announcement that it will implement a carbon tax could have benefits for the uranium industry
- 2011/02/28: ABC(Au): Gillard, Greens at odds on carbon tax
The Opposition is stepping up its campaign against the Government's proposed carbon tax, as Prime Minister Julia Gillard publicly slapped down the Greens' calls for petrol to be included in the scheme. The Coalition has picked fuel prices as its first battleground, with Opposition Leader Tony Abbott talking to motorists at a service station on Sunday to suggest the charge will apply to petrol. And Ms Gillard was forced to publicly reprimand the Greens after Senator Christine Milne called for petrol to be included. - 2011/03/01: ABC(Au): [Labor frontbencher Bill] Shorten insists carbon tax won't be scary
The Federal Government says as more details emerge about how its carbon price will work, the Opposition will find it harder to scare people. - 2011/02/28: ABC(Au): Former opposition leader Malcolm Turnbull says he is in favour of an emissions trading scheme but does not say he will support the Federal Government's current proposal
- 2011/02/28: ABC(Au): Leaders continue to trade insults over carbon tax
The proposed carbon tax has again dominated Question Time, with both sides trying to paint the other untrustworthy on the issue. - 2011/02/28: ABC(Au): A north Queensland economic development group says the debate around a carbon price could be the catalyst for a proposed clean energy corridor from Townsville to Mount Isa
- 2011/02/28: ABC(Au): Premier Anna Bligh says Queensland industries and households would need some exemptions from a carbon tax
- 2011/02/28: ABC(Au): High profile mid north coast Independent MP Rob Oakeshott has defended his support of the Gillard government's proposed carbon tax
- 2011/02/28: ABC(Au): Climate change action can create power jobs: study
New research suggests a carbon price could help to create about 34,000 new power sector jobs across Australia, with more than 6,000 flagged for Queensland. - 2011/02/28: ABC(Au): Jobs for Tasmanians in carbon pricing
Research out today suggests a carbon price may create more than 1,300 power sector jobs in Tasmania - 2011/02/28: ABC(Au): Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has confirmed the Coalition will repeal the Government's carbon tax if it wins the next election
- 2011/02/28: ABC(Au): Carbon tax 'could create thousands of jobs'
A new [Climate Institute] report says a price on carbon could create 34,000 new jobs in the renewable energy sector in regional Australia over the next two decades. - 2011/02/28: ABC(Au): Gillard takes a risk on big hairy policies
At least we can't accuse this Labor Government of being automatons focused entirely on spin, unwilling to produce true reforms like those of the Hawke government in 1980s. Julia Gillard is attempting two of the riskiest, most challenging reforms ever undertaken in this country: the national broadband network (NBN) and taxing carbon emissions. - 2011/03/05: Guardian(UK): China opens National People's Congress -- in pictures
- 2011/03/04: PlanetArk: Water, CO2 The Priorities For China's 5-Year Plan
- 2011/03/02: PI:B: China's climate challenges and opportunities loom large
- 2011/03/04: Guardian(UK): China's dam-building will cause more problems than it solves
- 2011/03/04: NatureN: China announces energy-saving plans -- Environment must not be sacrificed to unsustainable development, says nation's premier
- 2011/03/03: NBF: China's Energy Plan and discussion of a carbon tax starting in 2013-2016
- 2011/03/02: ClimateP: China's coal policy is breathtakingly self-destructive
- 2011/03/01: NatureN: China faces up to 'terrible' state of its ecosystems -- Wetlands hardest hit by land reclamation and pollution
- 2011/02/28: BBC: China pollution 'threatens growth'
The man in charge of protecting China's environment has warned that pollution and the demand for resources threaten to choke economic growth. Environment Minister Zhou Shengxian said conflict between development and nature had never been so serious. He said if China meant to quadruple the size of its economy over 20 years without more damage, it would have to become more efficient in resource use. Otherwise, he said, there would be a painful price to pay. - 2011/02/28: Guardian(UK): China to slow GDP growth in bid to curb emissions
- 2011/02/28: PlanetArk: China Vows To Cut Energy, Carbon Intensity By 2015
And in Japan:
- 2011/03/03: PlanetArk: Japan Wants New CO2 Offset Scheme To Complement U.N.
Japan's idea for a new carbon offset scheme would complement an existing U.N. mechanism and make it easier for developing countries to access clean-energy technology from Japan, a senior climate envoy said on Wednesday. Japan has pressed ahead with plans for bilateral deals in which it invests in clean energy projects in developing countries, in exchange for credits to meet part of targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at home. The United Nations also runs a carbon offset scheme called the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), but it has been criticized for being too complex and rigid while taking too long to approve projects. Many developing countries have already expressed interest in Japan's proposed bilateral scheme, which would be more user-friendly than the CDM, said Kenji Hiramatsu, director-general for global issues at Japan's foreign ministry. - 2011/03/04: Guardian(UK): Warming oceans and human waste hit Tuvalu's sustainable way of life
- 2011/03/03: NatureTGB: Malaysian university establishes ambitious biofuels research program
In Canada, minority neocon PM Harper, continues his do-nothing policy:
- 2011/03/02: DeSmogBlog: Major Cuts To Pollution Control Spending On The Horizon In Canada
- 2011/02/27: Impolitical: Sunday is cover off the environment PR blitz day
The G20 controversy lingers:
- 2011/03/02: ACR: G20 Toronto. When Canada Criminalized dissent
- 2011/03/02: Rabble: People need to tell their story and the G20 was traumatic for so many
- 2011/03/01: CfC: G20 gag reflex
- 2011/03/01: OrwellsBastard: We ain't gonna have no stinkin' inquiry
- 2011/03/01: PaiD: Message to Premiers and Prime Ministers: Even the Right is Demanding a G20 Inquiry
- 2011/02/28: OrwellsBastard: How thoughtless of me
- 2011/03/01: TStar: G20 Abuses: Where's the inquiry?
- 2011/03/01: PostMedia: Time for a G20 inquiry
- 2011/02/28: BBC: Toronto G20 unrest: Civil rights groups seek inquiry
Canadian civil rights groups have called for a public inquiry into allegations of abuses by police during the G20 summit in Toronto last summer. - 2011/02/27: TStar: Report details 'shocking' abuses at G20 summit
- 2011/02/28: PaiD: A New and Damning G20 Report
- 2011/02/25: CBC:5thEstate: G20: The Untold Stories
- 2011/02/28: CBC: G20 'rights violations' require public inquiry: report
- 2011/02/27: CBC: G20 public inquiry needed: report
A full-scale public inquiry is needed in light of the widespread and violent trampling of civil rights by police at last summer's G20 summit in Toronto, a report concludes. The call for an inquiry is among recommendations in the report -- by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association and National Union of Public and General Employees -- which is aimed at holding governments accountable and avoiding a recurrence. - 2011/02/28: CBC: Canada's drinking water vulnerable: [C.D. Howe Institute] report
A new report says Canada's approach to drinking water management is fragmented and makes smaller communities vulnerable to future water-quality failures. - 2011/03/02: Guardian(UK): Texas activists ready to fight over $7bn oil pipeline in the home of black gold
US landowners along the proposed route -- from Alberta to the Gulf coast -- accuse oil firm TransCanada of bullying - 2011/03/06: MTobis: Texas Tea Partiers vs Canadian Energy
- 2011/03/03: AlterNet: US Landowners Fighting Back Against Pipeline That Would Run From Alberta to the Gulf Coast
- 2011/03/03: CBC: Clinton quiet on cross-border pipeline proposal -- U.S. Secretary of State 'generally supportive' of more oil from Canada
- 2011/03/02: OSun: Obama administration open to Canadian pipeline
The Obama administration gave some tepid support to the idea of a pipeline running from northern Alberta to the US Gulf Coast, but stopped short of full support. - 2011/03/04: CBC: AECL is no 'fire sale': natural resources minister [Paradis]
- 2011/03/03: G&M: Bidders asked to take 'leap of faith' AECL viable without taxpayer bailouts
With the Liberals choosing Clark and the NDP decision upcoming, how long until the election?
- 2011/03/03: CSC: Rafe on Christy Clark and Private Power
- 2011/03/03: BCLocalNews: Government agencies pay for carbon outputs
This year School District 27 will have to purchase carbon offsets. In 2010, the district along with other provincial agencies, including health authorities, post-secondary institutions, and government offices across B.C. for the first time have had to quantify their carbon output and pay for it. It's part of a government plan that requires its operations to be carbon neutral or reduce their carbon footprint to zero by 2010 or purchase carbon offsets as a way to achieve neutrality. - 2011/02/28: CBC: The wild ride facing B.C.'s newest premier
Meanwhile in that Mechanical Mordor known as the tar sands:
- 2011/03/05: CBC: Tarsands firms buoyed by North African crises
- 2011/02/28: CBC: Tarsands not charged enough for cleanup: NDP
Leaked documents show the Alberta government is not making oilsands companies pay enough to reclaim the land they mine, the Alberta NDP said Monday. Edmonton MLA Rachel Notley said the documents show the Alberta's Progressive Conservative government is planning to collect $6 billion from industry over 20 years, even though as much as $30 billion could be needed. - 2011/03/03: CBC: Sask.'s CO2 pipeline plan dead
A multimillion-dollar proposal to pipe carbon dioxide from Saskatchewan and store it underground in Montana is officially dead. When the $270 million project was announced almost two years ago, Premier Brad Wall and Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer said they hoped to get big grants from their respective federal governments. But last summer, the Associated Press reported that the Montana portion of the money was not going to come through. At the time, the province said it was still possible to go ahead with a scaled-down project, using $50 million in provincial money. However, the project quietly died last fall when Ottawa told the province it wouldn't kick in any cash. - 2011/03/02: BuckDog: More Saskatchewan Voices Call For Potash Royalty Review
- 2011/02/27: PEF: PotashCorp, US Regulators and Bruce Johnstone
- 2011/02/27: BuckDog: Internationally Renowned Economist Challenges Regina Leader-Post Business Columnist Over Potash Numbers
Ontario has it's Green Energy Act, now comes the implementation:
- 2011/03/03: PI:B: Ontario's transportation policies can protect against rising gas prices
- 2011/03/04: PostMedia: Grits win round in battle for wind power -- Opponents' legal challenge dismissed in court
Ontario's Liberal government scored a major victory in its plans to promote wind energy Thursday, after a Superior Court panel dismissed a legal challenge brought by opponents of the law. The case was the first major test of new regulations introduced in September 2009, which allowed power producers to place wind turbines 550 metres from the nearest home. - 2011/03/03: CBC: Ontario court dismisses wind turbine challenge
While in la Belle Province:
- 2011/03/01: DeSmogBlog: Shale Gas and Fracking In Québec Under Intense Scrutiny
In the Maritimes:
- 2011/03/04: CBC: Wind-powered egg farm gets national attention
- 2011/03/04: CBC: N.L. to monitor caribou herds
- 2011/03/01: CBC: [New Brunswick Premier, David] Alward examines U.S. shale gas rules
In the North:
- 2011/03/02: CBC: Yukon to encourage green energy generation
The Yukon government says it plans to encourage citizens to sell their own solar and wind energy to the territory's power grid, but critics say green energy generation is too costly to pay for itself. The territorial government announced a draft "net-metering" policy on Tuesday that would allow people who generate their own electricity from renewable sources to add their surplus energy to the grid. - 2011/03/02: CBC: Taltson hydro expansion put on hold
A major hydroelectric expansion project in the Northwest Territories is being put on hold because it is not viable at this time, says Premier Floyd Roland. Roland announced Wednesday that Dezé Energy Corp.'s proposed Taltson River hydroelectric dam expansion is not working out as planned. - 2011/03/02: AlterNet: Following the Pleasure Principle: How to Create a Sustainable Economy That Makes Daily Life Better
- 2011/03/04: EnergyBulletin: Earth's limits: Why growth won't return - water
- 2011/03/03: AlterNet: Vision: Fighting Privatization and Corporate Control By Taking Back the Commons
- 2011/03/02: EnergyBulletin: The time machine of the 1960s
- 2011/02/28: CCurrents: The Un-Sustainability Of Modern Capitalism
- 2011/02/28: CCurrents: Profit Pathology And Disposable Planet
- 2011/02/28: PS: Need Versus Greed by Jeffrey D. Sachs
IPAT [Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology] raised its head once again:
- 2011/03/04: AlterNet: Why the Right-Wing's Insane Attacks on Women's Health May be Backfiring
- 2011/03/02: ACLU: Unprecedented South Dakota Law Creates Major Obstacles For Women's Health -- State Legislature Approves Law That Creates Barriers To Abortion Care And Endangers Abortion Providers
- 2011/03/01: AlterNet: Revealed: The Group [AUL] Behind the Bills that Could Legalize Killing Abortion Providers
- 2011/02/28: CitChall: Colorado Congressman Tipton - votes to cut off funding for Planned Parenthood
- 2011/02/28: CBC: China population growth slows -- Numbers climb to estimated 1.34 billion people, up from 1.33 billion at end of 2009
As for how the media handles the science of climatology:
- 2011/02/28: CJR: Alternating Currents -- Why reporters struggle to find the right angle for clean energy stories
- 2011/03/01: CJR: Has 'Climate' Become a Dirty Word? Despite audience fatigue, interest remains stronger than ever in the most vulnerable countries
- 2011/03/04: QuarkSoup: New Level of Limbaugh Inanity
- 2011/03/04: Deltoid: The Australian's War on Science 60: Trolling
- 2011/03/03: MTobis: "Bad Media Advice"
- 2011/03/04: WtD: The Australian's "War on Reality": if Chris Mitchell doesn't believe it, it mustn't be real
- 2011/03/03: Guardian(UK): Why the BBC's 'impartial' stance on climate science is irresponsible
Sceptics too often go unchallenged when they make inaccurate and misleading statements on BBC programmes - 2011/03/02: ClimateP: WashPost's Milbank slams fawning, stenographic media in Issa scandal: "Rotten to the press corps" [media]
- 2011/03/01: Grist: George Will thinks that high-speed rail is really a tool to control your mind
- 2011/03/01: Grist: Glenn Beck says 350.org is part of a communist plot
- 2011/02/28: KSJT: NatureNews -- A sulphurous news story, or what happens when the press releases misses the point?
- 2011/02/28: UCSUSA: Forbes Fails to Correct Misleading Story About Scientist Ben Santer
Forbes.com recently published a column by book author Larry Bell that recycled a discredited, 15-year old myth about Benjamin Santer, a climate scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. When presented with evidence that directly contradicted Bell's claims, Forbes refused to correct the story. - 2011/03/03: Maribo: Climate communication: Be aggressive or be humble?
Here is something for your library:
- 2011/03/01: HotTopic: [Book Review] _Adapting to Climate Change: Thresholds, Values, Governance_ by editors Neil Adger, Irene Lorenzoni & Karen O'Brien
And for your film & video enjoyment:
- 2011/03/05: PSinclair: Climate Change Impacts on US Naval Operations - Admiral David Titley
- 2011/03/04: PSinclair: Potholer: Monckton Bunkum Part 4
- 2011/03/04: ClimateP: Carbon Nation is a great documentary on clean energy solutions
- 2011/03/04: Grist: TV's 'Mad Men' are all about high-speed rail
- 2011/03/03: PSinclair: Climate Science in a Nutshell: Part 9 -- How Bad Could it Get?
- 2011/03/02: PSinclair: Climate Science in a Nutshell: Part 8, Oceans
- 2011/03/02: PSinclair: Potholer: Meet the Scientists
- 2011/03/02: TreeHugger: Annie Leonard Derides Corporate Influences on American Democracy
- 2011/03/01: PSinclair: Climate Science in a Nutshell: Part 7
- 2011/03/01: PSinclair: The Portable Light Project: Luminous Fabrics light up Third World
- 2011/02/28: PSinclair: Reading Ice Cores
- 2011/02/28: Grist: Sympathy Rage: Watch Henry Blodget yell about this country's complete lack of an energy plan
- 2011/02/27: CSW: Hertsgaard confronts the 'climate cranks' on Capitol Hill
- 2011/02/28: PSinclair: Warm Arctic, Cold Winter Paradox
As for podcasts:
- 2011/03/06: SkeptiSci: The Climate Show Episode 8: Kevin Trenberth
- 2011/03/03: CCP: The Climate Show, No. 8: Kevin Trenberth and our shaky future
- 2011/03/03: TCoE: The Climate Show #8
- 2011/03/03: HotTopic: The Climate Show #8: Kevin Trenberth and our shaky future
Meanwhile among the 'Sue the Bastards!' contingent:
- 2011/03/05: TreeHugger: California Court Overturns Order to Destroy GMO Beets
Developing a new energy infrastructure is a fundamental challenge of the current generation:
- 2011/03/06: ClimateP: Renewable energy standards: The health, security, and competitiveness benefits
- 2011/03/06: OilDrum: Tech Talk - countries producing around 2 mbd - Nigeria, Angola, Libya and the UK
- 2011/03/04: Eureka: Simulating gasification -- turning carbonaceous fuels -- coal, petroleum, or biomass -- into syngas
- 2011/03/02: CleanBreak: The Canadian connection: a roundup of Canuckish cleantech news
- 2011/03/04: EnergyBulletin: Future oil supply: The changing stance of the International Energy Agency (paper)
- 2011/03/04: OilDrum: Is "shale oil" the answer to "peak oil"?
- 2011/03/03: NBF: IEA World Oil supply report for Feb 2011 and China Oil Demand
- 2011/03/04: BRitholtz: Chart of the Day: Components of the Gasoline Price
- 2011/03/01: Eureka: Clean fuel worsens climate impacts for some vehicle engines: UBC study
A pioneering program by one of the world's largest cities to switch its vehicle fleet to clean fuel has not significantly improved harmful vehicle emissions in more than 5,000 vehicles -- and worsened some vehicles' climate impacts -- a new University of British Columbia study finds. The study -- which explores the impacts of New Delhi, India's 2003 conversion of 90,000 buses, taxis and auto-rickshaws to compressed natural gas (CNG), a well-known "clean" fuel -- provides crucial information for other cities considering similar projects. Of the city's more than 5,000 auto-rickshaws with two-stroke engines -- a common form of transportation in Asia and Africa -- the study found that CNG produced only minor reductions in emissions that cause air pollution and an increase in emissions that negatively impact climate change. - 2011/02/28: EnergyBulletin: Commentary: How much oil will be recoverable?
There is still a lot of concern about oil supplies & prices while the Middle East & North Africa revolt:
- 2011/03/06: Grist: The collapse of the old oil order [Klare]
- 2011/03/04: BRitholtz: What Does Oil [Price] Doubling in 2 Years Mean?
- 2011/03/02: GreenGrok: Oil Prices and Political Unrest
- 2011/03/04: BBC: Crude oil rose by more than $1 as fighting in Libya intensified and amid reports of protests in Saudi Arabia's oil-producing eastern region
- 2011/03/03: EnergyBulletin: Oilquake in the Middle East [Klare]
- 2011/03/03: Guardian(UK): UK facing 1970s-style oil shock which could cost economy £45bn -- [Chris] Huhne
Climate and energy secretary says an oil price of $100 a barrel transforms the economics of climate change - 2011/03/03: Guardian(UK): Soaring oil price reignites fossil fuel vs renewables debate
As pressure grows on the government to stabilise fuel prices via tax breaks, green campaigners say this may be the ideal time to reduce the UK's dependence on oil and gas - 2011/03/03: WiC: The collapse of the old oil order -- How the petroleum age will end by Michael T. Klare
- 2011/03/02: BBC: Oil prices in Asia stick near their recent high levels
- 2011/03/02: CBC: Oil trades above $100 US
- 2011/03/01: Guardian(UK): Oil prices soared to more than $114 highest for two-and-half-years
- 2011/03/02: Rabble: The energy crunch looms closer, even the oil barons are noticing
- 2011/03/01: TreeHugger: Everytime Oil Hits $100, We Say It's Time To Drive 55
- 2011/02/28: BizInsider: Jim Rogers: Don't Believe The Saudis, They Don't Have The Oil They're Talking About
- 2011/02/28: TreeHugger: Nations React to Rising Oil Costs: Spain Lowers Speed Limit, US Whines
- 2011/02/28: OilDrum: Libya, oil production, OPEC responses, Saudi Arabian capabilities and the SPR
Hey! Let's contaminate the aquifer for thousands of years! It'll be a fracking gas!
- 2011/03/04: DemNow: Natural Gas Industry Attacks Oscar-Nominated Film "Gasland" for Chronicling Devastating Impact of Hydraulic Fracking
- 2011/03/04: DemNow: Leaked EPA Documents Expose Decades-Old Effort to Hide Dangers of Natural Gas Extraction
- 2011/03/03: NYT: Pressure Limits Efforts to Police Drilling for Gas
- 2011/03/01: NYT: Wastewater Recycling No Cure-All in Gas Process
- 2011/02/27: NYT: Regulation Lax as Gas Wells' Tainted Water Hits Rivers
- 2011//: NYT: Drilling Down - Series
- 2011/03/03: DerSpiegel: Stepping on the Gas -- New Drilling Technologies [Fracking] Shake Up Global Market
While the world fears a new oil price shock, the entire energy market is on the verge of a revolution. Companies are using increasingly sophisticated technology to tap new sources of natural gas. Drilling is also underway in Germany, where both the potential and the risks seem enormous. - 2011/03/04: CJR: "Frack"-tious Reactions -- Skirmishes follow recent coverage of shale-gas drilling
- 2011/03/04: KSJT: NYTimes: Fracking Part III -- The EPA vs. an industry and its friends
- 2011/03/04: TreeHugger: Gasland's Josh Fox on Three Big Lies of Natural Gas
- 2011/03/03: DeSmogBlog: Third Piece in NY Times Series Shows EPA Internal Battle Over Natural Gas Fracking Threats
- 2011/03/02: KSJT: NYTimes -- Part II of the fracking water problems in PA and other Marcellus Shale country
- 2011/03/01: EnergyBulletin: 'Fracking' comes to Europe, sparking rising controversy
- 2011/03/01: DeSmogBlog: Pennsylvania [Republican] Governor [Tom Corbett] Ends Moratorium On Marcellus Shale Gas Drilling In Sensitive State Forests
- 2010/11/29: TEC: Gas: the bridge to nowhere?
- 2011/03/01: CBC: [New Brunswick Premier, David] Alward examines U.S. shale gas rules
- 2010/12/08: TEC: Big Gas fumbles GAO report on leaking methane....
- 2011/02/28: Grist: Pittsburgh's drinking water is radioactive, thanks to fracking. Only question is, how much?
- 2011/03/01: DeSmogBlog: Shale Gas and Fracking In Québec Under Intense Scrutiny
- 2011/02/28: ProPublica: Natural Gas Drilling Debate Heats Up: Read Our Guide
- 2011/02/28: KSJT: NYTimes: Fracking for gas pollutes streams and rivers -- including radioactivity. Does it get dilute enough to drink?
- 2011/02/28: Grist: EPA lets natural gas industry brazenly pollute my state's drinking water
- 2011/02/27: ClimateP: NY Times on natural gas fracking: "The dangers to the environment and health are greater than previously understood."
- 2011/02/27: EnergyBulletin: When the believers stop believing: Chesapeake dumps shale gas assets
- 2011/02/27: Guardian(UK): What the frack? US natural gas drilling method contaminates water
Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, uses pressure blasts to release natural gas but leaves highly toxic waste water - 2011/03/06: PSinclair: Wind Energy Without Turbines -- Is this the Model T of Wind?
- 2011/02/28: CBC: $69M wind farm opens near Moosomin
Meanwhile among the solar aficionados:
- 2011/02/28: PlanetArk: Major SunPower Plant Gets Local Approval
- 2011/02/28: PlanetArk: Saudi Arabia Signs Solar Deal With South Korea
Biofuel bickering abounds:
- 2011/03/02: RRapier: Setting the Record Straight on Cello Energy and E3 Biofuels
- 2011/03/03: Eureka: New study to look at economics, groundwater use of bioenergy feedstocks
- 2011/03/02: Eureka: Sugarcane bioethanol: Environmental implications
- 2011/03/01: Eureka: Turning bacteria into butanol biofuel factories -- Transplanted enzyme pathway makes E. coli churn out n-butanol
- 2011/03/02: AutoBG: Ethanol industry claims the biofuel directly supports 70,000 jobs
- 2011/02/28: Eureka: Scientists identify new implications for perennial bioenergy crops
Research shows a conversion from annual to perennial bioenergy crops has broader implications beyond just the impact on carbon - 2011/02/28: WSJ: A Window Into the Nuclear Future -- TerraPower - with the backing of Bill Gates - has a radical vision for the reactors of tomorrow
More people are talking about the electrical grid:
- 2011/03/01: Guardian(UK): National Grid chief says 2011 is 'pivotal' year for UK energy market
And then there is the matter of efficiency & conservation:
- 2011/03/03: GreenGrok: Energy Efficiency on the Rebound
- 2011/03/04: Eureka: Supercritical carbon dioxide Brayton Cycle turbines promise giant leap
- 2011/03/04: NBF: Supercritical carbon dioxide Brayton cycle developments at Sandia
Automakers & lawyers, engineers & activists argue over the future of the car:
- 2011/03/04: FuturePundit: [Ford Motor Company Chairman] Bill Ford: Pace Of Electric Car Development Big Unknown
- 2011/03/05: AutoBG: Report: electric version of Mitsubishi's Global Small Concept coming
- 2011/03/04: AutoBG: ZeroSports declares bankruptcy after Japan Post cancels EV contract
- 2011/03/03: PlanetArk: Common Standards For Electric Cars Key To Mass Appeal
Automakers will need broad, political support to come up with a common standard for plugs and infrastructure for electric cars if they are to become a convenient option for consumers, they said. - 2011/03/02: AutoBG: Renault announces dirt cheap price for all-electric Twizy, just $9,700 U.S.
- 2011/03/01: BBC: Rolls-Royce launches electric car at Geneva motor show
- 2011/02/15: SierraClub: Electric Vehicles: Myths vs. Reality
This week in the Gee Whiz File:
- 2011/03/02: Inhabit: Super Batteries Made From [Aerogel] 'Frozen Smoke' May be Here Soon
As for Energy Storage:
- 2011/03/03: KSJT: Sci-Am, Reuters, etc: Lithium-ion batteries look good? Wait'll the lithium metal ones arrive
In the gas and oil biz:
- 2011/03/03: PlanetArk: Biofuels Only Major Way To Decarbonizes Road Fuel: BP
Insurance and re-insurance companies are feeling the heat:
- 2011/02/28: PlanetArk: Severe Weather, Forecasting Could Prompt Force Majeure Rethink
Meanwhile in the greenwashing chronicles:
- 2011/03/01: CCP: Chevron, Is Your Advertising Telling a Lie?
The story in London's Independent newspaper last week was unequivocal: Chevron has been fined more than $8 billion for causing an environmental disaster called by some "the Amazon's Chernobyl" (it has also been fined another billion for reparations). Texaco caused the problem and fought tooth and nail for nearly a decade to avoid paying on the lawsuit. It became Chevron's fight when it bought Texaco in 2001, and the company has already vowed to appeal the verdict. Its alleged victims are now preparing for the next round. This is the same Chevron that is running a glossy "We Agree" branding campaign that claims it's in a conversation with people about saving the planet and, oddly enough, supporting communities. Every CMO should take note of this dichotomy: Both stories are true when presented separately. It's only when you put them together -- which is exactly what I think consumers are going to begin to do more of -- that they add up to one big lie. - 2011/03/04: Guardian(UK): Are hurricanes getting worse because of global warming?
- 2011/03/02: Guardian(UK): When did we discover man-made climate change?
Joe Romm posts a daily list of top energy and climate stories:
- 2011/03/04: ClimateP: Climate and energy news for March 4...
- 2011/03/03: ClimateP: Energy and global warming news for March 3...
- 2011/03/02: ClimateP: Energy and global warming news for March 2...
- 2011/03/01: ClimateP: Energy and global warming news for March 1...
- 2011/02/28: ClimateP: Energy and global warming news for February 28...
Other (weekly) lists:
- 2011/03/05: RBroberg: Climate News and Blog Recap
- 2011/03/03: Grist: The Climate Post: Rupert Murdoch's media empire, including Fox News, goes carbon neutral
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
- 2011/03/06: ClimateP: Join the effort to expose the pollutocrat Koch brothers' climate-destroying agenda
- 2011/03/06: JQuiggin: Sock puppet alert
- 2011/03/05: ClimateShifts: The limits of doubt-mongering
- 2011/03/05: JQuiggin: An above average performance
- 2011/03/04: ClassM: Wanted: A sense of humor for climateers
- 2011/03/04: ClimateP: Anthony Watts urges WattsUpWithThat readers to disrupt Forbes blog: "shout them down in the comments section"
- 2011/03/04: Grist: Before George Will was against high-speed rail, he was for it
- 2011/03/04: JQuiggin: Bolt vs the Bureau
- 2011/03/03: Tamino: Where's the Global Warming?
- 2011/03/03: ClassM: Why it's hard to change a climate denier's mind
- 2011/03/03: Grist: Is climate denialism postmodern?
- 2011/03/02: WtD: Carbon wars: it's only going to heat up, but we can remain civilised
- 2011/02/28: SEasterbrook: Disinformation Works (for receptive audiences)
- 2011/02/28: ArsTechnica: If climate scientists are in it for the money, they're doing it wrong
- 2011/03/01: Guardian(UK): Transparency International on oil companies and corruption: who is the most open?
- 2011/03/01: SkeptiSci: Monckton Myth #15: Tragedy of the Commons by dana1981
- 2011/02/27: IJISH: Kimball Rasmussen's irrational look at climate change
As for climate miscellanea:
- 2011/03/05: Tamino: Snow
- 2011/03/05: GFW: A Greenhouse effect has cooled the climate of AlmerÃa
- 2011/03/04: ClimateSight: Self-Taught Climate Science
- 2011/03/04: IJISH: PR isn't the problem, rule of law is: response to Michael Tobis
- 2011/03/03: APSmith: I live in the future
- 2011/03/02: IdiotTracker: New addition to blog list: AGWobserver
- 2011/03/02: ClassM: Star Trek lives!
- 2011/03/01: HotTopic: Zero net emissions by 2050 -- preferably sooner
- 2010/11/14: TEC: Stewart Brand: Fearless Follower of Lovelock, not science
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- NERC: The sixth great extinction
- Wiki: Holocene extinction
- LCV: 2010 National Environmental Scorecard
- CO2 Scorecard
- SEI-US: U.S. Center of the Stockholm Environment Institute
- Food & Water Watch
- FAC: Food Aid Convention
- UNEP: News Centre
- Wiki: Precautionary principle
- NSIDC: Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis
- Cryosphere Today
- LSU: Earth Scan Laboratory
- Wiki: List of Atlantic hurricanes
- NIFC: National Interagency Fire Center
- FPT: Free Public Transit
- CB: Clean Break
Low Key Plug
My first novel Water was published in Canada May, 2007. The American release was in October. An Introductionto the novel is available, along with the Unpublished Forewordand the Launch Talk(which includes some quotations), An overview of my writing is available here.
-hetP.S. Recent postings can be found in the week archive and the ancient postings can be accessed here, which should open to this.
"The creature that wins against its environment destroys itself." -Gregory Bateson
Here's a chuckle for ye:
Here's something to consider:
So, are these land grabs Colonialism V2.0?
While on the adaptation front:
Meanwhile in the journals:
And on the carbon trading front:
The debate over the optimal strategy [carbon trading, carbon offsets, auction vs. allocation, cap and trade, cap and dividend, tradable energy quotas and/or a carbon tax] to use in dealing with GHGs continues:
As for GW, energy & water security:
Polls! We have polls!
As for SW tools:
Oh wise spirit of Canute, will you remind these clowns you cannot legislate nature:
The Obama chatter is nonstop:
While in the UK:
While in China:
While elsewhere in Asia:
The C.D. Howe Institute dropped a report on water this week:
The battle over the Keystone XL and Northern Gateway pipelines rages on:
The Tories are still trying to privatize AECL:
In Saskatchewan the question is Potash?
The movement toward a long term ecologically viable economics is glacial:
While activists search for effective communication techniques:
The answer my friend...:
The nuclear energy controversy continues:
Who's fielding the FAQs?
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