Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years
This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
Another Week in the Ecological Crisis
Information Overload is Pattern Recognition
May 6, 2012
- Chuckles, Rio+20, COP18+, Moon, Zhou, Peru, IEA, Elgin
- Banks, Global Legal Framework, Cook
- Fukushima Note, Fukushima News, Nuclear Policy
- Melting Arctic, Polar Bears, Methane, Geopolitics, Antarctica
- Food Crisis, Fisheries, Food Prices, Land Grabs, GMOs, Food Production
- Hurricanes, GHGs, Temperatures, Aerosols, Clouds, Paleoclimate, Historical Climate
- ENSO, Ocean Currents, State of the Oceans, Extinctions, Anthropocene, Satellites
- Impacts, Forests, Extreme Weather, Phenology, Tornadoes
- Wildfires, Glaciers, Sea Levels, GW Deluge, Floods & Droughts
- Mitigation, Buildings, Geoengineering
- Journals, Other Docs, Misc. Science, Models, Open Science, Lovelock, Wilson, Wegman
- International Politics: Kyoto, Carbon Trade, Bank Tax, Hormuz, YPF-Repsol, Red Electrica
- Miscellaneous, Security, Law & Activism, Activism, Polls, H2O Biz, Groundwater, Education
- National Politics: America, BP Disaster, 2012, Keystone, Coal Exports, Satellites, Women, US Admin, Lobbyists
- Britain, Europe, Australia, Margin, Murray-Darling, India, China
- Canada, Post G20, Streamlining, Bill C-38, Great Lakes, Shell/Iogen, Northern Gateway
- Kinder Morgan, Matamec, BNSF, ISA, BC, Tar Sands, Alberta, Ontario, Quebec, Canadiana
- Ecological Economics, Children, IPAT, Apocalypso, Media, Books, Video, Courts
- Energy, Fracking, Coal, Oil & Gas, The Corps, PetroEconomy, Pipelines, Peak Oil, Biofuel
- Wind, Solar, FITs, Nukes, Nuclear Waste, LENR, Efficiency, Cars, Gee Whiz, Energy Storage
- Business, Insurance, FAQs, Joe's List, Carbon Lobby, HI Billboards, Miscellaneous, Useful Links
- Shameless Self Promotion, .sig
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- 2012/05/04: uComics: (cartoon - Toles) The Election Scream
- 2012/05/02: DailyKos: (cartoon - TomTom) The Adventures of Conservative Jones Citizen Journalist
- 2012/04/30: SMcMillan: (cartoon - McMillan) Leak Containment
- 2012/05/03: JoeMohrToons: (cartoon - Mohr) Hank D and the Bee: A Bunch of Hot Air
- 2012/05/05: TP:JR: (cartoon - Luckovich) Titanic 2012
- 2012/04/30: uComics: (cartoon - Rall) A study has found that climate change is causing...
Looking ahead to Rio+20 :
- 2012/05/05: UN: Countries agree to extend negotiations on Rio+20 outcome document
Representatives from governments negotiating the outcome document for the United Nations Sustainable Development Conference (Rio+20) today agreed to add five more days of deliberations to bridge differences that have kept them from making further progress in negotiations.
The five added negotiating days have been set for 19 May to 2 June and will take place in New York. - 2012/05/02: EurActiv: Rio observers fear weakening of Earth Summit proposals
Some of the main proposals in a draft text for negotiation at a UN sustainable development conference next month are being watered down at informal talks in New York, observers say, heightening fears the summit will fail to deliver. The Rio+20 summit in Brazil from 20-22 June is expected to draw more than 50,000 participants from governments, companies and environmental and lobby groups. It will try to hammer out sustainable development goals across seven core themes including food security, water and energy but is not expected to produce mandatory targets. Informal talks are taking place in New York until 4 May to shape the main negotiating text. - 2012/05/02: PlanetArk: Green Targets Being Watered Down For UN Summit - Observers
- 2012/05/02: Grist: Speak up! Young people need to be heard at the Earth Summit
- 2012/04/30: BBC: Rio: Money flows and commitment woes
In his most recent blog on preparations for the Rio+20 summit, Sha Zukang, the secretary-general of the conference, declares that the previous two months saw "intensive efforts to strengthen the zero draft of the outcome document". - 2012/03/31: UNCSD:Rio20: Blog by Rio+20 Secretary-General, Mr. Sha Zukang
- UNCSD:Rio20: [link to 90k pdf] The Future We Want - Zero draft of the outcome document
And on the UNFCCC climate negotiations front:
- 2012/05/06: BBC: Climate ship plots course through the battering waves
The European Union hosts this week what could be one of the most significant meetings of the year on climate change. - 2012/05/03: TP:JR: Mexico Sets Legally Binding Carbon Reduction Targets
- 2012/05/02: CleanTechnica: Kenya, Peru Join List of Countries Advancing Climate Change Laws
- 2012/05/04: Inquirer(Ph): UN lauds Philippines' climate change laws 'world's best'
- 2012/05/03: NatureNB: South Korea adopts greenhouse gas regulations
The complexity of Greenland glacier speeds reported by Moon et al. meant that every headline writer could choose a preferred slant:
- 2012/05/04: Science: (ab$) 21st-Century Evolution of Greenland Outlet Glacier Velocities by T. Moon et al.
- 2012/05/04: PlanetArk: Greenland Glaciers Speed Up, Swelling Rising Seas: Reports
- 2012/05/04: ABC(Au): Greenland's impact on oceans less than thought
- 2012/05/03: NPR: Greenland's Ice Melting More Slowly Than Expected
- 2012/05/03: SciNow: Whoa There! Some Greenland Glaciers Slowing Down
- 2012/05/03: SciNews: Study keeps pace with Greenland glaciers -- Herky-jerky motion suggests worst-case sea level rise unlikely
- 2012/05/03: Reuters: Greenland glaciers speed up, swelling rising seas: reports
Some of Greenland's glaciers are moving about 30 percent faster than they did 10 years ago, contributing to rising global sea levels, but that still may not be enough to reach the most extreme projections for 2100, scientists reported on Thursday. - 2012/05/04: TreeHugger: Greenland Glaciers Now Moving to Sea 30% Faster Than 10 Years Ago
- 2012/05/03: STimes: UW study: Greenland losing ice fast, but not runaway pace
Greenland's glaciers are hemorrhaging ice at an increasingly faster rate but not at the breakneck pace that scientists once feared, a new study says. - 2012/05/03: CSM: Greenland's glaciers melting faster, say scientists
- 2012/05/04: BBC: Data sheds light on speed of Greenland's glaciers
Greenland's glaciers are not speeding up as much as previously thought, researchers have estimated. - 2012/05/03: Guardian(UK): Sea-level rises 'may not be as high as worst-case scenarios have predicted'
New research suggests Greenland's glaciers are slipping into the sea more slowly than previously thought - 2012/04/29: Nature:CC: (ab$) Impacts of wind farms on land surface temperature by Liming Zhou et al.
- 2012/05/02: BCLSB: Windmills Do Not Cause Global Warming
- 2012/04/30: KSJT: BBC: Wind farms change the wind. Nearby, a little bit. So study says. Not everybody sees it that way
- 2012/04/30: MediaMatters: Scientist Debunks "Misleading" Coverage Of Wind Farm Study
- 2012/05/01: TP:JR: Scientist Debunks 'Misleading' Coverage Of Wind Farm Study
- 2012/04/30: Eureka: NASA satellite measurements imply Texas wind farm impact on surface temperature
- 2012/04/30: Eureka: Scientists find night-warming effect over large wind farms in Texas -- Wind turbines interact with atmospheric boundary layer near the surface
- 2012/04/30: WaPo:B: No, wind farms are not causing global warming
- 2012/04/30: Stoat: Supreme irony: wind farms can cause atmospheric warming, finds a new study?
- 2012/04/30: ABC(Au): Temperature changes linked to wind farms
- 2012/04/30: PlanetArk: Wind Farms May Have Warming Effect: Research
- 2012/04/30: Grist: Wind farms DO NOT cause climate change
- 2012/04/29: SciNow: Wind Farms Warm the Night
- 2012/04/30: CSM: How wind farms could cause local (but not global) warming
- 2012/04/29: Guardian(UK): Wind farms can increase night time temperatures, research reveals
- 2012/04/29: BBC: Wind farms affect local weather
Wind farms can affect weather in their immediate locality, raising night-time temperatures on the ground, researchers working in Texas have shown. They used satellite data to show that land around newly constructed wind farms warmed more than next-door areas. - 2012/05/02: ProMedMail: Pelican die-off - Peru: RFI
- 2012/05/06: Guardian(UK): Peru pelican and dolphin deaths prompt warning to stay off beaches
Government issues health alert after more than 1,400 birds are washed up along with 800 dolphins, with the cause unknown - 2012/05/06: ABC(Au): Dead dolphins, pelicans wash ashore in Peru
Peru's government has urged residents and tourists to stay away from long stretches of beach, as it investigates the unexplained deaths of hundreds of dolphins and pelicans. At least 1,200 birds, mostly pelicans, washed up dead along a stretch of Peru's northern Pacific coastline in recent weeks, health officials said, after an estimated 800 dolphins died in the same area in recent months. - 2012/05/05: BBC: Peru examines deaths of more than 500 pelicans
The government of Peru has warned people to stay off beaches along large stretches of its coastline as it investigates the mysterious deaths of hundreds of dolphins and seabirds. More than 1,000 birds, mostly pelicans, have washed up dead along the northern Pacific coast in recent weeks, after many dolphins died in the same area. - 2012/04/30: DD: Video: Mass dolphin and pelican die-offs in Peru
- 2012/04/29: BBC: Peru investigates deaths of more than 500 pelicans
The government of Peru is investigating the deaths of more than 500 pelicans along a 70km stretch of shoreline in northern Peru. Officials say tests suggest the birds died on shore over the past few days. Scientists also found the carcasses of dozens of other sea birds. The animals were found in the same region of Peru where more than 700 dolphins were washed ashore earlier this year. The cause of their death is still unknown. - 2012/04/29: WaPo: [IEA] Report: World progress too slow on climate control
Not much coverage, but Elgin is still a spewin':
- 2012/05/02: PlanetArk: Fish Tests From UK Gas Leak Zone Show No Contamination
The ongoing gas leak at Total's Elgin platform in the North Sea has not contaminated fish in the area with hydrocarbons, the Scottish government said on Tuesday, confirming findings made after a fish tasting test in mid-April. - 2012/05/01: RAN: [link to 3.6 meg pdf] Dirty Money: US Banks At the Bottom of the Class
- 2012/05/01: RAN: US Banks Risk Public Health and Climate by Financing Coal
- 2012/05/01: Grist: Which banks provide the most support for coal?
- 2012/05/01: TP:JR: Report Card: America's Largest Banks Get Poor Grades On Coal Financing
- 2012/04/30: EurActiv: Climate aid cash stumbles into tax haven debate
The use of middlemen to leverage private sector climate cash is putting investments at risk because of the rich world's negligence in ensuring transparency and adequate monitoring, according to a new report by the European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodad). - 2012/05/04: TheCanadian: Ecocide: Crimes Against Nature and Humanity
John Cook and friends continue their point-counterpoint articles:
- 2012/05/06: SkeptiSci: Report Warns of Rapid Decline in U.S. Earth Observation Capabilities by John Hartz
- 2012/05/06: SkeptiSci: [The website] rbutr Puts Climate Information In Front of Those Who Need It Most by Shane Greenup
- 2012/05/05: SkeptiSci: HadSST3: A detailed look by Kevin C
- 2012/05/04: SkeptiSci: Why Are We Sure We're Right? #2 by Rob Honeycutt, dana1981, Andy S
- 2012/05/03: SkeptiSci: Lessons from Past Predictions: Hansen 1981 by dana1981
- 2012/05/02: SkeptiSci: Two Centuries of Climate Science: part two - Hulburt to Keeling, 1931- 1965 by John Mason
- 2012/05/01: SkeptiSci: New research from last week 17/2012 by Ari Jokimäki
- 2012/05/01: SkeptiSci: John Nielsen-Gammon Comments on Continued Global Warming by dana1981
- 2012/04/30: SkeptiSci: Richard Alley on Today's CO2 Levels by dana1981 [video]
A note on the Fukushima disaster:
It is evident that the Fukushima disaster is going to persist for some time. TEPCO says 6 to 9 months. The previous Japanese Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, said decades. Now the Japanese government is talking about 30 years. [Whoops, that has now been updated to 40 years.] We'll see. At any rate this situation is not going to be resolved any time soon and deserves its own section.
It is very difficult to know for sure what is really going on at Fukushima. Between the company [TEPCO], the Japanese government, the Japanese regulator [NISA], the international monitor [IAEA], as well as independent analysts and commentators, there is a confusing mish-mash of information. One has to evaluate both the content and the source of new information.
How knowledgeable are they [about nuclear power and about Japan]?
Do they have an agenda?
Are they pro-nuclear or anti-nuclear?
Do they want to write a good news story?
Do they want to write a bad news story?
Where do they rate on a scale of sensationalism?
Where do they rate on a scale of play-it-down-ness?
One fundamental question I would like to see answered:
If the reactors are in meltdown, how can they be in cold shutdown?Not much good news coming out of Fukushima:
- 2012/05/02: EneNews: World Leader in Decommissioning Reactors: "There is no technology which may be directly applied" at Fukushima
- 2012/05/02: EneNews: Coalition requests Japan gov't immediately ask UN for help with Spent Fuel Pool No. 4 before it becomes too late
- 2012/05/03: CBC: Japan to close last nuclear reactor -- Idling power source that once provided one-third of electricity supply
- 2012/05/04: CSM: Japan shuts down last nuclear reactor for tests. End of nuclear power?
- 2012/05/03: Telegraph(UK): Japan to shut down its last nuclear reactor
Japan will shut down its last nuclear reactor shortly before midnight on Saturday, the first time since July 1966 that the country has been without atomic energy feeding into the national grid. - 2012/05/04: Economist: Power politics in Japan -- A silent majority speaks
For the first time in half a century, Japan is without nuclear power - 2012/03/29: RSC:JEM: (ab$) Radioactive fallout in the United States due to the Fukushima nuclear plant accident by P. Thakur et al.
- 2012/05/05: ABC(Au): Japan nuclear-free, for now
- 2012/04/30: Gawker: Geiger Counter-Wielding Fukushima Hipsters Make Monitoring Nuclear Fallout Cool
- 2012/05/05: CSM: Japanese cheer unplugging of last nuclear plant
- 2012/05/05: EneNews: Japan Nuclear Expert: "We don't even know at this point where the melted down core is" under Reactors No. 1, 2 or 3 (VIDEO)
- 2012/05/04: APR: Nuclear Energy in Japan
- 2012/05/05: BBC: Japan is switching off its last working nuclear reactor, as part of the safety drive since the March 2011 tsunami triggered a meltdown at the Fukushima plant
- 2012/05/05: CBC: Japan shuts off nuclear power as thousands celebrate -- Island nation is without electricity from nuclear power for first time in four decades
- 2012/05/05: al Jazeera: Japan shuts down last nuclear reactor
Last of country's 54 nuclear reactors goes offline for maintenance, prompting celebrations from anti-nuclear protesters. - 2012/05/04: AlterNet: The Worst Yet to Come? Why Nuclear Experts Are Calling Fukushima a Ticking Time-Bomb
- 2012/05/01: EneNews: Growing outrage over Washington Post editorial: Thousands are suffering and countless more will die as a result of exposure to Fukushima radiation - Contamination is widespread and growing
- 2012/05/01: Asahi: Investigations into Fukushima accident disagree on key points
Despite investigations by four special committees, key questions remain about the crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, the world's worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl. The committees, each set up by the government, the Diet, Tokyo Electric Power Co. and the private sector, have key differences in interpretations of events... - 2012/05/03: WaPo: Its last nuclear reactor going offline, Japan takes tentative steps toward renewable energy
- 2012/05/04: EurActiv: Germany grapples with post-nuclear power gap
- 2012/05/03: Guardian(UK): Anxious Japan prepares for life without nuclear power
- 2012/05/01: BBC: Japanese firms in $2bn Liquefied Natural Gas deal
Japan's Mitsubishi Corporation and Mitsui & Co have agreed to buy a 14.7% stake in Woodside Petroleum's Browse Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) project in Australia for $2bn (£1.2bn). They also agreed to buy 1.5m tonnes of gas from the project every year. Japanese firms have been looking to secure LNG supplies to make up for the shortfall in nuclear energy after last year's quake and tsunami. Japan has shut 53 of its 54 nuclear reactors after the disasters. - 2012/04/29: TP:JR: Backfilling Nuclear Shutdowns With Efficiency And Renewables In Japan, Germany And California?
The Arctic melt continues to garner attention:
- 2012/05/03: ASI: Arctic sea ice loss and the role of AGW
- 2012/05/02: MPIMet: Arctic sea-ice loss didn't happen by chance
The ongoing rapid retreat of Arctic sea ice is often interpreted as the canary in the mine for anthropogenic climate change. In a new study, scientists have now systematically examined the validity of this claim. They find that neither natural fluctuations nor self-acceleration can explain the observed Arctic sea-ice retreat. Instead, the recent evolution of Arctic sea ice shows a strong, physically plausible correlation with the increasing greenhouse gas concentration. For Antarctic sea ice, no such link is found - for a good reason. - 2012/05/05: TP:JR: Study: 'Virtually' Certain Impact Of Manmade 'Climate Change Is Observable In Arctic Sea Ice Already Today'
- 2012/05/02: QuarkSoup: PIOMAS Verifies
As for the charismatic megafauna:
- 2012/05/02: Guardian(UK): Study finds even polar bear cubs can swim huge distances in open water
That Damoclean sword still hangs overhead:
- 2012/05/02: ArcticNews: Record levels of greenhouse gases in the Arctic
- 2012/04/28: PostMedia: Scientists eager to drill in Arctic waters for answers about methane
Ambitious proposal could fill in big gaps in understanding of climate science The oil and gas industry is eyeing the energy riches under the Arctic Ocean, but scientists are even keener to start drilling in Canada's polar waters. They say the Beaufort Sea, in the western Canadian Arctic, holds clues to several environmental mysteries of global significance - chief among them why so much methane, a potent greenhouse gas, is now seeping out of the sea floor. An international team is proposing an ambitious drilling program to extract some answers. Researchers from Canada, the United States, Europe and Korea want to drill a series of wells from the Mackenzie Delta across the Beaufort Sea. If approved, drilling could begin as early as 2015, the first holes bored into the Canadian Arctic in years. - 2012/05/01: CCP: Scientists eager to drill in the Canadian Arctic's Beaufort Sea for answers about methane
- 2012/04/19: ASPO(Italia): [link to 315k pdf] Methane and the Clathrate Gun Conjectures
- 2012/04/30: CassandrasLegacy: Methane and the disturbed Carbon Cycle by Philip Harris
As for the geopolitics of Arctic resources:
- 2012/05/02: ArsTechnica: Dept. of Energy extracts hydrocarbons from sea [off the coast of Alaska], sequesters CO2 in Davy Jones' locker
Today, the US Department of Energy announced it had successfully completed a test project that extracted a usable fuel (methane) from its resting place in ocean sediments. The test, performed in conjunction with ConocoPhillips and a Japanese team, could potentially point the way toward a vast new supply of energy. And by linking the extraction with carbon sequestration, the DOE might have found a way to add more hydrocarbons to the world's energy budget without exacerbating climate change. - 2012/05/02: NOAANews: NOAA issues science-based measures to protect marine mammals during Shell's proposed oil and gas exploratory programs in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas
- 2012/05/02: CBC: Methane hydrates find excites Alaskan officials
- 2012/05/02: CBC: Military tests Arctic surveillance technology -- Sensors, cameras, radar form northern surveillance system
While in Antarctica:
- 2012/05/01: BBC: Key tests in search for life in frozen Antarctic lake
Crucial training has begun for a project to search for life in a lake hidden beneath the Antarctic ice-sheet. - 2012/05/03: CBC: NB's largest bat population wiped out, scientists say -- Invasive white-nose fungus continues to decimate North American bat populations
- 2012/05/05: al Jazeera: Sahel region faces malnutrition crisis
UN says one million children at risk of dying of hunger in parts of Africa's Sahel region amid drought and unrest. - 2012/05/03: CCurrents: Hunger, Disease And $10 Billion Missing In South Sudan
- 2012/05/04: Guardian(UK): Drought crisis in Mauritania - in [11] pictures
- 2012/05/02: UN: One million children at risk of dying from malnutrition in the Sahel - UNICEF
- 2012/05/02: TreeHugger: 5 Indian Farmers Commit Suicide in Past Two Days Over Debts & That's Just in One District of One State
- 2012/05/06: TreeHugger: Alphonso Mango Shortage Blamed on Climate Change
- 2012/05/01: ABC(Au): Warnings of growing humanitarian crisis in Africa
As famine spreads across Africa's Sahel region, aid agencies are warning they are now facing a multi-million-dollar shortfall in dealing with the crisis. A lethal mix of sporadic rains, soaring food prices, regional conflict and chronic deepening poverty has left more than 13 million people short of food in the drought-ridden region. With no prospect of a harvest any time soon and the spectre of long-overdue and damaging rains expected in the coming months, getting food to those in need is proving a major logistical challenge. This is the third drought to hit West Africa in the past decade, bringing hunger to millions. - 2012/04/30: ProMedMail: Blast Disease, Wheat - USA: First report, (Kentucky)
The state of the world's fisheries is a concern:
- 2012/05/01: TP:JR: The Future of America's First Fishery: Improving Management Of The New England Groundfishery
- 2012/04/30: MoJo: It's Okay to Eat Sardines...Right?
Should we really be eating the fish that entire marine ecosystems are built on? The perils of our latest desire to do good. - 2012/05/01: Grist: We catch too many sardines -- but should we stop eating them?
- 2012/04/30: CJFAS: Forage fish and the factors governing recovery of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) on the eastern Scotian Shelf by Douglas P. Swain & Robert K. Mohn
- 2012/04/30: NRCRP: Impaired recovery of Atlantic cod - forage fish or other factors?
Food Prices are still problematic:
- FAO: World Food Situation - Food Price Indices
- 2012/05/03: UN: Global food prices remain high despite marginal decline - UN index
- 2012/05/03: FAO: Food prices ease but stay high -- Improved supplies, strong demand seen this year
So, are these land grabs Colonialism V2.0?
- 2012/05/02: MotleyFool: Land Grabbing to Reshape Asia
Regarding the genetic modification of food:
- 2012/05/03: GRC: Biotechnology and GMO: The California Campaign against Genetically Engineered Food -- California public to vote on GMO Label Act
- 2012/05/03: CARightToKnow: California GMO Labeling Initiative Headed for Ballot: Right to Know Campaign Turns in Nearly One Million Signatures
- 2012/05/03: ScienceInsider: GM Wheat Protest Group Says It's Happy to Talk
- 2012/05/04: GRC: Widespread GMO Contamination: Did Monsanto Plant GMOs Before USDA Approval?
- 2012/05/04: Guardian(UK): A chance to move the GM debate on
It's hard to imagine campaigners and scientists will resolve their differences, but they must seize this opportunity for open dialogue - 2012/04/29: RI: Will GMO labeling have its day in court?
- 2012/05/02: NatureNB: Threats spook UK crop researchers
- 2012/05/02: ScienceInsider: U.K. Researchers Plead With Protesters to Leave Plants Alone
- 2012/05/01: BBC: GM wheat scientists at Rothamsted make plea to protesters
Scientists developing genetically modified wheat are asking campaigners not to ruin their experimental plots, but come in for a chat instead. - 2012/05/01: Grist: Kashi promises (some) 'natural' products will be GMO-free
- 2012/04/30: KSJT: SF Chronicle, CBS News etc: New fight over crops that breed super weeds and bug that scoff at pesticides
- 2012/04/29: EnergyBulletin: Will GMO labeling have its day in court?
And how are we going to feed 9 billion, 10 billion, 15 billion?
- 2012/05/03: Grist: Crop yields are only part of the organic vs. conventional farming debate
- 2012/05/03: GreenGrok: Organic vs. Conventional Farming
- 2012/04/30: FAO: African nations discuss creation of an African food security trust fund -- FAO to help draft details of proposal
- 2012/05/05: Grist: Co-operative farming from El Salvador to Kentucky [video]
- 2012/05/02: JQuiggin: I only read it for the pictures, honestly
- 2012/05/01: al Jazeera: Beyond fossilised paradigms: Futureconomics of food
The economics of the future is based on people and biodiversity - not fossil fuels, toxic chemicals and monocultures. - 2012/04/30: Grist: Farm-connected CSAs should offer more than just 'veggie subscriptions'
- 2012/05/01: CSM: African farmers grow trees as a natural crop fertilizer
Another quiet week in the hurricane wars:
- 2012/05/03: Wunderground: Hurricane Irene of 2011 now rated history's 6th most damaging hurricane
As for GHGs:
- 2012/05/01: GreenGrok: The Heat Goes On: CO2 Reaches Another High-Water Mark
And the temperature record:
- 2012/05/02: CAbyss: Lack of Warming: A Followup
- 2012/05/04: QuarkSoup: RSS Shows Big Jump for April Temperature
- 2012/05/02: ArcticNews: Temperature rise projections
- 2012/05/05: al Jazeera: Red hot in Arabia
Temperatures are high even by Middle Eastern standards. A look at why summer seems to have arrived so early. - 2012/05/01: QuarkSoup: Temperatures in the Near-Future
- 2012/04/30: HotTopic: Still warmin' after all these years (Prat watch #5.6)
Aerosols are making their presence felt:
- 2012/05/04: al Jazeera: Saharan dust spreads far and wide
The many effects of dust originating in the Sahara - 2012/05/01: TP:JR: Bad Headline Mars Good NY Times Story Debunking Lindzen's 'Discredited' Cloud Theory. Can You Do Better?
- 2012/04/30: NYT: Clouds' Effect on Climate Change Is Last Bastion for Dissenters
While in the paleoclimate:
- 2012/05/03: Eureka: Scientists core into California's Clear Lake to explore past climate change -- Deep sediments are unparalleled record of biotic changes over past 200,000+ years
And in historical times:
- 2012/04/30: Eureka: Arabic records allow past climate [from 816 - 1009 CE] to be reconstructed
While on the ENSO front:
- 2012/05/03: NOAA:NCEP: El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diagnostic Discussion
Synopsis: La Niña has transitioned to ENSO-neutral conditions, which are expected to continue through northern summer 2012. - 2012/05/04: ABC(Au): Climate blamed for Antarctic current changes
And the State of the Oceans:
- 2012/05/02: DD: Graph of the Day: Ocean Surface Salinity Changes, 1950-2000
What's new on the extinction front?
- 2012/05/02: MoJo: Scientists: Extinctions Just as Damaging as Climate Change
A new study finds that species loss is changing Earth's ecosystems in all the bad ways and just as fast as global warming, ozone holes, acid rain, and nutrient pollution. - 2012/05/03: UFL: New UF study shows early North Americans lived with extinct giant beasts
- 2012/04/30: SciAm:EC: The Most Eagerly Awaited Rhino Porn of All Time [Video]
- 2012/04/30: Eureka: 24 new species of lizards discovered on Caribbean islands are close to extinction
- 2012/04/30: BBC: Australia lists the koala as 'vulnerable' species
Australia has listed the koala as a threatened species in parts of the country due to its dwindling population, officials say. - 2012/05/01: Grist: Generation Anthropocene: Students grapple with our global impact
Meanwhile in near earth orbit:
- 2012/05/04: ESA: Spotlight on Sentinel-2
More GW impacts are being seen:
- 2012/05/02: NSF: Ecosystem Effects of Biodiversity Loss Rival Climate Change and Pollution
First comprehensive effort to compare biodiversity loss to other human-caused environmental changes - 2012/05/03: Grist: Science alone can't tell us how bad climate change will be
- 2012/05/04: TreeHugger: Biodiversity Loss Could Hit Ecosystems as Hard as Climate Change
- 2012/05/04: BBC: RSPB says heavy rain has been disastrous for birds
Heavy rain and flooding has had a disastrous impact on many of the RSPB's nature reserves, the charity has said. Nests and breeding grounds have been destroyed by rising water levels, the bird protection group added. - 2012/05/02: Eureka: Gas development linked to wildlife habitat loss
- 2012/05/02: Eureka: Ecosystem effects of biodiversity loss could rival impacts of climate change, pollution
And then there are the world's forests:
- 2012/05/03: NRC: Stand development following mountain pine beetle outbreaks in south-central British Columbia
- 2012/05/04: al Jazeera: The battle for Brazil's rainforest
Will proposed changes to Brazil's forest code set the Amazon on a path to speedier deforestation, as feared by many? - 2012/05/02: Eureka: Dry heat increases bark beetle bite -- Climate change puts spruce forests at greater risk of bark beetle attacks
- 2012/05/01: NatureN: Brazil set to cut forest protection
Environmentalists pin hopes on presidential veto to reduce harmful impact of weakened legislation - 2012/04/30: TP:JR: Global Warming is Doubling Bark Beetle Mating, Boosting Tree Attacks Up To 60-Fold, Study Finds
This week in the New Normal -- extreme weather:
- 2012/05/02: HuffPo: "Connecting the Dots" Between Extreme Weather and Climate Change
- 2012/05/03: al Jazeera: One storm, widespread damage
From China to Japan, a spring storm delivers hail, flooding and severe weather - 2012/05/04: Wunderground: Connecting the dots between climate change and extreme weather
Changes in natural cycles are showing up:
- 2012/05/02: UCSD: Study Shows Experiments Underestimate Plant Responses to Climate Change
- 2012/05/02: CSM: Plants flowering much faster as global temperatures rise
- 2012/05/02: BBC: Plants flower faster than climate change models predict
Scientific models are failing to accurately predict the impact of global warming on plants, says a new report. Researchers found in long-term studies that some are flowering up to eight times faster than models anticipate. The authors say that poor study design and a lack of investment in experiments partly account for the difference. They suggest that spring flowering and leafing will continue to advance at the rate of 5 to 6 days per year for every degree celsius of warming. - 2012/05/02: SciNow: Plant Experiments Underestimate Climate Change Effects
- 2012/04/30: BBC: Cygnet hatching in Abbotsbury marks first day of summer
The first cygnet of the year at Abbotsbury Swannery in Dorset is the earliest since records began in 1393. The hatching of the first cygnet is traditionally taken as a sign that summer is here. A swanherd has been keeping records of cygnets born at the colony of mute swans since the late 14th Century. - 2012/05/06: ABC(Au): Tornado rips through eastern Japan
- 2012/05/06: ABC(Au): Deadly tornado rips through eastern Japan
A tornado ripped through eastern Japan, killing one person and injuring at least 20 people, destroying houses and cutting power to around 20,000 households. The tornado tore through several towns north-east of Tokyo, with television footage from the city of Tsukuba showing houses torn apart, overturned cars and toppled power poles. Aerial images showed possibly hundreds of houses and apartments with shattered glass windows, many of them with their roofs blown away. - 2012/05/01: Wunderground: Tornado hits France; unprecedented April heat in Europe
As for heatwaves and wild fires:
- 2012/05/02: P3: Fire Danger Returns to Texas
- 2012/05/04: ABC(Au): Heatwave hits flood-hit Thailand
- 2012/04/29: CBC: Rural Manitoba fires keep crews busy
Glaciers are melting:
- 2012/05/03: FaGP: Sierra Nevada del Cocuy Glacier Retreat, Colombia
- 2012/05/06: FaGP: Index of Glacier posts June 2009-May 2012
- 2012/04/30: FaGP: Albrectbreen, Svalbard retreat and thinning
Sea levels are rising:
- 2012/05/02: Maribo: Dispatch from Kiribati: Can you "see" sea level rise?
These global warming deluges are becoming all too frequent:
- 2012/05/04: ABC(Au): Far west NSW recovers after once-in-a-lifetime rain [in February]
As for hydrological cycle disruptions [floods & droughts]:
- 2012/05/02: CBC: Pine beetles, fires, storms hike B.C. flood risk
- 2012/05/05: al Jazeera: Deadly floods hit western Nepal
At least 13 killed and more missing after flash floods sweep away village near tourism site of Mount Annapurna. - 2012/05/05: BBC: Nepal floods: Thirteen dead near Annapurna
At least 13 people have died in Nepal and dozens more are missing, police say, after a mountain river burst its banks, causing flooding around Mount Annapurna in the west of the country. - 2012/05/06: al Jazeera: Brazil drought and floods
The Amazon Basin is close to suffering its worst flooding on record. Northeastern Brazil is enduring a severe drought. - 2012/05/05: CNN: Police: Floods in Nepal kill at least 8; 3 Russians among missing
Sudden flash floods wipe away a settlement in central Nepal, the police say - The exact number of people missing is unknown - Three Russian tourists are believed to be among the missing, the police say - 2012/05/05: CCP: Doug O'Harra: Climate warming charging water cycle, producing bigger storms, according to study lead by Paul Durack
- 2012/04/29: BBC: Australia faces the end of Big Dry
Phew! What a scorcher that was. Australians call it the Big Dry and, after nine parched years, it's over. It's the drought that has afflicted large areas of this vast country and now the federal government has officially declared it at an end. - 2012/05/01: al Jazeera: April showers gone mad
The effects of the wettest April on record across the United Kingdom - 2012/04/30: BBC: It has been the wettest April in the UK for over 100 years, with some areas seeing three times their usual average, figures from the Met Office show
First, stop subsidizing fossil fuels
Second, put a price on carbon
And elsewhere on the mitigation front: - 2012/05/01: ERabett:BSD: Buying and closing coal mines to benefit climate
- 2012/05/01: Eureka: Global warming: New research emphasizes the role of economic growth
It's a message no one wants to hear: To slow down global warming, we'll either have to put the brakes on economic growth or transform the way the world's economies work. That's the implication of an innovative University of Michigan study examining the evolution of atmospheric CO2, the most likely cause of global climate change. - 2012/05/01: UMich:ISR: Global warming: New research emphasizes the role of global economic growth
- 2012/04/29: ArsTechnica: Hate fossil fuels? Then buy up the reserves
While in the endless quest for zero energy, sustainable buildings and practical codes:
- 2012/05/01: USA Today: Builders: Energy efficiency greens most new homes
More than 80% of builders say energy-efficient features are now pervasive in new homes and are making their construction greener than just two years ago, a new report finds. Two-thirds of builders and remodelers say customers request green homes to lower their utility bills -- more than twice as often as any other factor, according to the SmartMarket report by McGraw-Hill Consruction, part of The McGraw-Hill Companies. - 2012/05/02: Grist: Meatpacking plant turns into net-zero-energy vertical farm
- 2012/05/01: Guardian(UK): Sustainable architecture embraces rammed earth and rock formations
Large scale geo-engineering keeps popping up:
- 2012/05/01: MetaBunk: Debunked: Geoengineering Map by ETC Group
- 2012/05/01: ETCG: The World of Geoengineering: ETC Group Maps Earth System Experimentation
- 2012/04/30: GEP: Small Step Forward for Biochar in Australia, Big Step Back for CCS in Canada
- 2012/05/01: QuarkSoup: Future Wars Over Geoengineering?
Meanwhile in the journals:
- 2012/05/02: ACP: Evaluating the influences of biomass burning during 2006 BASE-ASIA: a regional chemical transport modeling by J. S. Fu et al.
- 2012/05/03: ACPD: Characterization of coarse particulate matter in the western United States: a comparison between observation and modeling by R. Li et al.
- 2012/05/03: ACPD: Particle hygroscopicity during atmospheric new particle formation events: implications for the chemical species contributing to particle growth by Z. Wu et al.
- 2012/05/03: ACPD: Global anthropogenic methane emissions 2005-2030: technical mitigation potentials and costs by L. Höglund-Isaksson
- 2012/05/03: ACPD: The distribution of snow black carbon observed in the Arctic and compared to the GISS-PUCCINI model by T. Dou et al.
- 2012/05/02: ESDD: Power-law behavior in millennium climate simulations by S. V. Henriksson et al.
- 2012/05/03: CP: Precipitation variability in the winter rainfall zone of South Africa during the last 1400 yr linked to the austral westerlies by J. C. Stager et al.
- 2012/05/04: CPD: Constraining the temperature history of the past millennium using early instrumental observations by P. Brohan et al.
- 2012/05/03: CPD: Climate warming and vegetation response at the end of Heinrich event 1 (16700-16 000 cal yr BP) in Europe south of the Alps by S. Samartin et al.
- 2012/05/03: CPD: Stable isotope and trace element investigation of two contemporaneous annually-laminated stalagmites from northeastern China surrounding the "8.2 ka event" by J. Y. Wu et al.
- 2012/05/02: CPD: An independently dated 2000-yr volcanic record from Law Dome, East Antarctica, including a new perspective on the dating of the c. 1450s eruption of Kuwae, Vanuatu by C. T. Plummer et al.
- 2012/03/29: RSC:JEM: (ab$) Radioactive fallout in the United States due to the Fukushima nuclear plant accident by P. Thakur et al.
- 2012/05/04: Science: (ab$) 21st-Century Evolution of Greenland Outlet Glacier Velocities by T. Moon et al.
- 2012/01/16: QSR(via DOI): Marine geological constraints for the grounding-line position of the Antarctic Ice Sheet on the southern Weddell Sea shelf at the Last Glacial Maximum by Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand et al.
- 2012/04/30: NERC:NORA: The Antarctic ozone during 2010 by A.R. Klekociuk et al.
- 2012/05/01: NERC:NORA: Radioactive contamination in the Arctic - sources, dose assessment and potential risks by P. Strand et al.
- 2012/05/01: NERC:NORA: Evaluating Younger Dryas glacier reconstructions in part of the western Scottish Highlands : a combined empirical and theoretical approach by N.R. Golledge & Alun Hubbard
- 2012/05/04: ACP: The genesis of Typhoon Nuri as observed during the Tropical Cyclone Structure 2008 (TCS08) field experiment - Part 2: Observations of the convective environment by M. T. Montgomery & R. K. Smith
- 2012/05/04: ACP: Black carbon from ships: a review of the effects of ship speed, fuel quality and exhaust gas scrubbing by D. A. Lack & J. J. Corbett
- 2012/05/04: ACP: The summer aerosol in the central Arctic 1991-2008: did it change or not? by J. Heintzenberg & C. Leck
- 2012/05/04: ACP: Characterisation of sub-micron particle number concentrations and formation events in the western Bushveld Igneous Complex, South Africa by A. Hirsikko et al.
- 2012/05/04: ACP: Estimating the climate significance of halogen-driven ozone loss in the tropical marine troposphere by A. Saiz-Lopez et al.
- 2012/05/04: ACPD: Variation of CO2 mole fraction in the lower free troposphere, in the boundary layer and at the surface by L. Haszpra et al.
- 2012/05/03: GMD: Importance of the surface size distribution of erodible material: an improvement on the Dust Entrainment And Deposition (DEAD) Model by M. Mokhtari et al.
- 2012/05/03: GMD: A contrail cirrus prediction model by U. Schumann
- 2012/05/04: GMDD: Description of a hybrid ice sheet-shelf model, and application to Antarctica by D. Pollard & R. M. DeConto
- 2012/05/02: GMDD: TopoSUB: a tool for efficient large area numerical modelling in complex topography at sub-grid scales by J. Fiddes & S. Gruber
- 2012/05/02: GMDD: Models of soil organic matter decomposition: the SOILR package, version 1.0 by C. A. Sierra et al.
- 2012/05/03: OS: Laminar and weakly turbulent oceanic gravity currents performing inertial oscillations by A. Wirth
- 2012/05/04: TC: Brief communication - Greenland's shrinking ice cover: "fast times" but not that fast by J. S. Kargel et al.
- 2012/05/04: TCD: Glacier dynamics over the last quarter of a century at Helheim, Kangerdlugssuaq and 14 other major Greenland outlet glaciers by S. L. Bevan et al.
- 2012/05/03: TCD: Drifting snow climate of the Greenland ice sheet: a study with a regional climate model by J. T. M. Lenaerts et al.
- 2012/04/27: GRL: (ab$) Observations reveal external driver for Arctic sea-ice retreat by Dirk Notz & Jochem Marotzke
- 2012/05/05: GRL: (ab$) Did we see the 2011 summer heat wave coming? by Lifeng Luo & Yan Zhang
- 2012/05/05: GRL: (ab$) Historical land use change and associated carbon emissions in Brazil from 1940 to 1995 by Christiane Cavalcante Leite et al.
- 2012/05/01: GRL: (ab$) Recent weakening of northern East Asian summer monsoon: A possible response to global warming by Congwen Zhu et al.
- 2012/05/01: PNAS: (abs) Extending the timescale and range of ecosystem services through paleoenvironmental analyses, exemplified in the lower Yangtze basin by John A. Dearing et al.
- 2012/05/01: PNAS: (ab$) Tempo of trophic evolution and its impact on mammalian diversification by Samantha A. Price et al.
- 2012/05/01: PNAS: (ab$) Global changes in diets and the consequences for land requirements for food by Thomas Kastner et al.
- 2012/05/01: PNAS: (ab$) Predator-induced macroevolutionary trends in Mesozoic crinoids by Przemyseaw Gorzelak et al.
- 2012/05/01: PNAS: (ab$) Alternative pathway for atmospheric particles growth by Maria Eugenia Monge et al.
- 2012/05/01: PNAS: (ab$) Agulhas leakage as a key process in the modes of Quaternary climate changes by Thibaut Caley et al.
- 2012/05/01: PNAS: (abs) Climate change and the selective signature of the Late Ordovician mass extinction by Seth Finnegan et al.
- 2012/05/01: PNAS: (letter$) Bats and white-nose syndrome by M. Brock Fenton
- 2012/04/17: WOL:GW: (ab$) Potential Contaminant Pathways from Hydraulically Fractured Shale to Aquifers by Tom Myers
- 2012/04/30: CJFAS: Forage fish and the factors governing recovery of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) on the eastern Scotian Shelf by Douglas P. Swain & Robert K. Mohn
- 2012/04/30: AGWObserver: New research from last week 17/2012
And other significant documents:
- 2012/05/01: RAN: [link to 3.6 meg pdf] Dirty Money: US Banks At the Bottom of the Class
- UNCSD:Rio20: [link to 90k pdf] The Future We Want - Zero draft of the outcome document
- 2012/04/27: USGS: [link to 7.3 meg pdf] Methods for Evaluating Temporal Groundwater Quality Data and Results of Decadal-Scale Changes in Chloride, Dissolved Solids, and Nitrate Concentrations in Groundwater in the United States, 1988-2010 by Bruce D. Lindsey & Michael G. Rupert
- 2012/04/19: ASPO(Italia): [link to 315k pdf] Methane and the Clathrate Gun Conjectures
As for miscellaneous science:
- 2012/05/02: OSU: Study finds stream temperatures don't parallel warming climate trend
- 2012/04/30: NatureNB: Sound science policy center gets a million-dollar boost
- 2012/05/01: NatureN: Trial tests Austrian science-integrity body
Unfair-dismissal suit will show whether the young agency's rulings are taken seriously. - 2012/05/01: NatureN: Universities clash by the Nile -- Property dispute dogs Egypt's plans for a science city
- 2012/04/30: IsaacHeld: Estimating TCR [Transient Climate Response] from recent warming
What's new in models?
- 2012/05/03: ClimateSight: Summer Research
- 2012/05/01: NOAANews: NOAA near-term weather forecasts get powerful boost from new computer model -- Research yields new tool to achieve a Weather-Ready Nation
- 2012/05/01: Eureka: With climate and vegetation data, UCSB geographers closer to predicting droughts in Africa
- 2012/04/29: SEasterbrook: Some CMIP5 statistics
What developments in the ongoing struggle for Open Science?
- 2012/05/01: Guardian(UK): Open, free access to academic research? This will be a seismic shift by UK Science Minister David Willetts
Opening up access to academic research will put more data and power in the hands of the people who pay for it - 2012/05/02: BBC: UK to make academic research available free on the net
The UK plans to give the public access to academic research via the internet free of charge. The government said that Wikipedia's co-founder Jimmy Wales had agreed to advise it on how to ensure the move would promote "collaboration and engagement". The decision will have major implications for the publishing industry. Firms currently charge access to peer-reviewed papers covered in journals - 2012/05/03: NatureNB: Key questions in the UK's shift to open-access research
- 2012/05/02: ScienceInsider: U.K. Government Enlists Wikipedia Founder for Open Access Policy
- 2012/05/02: CBC: Harvard, MIT offering free online courses
- 2012/05/02: SlashDot: Open Research Computation Closes Before Opening
Regarding Lovelock:
- 2012/05/01: SciAm:GB: Visionary or Vision-Impaired? Lovelock Is Both
- 2012/04/30: PSinclair: Scott Mandia on Lovelock Nothing-Burger
Regarding Wilson:
- 2012/04/30: Grist: E. O. Wilson wants to know why you're not protesting in the streets
Regarding Wegman:
- 2012/05/01: ERabett: EINAL
- 2012/05/01: ERabett: But There's More
Meanwhile on the Kyoto front:
- 2012/05/03: PlanetArk: Australia, NZ Delay Decision On Signing Kyoto 2
Australia and New Zealand have missed a deadline to set post-2012 emission reduction targets under the Kyoto Protocol, with both governments saying they will decide whether to continue to be legally bound to cut emissions of seven greenhouse gases later this year. - 2012/05/03: ABC(Au): China begins carbon trading
- 2012/05/03: ABC(Au): Koreans to set up emissions trading scheme
South Korea has passed legislation to establish a national emissions trading scheme from 2015, covering 500 of that country's largest emitters. - 2012/05/03: PlanetArk: South Korea Approves Carbon Trading Scheme
- 2012/05/03: BBerg: South Korean Parliament Approves Carbon Trading System
- 2012/05/04: PlanetArk: EU Green Goals Depend On CO2 Market-Acciona
The European Union could fail to hit its green goals unless it manages to drive carbon prices on its Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) to around three times current levels, Spain's Acciona Energy said. - 2012/05/02: EurActiv: Permit glut sparks talk of 'carbon central bank'
Analysts say that any one-off EU clearing of the massive glut of carbon permits now clogging the Emissions Trading System (ETS) is likely to lead to a 'central bank' or other policy tool to manage future imbalances. But the European Commission is cautious about entrenching such a mechanism in the ETS, which is the bloc's chief weapon to fight climate change. - 2012/05/02: PlanetArk: Analysis: Permit Glut Points To New EU Carbon Policy Tool
The Robin Hood tax, aka the Tobin tax, aka the Bank tax, aka the Financial Transaction tax keeps coming up:
- 2012/05/03: EUO: Britain would pay over 70 percent of transactions tax, says committee
On the international political front, tensions continue as the USA and Israel lean on Iran:
- 2012/05/03: BBerg: Iran Embargo Impossible to Meet as Ships Need Its Oil
Europe's oil embargo on Iran is having unforeseen consequences in the shipping market, making it almost impossible to determine if vessels are using fuel that violates the sanctions. Supplies from Iran are a "vital blending component" to make ship fuel, known as bunkers, according to Barclays Capital. The nation accounted for about 8 percent of bunkers exported last year to Asia, the largest market, and about a third of the supply at Fujairah in the United Arab Emirates, the Middle East's biggest refueling port, Barclays estimates. - 2012/05/05: al Jazeera: Argentine president signs YPF takeover law
President Cristina Fernandez signs into law the takeover of Spanish-owned YPF oil company, names new YPF leader. - 2012/05/04: al Jazeera: Argentina takes over Spanish-owned oil firm
The lower house approved the takeover of YPF by a 207-32 vote in a push for energy self-sufficiency. - 2012/05/03: BBC: Argentina's Congress has approved the controversial nationalisation of Spanish-controlled oil company YPF
- 2012/05/02: EUO: Bomb in Buenos Aires amid EU trade row
- 2012/04/29: BBC: YPF vows to deliver gas as Repsol cancels deliveries
And now Bolivia has nationalized their power grid:
- 2012/05/02: Guardian(UK): Bolivia nationalises Spanish-owned power grid
Bolivian troops occupy installations owned by Red Eléctrica, following Argentina's move to nationalise oil company - 2012/05/02: EurActiv: Spain, EU suffer new blows in Latin America
Bolivia's leftist President Evo Morales marked May Day yesterday (1 May) by nationalising the local unit of Spain's Red Electrica. In the meantime, as a sign of growing tension, a bomb exploded outside the EU headquarters in Argentina, which is seizing control of another Spanish company, Repsol. - 2012/05/02: al Jazeera: Bolivia nationalises electrical grid
President Evo Morales announces final push in nationalising power sector by taking over Spanish-owned company. President Evo Morales has announced that his government is completing the nationalisation of Bolivia's electricity sector by seizing control of its main power grid from a Spanish-owned company. Morales on Tuesday took advantage of the symbolism of May Day, the international day of the worker, to order troops to occupy installations of the company, a subsidiary of Red Electrica Corporacion SA. The president's placing of another of what he deems basic services under state control comes as neighbouring Argentina moves to take control of the country's oil company, YPF, from the Spanish energy company Repsol SA, which had held a majority interest. - 2012/05/01: BBC: Bolivia nationalises Spanish-owned electricity firm
Bolivian President Evo Morales has nationalised a Spanish-owned electric power company. Mr Morales ordered the military to take over the subsidiary of Spanish power company REE, which owns and runs around three-quarters of Bolivia's power grid. Mr Morales said he had ordered the take-over in honour of the Bolivian people fighting to regain control of their natural resources. - 2012/05/03: CleanTechnica: China, Inc. Locked In on World Solar, Wind Manufacturing Domination
It's clear from China's 12th Five-Year Plan for the Solar Photovoltaic Industry that despite being a direct cause of bankruptcies and massive losses in its own solar energy industry, as well as those in the US, Europe and other countries, the Chinese government not only remains firmly committed to dominating the global market for solar PV cells and panels, it's redoubling its efforts. - 2012/04/29: NYT: Philippines Role May Expand as U.S. Adjusts Asia Strategy
[...] joint military exercises whose message, at least in part, appeared to be clear despite proclamations to the contrary. The exercises included mock beach invasions along coastlines facing China, whose military buildup and territorial claims in the South China Sea have alarmed some of its neighbors and jumpstarted the United States' military "pivot" to the region. - 2012/04/30: OilChange: Big Oil Approved Canada's FQD Strategy
- 2012/04/25: FA: China Digs It -- How Beijing Cornered the Rare Earths Market
Climate Change is a threat multiplier exacerbating existing conflicts in food, energy, water, race, ideology ... etc.:
- 2012/05/05: SlashDot: Panetta Labels Climate Change a National Security Threat
The issue of the law and activism is playing out around the world:
- 2012/05/03: WaPo: Greenpeace activists arrested after boarding Arctic-bound icebreaker in Sweden
- 2012/05/03: Guardian(UK): Energy conference protesters accuse police of heavy-handed tactics
What are the activists up to?
- 2012/05/03: CSM: Climate Impacts Day [May 5] and a new way to look at the world
- 2012/05/04: Grist: Too hot not to notice? Connecting the dots on climate [McKibben]
- 2012/05/03: Grist: You shall not pass: Activists to block Warren Buffett's coal trains [McKibben]
- 2012/05/04: TreeHugger: Let's Go Beyond Weather and Climate, Let's Connect the Economic Dots Too
- 2012/05/03: PostMedia: SFU professor willing to be arrested to make greenhouse gas statement
Mark Jaccard plans to participate in a protest Saturday near the White Rock pier, stopping Burlington Northern Santa Fe trains from delivering U.S. coal A Simon Fraser University professor with a long and distinguished academic career said Thursday he is tired of political inaction on greenhouse gases and is prepared to be arrested in an act of civil disobedience scheduled for this weekend on the White Rock waterfront. Mark Jaccard, a 57-year-old professor of sustainable energy, said in an interview he plans to participate in a protest Saturday near the White Rock pier, stopping Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) trains from delivering U.S. coal into B.C. for export. He said he is fully prepared to get arrested for trespassing onto railway property, but stressed his actions would be peaceful and non-violent. - 2012/05/03: DeSmogBlog: B.C. Protest This Saturday to Stop Warren Buffett's BNSF Coal Trains
- 2012/05/04: Guardian(UK): Connecting the dots of this climate change crisis [McKibben]
- 2012/05/02: TP:JR: Climate Activists Tell Warren Buffett Why They Are Blocking His Coal Trains, Via James Hansen
- 2012/05/02: GRC: The Fundamental Right to Know What is in our Food: Action against Monsanto in California
Polls! We have polls!
- 2012/05/03: EnergyBulletin: Too hot not to notice?
- 2012/05/03: TMoS: Well That Didn't Take Long
- 2012/05/02: DD: Australians' concern about the environment plummets
- 2012/04/30: TP:JR: Public Opinion Snapshot: The Death Of Public Support For Global Warming Action Is Greatly Exaggerated
Regarding Water Politics and Business:
- 2012/05/03: JFleck: Will taxpayers bail out delta water exporters?
- 2012/04/29: Chapelboro: Water Part V: When Oil and Water Mix
- 2012/05/05: SimpleC: Water's climate risks show high temperature sensitivity
- 2012/05/01: PlanetArk: Solve Water Problems Or Forget Growth, India Told
India's economic growth and political stability are at stake in coming years if it does not change its approach to water management, a member of its natural resources planning commission told Reuters on Monday. - 2012/04/29: CNN: Wind turbine creates water from thin air
Makers of a wind turbine claim it can generate power and water from humid air - Developers hope the device will bring water to rural communities in arid countries - The technology could be adapted to meet the needs of small cities in the future, say manufacturers - 2012/04/27: USGS: [link to 7.3 meg pdf] Methods for Evaluating Temporal Groundwater Quality Data and Results of Decadal-Scale Changes in Chloride, Dissolved Solids, and Nitrate Concentrations in Groundwater in the United States, 1988-2010 by Bruce D. Lindsey & Michael G. Rupert
- 2012/04/30: USGS: Technical Announcement: From Decade to Decade: What's the Status of our Groundwater Quality?
- USGS: Groundwater-Quality Trends
So what's new on the education front?
- 2012/05/03: PSinclair: Teachers Balance Climate education. PBS False-Balances the News, Courtesy of the Kochs
- 2012/05/02: GLaden: Climate "Controversy" in American Classrooms
And on the American political front:
- 2012/05/03: GRC: Biotechnology and GMO: The California Campaign against Genetically Engineered Food -- California public to vote on GMO Label Act
- 2012/05/03: TP:JR: Major Analysis: Federal Loans And Loan Guarantees Have A Huge Benefit But A Low And Predicatable Cost [US pol]
- 2012/05/02: TP:JR: Federal Support For Solar Is Relatively Small, But Provides 'More Jobs Per Megawatt-Hour Than Any Other Energy Industry'
- 2012/05/02: CleanTechnica: California Utilities Balk as Home Solar Producers Near 5 Percent [Net-Metering] Limit
- 2012/05/03: Grist: It's almost impossible for Pa. landowners to find out about fracking violations
- 2012/05/03: CARightToKnow: California GMO Labeling Initiative Headed for Ballot: Right to Know Campaign Turns in Nearly One Million Signatures
- 2012/05/02: RawStory: Pennsylvania governor: Forced ultrasounds are 'the way to go'
Republican Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett is asserting that forced ultrasounds are "the way to go" if they stop women from having abortions. - 2012/05/04: TP:JR: Jobs In Rural Western Counties With More Than 30% Protected Public Lands Increased 300% Over Last 40 Years
- 2012/05/04: PlanetArk: Wyoming Pushed EPA To Delay Study On Fracking: Report
- 2012/05/02: TP:JR: ALEC's Top Five Anti-Environment 'Model' Laws
- 2012/05/01: Eureka: America's clean energy policies need a reality check, say Stanford researchers
- 2012/05/02: DeSmogBlog: ALEC Wasn't First Industry Trojan Horse Behind Fracking Disclosure Bill - Enter Council of State Governments
- 2012/04/30: TreeHugger: New Project Seeks to Turn 500,000 Polluted Sites Into Renewable Power Hotspots
- 2012/04/30: UCSUSA:B: The Lacey Act: Protecting the Protector
- 2012/04/30: DeSmogBlog: Let's Just Say It: When It Comes to Science, The Right is the Problem
The BP disaster continues to twist US politics:
- 2012/05/01: TP:JR: Two Years After The Deepwater Horizon Disaster, BP Uses Quarterly Profits For Millions In Lobbying Dollars
- 2012/04/30: Guardian(UK): BP to start three new Gulf of Mexico oil rigs
New drilling sites brings number of BP's Gulf rigs to eight -- more than it operated before the Deepwater Horizon disaster - 2012/05/03: TP:JR: Ignoring The 64,000 Green Jobs In His State, Romney's Campaign Claims Clean Energy Isn't Creating Jobs
- 2012/05/04: Grist: Big Oil dominates political attacks on Obama
- 2012/05/03: TreeHugger: Romney Resurrects Solyndra, Claims Obama Blew it on Clean Energy
- 2012/05/02: al Jazeera: Newt Gingrich formally ends presidential bid
Ex-House speaker quits Republican race after badly trailing Mitt Romney in polls and racking up campaign debt of $4.3m. - 2012/04/30: BizInsider: Surprise! Ron Paul Destroyed Mitt Romney In Massachusetts This Weekend
The Keystone XL saga rolls along:
- 2012/05/04: TP:JR: A New Application For The Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline Means A New Review Process
- 2012/05/04: CBC: TransCanada reapplies for Keystone XL permit
TransCanada Corp. has applied for a presidential permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. The original pipeline route, which aims to double the amount of Canadian oil that can be transported from Hardisty, Alta., to the U.S. Gulf Coast, was rejected by U.S. legislators in 2011. The new application announced Friday includes the already reviewed route in Montana and South Dakota, but a section leading to Steele City, Neb., that goes through the Sand Hills region is still in question. In its application Friday, TransCanada said a route for the contentious Nebraska section will be submitted as part of the application once a new route is finalized. - 2012/05/04: RegisterGuard: [Editorial] Study coal export projects -- Federal officials should heed Kitzhaber's concerns
Coal is the oldest and filthiest of fossil fuels. Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber is right to request a comprehensive federal review of proposals that would more than double this country's coal export capacity by turning Northwest ports into major shippers of U.S. coal to China and other Asian countries. - 2012/05/02: Oregonian: Portland General Electric vetoes initial proposal for coal export terminal at Oregon's Port Westward
- 2012/05/03: DeSmogBlog: Exporting Coal: Struggling U.S. Coal Industry Trying to Stay Relevant By Shipping Through the Northwest
- 2012/05/03: DeSmogBlog: B.C. Protest This Saturday to Stop Warren Buffett's BNSF Coal Trains
- 2012/05/05: Grist: Coal dependent: Pacific Northwest activists fight new export terminals
- 2012/05/01: WaPo:B: How the U.S. could influence China's coal habits --- with exports
- 2012/05/01: Grist: Fighting coal export terminals: It matters
- 2012/04/29: Oregonian: Oregon and northwest neighbors must decide wisely on coal export proposals
It was only a matter of time before a local leader willing to look at the big picture on coal exports stood up and said, in so many words: Wait a minute, are we sure about this? Gov. John Kitzhaber did just that last week, when he asked federal agencies to conduct an integrated review of several proposals to turn Oregon and Washington ports into Asian supply hubs for American coal. - 2012/05/02: NatureNB: Steep decline projected for US Earth-observing satellites
- 2012/05/02: ScienceInsider: Keeping an Eye on Earth Is Getting Harder
The ability of U.S. scientists to monitor changes in the planet's climate, natural hazards, and land surface continues to deteriorate, warns a report from the U.S. National Academies' National Research Council (NRC) that was released today. Aging satellites are being replaced too slowly, the report concludes, and by 2020 the country may have only 25% of its current observing capacity. - 2012/05/02: Eureka: Report warns of rapid decline in US Earth observation capabilities; next-generation missions hindered by budget shortfalls, launch failures
- 2012/05/06: SkeptiSci: Report Warns of Rapid Decline in U.S. Earth Observation Capabilities by John Hartz
The GOP War on Women grinds along. The mills of the gods grind slowly and they grind woe:
- 2012/05/04: Wonkette: Susan G. Komen Staffers Dropping Like Flies
- 2012/05/03: CSM: Ann Romney-Hilary Rosen dust-up can't be reduced to a question of 'choice'
- 2012/05/03: MoJo: The GOP's New Sneak Attack on Abortion Rights
Buried in a Republican bill to give states more say over health care funds is a provision that would restrict how they spend their own money on abortions. - 2012/04/30: ACLU: Unanimous Oklahoma Supreme Court Blocks Dangerous "Personhood" Initiative -- ACLU and Women's Health Advocates Had Filed Lawsuit to Protect Vital Health Services in Oklahoma
- 2012/04/30: al Jazeera: Planned Parenthood vs the NRA: Contrasting models of freedom
Economics, not culture wars, may determine this election - but culture wars need to be understood on their own terms. - 2012/05/04: DOI: [Press Release] Interior Releases Draft Rule Requiring Public Disclosure of Chemicals Used in Hydraulic Fracturing on Public and Indian Lands
- 2012/05/04: Grist: BLM announces draft of 'common sense' rules for fracking
- 2012/05/04: TP:JR: Interior Department Releases Draft Fracking Rule Lacking Basic Public Right-To-Know Measures
- 2012/05/01: CSW: Al Armendariz of EPA was right about environmental law enforcement
- 2012/05/01: NOAANews: NOAA launches Weather-Ready Nation pilot project in Tampa
- 2012/04/30: TreeHugger: EPA Official Resigns Over "Crucify" Remarks, Breathes Life Into "Job-Killing" Myth
What are the lobbyists pushing?
- 2012/05/04: DD: Aspen chamber severs ties with U.S. Chamber of Commerce over climate change dispute
- 2012/05/03: ERabett:BSD: Time to set up the American Business Chamber
- 2012/04/29: RealVail: Climate change dispute erupts with Aspen telling U.S. Chamber of Commerce to take a hike
- 2012/04/27: AlterNet: ALEC and ExxonMobil Push Loopholes in Fracking Chemical Disclosure Rules
While in the UK:
- 2012/05/04: EurActiv: UK must go green to stimulate growth, says Chris Huhne
Former cabinet minister Chris Huhne has issued a stark warning that the UK's economic growth strategy will not work unless the government pursues "green growth" by investing in industries such as energy efficiency and clean energy. - 2012/05/03: Guardian(UK): It's green growth or nothing by former UK DECC head, Chris Huhne
We have no choice. High energy prices are here to stay and resource-frugality is our only hope for a sustainable future - 2012/05/04: BBC: Boris Johnson has won a second term as London mayor, beating Labour rival Ken Livingstone by 3%, after a far closer contest than expected
- 2012/05/02: TreeHugger: Solar Sales Drop 90% After UK Subsidies Slashed
- 2012/05/02: BBC: Caroline Spelman: Dry winter may mean standpipes in 2013
Standpipes could be needed in the streets next year if England endures another dry winter, the environment secretary has suggested. - 2012/04/30: Guardian(UK): David Cameron, it's time to show leadership on climate change and energy
I am writing an open letter to the prime minister calling for extraordinary boldness to address the climate crisis [from Caroline Lucas, Green party MP, Brighton Pavilion] - 2012/04/30: BBC: Call for clarity on wind turbines
The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) is calling on the government to say how many onshore wind turbines will be built and where they will be. - 2012/05/03: EurActiv: EU reaches biofuels 'consensus' - but no decision
An extraordinary 'orientation meeting' between the European Union's 27 commissioners has instructed the EU executive's energy and climate departments to sit down and jointly draft a legal proposal addressing indirect land use changes (ILUC) caused by the biofuels industry. But no decisions were taken at the high-level meeting convened yesterday (2 May) by Commission Secretary-General Catherine Day, who oversees all departments at the EU executive. - 2012/05/03: EurActiv: Energy efficiency deal blocked by 'vested interests'
The draft energy efficiency directive, initially billed as the most important energy savings law to date, is being held back by the "vested interests" of large energy companies with very close ties to member states, EU sources have said. The Energy Efficiency Directive was tabled in 2011 as the EU's main instrument to reaching the bloc's goal of reducing energy consumption by 20% by 2020. Despite numerous public statements supporting the objective, EU member states did not want it included in the draft energy efficiency directive. - 2012/05/04: EurActiv: Germany grapples with post-nuclear power gap
Germany's accelerated nuclear exit and increased reliance on renewables is likely to cause a power gap equivalent to the output of up to 15 plants by 2020, participants at a high-level energy meeting said on Wednesday (2 May). But the meeting hosted by Chancellor Angela Merkel and attended by leading energy executives reached no decisions on how to fill the shortfall. - 2012/04/30: SwissInfo: Sustainability goals still out of reach
Consumption of non-renewable materials is rising so fast in Switzerland that it is putting at risk the stocks left for future generations. A report into sustainable development, released by the Statistics Office on Monday in connection with the 20th anniversary of the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, says the total material requirement in Switzerland has increased by more than 20 per cent since 1992. - 2012/04/30: BBerg: Merkel's Green Jobs Ambition Stalls With Cuts for Solar
Meanwhile in Australia:
- 2012/05/03: ABC(Au): Tasmania's Musselroe wind farm is on track to start generating power within nine months.
- 2012/05/03: ABC(Au): Another coal export record for Newcastle
- 2012/05/04: ABC(Au): $3m solar power station open
Carnarvon businesses and residents will benefit from a new solar power station which will officially open today. Energy Made Clean Limited built the $3 million project, which will feed clean energy into the grid. The Federal Government contributed $1.5 million to the facility which is made up of 48 photovoltaic frames. - 2012/05/04: ABC(Au): Carbon compo 'not enough' for poorest households
- 2012/05/: CleanEnergyRegulator(Au): (database) LEPID: Liable Entities Public Information Database
- 2012/05/05: ABC(Au): City council warns of carbon tax rate hike
Ratepayers in the largest city council in Australia have been warned that rates will rise as a result of the carbon tax. The Federal Government yesterday released the official list of the 250 biggest polluters that will pay the tax. The councils of Brisbane, Wagga Wagga and Armadale in suburban Perth are on the list alongside miners BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto. - 2012/05/01: ABC(Au):TDU: Palmer puts a face to Greenhouse Mafia's agenda
If Clive Palmer is elected to Parliament, it will put a face to the 'Greenhouse Mafia', which could be a very good thing. For 20 years the climate debate has been spinning in circles. The world's biggest miners and polluters have used every trick in the book to sabotage progress. They have funded extremism and confusion, to hide their interests. Now that democracy is on the verge of fixing the problem, they are taking on democracy. - 2012/05/02: ABC(Au): Energy analyst acknowledges concerns about coal seam gas
- 2012/05/02: ABC(Au): Australian government urged to wind back carbon tax [by former New South Wales Premier, Kristina Keneally]
- 2012/05/02: ABC(Au): Farmers upset by windfarm cutback
- 2012/05/01: CCD: Coal billionnaire sunk by vast metaphor
- 2012/05/01: ABC(Au): Thousands rally against NSW land use policy
Thousands of people from farms and environmental groups have gathered in Sydney for a mass rally against the New South Wales Government's land use policy. The unlikely alliance, which has formed under the name Protect Our Land and Water, marched to State Parliament at lunchtime.
The protesters say the Government is giving priority to coal seam gas and mining operations with the policy. - 2012/05/01: ABC(Au): Funding for Mid West transmission line announced
State funding of $400 million has been announced to begin stage one of the Mid West energy project. The project involves the construction of a transmission line from Neerabup, north of Perth, to Eneabba in the Mid West, a distance of 190 kilometres. The 330-kilovolt line is expected to be completed by February 2014. - 2012/04/30: ABC(Au): Drought support scheme set to continue
The Federal Government has extended a drought support program for about another two years. The Transitional Farm Family Payment provides up to a year of income support for eligible families and they need to develop a climate change action plan to access the funding. Kay Matthias from the Rural Financial Counselling Service SA says the program has been useful for families no longer getting Exceptional Circumstances help. - 2012/05/05: ABC(Au): Pressure on Labor as Crook joins Coalition
Western Australian Nationals MP Tony Crook has formally joined the Coalition, placing further pressure on the Labor government. The member for O'Connor says he believes it is the best way to serve his electorate. The move by Mr Crook, who has voted with Labor more than 30 times in the Lower House since the last election, puts the Coalition's numbers at 72 members to Labor's 71. - 2012/05/01: ABC(Au):TDU: Gillard's speaker fiasco threatens to end in farce
After a 10 year drought and 2 years of flooding, water usage planning is controversial and difficult:
- 2012/05/03: ABC(Au): Call for basin plan to account for climate change
- 2012/05/05: ABC(Au): Water report calls for better balance in the Murray-Darling Basin
- 2012/05/05: ABC(Au): Basin water report says balance achievable
A new report on the Murray-Darling Basin's water use says it is possible to achieve a balance between the environment, economy and communities. The Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering report, to be presented in Sydney today, suggests the adoption of a Green Growth Through Water policy. - 2012/05/02: ABC(Au): Call for basin authority to consider CSG impacts
The Queensland Farmers Federation (QFF) says it would have liked the State Government to address coal seam gas (CSG) mining in its submission on the draft Murray-Darling Basin plan. - 2012/05/01: ABC(Au): New Queensland Government expresses its concerns about Murray-Darling Basin plan
- 2012/05/02: ABC(Au): Water research looks at underground supplies
While in the Indian subcontinent:
- 2012/05/04: CCurrents: Coal Power Fiasco In India -- Karnataka's Case Study
- 2012/05/05: CCurrents: Koodankulam: Hunger Strikers' Health Deteriorate
- 2012/05/03: CCurrents: Fourth Round Of Indefinite Hunger Strike In Koodankulam
And in China:
- 2012/05/02: EnergyBulletin: China's looming conflict between energy and water
- 2012/05/04: CCurrents: Will China Survive?
In Canada, neocon PM Harper pushes petroleum while doing nothing about climate change:
- 2012/05/01: P3: The muzzling of Canada's scientists
- 2012/04/29: PostMedia: Oil lobbyists approved Harper's climate policy as 'elegant' approach
The federal government asked the oil and gas industry last fall to review its foreign climate change policies, which were then approved by lobbyists as "an elegant" approach, reveals newly-released correspondence. The government was consulting the industry about European climate change legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation fuels, according to an email exchange between senior bureaucrats at Natural Resources Canada. The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, an oil and gas industry lobby group, is opposed to the European Fuel Quality Directive legislation, because it believes it unfairly discriminates against bitumen, the heavy oil derived from the oilsands sector... - 2012/05/03: MediaCoop: Tickling the Dragon: Byron Sonne and Crown Prosecution
The Harper gang is streamlining environmental reviews out of existence:
- 2012/05/01: CBC: Fisheries Act proposals draw fire from ex-minister -- Tom Siddon says 'appalling' changes will gut legislation
The former Tory minister responsible for the current Fisheries Act is openly criticizing his successor over proposed changes to the legislation. Tom Siddon, who was minister of Fisheries and Oceans from 1985 until 1990 for Brian Mulroney's Progressive Conservatives, says he is extremely concerned by the amendments being championed by Keith Ashfield, the current minister. - 2012/05/03: NatureNB: Canadian budget bill undermines environment, critics charge
- 2012/05/03: WCEL: Special treatment for oil industry means poor environmental laws
- 2012/04/30: PI:B: Federal budget strips accountability and transparency from climate change policy
- 2012/05/04: PostMedia: Something's fishy with Bill C-38
Bill C-38, also called the Jobs, Growth and Long-Term Prosperity Act, is a heck of a thing. It's an omnibus bill that purports to be a budget bill but isn't. It's a statutory juggernaut that introduces, amends, or repeals nearly 70 federal laws. It's been presented to the House of Commons in a manner that may be without close precedent in Canadian parliamentary history. It could be a whole lot of things, depending on who's doing the shouting, but the things that Industry Minister Joe Oliver and Environment Minister Peter Kent and Fisheries Minister Thomas Ashfield have had to say about its purposes just don't add up. - 2012/05/04: TStar: Stephen Harper's stealthy war against wages and the environment
- 2012/05/02: DeSmogBlog: Heartbreaking News for Canada's Water Lovers [fish habitat - implementation bill]
- 2012/04/30: HillTimes: Feds set Canada back 50 years on environment regulations: critics
The Great Lakes are in jeopardy:
- 2012/05/: CoC: Great Lakes Need Great Friends -- Protecting The Great Lakes Forever
- 2012/05/01: CBC: Great Lakes on 'crisis pathway' expert says
The Shell/Iogen biofuel plant is toast:
- 2012/05/04: NatureN: Canadian biofuel plans derailed -- Iogen cancels a pioneering facility to turn crop waste into ethanol
- 2012/05/01: PlanetArk: Shell, Iogen Scrap Plans For Canada Biofuel Plant
Royal Dutch Shell Plc and Iogen Corp have scrapped plans for a commercial-scale biofuel plant in Manitoba, spelling the loss of 150 jobs and raising questions about widespread and near-term use of fuel made from agricultural waste in Canada. The Iogen Energy joint venture had been studying building a plant to make ethanol from straw and other plant waste, rather than from food crops such as corn and sugar. One location discussed was Portage la Prairie, west of Winnipeg, Manitoba. - 2012/05/03: CBC: Shipwreck leaking fuel alarms B.C. First Nation -- U.S. military vessel sank in the area 66 years ago with 700 tonnes of fuel aboard
- 2012/05/04: 350orBust: Freedom Train to Canadians: Our Democratic Process Is Being Lost [video]
- 2012/05/04: PaulSGraham: Video: Yinka Dene Alliance Freedom Train Winnipeg News Conference
- 2012/05/01: BCLSB: Over To You, Christy Clark
- 2012/04/28: VanObs: First Nations resist Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline with cross-Canada Freedom Train
The Yinka Dene Alliance departs on Monday for a nationwide journey on the Freedom Train, to storm Enbridge's AGM in opposition to the Northern Gateway pipeline. - 2012/05/03: PostMedia: Vancouver council called 'silly' for seeking oil spill indemnity
Mayor Gregor Robertson said the city never signed on to the idea it would become an oil export port Vancouver city council is being "silly" in drafting a bylaw to require tanker operators to indemnify the city against the effects of a major oil spill, a maritime lawyer said Tuesday. Gary Wharton, a partner in Bernard and Partners, said tanker operators and owners are already well covered under a series of overlapping international and national conventions and spill funds in the event of any oil spill in Canadian waters. - 2012/05/03: TheCanadian: Video: Vancouver Council Takes On Kinder Morgan Pipeline, Tanker Expansion
- 2012/04/30: VanObs: Gregor Robertson's Greenest City takes on the oil industry
Can Harper-backed Big Oil penetrate Mayor Gregor Robertson's renowned "Greenest City"? - 2012/04/30: CBC: Enbridge pipeline gets thumbs-down from B.C. NDP
Party says 'high-risk, low-return' project not in B.C.'s interests B.C.'s New Democrats have formally registered opposition to Enbridge's controversial proposal to build a pipeline from the Alberta oilsands to the port of Kitimat in northern B.C., arguing the risks outweigh the benefits. Official Opposition leader Adrian Dix and 35 MLAs signed the 11-page letter sent on Monday to the National Energy Board's joint review panel, which is tasked with assessing the Northern Gateway project. - 2012/05/01: MiningWatch: Algonquin First Nations Have Serious Concerns About Proposed Rare Earth Open Pit Mine on Traditional Lands: Seek MOU With Matamec
A very Canadian protest:
- 2012/05/05: PostMedia: Coal protesters arrested, fined $115 in White Rock train blockade
A protest against coal exports Saturday at the White Rock pier resulted in the arranged arrests of 14 protesters. Approximately 50 members of British Columbians for Climate Action and 350.org rallied next to the railway all day, threatening to block the route if any coal trains came through. Prior to his arrest Saturday, group spokesman Kevin Westbrook said Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway lawyers claimed six coal trains were scheduled to cross the border. Only one coal train from Wyoming crossed on Saturday and was stopped by police to facilitate the welcomed arrests. "We've had an incredibly cordial relationship with the police today and we've negotiated a good outcome to this," said Westbrook. "[RCMP] are going to stop the train there and we're gonna go on the tracks and they're going to arrest us." The protesters were later released and ticketed $115 each under the Railway Act for trespassing on private property. - 2012/05/03: Straight: Mark Jaccard: Why I'll be blocking BNSF coal trains on Saturday
- 2012/05/05: 360orBust: Economist Arrested At Coal Protest: This Has To Stop, Our Window To Act On Climate Change Closing
The ISA/PRV virus in BC waters is potentially disastrous:
- 2012/05/05: AlexandraMorton: European salmon viruses in Pacific salmon denied by government and industry
In BC, the stage is set. Now what will Clark and Dix do?
- 2012/05/03: NatGeo: British Columbia Rethinks Its Pioneering Carbon Tax
- 2012/05/02: CCPA: Climate change will shape BC in 2035, one way or another
- 2012/04/30: G&M: B.C.'s Christy Clark: Nowhere to go but up
Meanwhile in that Mechanical Mordor known as the tar sands:
- 2012/05/01: SierraClub(Ca): Earth Day, the Tar Sands and Free Trade -- Connecting the dots by Janet M Eaton
- 2012/05/05: PEF: Canada's Oil: For Sale to the Highest Bidder
- 2012/05/01: DeSmogBlog: Comparing Territories: Tar Sands Blanket Caribou Habitat
- 2012/04/30: OilChange: Big Oil Approved Canada's FQD Strategy
Also in Alberta:
- 2012/05/04: GRC: Alberta Election - Party of Big Oil Defeats Party of Big Oil
- 2012/05/01: PI:B: Weaker federal laws will increase pressure on Alberta to deliver on environmental management
Ontario is wrestling with its energy policy:
- 2012/05/01: CBC: Ontario electricity rates going up
- 2012/05/01: BCLSB: When Green Energy Meets Endangered Species In Ontario
While in la Belle Province:
- 2012/05/02: PI: Pembina reacts to Quebec Environment Commissioner's assessment of Quebec's 2006-2012 climate change plan
As for miscellaneous Canadiana:
- 2012/05/04: Rabble: The science and art of defeating Motion 312
The movement toward a long term ecologically viable economics is glacial:
- 2012/05/03: EnergyBulletin: Toward a new Bretton Woods and a sustainable civilization
- 2012/05/01: CCurrents: Can We Expect The Economy To Keep Growing?
- 2012/05/01: EnergyBulletin: Questioning growth assumptions
- 2012/04/30: EnergyBulletin: Can we expect the economy to keep growing?
What do we tell the children?
- 2012/05/02: 350orBust: For My Grandchildren
IPAT [Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology] raised its head once again:
- 2012/05/02: RawStory: Pennsylvania governor: Forced ultrasounds are 'the way to go'
Republican Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett is asserting that forced ultrasounds are "the way to go" if they stop women from having abortions. - 2012/04/30: ACLU: Unanimous Oklahoma Supreme Court Blocks Dangerous "Personhood" Initiative -- ACLU and Women's Health Advocates Had Filed Lawsuit to Protect Vital Health Services in Oklahoma
- 2012/04/30: AlterNet: Why Are Conservatives Petrified of Sexual Freedom?
Right-wingers seem to have a deep-seated fear of women's sexual rights. - 2012/04/30: al Jazeera: Planned Parenthood vs the NRA: Contrasting models of freedom
Economics, not culture wars, may determine this election - but culture wars need to be understood on their own terms. - 2012/05/01: CCurrents: Welcome To The Asylum
How do the media measure up?
- 2012/05/02: TreeHugger: Wind Farms Cause Global Warming, Fox News Says
- 2012/05/02: ERabett:BSD: Keith Kloor highlights his own strawman; can't see it
- 2012/05/04: CCP: PBS' Newshour puts radical lying Heartland Institute climate change denier, James Taylor, on a segment for "balance"
- 2012/05/03: WtD: The Word of Murdoch: hacking scandals, climate change denial and Rupert Murdoch's lasting legacy [media]
- 2012/05/03: TP:JR: False Balance On Climate Change at PBS NewsHour
- 2012/05/02: PSinclair: Fox Faux Physics Fail. "Global Warming is not happening, and Wind Turbines are Causing it".
- 2012/05/01: TP:JR: 10,000 Americans Criticize Discovery Channel's 'Frozen Planet' CO2 Censorship
- 2012/04/30: WtD: "I can Get-Away from climate": thank your lucky stars deniers, this awkward bad science-travelogue gave the gift of false balance
- 2012/04/29: TP:JR: A Critique Of The Broken-Record Counterfactual Message of The New York Times On Environmentalists and Scientists
Here is something for your library:
- 2012/05/03: QuarkSoup: Hulme, The (Disappointing) Finale [Book Review] _Why We Disagree About Climate Change+ by Mike Hulme
- 2012/04/29: BostonGlobe: [Book Review] _The Social Conquest of Earth_ by E.O. Wilson
And for your film & video enjoyment:
- 2012/05/04: HotTopic: The Climate Show #26: All the news that fits
- 2012/05/02: GreenGrok: Water Ills Focus of New Documentary
_Last Call at the Oasis_ highlights global water crisis but opines that the "glass is half full." - 2012/05/06: TP:JR: 'Last Call At The Oasis' Is Loud Wakeup Call On Global Water Crisis
- 2012/04/30: PSinclair: New Video - US Wind Energy at the Crossroads
- 2012/04/29: GLaden: Remember that animation of an inflatable flying windmill?
Meanwhile among the 'Sue the Bastards!' contingent:
- 2012/05/02: Oregonian: Lawsuit against wind energy project near Steens Mountain pits green groups against green project
- 2012/05/02: CBC: Gulf deepwater drilling plans go before U.S. court
Environmental groups urged an appeals court on Wednesday to block Shell from drilling 10 new deep-water wells off Alabama's coast, arguing that U.S. regulators haven't properly reviewed the risks of undersea drilling in the aftermath of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico spill. - 2012/05/03: WaPo: Federal coal lease sales in Powder River Basin draw lawsuit from environmental groups
Wrestling over a new energy infrastructure continues unabated:
- 2012/05/02: EnergyBulletin: My Neighbors Use Too Much Energy by Tom Murphy
- 2012/05/04: Stoat: Natural Gas shutting down Coal Power Plants?
- 2012/05/04: EarlyWarning: Natural Gas shutting down Coal Power Plants
- 2012/05/03: NBF: Civilization Demand and Resources for Energy Relative to Kardashev Scale
- 2012/05/02: Fraunhofer: Analyzing energy potential
- 2012/05/03: GaianEcon: Demand Clean Energy
- 2012/05/01: FuturePundit: Ford CEO Alan Mulally Sees Higher World Energy Prices
- 2012/05/02: Eureka: Mining for heat
- 2012/05/01: Eureka: America's clean energy policies need a reality check, say Stanford researchers
- 2012/04/30: NBF: Bloom Energy [fuel cell company] building factory in Delaware
- 2012/04/30: TP:JR: Clean Energy Ministerial and Sustainable Energy For All Join Forces For Global Clean Energy Push
Hey! Let's contaminate the aquifer for thousands of years! It'll be a fracking gas!
- 2012/05/03: PlanetArk: Shale Causes Rise In Waste Gas Pollution
- 2012/05/03: Grist: It's almost impossible for Pa. landowners to find out about fracking violations
- 2012/05/03: TreeHugger: Fracking Chemicals Could Hit Drinking Water More Quickly Than Thought - As Interior Mulls Letting Companies Disclose Them After the Fact
- 2012/05/01: EconIntersect: Fracking Regulation: Don't Ask, Don't Tell
- 2012/05/03: NYT: Wastewater Becomes Issue in Debate on Gas Drilling
- 2012/05/03: TP:JR: Shale Energy Boom Puts America In The Top Ten Gas Flaring Countries, Boosting Global Warming Pollution
- 2012/05/04: Grist: BLM announces draft of 'common sense' rules for fracking
- 2012/05/04: TreeHugger: More US Shale Gas Drilling Means More Gas Flaring, More Emissions
- 2012/05/03: BizInsider: New Study Predicts Fracking Fluids Will Seep Into Aquifers Within Years
- 2012/05/02: EnergyBulletin: New study predicts frack fluids can migrate to aquifers within years
- 2012/05/05: NatureNB: US releases new fracking rules on government lands
- 2012/05/01: Guardian(UK): Lancashire schoolgirl wins chance to address MEPs with anti-fracking video
An 11-year-old schoolgirl travels to Brussels after posting a video on YouTube criticising shale gas extraction - 2012/05/04: TP:JR: Interior Department Releases Draft Fracking Rule Lacking Basic Public Right-To-Know Measures
- 2012/05/01: TP:JR: Independent Analysis Confirms That Hydraulic Fracturing Caused Drinking Water Contamination In Wyoming
- 2012/05/02: TreeHugger: Fracking Did Contaminate Wyoming Town's Wells, Independent Review Confirms
- 2012/05/02: DeSmogBlog: ALEC Wasn't First Industry Trojan Horse Behind Fracking Disclosure Bill - Enter Council of State Governments
- 2012/05/06: OilDrum: Tech Talk - More on hydraulic fracturing
- 2012/05/04: EconoMonitor: Fracking and the Environment: An Economic Perspective
- 2012/04/17: WOL:GW: (ab$) Potential Contaminant Pathways from Hydraulically Fractured Shale to Aquifers by Tom Myers
- 2012/05/01: ProPublica: New Study Predicts Frack Fluids Can Migrate to Aquifers Within Years
- 2012/05/02: OilChange: Scientific Study Warns Fracking Can Contaminate Aquifers
- 2012/04/30: BBerg: Fracking 'Health Challenges' to Be Examined by U.S. Advisers
- 2012/05/01: BBerg: Drillers May Frack First, Disclose Later Under Draft Plan
Natural-gas companies drilling on U.S. land would be permitted to wait until after hydraulic fracturing is completed to disclose what chemicals they used, under a draft rule being considered by the Interior Department. - 2012/05/01: CNN: Reporting of fracking and drilling violations weak
- 2012/05/01: DeSmogBlog: EPA Shale Gas Emissions Standards: "Too Little, Too Late"
- 2012/05/01: ABC(Au): Protesters fear environmental effects of CSG
On the coal front:
- 2012/05/04: PlanetArk: FirstEnergy Keeping 3 Old Ohio Coal Plants Running
A U.S. power grid operator has asked FirstEnergy Corp to keep running three coal-fired plants in Ohio that generate about 885 megawatts in an effort to maintain a reliable supply of electricity, the company said. - 2012/05/04: HotTopic: Coal controversy continues
- 2012/05/01: TP:JR: Report Card: America's Largest Banks Get Poor Grades On Coal Financing
- 2012/04/30: Grist: U.S. coal is on the decline, and utility execs know it
- 2012/04/29: QuarkSoup: China's Soaring Demand For Coal
On the gas and oil front:
- 2012/05/04: BBerg: Closing oil prices Friday
OIL (US$/bbl)
Nymex Crude Future...98.49
Dated Brent Spot.....113.16
WTI Cushing Spot.....98.49 - 2012/05/02: NBF: US, Iraq and World Oil News Roundup
- 2012/04/30: CER:RRapier: Why High Oil Prices are Here to Stay
- 2012/05/02: DD: Marginal oil production costs are heading toward $100/barrel
- 2012/05/05: CSM: Alert: Major cyber attack aimed at natural gas pipeline companies
- 2012/04/30: CNN: U.S. 'dirty oil' imports set to triple
U.S. imports of what environmentalists are calling "dirty oil" are set to triple over the next decade, raising concerns over the environmental impact of extracting it and whether pipelines can safely transport this Canadian oil. The United States currently imports over half a million barrels a day of bitumen from Canada's oil sands region, according to the Sierra Club. By 2020, that number is set to grow to over 1.5 million barrels -- or nearly 10% of the country's current consumption. - 2012/04/29: OilDrum: Tech Talk - Improving Horizontal Well Flow at Berri and Ghawar
In the fossil fuel corps:
- 2012/05/01: BBC: BP profits slip in first quarter
Oil giant BP has reported a slip in first quarter profits. It made $4.9bn (£3bn) in replacement cost profit - profit stripping out the effect of oil and other price movements - for the first three months of this year compared with $5.6bn a year ago. - 2012/05/01: OilDrum: The oil curse: How petroleum wealth shapes the development of nations
- 2012/05/02: G&M: What happens when oil becomes unaffordable? by Jeff Rubin
When the first OPEC oil shock hit in the 1970s, President Nixon responded by lowering the national speed limit to 55 miles per hour in a bid to conserve energy. But speed limits aren't the only thing that can change when oil prices go up. Right now, we're seeing that rising crude prices can influence much more than just how fast you can drive your car. High oil prices change the speed at which your economy can grow. - 2012/05/01: PlanetArk: Exxon Mobil Shuts Louisiana Oil Pipeline After Leak
- 2012/05/01: OilChange: US Pipeline Regulations "Inadequate"
Yes we have a peak oil sighting:
- 2012/05/03: EnergyBulletin: The peak oil crisis: Implications
- 2012/05/04: EnergyBulletin: Seven myths used to debunk peak oil, debunked
Biofuel bickering abounds:
- 2012/05/03: PlanetArk: Uncertainty Still Clouds Future Of EU Biodiesel
- 2012/05/03: AutoBG: E15 brings many questions, no consensus on widespread use
- 2012/05/02: TreeHugger: Palm Oil Even Worse For Deforestation, Emissions Than Thought
- 2012/05/02: Eureka: Better plants for biofuels
- 2012/04/30: UMass: UMass Chemical Engineers and Collaborators Discover a High-Yield Method for Producing Everyday Plastics from Biomass
- 2012/04/30: BNC: What volume of synthetic hydrocarbon fuels can we generate in the future?
The answer my friend...:
- 2012/05/03: Grist: How wind power fits into our energy diet
Meanwhile among the solar aficionados:
- 2012/05/02: CleanTechnica: California Utilities Balk as Home Solar Producers Near 5 Percent [Net-Metering] Limit
- 2012/05/04: TreeHugger: Plug 'n Play Solar Systems Could Give Renters a Renewable Energy Option
- 2012/05/04: NBF: Solarcity Recipe for Solar Energy Success
- 2012/05/04: CBC: Solar-powered catamaran completes around-the-world journey
- 2012/05/02: SciAm:Obs: Solar-Powered Catamaran Circles the Earth
- 2012/04/30: TP:JR: Three Charts That Illustrate Why Solar Has Hit A True Tipping Point
- 2012/04/30: TreeHugger: Leaf-Mimicking Solar Cells Generate 47% More Electricity
- 2012/04/11: BBerg: [Indian] Farmers Foil Utilities Using Cell Phones to Access Solar
Feed-In-Tariffs are being variously implemented around the world:
- 2012/05/02: TreeHugger: Solar Sales Drop 90% After UK Subsidies Slashed
The nuclear energy controversy continues:
- 2012/05/03: NBF: Kalinin 4 [nuclear reactor] finishing final tests for commercial operation in September, 2012
- 2012/05/03: Guardian(UK): Nuclear power is only solution to climate change, says Jeffrey Sachs
- 2012/05/05: Guardian(UK): Japan shuts down last working nuclear reactor
- 2012/05/01: WNN: Uprates cost-effective despite price increase
Projected costs for ongoing uprates at four Florida Power and Light (FPL) nuclear units have increased by over half a billion dollars - but will still save customers around $3.8 billion in fossil fuel costs over the long term, the utility claims. - 2012/05/01: NBF: India can build nuclear reactors for $1700 per kilowatt
- 2012/04/30: NBF: India Develops a large Uranium reserve and Botswana Uranium and Kazakhstan Uranium
- 2012/04/30: PSinclair: Nuclear Power: The Dream that Failed
- 2012/04/30: JQuiggin: Info item on modular nuclear reactors
Nuclear waste storage requires _very_ long term thinking:
- 2012/05/01: ABC(Au): ACF welcomes nuclear waste plan, but urges inquiry
- 2012/04/30: PlanetArk: Radioactive Waste Dump Opens In Texas, Environmentalists Worried
Low energy nuclear keeps coming up:
- 2012/05/04: NBF: Lawrenceville Plasma Physics Dense Plasma Focus Fusion Presentation
- 2012/04/29: EnergyBulletin: The peak oil crisis: the quantum fusion hypothesis
And then there is the matter of efficiency & conservation:
- 2012/05/02: BBerg: Future of Lighting Plays Out in Iowa Town, Global Courts
- 2012/05/03: UCSUSA:B: Fight Global Warming at Work: Show Your Boss the Money
Automakers & lawyers, engineers & activists argue over the future of the car:
- 2012/05/05: TP:JR: The City Is The Crucible For The Electric Vehicle Market
- 2012/05/04: AutoBG: These electric vehicles aren't really, real; just California compliance EVs
- 2012/05/02: AutoBG: ANSI releases detailed electric vehicle deployment 'roadmap'
- 2012/05/01: CSM: Why I bought a Nissan Leaf
- 2012/04/30: NBF: Pike forecasts sales of electric two-wheelers in Asia Pacific to reach more than 65 Million units in 2018
This week in the Gee Whiz File:
- 2012/05/01: TreeHugger: Electronic Clothing and More Efficient Solar Panels Possible with New Graphene Material
As for Energy Storage:
- 2012/04/30: TreeHugger: Tesla's Electric Car Battery Tech Could End Up Powering Your Home
The reaction of business to climate change will be critical:
- 2012/05/01: Guardian(UK): Shell's stance on wind power reveals a profound truth of capitalism
When pushed to choose between profit and survival, the oil giant chooses profit -- irrespective of collective consequence - 2012/05/01: Grist: Apple's dirty energy supplier: 'Nothing to see here'
Insurance and re-insurance companies are feeling the heat:
- 2012/04/30: AllGov: Insurers Prepare for Climate Change...Except in U.S.
Insurance company executives are aware of the future risks posed by climate change. And yet they have been slow to prepare for the coming wave of weather-related accidents and litigation spawned by global warming changes. In a survey conducted by Ceres, a Boston-based coalition of investors and environmental groups, more than 75% of insurers acknowledged the existence of perils stemming from climate change. "Yet despite widespread recognition of the effects climate change will likely have on extreme events, few insurers were able to articulate a coherent plan to manage the risks and opportunities associated with climate change," the Ceres report states. The Ceres study found that out of 88 U.S. insurance companies, only 11 had formal climate change risk policies and more than 60% had no dedicated management approach to assessing climate risks. - 2012/05/02: EnergyBulletin: Top 11 FAQs by Richard Heinberg
Joe Romm posts a daily list of top energy and climate stories:
- 2012/05/04: TP:JR: May 4 News...
- 2012/05/03: TP:JR: May 3 News...
- 2012/05/02: TP:JR: May 2 News...
- 2012/05/01: TP:JR: May 1 News...
- 2012/04/30: TP:JR: April 30 News...
Other (weekly) lists:
- 2012/05/04: BPA: Agriculture News
- 2012/05/04: EnergyBulletin: ODAC Newsletter
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
- 2012/05/03: QuarkSoup: Gloating Over the Australian Report on Threats
- 2012/05/03: HotTopic: Shang a de Lange
- 2012/05/03: PSinclair: T. Boone Pickens: Koch Brothers Block Energy Policy
- 2012/05/02: TreeHugger: The Top Five Anti-Environment Objectives of ALEC
- 2012/05/03: DeSmogBlog: Conservatives, Seeking To Show They Are Open-Minded, Ignore Contrary Evidence (And No, This Is Not an Onion Article)
- 2012/05/04: CCP: Exposed: 19 Public Corporations Funding The Climate Denier Think Tank Heartland Institute
- 2012/05/04: CChallenge: Cascading Consequences... AGW educational links
- 2012/05/04: TP:JR: Private Water Industry Defends ALEC Membership
- 2012/05/03: TP:JR: T. Boone Pickens: 'The Biggest Deterrent To An Energy Plan In America Is Koch Industries'
- 2012/05/03: QuarkSoup: Fwd: Dumb and dumber -- Now I'm receiving insulting email from Anthony Watts....
- 2012/05/05: WtD: "Death threats? Why guv, there's been no death threats": The Australian claims threats against scientists not real, forgetting it has reported on death threats made against scientists
- 2012/05/05: QuarkSoup: Threats in Australia - More to the Story
- 2012/05/04: ERabett: Heartland Hacked Again
- 2012/05/04: QuarkSoup: Now Anthony Watts Is Calling Me!
- 2012/05/04: TCoE: Living with The Box
- 2012/05/04: DeSmogBlog: Cue the Defections: Rep. Sensenbrenner First To Pull Out of Heartland Institute's Denial-a-Palooza Conference
- 2012/05/02: ERabett: The Climate Casino
- 2012/05/02: TP:JR: ALEC's Top Five Anti-Environment 'Model' Laws
- 2012/05/02: Stoat: So long, and thanks for all the fish
- 2012/05/01: QuarkSoup: Re: Diviner result
- 2012/04/30: CSW: Who is threatened by climate science?
- 2012/04/30: DeSmogBlog: Heartland Institute Attacks Forecast the Facts, Denies Its Climate Change Denial
- 2012/04/27: AlterNet: ALEC and ExxonMobil Push Loopholes in Fracking Chemical Disclosure Rules
Looks like Heartland is feeling the pressure of those recent public opinion polls:
- 2012/05/04: Wonkette: Check Out These Lovely New Heartland Institute Murder Billboards
- 2012/05/04: TDB:AS: The Right And The Climate: A New Low, Ctd
- 2012/05/04: CCP: Heartland Institute becomes the Sicko of the denialist climate zombies
- 2012/05/04: GLaden: Comparing mainstream scientists to the Unibomber is like ...
- 2012/05/04: DeSmogBlog: Heartland Billboard: "the most prominent advocates of global warming aren't scientists; they are murderers, tyrants, and madmen"
- 2012/05/04: QuarkSoup: Heartland Institute Takes the Low Road
- 2012/05/04: P3: Sully Weighs in on Heartland Shark-Jump
- 2012/05/04: SMandia: Heartland Institute: Indefensible un-American Behavior
- 2012/05/04: Tamino: Beneath Contempt
- 2012/05/04: DD: Heartland Institute billboards compare belief in global warming to mass murder
- 2012/05/04: HotTopic: Poisonous Heartland, twisted billboards
- 2012/05/04: PSinclair: Heartland Institute Poster Fail
- 2012/05/04: TP:JR: Heartland Institute Compares Climate Science Believers And Reporters To Mass 'Murderers And Madmen'
- 2012/05/04: Guardian(UK): Heartland Institute compares belief in global warming to mass murder
US thinktank launches poster campaign comparing Unabomber and Osama Bin Laden to those concerned about global warming - 2012/05/04: ClimateShifts: A new low for the Heartland Foundation
- 2012/05/05: DeSmogBlog: Microsoft Fail: Computer company criticizes Heartland but won't withhold future support
- 2012/05/05: PSinclair: Unabomber Bombs. Heartland Cuts and Runs from Disastrous Billboards
- 2012/05/04: Grist: Nine out of 10 psychos agree: Heartland's bonkers climate billboards need company!
- 2012/05/04: ERabett:BSD: Billboards are just repeats of garbage on Heartland's website -- They've done this before
- 2012/05/04: TreeHugger: "Charles Manson Still Believes in Global Warming. Do You?" Dumbest Anti-Climate Campaign. Ever.
- 2012/05/04: 350 Org: An Open Letter to the Heartland Institute from Bill McKibben
- 2012/05/04: RawStory: Chicago billboard compares belief in climate change to mass murder
Update: Heartland Institute withdraws billboard after less than 24 hours, calling it an "experiment" that "angered" many - 2012/05/04: GLaden: Heatland to Take Down Unibomber Billboard
- 2012/05/04: ERabett: Heartland Seppuku
- 2012/05/04: QuarkSoup: Curry: "Heartland has unambigously seized the moral low ground"
- 2012/05/04: QuarkSoup: Protesting the Heartland Institute's Shocking Billboards
- 2012/05/04: QuarkSoup: The Heartland Institute Bounces Off the Bottom
- 2012/05/04: DeSmogBlog: Will Heartland Institute's Corporate Funders Tacitly Endorse Comparing Climate Realists to bin Laden and the Unabomber?
- 2012/05/04: P3: The correct response to Heartland's disgusting billboards
- 2012/05/04: USA Today: Billboards liken belief in climate change to mass murder
- 2012/05/04: UCSUSA:B: Who's the Crazy One Here?
- 2012/05/05: CSM: Even denialist Rep. Sensenbrenner recoiled at loathsome Heartland Institute Unabomber global warming billboard
As for climate miscellanea:
- 2012/05/03: RealClimate: The legend of the Titanic
- 2012/05/02: Grist: The 'reasonable middle' on climate change
- 2012/05/02: TP:JR: Climate Change Is Not A 'Message.' It's An Objective Reality And An Urgent Crisis. That's Why We Must Talk About It
- 2012/05/02: Guardian(UK): Leadership is the answer to the right's problem with climate change
The out-of-touch fringe of right-wing climate change sceptics is a dangerous and expensive drag on climate action, but it needn't be that way - 2012/05/04: SciAm:PI: The Yale Environment Review wants to brief you on the latest in environmental research
- 2012/05/01: KSJT: NYTimes: Lindzen in p.1 climate story. ScienceTimes has other bookend: an ancient acidification of the sea (and lots more)
- 2012/05/01: Grist: By growing food, Occupy the Farm helps a movement grow up
- 2012/05/01: WtD: The earnest, doom-laden climate change debate: or why I'm going to start enjoying myself more
- 2012/05/01: PlanetArk: Emerging Economy Growth To Heat Planet Quicker Than Expected
- 2012/04/30: Grist: Turn up the heat: Environmentalists should join Occupy on May Day
- 2012/05/01: CSW: "How should students engage and contribute?"
- 2012/05/01: AFTIC: A Tale of Two Predictions
- 2012/05/01: TreeHugger: Happy May Day!
- 2012/04/30: QuarkSoup: This Ought to Win An Award
- 2012/04/29: NSF: Global Warming Refuge Discovered Near At-Risk Pacific Island Nation of Kiribati
Ocean currents may mitigate warming near handful of equatorial islands - 2012/04/29: QuarkSoup: An Impressive Fact About Carbon Dioxide
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- Clean Technica
- YER: Yale Environment Review
- UKansas: Sea Level Rise Maps
- Connect the Dots
- rbutr
- CEI: Climate Emergency Institute
- MiningWatch
- Vaclav Smil
- USGS: Groundwater-Quality Trends
- Wiki: Corium (nuclear reactor)
- Wiki: CHAdeMO
- NOAA:ESRL: GlobalView
- NOAA: Deepwater Horizon Library
- The Plant List -- A working list for all plant species
It's always nice to start with a laugh:
We need a word.
We need a new metric: The probability of a paper being misunderstood, misconstrued, or maliciously misused.
On the pattern of fnord, I propose the Wnatt.
The Zhou et al. paper on wind farms rates about an 8 on the 0 to 10 Wnatt Scale:
There's something going on on the West coast of Peru. Something deadly:
A late reminder from the IEA:
What are the banks up to?
The world inches toward creating a global legal framework for ecological crime:
Post Fukushima, nuclear policies are in flux around the world:
The food crisis is ongoing:
Clouds are one of the major uncertainties in climate. Much research revolves around them:
As for ocean currents:
Oh look! The Anthropocene came up again:
On the tornado front:
And on the carbon trading front:
Argentina nationalized YPF, removing the Spanish firm Repsol. Much yelling ensued:
And in miscellaneous international political jousting:
And on the groundwater front:
On the 2012 campaign trail:
Exporting coal to Asia from NW seaports has become a political hot potato:
American satellite capability is set to decline rapidly and soon:
The actions of the Obama administration are being watched closely:
And in Europe:
Julia Gillard's margin for error is getting thinner yet:
The G20 controversy lingers:
The budget implementation act, Bill C-38, is drawing much comment:
The battle over the Northern Gateway pipeline rages on:
As does the battle over the Kinder Morgan expansion:
An open pit mine on traditional Algonquin land?
Apocalypso anyone?
Regarding oil and the economy:
And in pipeline news:
Who's fielding the FAQs?
Low Key Plug
My first novel Water was published in Canada May, 2007. The American release was in October. An Introductionto the novel is available, along with the Unpublished Forewordand the Launch Talk(which includes some quotations), An overview of my writing is available here.
P.S. Recent postings can be found in the week archive and the ancient postings can be accessed here, which should open to this.
I notice moyhu has set up a monster index to old AWoGWN on AFTIC."...two forces seem to have coalesced in the political arena. On the one hand, the corporate interests that don't want to be regulated, wealthy anti-regulatory ideologues, and the political elites that are aligned with them. On the other, the grassroots conservatives who are culturally at odds with liberal values and what they see as liberal elites. It's beyond climate science now, it's embedded in that larger context in a way that makes effective action much more difficult." -Rick Piltz
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