Don't forget to update your RSS feed

Just a quick note to say that the Science Blogs move to NGeo has changed the RSS feed so any AFTIC subscribers who want to keep following the rare posting of mine and/or het's weekly news round-up should resubscribe using the links to the right -->

(Yes, that notice is more than a month overdue and probably obvious by now, but better late than never, right? I mean if we did not believe in "better late than never" we would not still be agitating for climate change mitigation, would we?)

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Dudes, I don't even drink soda. Of any kind. Ever. Seriously, though, I'm saddened by the loss of several of my sciblings. Many of them are individuals who I consider role models, and look up to. Dr. Skyskull is attempting to keep a list of new locations for them, here, and I've been adding links…
Well, I'll never work in academia again after those last two posts. I suppose if my migraines ever get under control I can always go back to industry. Pharma is always desperate for experienced medical writers and they pay better than academia anyway. Plus the hours are better. Let's just hope…
Several items showed up recently that may be of interest to science bloggers, their readers, and related science communicators of various stripes.... A) Today, Eureka, the science section of London Times, published a list of Top 30 Science Blogs. Every list that has me in it is a good list ;-)…

Thanks for informing us to resubscribe....I am a regular follower of your posts.

By social rss readers (not verified) on 12 Jul 2012 #permalink

added link to this news service/blog to my blog.