This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
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Information is not Knowledge...Knowledge is not Wisdom
August 25, 2013
- Chuckles, COP19+, Overshoot, AR5, Potash
- Bottom Line, Thermodynamics, Cook
- Fukushima: Note, News, Policies, Related Papers
- Melting Arctic, Harp Seals, Methane, Geopolitics, Antarctica
- Food: Crisis, Fisheries, Prices, Land Grabs, GMOs, GMO Labelling, Production
- Hurricanes, Monsoon, Weather Machine, Notable Weather, Extreme Weather, New Weather
- Temperatures, Feedbacks, Aerosols, Risk, Solar, Climate Sensitivity
- Oceans, Biosphere, Extinctions, Bees & CCD, Volcanoes, Satellites
- Impacts, Forests, Disease, Phenology, Tornadoes, Wildfires
- Corals, Glaciers, Sea Levels, GW Deluge, Floods & Droughts
- Mitigation, Transportation, Buildings, Sequestration, Geoengineering, Conservation, Restoration, Adaptation
- Journals, Other Docs, Misc., Science Orgs, DIY Science, Free Science, Advocacy, Trenberth, Curry
- International Politics: UN, Carbon Trade, Carbon Tax, Hormuz, South China Sea, Treaties, Misc.
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- National Politics: Britain, Europe, Australia, Election, MDBP, India, China, Asia, Africa, South America
- Canada, Questions, Lac-Mégantic, East-West, Nestle, Salmon, BC, Tar Sands, Alberta, North
- America, BP Disaster, Sandy, Keystone, Mayflower, Birth Control, Sequestration, Frank, Gore, USAdmin, Congress
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Live and direct from the black humour department:
- 2013/08/23: JamiolsWorld: (cartoon - Jamiol) GOP Food Stamp Cuts
- 2013/08/23: ParliamAnthill: (cartoon - Sadlemyer) PM's Tour Ends With Chinese Reporter Being Hauled Away By RCMP
Looking ahead to COP19 and future international climate negotiations:
- 2013/08/21: RTCC: UN climate finance talks deliver options -- but no new money
A strategy to deliver US$100 billion of climate finance by 2020 appears no closer after two inconclusive days of UN-sponsored talks in Bonn.
Earth Overshoot Day just keeps getting earlier and earlier:
- 2013/08/21: CCurrents: Humanity Has Exhausted The Earth's Natural Resources
- 2013/08/20: FPN: Earth Overshoot Day -- In 8 Months, Humanity Exhausts Earth's Budget for the Year
- 2013/08/20: TMoS: It's Here - Earth Overshoot Day, This Year 20 August, 2013
Tuesday, August 20, marks Earth Overshoot Day for 2013. This is not a record to celebrate. It tells us that, in under eight months, mankind exhausts an entire annual supply of renewable resources. After that, we're eating our seed corn. Another way of looking at it is that, at current rates of biomass consumption we need 1.5 planet Earths. - 2013/08/20: RTCC: Planet Earth's natural resources in 'overdraft' warn campaigners
By 20 August, humanity has exhausted the earth's bank natural resources -- and the date gets earlier each year
Today is Earth Overshoot Day -- the day when use of the planet's resources outstrips supply. - 2013/08/20: Guardian(UK): Never mind the economic deficit. What about the environmental one?
Today is Earth Overshoot Day, when we've consumed more natural resources than our biosphere can replace over a year - 2013/08/20: TP:JR: After Today, Humanity Will Spend The Rest Of 2013 Taking More Than The Earth Can Give
- 2013/08/20: CDreams: 'Ecological Debt Day' Reached: World in Resource Overdraft
We have now overshot the Earth's resources for the year, meaning all consumption from here borrows from future generations - 2013/08/20: EurActiv: Natural resource use 'in the red' for 2013
Today (August 20) humanity's use of renewable natural resources has already "overshot" the amount the planet can produce in one year, say environmental NGOs.
The upcoming Fifth Assessment Report by the IPCC is sparking lots of early comment:
- 2013/08/23: GreenGrok: Premature Reporting on Upcoming Climate Assessment and Other Climate News
- 2013/08/23: DerSpiegel: Siege Mentality: Experts Pan IPCC's Climate Report Strategy
A draft of the next UN review of scientific studies on climate change has been leaked, and it's not the first time. Now, a growing number of experts are criticizing the the organization's secretetive approach to the reports. - 2013/08/23: TheConversation: Lost in translation: confidence and certainty in climate science
- 2013/08/22: SkS: 2013 SkS News Bulletin #16: Leaked IPCC Report
- 2013/08/22: TP:JR: How IPCC Climate Reports Are Like The Surgeon General's Cigarette Warnings
- 2013/08/21: PSinclair: IPCC Countdown Begins. Scientists Ever More Certain on Climate Change
- 2013/08/21: TheConversation: 150 years and counting: confidence in climate science
- 2013/08/20: MoJo: 5 Terrifying Statements in the Leaked Climate Report
Is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change getting blunt about how bad global warming is going to be? - 2013/08/20: TreeHugger: Leaked UN climate report warns of dangerous global warming. Will the world listen?
- 2013/08/20: CNN: U.N. panel says it's more certain that humans drive global warming
- 2013/08/20: SciAm:Obs: The Climate May Be Changing, but the IPCC Remains the Same
- 2013/08/20: CSM: Climate change: Scientists now 95 percent certain we are mostly to blame
- 2013/08/20: KSJT: Reuters - IPCC report leaked, of course. AGU panel ('cept for one guy) agrees. We're warming Earth for even-more-sure.
- 2013/08/20: Xinhuanet: Human beings are at bottom of global warming
- 2013/08/20: ABC(Au): UN climate change draft report finds it is 95 per cent likely that global warming is caused by humans
- 2013/08/19: BBC: Climate leaks are 'misleading' says IPCC ahead of major report
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has warned against drawing too many conclusions from the latest leaked version of its upcoming, and eagerly awaited Assessment Report 5 (AR5).
This massive tome will be published in four stages over the next year - the first part, the physical science behind climate change, will be presented in Stockholm on 26 September. - 2013/08/19: BBerg: Scientists Turn to Melted Ice to Make Climate-Change Case
- 2013/08/19: Grist: Climate scientists are 95 percent sure that humans are causing global warming
- 2013/08/19: Guardian(UK): With the forthcoming IPCC report, the contrarians finally agree we are changing the climate
Climate contrarians may concede more than they bargained for when the next IPCC report is published - 2013/08/18: TP:JR: New IPCC Report: Climatologists More Certain Global Warming Is Caused By Humans, Impacts Are Speeding Up
Last week half the potash cartel fell apart; this week Billiton bets billions. I guess they figure there's a future in food...:
- 2013/08/20: RT: BHP Billiton bets $2.6bn on fertilizers amid potash market chaos
Despite the recent turmoil on the potash market and falling profits, BHP Billiton, the world's top mining company, continues investing in one of the world's largest potash mines. The Australian miner says it's betting on rising global food demand.
BHP plans to spend $2.6 billion by 2017 to build shafts and surface infrastructure at the Jansen mine in Canada, which could produce 10 million metric tons of potash a year for more than 50 years, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reports. - 2013/08/20: CBC: BHP Billiton putting $2.6B US in Saskatchewan potash project
BHP Billiton's total commitment to Jansen site rises to roughly $3.8 billion US.
And on the Bottom Line:
- 2013/08/21: Grist: By 2050, flooding could cost the world's coastal cities over $60 billion a year
- 2013/08/20: Guardian(UK): Coastal flood damage could soar to $1tn a year by 2050
- 2013/08/19: DD: Increased flooding may cost the world $1 trillion by 2050...
- 2013/08/19: SciNews: Flood damage to cost up to $1 trillion per year by 2050 -- Growing coastal cities will be inundated by sea level rise
- 2013/08/19: RTCC: Flooding could cost US$1 trillion a year by 2050
Damage from extreme weather to world's biggest coastal cities expected to reach 0.7% of global GDP in 40 years
By 2050, flood damage in the world's coastal cities is expected to reach US$1 trillion a year as sea levels rise and global warming triggers more extreme weather.
More than 40% of these costs could fall upon just four cities - New Orleans, Miami and New York in the US and Guangzhou in China. - 2013/08/18: CCentral: Floods May Cost Coastal Cities $60 Billion a Year by 2050
Delving into the laws of thermodynamics this week:
- 2013/08/22: ERabett: Down below, Eli asked the bunnies to criticize and correct the "explanation" of the greenhouse effect...
John Cook and friends continue their point-counterpoint articles:
- 2013/08/24: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly News Roundup #34B by John Hartz
- 2013/08/23: SkS: Fasullo (2013) Seeks Some Levelheadedness Regarding Sea Level Variability by John Fasullo
- 2013/08/22: SkS: 2013 SkS News Bulletin #16: Leaked IPCC Report
- 2013/08/22: SkS: Carbon Economics and the Cost of Inaction by gpwayne
- 2013/08/21: SkS: Coumou & Robinson on Extreme Heat: Choose Your Own Adventure by dana1981
- 2013/08/21: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly News Roundup #34A by John Hartz
- 2013/08/20: SkS: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: Closing the Consensus Gap
- 2013/08/19: SkS: 2012: One of the 10 Warmest Years on Record by John Hartz
- 2013/08/18: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly Digest #33 by John Hartz
A note on theFukushima disaster:
It is evident that the Fukushima disaster is going to persist for some time.
TEPCO says 6 to 9 months. The previous Japanese Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, said decades.
Now the Japanese government is talking about 30 years.
[Whoops, that has now been updated to 40 years.]
And the IAEA is now saying 40 years too.
[Now some people are talking about a century or more. Sealing it in concrete for 500 years.]
We'll see.
At any rate this situation is not going to be resolved any time soon
and deserves its own section.
It is very difficult to know for sure what is really going on at Fukushima.
Between the company [TEPCO], the Japanese government, the Japanese regulator [NISA], the international monitor [IAEA], as well as independent analysts and commentators, there is a confusing mish-mash of information.
One has to evaluate both the content and the source of propagated information.
How knowledgeable are they [about nuclear power and about Japan]?
Do they have an agenda?
Are they pro-nuclear or anti-nuclear?
Do they want to write a good news story?
Do they want to write a bad news story?
Where do they rate on a scale of sensationalism?
Where do they rate on a scale of play-it-down-ness?
One fundamental question I would like to see answered:
If the reactors are in meltdown, how can they be in cold shutdown?
Not much good news coming out of Fukushima:
- 2013/08/24: GLaden: News From The Forbidden Zone Is Alarmingly Bad (Fukushima)
The news as [compiled] here has a couple of themes other than the information about the leak (or leaks).
For one thing, any suspicion that TEPCO or anyone else in charge of the Fukushima disaster mitigation could ever utter an honest word has essentially vanished. No one believes TEPCO. TEPCO could say the sky is blue and people would assume it must not be.
Second, there is little belief on the part of actual experts that TEPCO is competent.
Third, and a bit more subtle, this distrust in TEPCO and this understanding that TEPCO has no clue as to how to handle the sort of disaster that many people have been saying for 40 years would ultimately occur is manifest outside of Fukushima and outside of Japan to a significant degree - 2013/08/24: CSM: Radioactive groundwater at Fukushima: Will Japan dump at sea?
- 2013/08/25: EneNews: Contamination now spiking in seawater off Fukushima plant - Asahi reports up to 18-fold increase in a week
- 2013/08/24: EneNews: Highly Regarded Physician: The salmon migrate through radioactive plumes coming off Fukushima, then we catch them on Canada's shores - Concerned about lack of testing - Officials "rely on Japan for test results" (video)
- 2013/08/24: EneNews: Nuclear Experts: Portion of Fukushima's molten fuel believed to have "moved into earth" - Melted cores contacting groundwater may be cause of recent spike in radiation levels -CTV
- 2013/08/24: EneNews: TV: We're talking about generations being affected by Fukushima, and also their future healthcare...
- 2013/08/24: PeakEnergy: Fukushima Update
- 2013/08/24: PSinclair: Fukushima: Wheels Coming off a Rolling Catastrophe
- 2013/08/24: EneNews: Lawmaker: Declare 'State of Emergency' right away and intervene at Fukushima - Japan Professor: Issue S.O.S. now, it's really an emergency... Gov't is utterly lost, international help is needed
- 2013/08/24: EneNews: "Ultimate, worst-case scenario" underway at Fukushima? New York Times: Experts suspect intense contamination is seeping out from under melted-down reactors and into Pacific...
- 2013/08/23: EneNews: Nuclear Expert: Fukushima melted fuel is drifting in ocean and onto land, lacking any containment - It ends up on coastline and blows into communities - People get an exceptional dose - Health harm will go on for thousands, if not tens of thousands of years (audio)
- 2013/08/23: EneNews: AP: Experts fear giant underground reservoir of extremely contaminated water on verge of entering Pacific at Fukushima - In contact with melted nuclear fuel? A race against the clock - Nobody knows when this will end
- 2013/08/23: EneNews: Report: U.S. West Coast to be hard-hit by Fukushima ocean contamination - North Pacific Gyre transporting radioactive material to America
- 2013/08/23: EneNews: Japan Professor: Fukushima crisis is leading to surge in thyroid cancers... First signs of health catastrophe - NHK: Trend seen in new cancer tests is 'suspicious' (video)
- 2013/08/23: P3: Fukushima Leak a Problem Locally, not Internationally
- 2013/08/23: IndiaTimes: Japan nuclear watchdog inspects Fukushima water leak
- 2013/08/23: BBerg: Tepco Told to Improve Fukushima Water Storage After Nuclear Leak
- 2013/08/23: Reuters: Insight: In Fukushima end-game, radiated water has nowhere to go
- 2013/08/23: Xinhuanet: Commentary: Japanese gov't has to shoulder responsibilities over toxic water leakage in Fukushima
- 2013/08/23: CBC: Radioactive water at Fukushima creeps toward Pacific
- 2013/08/22: RT: Fukushima operator pleads for international help as radiation crisis deepens
- 2013/08/22: BBC: Fukushima leak is 'much worse than we were led to believe'
A nuclear expert has told the BBC that he believes the current water leaks at Fukushima are much worse than the authorities have stated.
Mycle Schneider is an independent consultant who has previously advised the French and German governments.
He says water is leaking out all over the site and there are no accurate figures for radiation levels. - 2013/08/22: CBC: Fukushima nuclear plant facing new disaster -- Storage tank leak sparks fears more could follow suit
- 2013/08/22: EneNews: Canadian University Scientist: Test seafood for Fukushima contamination...
- 2013/08/22: EneNews: Media now exposing Fukushima cover-up: "So many terrible things are not being reported" - Official radiation figures cannot be trusted - Regulator suspects Tepco giving false data - Problems much worse than officials claim
- 2013/08/22: EneNews: Wall St. Journal: They don't know where Fukushima's melted fuel cores are, or in what state...
- 2013/08/22: EneNews: UPI: "Fukushima plant is approaching a worst case scenario" - Top Japan Nuclear Official: "This is what we have been fearing"
- 2013/08/22: CCurrents: Fukushima Follows The Ghost Of Chernobyl
- 2013/08/22: ABC(Au): Fukushima workers checking 300 water tanks for radioactive leaks
- 2013/08/21: al Jazeera: Japan upgrades Fukushima leak danger level
Authorities set to designate fresh toxic water leak at wrecked nuclear plant to 'serious incident'. - 2013/08/21: TheCanadian: Does Fukushima threaten our health through contaminated fish?
- 2013/08/21: EneNews: NYT: Fears of environmental calamity from Fukushima disaster - Japan Nuclear Expert: It's getting worse... People all over world need to be informed... first case in history where so much contaminated water flowing in ocean
- 2013/08/21: TreeHugger: 300 tons of radioactive water has leaked from Fukushima
- 2013/08/21: CSM: Fukushima leak erodes confidence in nuclear power
- 2013/08/21: PLNA: Fukushima Children Diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer
After the nuclear accident in Fukushima, Japan, two years ago, 18 children have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer in that region.
The prefectural government is giving medical checkups to all 360,000 children aged 18 or younger in Fukushima to assess the impact of the accident on their health.
According to public broadcaster NHK, another 25 children may suffer this cancer. - 2013/08/21: CBC: Fukushima plant likely leaking radioactive water into sea for weeks
- 2013/08/21: ABC(Au): Fukushima reactors leak contaminated water
- 2013/08/21: ABC(Au): Japan upgrades Fukushima tank radiation leak to 'serious incident'
- 2013/08/21: Reuters: Japan's nuclear crisis deepens, China expresses 'shock'
Japan's nuclear crisis escalated to its worst level since a massive earthquake and tsunami crippled the Fukushima plant more than two years ago, with the country's nuclear watchdog saying it feared more storage tanks were leaking contaminated water. - 2013/08/21: EneNews: Reuters: Crisis deepening at Fukushima nuclear plant; Upgraded to 'Level 3 Serious Incident' - Represents a 100-fold increase in "severity of a radiological release"...
- 2013/08/21: Xinhuanet: Toxic water may be removed later Wednesday: TEPCO
- 2013/08/21: IndiaTimes: Fukushima water leak warning hiked to level 3, as govt scrambles to plug leak
- 2013/08/21: RT: 'Serious': Japan hikes Fukushima radiation danger level [to INES 3]
- 2013/08/21: BBC: Japan nuclear agency upgrades Fukushima alert level [from 1 to 3 on INES scale]
- 2013/08/21: CBC: Japan nuclear watchdog 'extremely concerned' over water leak
Highly radioactive water at Fukushima Daiichi leaked from tank about 100 metres from sea - 2013/08/21: BBerg: Nuclear Watchdog Questions Tepco Reporting of Fukushima Spill
Japan's nuclear watchdog ratcheted up concern over the radioactive water leak at Fukushima, questioning whether the extent of the spill had been fully reported, after raising the severity level of the incident.
The leak at a storage tank is a three, or a 'serious incident' on the seven-level International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale, Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority said on its website. The plant's operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co. (9501), or Tepco, reported the leak of 300 metric tons on Aug. 19. The meltdown of the three reactors at Fukushima in 2011 is a seven on the INES scale, the same as Chernobyl. - 2013/08/20: EneNews: Japan Times: Fukushima Daiichi radioactive water problems seem 'uncontainable' - Believed to be wreaking environmental havoc upon Pacific Ocean
- 2013/08/20: EneNews: Tokyo Professor: Ground beneath Fukushima reactors becoming increasingly unstable...
- 2013/08/20: EneNews: Fukushima Governor: This is a national emergency - Massive radioactive leak causes top officials to hold emergency meeting...
- 2013/08/20: EneNews: 'Growing Alarm': 25 trillion becquerels of Fukushima radioactive material leaks into ground - Kyodo News Advisory: Exact source of extreme contamination unknown; Tank missing 300,000 liters (video)
- 2013/08/20: RT: Worse than Chernobyl: The inner threat of Fukushima crisis
- 2013/08/20: CDreams: 'A Huge Amount of Radiation' as Fukushima Crisis Worsens
Fukushima crisis only continues to worsen as a new and separate leak of 'highly radioactive water' found - 2013/08/20: CDreams: Fukushima's Invisible Crisis
Don't expect coverage of Japan's nuclear power disaster on the evening news: unlike other environmental catastrophes, Fukushima's ongoing crisis offers little to film. - 2013/08/20: ABC(Au): Toxic water leaks from storage tanks at Fukushima nuclear plant
- 2013/08/20: Xinhuanet: 300 tons of highly radioactive water leak from Fukushima plant
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) said Tuesday that at least 300 tons of highly radioactive water leaked from one of the storage tanks at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, the worst leakage yet from the tanks.
TEPCO found the leakage on Monday as water level in one of the tanks has lowered by about 2.9 meters. The 11-meter-high tank contained about 1,000 tons of water before and an estimated 300 tons of water is thought to have leaked.
The company detected about 80 million becquerels per liter of radioactive substances emitting beta ray, such as strontium-90. - 2013/08/20: IndiaTimes: 300 tons of radioactive water leaks out at Fukushima
- 2013/08/20: RT: TEPCO admits leakage of 300 tons of water with monstrous radiation level
Another tank with highly radioactive water at the devastated Fukushima nuclear power plant has leaked, reported operator TEPCO. The contaminated water contains an unprecedented 80 million Becquerels of radiation per liter - 2013/08/20: BBC: Fukushima nuclear plant: Radioactive water leak found
- 2013/08/20: CBC: Japan nuclear plant suffers worst radioactive water leak
Tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi plant leaks about 270 tonnes of highly radioactive water
The operator of Japan's tsunami-crippled nuclear power plant said Tuesday that about 270 tonnes of highly radioactive water have leaked from one of the hundreds of storage tanks there -- its worst leak yet from one of the vessels. - 2013/08/20: BBerg: Fukushima Springs Another Leak in Battle With Radiated Water
- 2013/08/19: TreeHugger: New shocking footage of Japan's 2011 mega-tsunami [vid]
- 2013/08/19: EneNews: Radio: Fukushima may be eclipsing Chernobyl as worst nuclear disaster in history...
- 2013/08/19: EneNews: Fukushima Mystery? TV: Japan expert says radiation levels in ocean too high to be explained by groundwater flow alone...
- 2013/08/19: EneNews: NHK: Fukushima workers irradiated -- Radiation alarm sounds...
- 2013/08/18: EneNews: Wall St. Journal: Unknown where Fukushima's nuclear fuel went; Even if found, they don't know how to get it out -- RT: No one knows where the three 100-ton blobs are
Post Fukushima, nuclear policies are in flux around the world:
- 2013/08/24: PeakEnergy: Separating fact from fiction in Germany's renewables revolution
- 2013/08/21: CCurrents: The Post-Fukushima Nuclear Industry: A Case Study In Institutional Self-Deception
What do we have for Fukushima related papers this week?
- 2013/08/23: BG: One-year, regional-scale simulation of Cs137 radioactivity in the ocean following the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident by D. Tsumune et al.
- 2013/08/08: Springer:SCES: (ab$) An ensemble estimation of impact times and strength of Fukushima nuclear pollution to the east coast of China and the west coast of America by GuiJun Han et al.
The Arctic melt continues to garner attention:
- 2013/08/23: NASA: Arctic Sea Ice Update: Unlikely To Break Records, But Continuing Downward Trend
- 2013/08/22: ASI: Hole
- 2013/08/22: SciAm:PI: Watch this stunning video of Greenland's ice sheet
- 2013/08/21: UAlaska:GI: Sea ice decline spurs the greening of the Arctic
- 2013/08/20: RTCC: Scientists embark on voyage to examine Arctic sea ice
- 2013/08/19: NSIDC: The balding Arctic
- 2013/08/18: Dosbat: Mid August Status: The fat lady draws breath
- 2013/08/18: ASI: ASI 2013 update 7: cold and cloudy
As for the charismatic megafauna:
That Damoclean sword still hangs overhead:
- 2013/08/23: RScribbler: The Methane Monster Grows New Teeth: Sea Level Rise Found to Cause Slope Collapse, Tsunamis, Methane Release
- 2013/08/20: MAMMBlog: Going home...
- 2013/08/20: MAMMBlog: Seeing ghosts - are all methanes the same?
- 2013/08/19: DD: Carbon stored in Arctic permafrost is being mobilised in Eurasia river basins
As for the geopolitics of Arctic resources:
- 2013/08/24: CDreams: Defying Russian Govt & Oil Giants, Greenpeace Enters Arctic Waters
Group flouts ban from Northern Sea Route, vows to peacefully protest dangerous drilling - 2013/08/23: ERabett: The Northern Sea Route is Open for Container Ships
- 2013/08/23: PeakEnergy: Energy Companies Try Arctic Shipping Shortcut Between Europe and Asia
- 2013/08/22: DerSpiegel: Northeast Passage: Russia Moves to Boost Arctic Shipping
This year has seen a record number of ships pass through the Northeast Passage in the Arctic Ocean. Russian President Vladimir Putin is doing all he can to make the route even more attractive. - 2013/08/21: RT: China tests 'most economical solution' for shipping to Europe through Russian Arctic
- 2013/08/20: Guardian(UK): Cruise to weigh Arctic drilling risks
- 2013/08/20: Grist: China's voyage to cross the less frozen Arctic Ocean
- 2013/08/19: S&R: Arctic development: I'll have that with ice, please
- 2013/08/19: CBC: Canada falling behind in Arctic shipping
Russia is '50 years ahead' in terms of infrastructure along Northern Sea Route - 2013/08/18: CBC: Ottawa testing $620K stealth snowmobile for Arctic
While in Antarctica:
- 2013/08/22: BBC: Colder climate holds key to fluctuations in penguin numbers
Historic fluctuations in the populations of penguins have been linked to changes in climate say scientists.
The food crisis is ongoing:
- 2013/08/21: MoJo: 6 Mind-Boggling Facts About Farms in China
China's industrial behemoth hasn't just fouled up the vast nation's water; it's also taken a big bite out of its land.
The state of the world's fisheries is a concern. See also:
- 2013/08/20: NOAANews: NOAA seeks comments on Atlantic bluefin tuna management proposals
- 2013/08/21: TreeHugger: DNA testing shows 59% of fish sold as 'tuna' in U.S. is something else
Food Prices are still problematic:
- FAO: World Food Situation - Food Price Indices
- 2013/08/21: TP:JR: Get Ready For Food Prices To Go Way Up, Thanks To Climate Change
So, are these land grabs Colonialism V2.0?
Regarding the genetic modification of food:
- 2013/08/23: DebunkingD: Scientific American Stands Against Mandatory Labeling of GM Foods
- 2013/08/22: NoC: All Hail Hungary: Country Bravely Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn - AGAIN
- 2013/08/21: CJR: Michael Pollan and Amy Harmon 'talk' it out
- 2013/08/20: MLynas: Using the tools of biotechnology to advance Borlaug's legacy
- 2013/08/20: NatureN: US regulation misses some GM crops
Gaps in oversight of transgenic technologies allow scientists to test the waters for speciality varieties. - 2013/08/19: Grist: Is extremism in defense of GM food a vice?
- 2013/08/19: RT: Chile fights GMO in national protest against 'Monsanto law' (photos, video)
Regarding labelling GM food:
- 2013/08/21: Grist: Who's paying for GMO-labelling initiative campaigns?
- 2013/08/21: BPA: The Editors of Scientific American Take a Stance Against GMO Food Labeling
And how are we going to feed 9 billion, 10 billion, 15 billion?
- 2013/08/23: UN: UN agency says $84 million needed to help tackle food insecurity in South Sudan
- 2013/08/20: BBC: Should pig swill from waste food be back on the menu?
- 2013/08/20: Guardian(UK): India prepares to guarantee right to food for 800 million people
- 2013/08/20: BPA: The Days of Diversified Farms are Disappearing
- 2013/08/20: TheConversation: Get real: agronomists and breeders should review agricultural science
- 2013/08/20: Grist: The next great farming frontier? Look up
- 2013/08/20: TreeHugger: Breaking the seed bank to feed the future
- 2013/08/20: CSM: To make a garden in a day, try a Permablitz
- 2013/08/20: BBC: India set to launch subsidised food plan
The Indian government is to launch a programme to provide subsidised food to two thirds of the population.
The food security scheme aims to provide 5kg of cheap grain every month to nearly 800 million poor people. - 2013/08/19: BBC: Can 'powdered rain' make drought a thing of the past?
- 2013/08/19: Guardian(UK): Home gardens: eat what you sow and sell the surplus
- 2013/08/19: ABC(Au): Slime to revolutionise grazing industry - cyanobacteria help fix higher levels of nitrogen
In the Western Pacific, Typhoon Trami did a U-turn behind Taiwan and zpped the mainland:
- 2013/08/25: Xinhuanet: Deadly Typhoon Trami affects 125,700 in S China
- 2013/08/24: Xinhuanet: Typhoon Trami affects 360,000 in central China
- 2013/08/23: Xinhuanet: Typhoon Trami affects 1.4 mln people in SE China
- 2013/08/22: CBC: Tropical storm Trami lashes China after killing 18 in Philippines -- Flooding around China has left 250 dead or missing so far this week
- 2013/08/22: Xinhuanet: Trami downgraded to tropical storm after landfall in China
- 2013/08/22: Xinhuanet: Typhoon Trami makes landfall in east China
- 2013/08/21: Xinhuanet: China issues Typhoon Trami disaster relief response
China on Wednesday issued a disaster relief response for Typhoon Trami, which is expected to make landfall along the country's southeastern coast from Wednesday night to Thursday. - 2013/08/19: NASA: NASA Sees Tropical Storm Trami U-Turning
Also in the Western Pacific:
Several TDs spun up in the Central Pacific. Typhoon Pewa is heading north into cooler waters:
The warm water of the Eastern Pacific also spun up a host of TDs. Tropical Storm Ivo looks to be going to brush Baja:
Tropical Storm Ivo strengthened slightly and veered closer to shore, prompting tropical storm warnings and watches along Mexico's Baja California coast, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.
While elsewhere in the hurricane wars:
And on the Monsoon front:
- 2013/08/23: DD: What's making the floods worse in Manila?
- 2013/08/22: IndiaTimes: Floods in Pakistan from monsoon rains kill 139
- 2013/08/21: al Jazeera: Rain pounds Manila as flood death toll climbs
Fifteen people confirmed in Philippines floods, and hundreds of thousands shelter in evacuation centres. - 2013/08/21: Asia Times: When disaster rains, talk
- 2013/08/21: CNN: Philippine floods cause more chaos in waterlogged Manila
- 2013/08/20: al Jazeera: Record rainfall hits the Philippines
Seven people have been killed and at least four more are still missing. - 2013/08/20: CNN: 70% of central Manila under water -- 7 dead as flooding in Philippines brings Manila to a standstill
The national weather agency issues a red alert for the Manila area - Seven people have died and tens of thousands have fled their homes -
The flooding has closed schools, government offices and financial markets - 70% of central Manila is under water, the national news agency reports - 2013/08/20: Xinhuanet: Monsoon rains killed 8, displaced thousands in Philippines
- 2013/08/20: Xinhuanet: At least 7 killed in massive flooding in Philippines [pix]
- 2013/08/20: CBC: Floods paralyze Philippine capital for 2nd day
Tens of thousands of people trapped in homes and shelters
Flooding caused by some of the Philippines' heaviest rains on record submerged more than half the capital Tuesday, turning roads into rivers and trapping tens of thousands of people in homes and shelters. The government suspended all work except rescues and disaster response for a second day.
At least seven people have died, including four who drowned north of Manila on Monday. There were no reports of fresh fatalities Tuesday. - 2013/08/19: IndiaTimes: Torrential rain shuts down Philippine capital
- 2013/08/19: CBC: Torrential rains shut down Philippine capital -- 2 killed and thousands evacuated after night of monsoon rains
What's with the Weather Machine?
This week in notable weather:
- 2013/08/23: CSM: Hail storm: Colorado weather brings taste of winter to summer
- 2013/08/19: ABC(Au): Hundreds without power as wild weather lashes Tasmania
This week in the New Normal -- extreme weather:
Rossby Waves? Blocking Patterns? Arctic Oscillation?
What is the Arctic melt doing to our weather?
- 2013/08/23: ERabett: Getting Knotted: Climate Change and the Jet Stream
- 2013/08/20: PSinclair: Jetstream Strikes Again in Siberia : Heatwave, Flood, Now Torrential Flooding
- 2013/08/19: WaPo:B: Arctic warming and our extreme weather: no clear link new study finds
As for the temperature record:
- 2013/08/24: WSWS: 2001-2010 had the warmest temperatures globally [WMO]
- 2013/08/21: Wunderground: July 2013: Earth's 6th Warmest July on Record
- 2013/08/19: TFTJO: Global warming has stopped. Really!
- 2013/08/19: SkS: 2012: One of the 10 Warmest Years on Record by John Hartz
Yes we have feedbacks:
Aerosols are making their presence felt:
- 2013/08/25: MODIS: Dust storms off West Africa [on Aug 19]
- 2013/08/23: NASA: NASA's HS3 Mission Analyzes Saharan Dust Layer Over Eastern Atlantic
- 2013/08/23: SciNews: Map tracks path of dust plume from Chelyabinsk meteor
- 2013/08/21: UHouston: UH Professor Offers Insight into Saharan Dust Migration
How to deal with Risk:
Regarding the solar hypothesis:
- 2013/08/23: ERW: Sunspots may not be linked to icy European winters after all
Last August there was a flurry of news stories about icy winters in Europe being linked to sunspot cycles. The research, published in Geophysical Research Letters, matched dips in the 11 year sunspot cycle with years when Germany's largest river, the Rhine, froze over. It was a great story and received wide coverage in the media. Now it seems that the data was flawed, with some of it gleaned from internet searches. - 2013/08/21: CSM: Global warming: What happens if the sun loses its spots?
Regarding Climate Sensitivity:
- 2013/08/24: PSinclair: The Weekend Wonk: Andrew Dessler on Climate Sensitivity
- 2013/08/20: TMasters: Points where I don't find Andrew Dessler's >2C ECS video to be convincing
What's the State of the Oceans?:
- 2013/08/21: USGS: Real-time Monitoring Pays Off for Tracking Nitrate Pulse in Mississippi River Basin to the Gulf of Mexico
- 2013/08/21: RScribbler: Climate Change, Algae Blooms, Anoxic Waters and Dead Dolphins: What's Killing East Coast Dolphins? Morbillivirus? Or Something More Ominous?
- 2013/08/20: CSM: Humongous plume of iron-rich water discovered in Atlantic
A large plume of iron-rich water has been discovered emanating from hydrothermal vents in the southern Atlantic Ocean, significantly increasing estimated global concentrations of this vital marine nutrient. - 2013/08/20: CBC: Beluga deaths in St. Lawrence worry whale researchers
- 2013/08/20: CNN: Dolphins dying by the dozens along East Coast
Dolphin deaths along mid-Atlantic states seven times higher than normal - Virginia has recorded 78 dolphin deaths this month alone -
Scientists investigating respiratory infection - Dolphins send a message on health of environment, scientist says
And the State of the Biosphere?
- 2013/08/22: SciAm:EC: World's Largest Owl Needs Equally Large Trees and Forests (But It's More Complex Than That)
On the extinction watch:
- 2013/08/23: DD: Graph of the Day: Decline of butterflies in 4 countries in Europe, 1990-2011
- 2013/08/23: ABC(Au): Candidate urges crab pot crackdown to save platypus
The Greens' candidate for Longman on Queensland's Sunshine Coast, Dr Helen Fairweather, want new laws introduced to protect the vulnerable platypus. - 2013/08/22: TheConversation: Australian endangered species: Gulbaru Gecko
- 2013/08/22: Guardian(UK): Threatened species: we do have time to turn it around if there is political will
By Threatened Species Day 2016, around when the next federal election will be due, we could be starting to restore our unique Australian wildlife heritage - 2013/08/18: DD: Icelandic poachers kill 89 endangered fin whales - Whale meat turned away in Hamburg, shipping companies refuse to carry it
- 2013/08/18: DD: Graph of the Day: Population declines of three butterfly species in Europe, 1990-2011
The bees and Colony Collapse Disorder are a constant concern.
And then, there are the Neonicotinoids:
What's up with volcanoes this week?
- 2013/08/19: CSM: Sakurajima eruption shoots ash three miles high
- 2013/08/19: CBC: Volcano coats Japanese city Kagoshima with ash
- 2013/08/19: RT: Record eruption at Japanese volcano, city covered in ash
Sakurajima, one of the world's most active volcanoes, has covered the city of Kagoshima in southern Japan in ash and spewed a record-high cloud of smoke 5 kilometers into the sky.
The smoke plume was the highest since 2006...
Meanwhile in near earth orbit:
More GW impacts are being seen:
- 2013/08/22: CSM: Whither whale sharks? What 9-year study reveals so far about mammoth fish
- 2013/08/22: CBC: Gigantic mola mola fish washes ashore in St. Andrews -- Numerous sightings of the tropical sunfish reported in the Bay of Fundy
This mola mola was spotting off Grand Manan Island by passengers on a whale watching cruise. This mola mola was spotting off Grand Manan Island by passengers on a whale watching cruise. (Courtesy of Erin Carpenter)
A 160-kilogram mola mola fish has washed up on a beach in St. Andrews, leading researchers to believe changing water temperatures in the Bay of Fundy may be more inviting to the creatures.
The ocean sunfish is normally found in much warmer tropical waters around the world.
However, there have been a handful of sightings in recent days in the waters off Lepreau, Grand Manan, as well as the one found washed up on the Bar Road. - 2013/08/21: TP:JR: Hotter, Drier Conditions Forcing Desert Plants To Migrate
- 2013/08/20: UMT: UM Researcher Finds Loss of Sea Ice Causes Ecological Changes
And then there are the world's forests:
- 2013/08/20: SciNews: Aging European forests full to the brim with carbon
- 2013/08/19: ABC(Au): Forests reaching carbon saturation point
- 2013/08/18: BBC: European forests near 'carbon saturation point'
European forests are showing signs of reaching a saturation point as carbon sinks, a study has suggested.
[...] the amount of atmospheric CO2 absorbed by the continent's trees has been slowing
[...] a result of a declining volume of trees, deforestation and the impact of natural disturbances.
Emerging diseases accompany ecological change:
- 2013/08/20: CBC: First case of West Nile virus in Windsor-Essex confirmed
- 2013/08/20: CBC: Lyme disease estimate in U.S. climbs to 300,000 cases a year
- 2013/08/20: DD: Graph of the Day: Predicted range expansion of the Asian Tiger Mosquito in Northeastern U.S., Present-2080s
Changes in natural cycles are showing up:
- 2013/08/23: UKISS: Early birds - and butterflies - miss the worm [phen]
- 2013/08/18: BBC: Scots red deer 'breeding earlier due to climate change'
On the tornado front:
- 2013/08/23: TFTJO: Extreme forest fire in Alaska: Firenado
- 2013/08/20: RScribbler: Fire Tornado Over Tetlin Junction, Alaska
As for heatwaves and wild fires:
- 2013/08/25: IndiaTimes: Wildfire forces new closures at Yosemite National Park
- 2013/08/24: CSM: Yosemite fire prompts state of emergency in San Francisco
- 2013/08/24: CSM: Yosemite fire threatens power lines to San Francisco
- 2013/08/24: al Jazeera: California wildfire reaches Yosemite park
Blaze has forced scores of tourists to flee during peak season, causing a state of emergency to be declared. - 2013/08/24: CBC: California wildfires threaten San Francisco power supply
Raging fire crosses into Yosemite National Park, covers nearly 518 square kilometres - 2013/08/24: DD: Yosemite wildfire threatens San Francisco power supply
- 2013/08/24: CNN: Emergency declared over U.S. wildfire - Spreading California wildfire around Yosemite feeds on dry vegetation
Wind speeds have dropped a bit, but blaze grows - One entrance to Yosemite National Park is closed -
Rim Fire has burned around 126,000 acres in California - It continues to spread into Yosemite National Park - 2013/08/24: IndiaTimes: Huge wildfire near Yosemite threatens power in San Francisco
- 2013/08/24: IOTD: Rim Fire, California [on Aug 21,22]
- 2013/08/24: ABC(Au): Fast-moving fire rages through Yosemite National Park in California
- 2013/08/24: BBC: Firefighters battle California blaze at Yosemite boundary
- 2013/08/24: Guardian(UK): State of emergency in San Francisco as huge wildfire moves into Yosemite
- 2013/08/23: P3: Fires Threatening Yosemite and Yellowstone...
- 2013/08/23: BBC: Wildfire near Yosemite park sends tourists fleeing [pix]
A huge wildfire near Yosemite National Park in California has forced scores of tourists to flee during peak season and is threatening thousands of homes. - 2013/08/23: CSM: Wildfire near Yosemite spreads to 99 square miles
- 2013/08/23: BBC: Coastal wildlife species 'at risk due to climate change'
UK coastal species such as puffins and little terns could be "seriously affected" by erosion and climate change, the National Trust has said. - 2013/08/23: CNN: Yosemite fire: Blaze spreads to national park, threatens homes
Rim Fire isn't affecting popular Yosemite Valley area of park, spokeswoman says - The fire has burned a total of 105,620 acres in California -
Fire almost doubles in size in day, threatens homes - The 11,000 acres burned in Yosemite is a remote area - 2013/08/22: ABC(Au): Firefighters maintain Dampier Peninsula bushfire fight
- 2013/08/22: ABC(Au): Bushfires continue to burn across hundreds of hectares of mid north coast forest
- 2013/08/22: NASA: Agricultural Fires in Central Africa
- 2013/08/22: MODIS: Fires in western United States [on Aug 13]
- 2013/08/22: WpgFP: Wildfire near US Yosemite National Park balloons; residents told to evacuate as flames spread
- 2013/08/21: Guardian(UK): How extreme will future heatwaves be?
- 2013/08/21: PSinclair: Wildfires Push Resources to Brink as Weather Worsens
- 2013/08/20: DD: Heat wave kills people, crops, fish, and hopes in China
- 2013/08/20: DD: Sunburned in Siberia: Heat wave leads to wildfires
- 2013/08/21: NASA: Fires in Idaho and Montana
- 2013/08/21: IOTD: Fires around Darwin, Australia [on Aug 5]
- 2013/08/20: PSinclair: Today's Wildfire Porn: Alaska Fire-Nado
- 2013/08/20: DD: Record wildfires in the U.S. West raise questions about development...
- 2013/08/19: DD: Japan breaks national heat record, China heat wave continues...
- 2013/08/19: NASA: Wildfires Persist in California
- 2013/08/19: NASA: Fires Sweep Through Madeira
- 2013/08/19: NASA: Fires Plaguing Idaho
Corals are a bellwether of the ocean's health:
- 2013/08/22: ABC(Au): Increased coal dredging causes concerns for Mackay fishers, marine park reefs
- 2013/08/21: ABC(Au): Queensland marine researchers fear rising sea temperatures threaten clownfish
- 2013/08/21: Eureka: Epic ocean voyages of baby corals revealed
The study, by researchers from the Universities of Bristol and Miami, will help predict how coral reef distributions may change in response to changing oceans. - 2013/08/20: Eureka: Epic ocean voyages of coral larvae revealed -- Models provide first-ever simulated glimpse into dispersal and potential effects of climate change
- 2013/08/20: ABC(Au): Scientists warn sea anemones are vulnerable to bleaching
An international research team is warning that sea anemones are bleaching on a large scale.
The anemones are home to 28 species of fish, including the clownfish, which could also be at risk.
Glaciers are melting:
- 2013/08/22: FaGP: BAMS State of the Climate 2012-Glacier section
- 2013/08/19: RScribbler: Outburst Flood Hazard From Himalayas to Greenland and West Antarctica
- 2013/08/18: FaGP: Mangin Glacier Retreat and Separation, Alberta
Sea levels are rising:
- 2013/08/25: HotWhopper: Rising seas - maybe one or up to two metres this century
- 2013/08/24: UNDispatch: Welcome to Our Children's Nightmare: Sea Levels Could Rise by 3 Feet by 2100
- 2013/08/23: DD: National Geographic: Rising Seas
- 2013/08/22: Guardian(UK): Fears for seabirds as global warming affects coastline
- 2013/08/20: CBC: Vancouver among cities most at-risk from flooding in coming decades
- 2013/08/19: UCAR: Global sea level rise dampened by Australia floods
- 2013/08/19: CCP: Justin Gillis, NYT: Sea Level Could Rise 3 Feet by 2100, Climate Panel Finds
These extreme rainfall events are becoming all too frequent:
As for hydrological cycle disruptions [floods & droughts]:
- 2013/08/25: Xinhuanet: China maintains [lowest level] blue alert for heavy rain
- 2013/08/25: RT: Russia's Far East braces for peak of floods, builds 9-meter-high dams
- 2013/08/24: Xinhuanet: Villages flooded due to embankment breach on Heilong River [pix]
- 2013/08/24: al Jazeera: Day of mourning for China flood victims
Death toll rises as northeastern city of Fushun declares national day of mourning.
A river flood caused by torrential rains has killed 76 people and left another 88 missing in a northeastern Chinese city. - 2013/08/23: al Jazeera: In Pictures: Yangon monsoon flooding -- Myanmar's largest city has been badly affected by heavy rainfall
- 2013/08/23: IndiaTimes: More than 300,000 affected by Sudan floods: WHO
- 2013/08/23: IndiaTimes: 19 killed in rainstorms and floods in China
- 2013/08/23: BBC: Sudan deadly floods affect 300,000 people - WHO
More than 300,000 people across Sudan have been affected by floods that have killed nearly 50 people in August, the World Health Organization has said. - 2013/08/22: al Jazeera: Extreme floods batter Russia's far east
Water in the Amur river near the city of Khabarovsk rose to the highest level recorded in more than a century. - 2013/08/22: IOTD: Severe Floods Hit Eastern Russia [2008 vs 2013]
- 2013/08/22: Wunderground: Chinese Floods Kill 250 During Past Week: Earth's 4th Deadliest Disaster of 2013
- 2013/08/21: Guardian(UK): Russian city ready for mass evacuation if flooding worsens
More than 23,000 have already been evacuated from three regions along Chinese border as Khabarovsk prepares for similar fate - 2013/08/21: al Jazeera: Flooding in southern China
Typhoon Utor hit the Guangdong province on 14 August, but since then the flooding has been getting worse. - 2013/08/21: Xinhuanet: 21 bodies recovered after NW China flood
Xining -- Rescuers have retrieved 21 bodies after rainstorms brought floods to northwest China's Qinghai Province on Tuesday evening, local authorities confirmed on Wednesday. - 2013/08/21: IndiaTimes: 21 killed in [Qinghai] northwest China flash flood
- 2013/08/21: al Jazeera: Hundreds dead or missing in China floods
More rains and landslides increase the number of dead or missing to more than 200 across the country. - 2013/08/20: CNN: Floods leave at least 107 dead in China
Flooding in China's north and south has left at least 107 dead - Three provinces in China's northeast bore the brunt of the floods -
Roads and farmlands have been inundated - People's Liberation Army mobilized to carry out rescue work. - 2013/08/20: Xinhuanet: Persistent downpours cause worst floods in NE China [pix]
- 2013/08/19: CBC: China floods leave more than 200 missing or dead -- Rains brought by last week's typhoon Utor caused severe flooding
- 2013/08/19: BBC: More than 20,000 people have been evacuated from flood-stricken areas in Russia's far east, where the Amur river has burst its banks after heavy rain
- 2013/08/19: Xinhuanet:Pakistan's flood kills 108 since early August [pix]
- 2013/08/19: Xinhuanet: 54 killed in NE China [Fushun] city flood
- 2013/08/19: Xinhuanet: Government upgrades emergency response for NE China floods
The Chinese government on Monday upgraded its emergency response level to cope with flooding in northeast Liaoning Province.
The National Commission for Disaster Reduction and the Ministry of Civil Affairs said in a press release that they have raised the emergency response level from IV to III as of 10 a.m. Monday after at least 54 people were killed and another 97 went missing in the province hit by heavy rains and floods. - 2013/08/19: Xinhuanet: Fushun City suffers worst flooding in decades [pix]
- 2013/08/19: IndiaTimes: China floods death toll reaches 72
- 2013/08/19: BBC: Many dead as floods and rainfall hit China
At least 91 people have died and 111 are missing after days of torrential rain and floods in north-east and southern China, state media report.
More than 840,000 people have been evacuated from Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning and Guangdong provinces. Almost eight million people are thought to be affected by the floods.
China's Xinhua news agency described the floods in the north as the "worst in decades". Incessant rain hit the south in the wake of Typhoon Utor.
First, stop subsidizing fossil fuels
Second, put a price on carbon
Third, begin to reduce the human population
And elsewhere on the mitigation front:
- 2013/08/22: TheConversation: Break the carbon curse to curb global emissions
- 2013/08/21: Guardian(UK): New technology and better strategy could cut data centre emissions by 88%
Consider transportation & GHG production:
- 2013/08/23: P3: Millenials Ditching Cars
- 2013/08/21: PI:B: Fancy transit makes it to the suburbs, but why not a subway?
While in the endless quest for zero energy, sustainable buildings and practical codes:
- 2013/08/20: TreeHugger: It's a Passivhausapalooza in Vancouver
- 2013/08/18: CleanTechnica: Arizona Desert Hosts World's Largest "Net-Zero Energy" Building
As for carbon sequestration:
- 2013/08/23: ABC(Au): World-first pilot plant to turn carbon dioxide into rock
- 2013/08/23: Xinhuanet: Australian university's research plant to turn carbon dioxide emissions into bricks
- 2013/08/23: PRNewsWire: New Australian Venture Aims to 'Close the Carbon Loop' on CO2 Emissions
A CO2 mineral carbonation research pilot plant will be established at the University of Newcastle (UoN), Australia, to trial a new technology that transforms captured CO2 emissions into forms of carbonate rock for potential use as new green building materials in the construction industry.
Mineral Carbonation International Pty Ltd (MCi) has received funding to establish the research pilot plant and undertake further industrial and fundamental research into mineral carbonation technology. - 2013/08/19: KSJT: Huff Post - Tom Zeller Jr. : What's hanging up carbon burial anyway? (Hint: $$$$$, willpower, leadership... the usual)
Large scale geo-engineering keeps popping up:
- 2013/08/22: GEP: Fiji Calls for Climate Engineering
- 2013/08/20: DeSmogBlog: Is Geoengineering a Silver Bullet for Climate Change? [Suzuki]
What's new in conservation?
- 2013/08/22: BBC: Reintroduced white-tailed eagle pair raise chick
Scotland's largest bird of prey, the white-tailed eagle, has bred in the east of the country for the first time in almost 200 years.
BBC Scotland has learned a pair of the birds have raised a male chick, after nesting at a secret location in Fife. The country's last native white-tailed eagle was shot in Shetland in 1918. - 2013/08/19: TheConversation: Wild animals are starving, and it's our fault, so should we feed them?
What's new in restoration?
While on the adaptation front:
- 2013/08/20: TheHill:e2W: USGS moves to create climate change vulnerability database
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) is moving to create a registry of climate change vulnerability to better protect wildlife, ecosystems and dams.
The registry will collect and display information on climate change adaptation projects underway across the country, Laura Thompson, a biologist with the USGS National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center, told The Hill. It will pool from federal, state, local and tribal governments, she said.
Meanwhile in the journals:
- 2013/08/20: PNAS: (abs) Mass support for global climate agreements depends on institutional design by Michael M. Bechtel & Kenneth F. Scheve
- 2013/08/20: PNAS: (abs) Release of arsenic to deep groundwater in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, linked to pumping-induced land subsidence by Laura E. Erban et al.
- 2013/08/20: PNAS: (abs) The multimillennial sea-level commitment of global warming by Anders Levermann et al.
- 2013/08/20: PNAS: (letter$) Time-dependent climate sensitivity and the legacy of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions by Richard E. Zeebe
- 2013/08/20: PNAS: (letter$) Rapid accumulation of committed sea-level rise from global warming by Benjamin H. Strauss
- 2013/08/08: Springer:SCES: (ab$) An ensemble estimation of impact times and strength of Fukushima nuclear pollution to the east coast of China and the west coast of America by GuiJun Han et al.
- 2013/08/22: ACPD: Space-based observations of fire NOx emission coefficients: a global biome-scale comparison by A. K. Mebust & R. C. Cohen
- 2013/08/21: ACPD: Improved satellite retrievals of NO2 and SO2 over the Canadian oil sands and comparisons with surface measurements by C. A. McLinden et al.
- 2013/08/21: ACPD: Primary productivity and its variability in the equatorial South China Sea during the northeast monsoon by S. H. Ooi et al.
- 2013/08/20: ACPD: Source, transport and impacts of a heavy dust event in the Yangtze River Delta, China in 2011 by X. Fu et al.
- 2013/08/22: Science: (ab$) Groundwater Arsenic Contamination Throughout China by Luis Rodríguez-Lado et al.
- 2013/08/23: BG: One-year, regional-scale simulation of Cs137 radioactivity in the ocean following the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident by D. Tsumune et al.
- 2013/08/21: BG: High diversity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the upper reaches of the Heihe River, northwestern China by X. S. Tai et al.
- 2013/08/23: BGD: Top-down, bottom-up and physical controls on diatom-diazotroph assemblage growth in the Amazon River Plume by M. R. Stukel et al.
- 2013/08/23: BGD: Ocean acidification effects in the early life-stages of summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus by R. C. Chambers et al.
- 2013/08/22: BGD: Evaluating terrestrial CO2 flux diagnoses and uncertainties from a simple land surface model and its residuals by T. W. Hilton et al.
- 2013/08/22: CP: Simulating the temperature and precipitation signal in an Alpine ice core by S. Brönnimann et al.
- 2013/08/21: CP: On the Milankovitch sensitivity of the Quaternary deep-sea record by W. H. Berger
- 2013/08/20: CP: Droughts in the Czech Lands, 1090-2012 AD by R. Brázdil et al.
- 2013/08/19: CP: The last 7 millennia of vegetation and climate changes at Lago di Pergusa (central Sicily, Italy) by L. Sadori et al.
- 2013/08/22: CPD: Holocene sub centennial evolution of Atlantic water inflow and sea ice distribution in the western Barents Sea by S. M. P. Berben et al.
- 2013/08/21: CPD: Sediment transport processes across the Tibetan Plateau inferred from robust grain size end-members in lake sediments by E. Dietze et al.
- 2013/08/20: CPD: Modelling global-scale climate impacts of the late Miocene Messinian Salinity Crisis by R. F. Ivanovic et al.
- 2013/08/19: SSRN: Murky Waters: Ambiguous International Law for Ocean Fertilization and Other Geoengineering by Grant S. Wilson
- 2013/08/23: ACPD: Climate and air quality trade-offs in altering ship fuel sulfur content by A.-I. Partanen et al.
- 2013/08/23: ACPD: Evaluation of the warming structure in the Arctic by C. E. Chung et al.
- 2013/08/23: ACPD: WRF-Chem simulations of a typical pre-monsoon dust storm in northern India: influences on aerosol optical properties and radiation budget by R. Kumar et al.
- 2013/08/23: GMD: Sensitivities and uncertainties of modeled ground temperatures in mountain environments by S. Gubler et al.
- 2013/08/22: GMD: Capabilities and performance of Elmer/Ice, a new-generation ice sheet model by O. Gagliardini et al.
- 2013/07/26: WoL:GRL: (ab$) New stratospheric dust belt due to the Chelyabinsk bolide by Nick Gorkavyi et al.
- 2013/08/20: GMDD: Can sparse proxy data constrain the strength of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation? by T. Kurahashi-Nakamura et al.
- 2013/08/20: TC: Spectral reflectance of solar light from dirty snow: a simple theoretical model and its validation by A. Kokhanovsky
- 2013/08/19: TC: Waveform classification of airborne synthetic aperture radar altimeter over Arctic sea ice by M. Zygmuntowska et al.
- 2013/08/20: OSD: Changes in ventilation of the Mediterranean Sea during the past 25 yr by A. Schneider et al.
- 2013/08/19: WoL:GRL: (ab$) A review of global ocean temperature observations: Implications for ocean heat content estimates and climate change by J. P. Abraham et al.
- 2013/08/18: WoL:GRL: (ab$) Revisiting the evidence linking Arctic Amplification 1 to extreme weather in midlatitudes by Elizabeth A. Barnes
- 2013/08/18: Nature:CC: (ab$) First signs of carbon sink saturation in European forest biomass by Gert-Jan Nabuurs et al.
- 2013/08/18: Nature:CC: (ab$) Future flood losses in major coastal cities by Stephane Hallegatte et al.
And other significant documents:
- 2013/08/23: AlbertaEnergy: [links to several pdfs] Pipeline Safety Review
- 2013/08/19: PI: [link to 1.3 meg pdf] Losing Ground -- Why the problem of oilsands tailings waste keeps growing
As for miscellaneous science:
- 2013/08/25: WtD: The end of Gaia: requiem for Lovelock's hypothesis
- 2013/08/21: JEB: Geoscientific Model Development: the world's best journal just got better!
- 2013/08/19: BVerheggen: Tropospheric hot spot
- 2013/08/18: Wunderground:RR: Definitions and Some Background: Arctic Oscillation (1)
In the science organizations:
- 2013/08/22: Eureka: Survey highlights barriers to interdisciplinary environmental science
Natural and social scientists agree that institutions and academic departments often penalize environmental researchers who cross disciplinary boundaries - 2013/08/21: ScienceInsider: Diplomatic Flap Threatens E.U.-Israeli Research Ties
- 2013/08/21: NatureN: Romanian science in free fall -- Researchers rue the reversal of positive reforms
More DIY science:
- 2013/08/20: CSM: Science for everyone
As 'citizen science' projects grow in popularity, science loses some of its mystery. That's good.
What developments in the ongoing struggle for Open Science?
- 2013/08/23: CassandrasLegacy: Free science!
- 2013/08/21: ScienceInsider: Free Papers Have Reached a Tipping Point, Study Claims
- 2013/08/20: NatureN: Half of 2011 papers now free to read -- Boost for advocates of open-access research articles
Regarding Advocacy:
- 2013/08/23: RScribbler: Climate Change Alarm is Needed and Climate Scientists Aren't Sounding it Loud Enough
Regarding Trenberth:
Regarding Curry:
- 2013/08/23: KSJT: NPR - A few storms over profile of the non-denialist but very indecisive climate scientist Judith Curry
Meanwhile at the UN:
And on the carbon trading front:
- 2013/08/22: TP:JR: California's Carbon Trading System Is Going So Well They Sold Out Of Permits
- 2013/08/22: RTCC: UN opens carbon trading office in Bogota
- 2013/08/21: BBerg: Carbon Permits Rise on China's First Market to Exceed EU Price
Carbon permits rose on the Shenzhen Emissions Exchange, the first of seven trial markets in China, to a price exceeding those in Europe, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance.
Shenzhen carbon allowances for 2013 increased to 43 yuan ($7) a metric ton yesterday, up from 28 to 32 yuan a ton on June 18, the first day of trading, said Charlie Cao, a Beijing-based analyst for New Energy Finance.
The idea of a carbon tax is still bouncing around:
- 2013/08/19: BCLSB: Carbon Taxes And The Poor
- 2013/08/19: Maribo: Climate change, not a carbon tax, is a war on the poor
On the international political front, tensions continue as the empire leans on Iran:
- 2013/08/23: IndiaTimes: Sanctions biting but Iran not budging
- 2013/08/20: AntiWar: Britain Seeks to Renew Iran Sanctions After Supreme Court Rejection -- Judges: No Evidence Iranian Bank Had Anything to Do With Nuclear Program
The British government says it is planning to find a new way to impose sanctions on Bank Mellat, a private Iranian bank, after the British Supreme Court ruled the sanctions "irrational" and ordered them cancelled. - 2013/08/19: AntiWar: Iran's Civilian Use of Uranium Frustrates Hawks -- Diplomats: Iran May Be Stepping Up Civilian Use
Another round of IAEA reports details the amount of enriched uranium in Iran's stockpile is still well short of the "red line" the Israeli government set for military action.
South [& East] China Sea tension persists:
- 2013/08/24: WSWS: US Navy to reinforce Marine taskforce in Australia
- 2013/08/24: IndiaTimes: US, Philippines vow freedom of navigation amid Asia sea rows
- 2013/08/23: Xinhuanet: U.S. says stance unchanged on Diaoyu Islands
- 2013/08/23: Xinhuanet: Chinese official urges caution to U.S. on Diaoyu Islands issue
- 2013/08/22: AntiWar: The US Is 'Encircling China With Military Bases'
- 2013/08/22: Asia Times: Pacific pivot sparks US-China arms race
- 2013/08/21: Asia Times: Sino-Japanese deals hold water
- 2013/08/20: Asia Times: Dual track trouble in the South China Sea
These 'free trade' treaties feature fundamentally anti-democratic dispute resolution mechanisms:
- 2013/08/23: Rabble: Trans-Pacific Partnership: Canadian groups demand end to secrecy
- 2013/08/23: CCurrents: U.S. Economic Hegemony: Consolidation And Deepening Of The Pacific Alliance Trade Bloc
- 2013/08/22: Nation:ZC: Keeping a Massive Trade Deal Out of the Fast Lane
One thing members of Congress probably aren't hearing about from their constituents during the August recess is the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the most significant international trade agreement underway in decades. The nineteenth round of talks began yesterday in Brunei, with negotiations reportedly in the "end game."
Congress itself hasn't heard much about the TPP; the negotiating process has been characterized by extreme secrecy and the Obama administration has denied repeated calls from legislators to make the process more transparent, while pressing to finalize the agreement this year. Dubbed "NAFTA on steroids," the TPP is a free-trade pact currently comprised of twelve participants, including Mexico, Canada, Japan, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Australia, New Zealand, Peru and Chile.
Lawmakers do have one critical decision to make regarding the TPP when they return to Washington this fall: whether to grant fast-track authority to President Obama. Fast-tracking (formally called Trade Promotion Authority) would allow Obama to sign the agreement prior to congressional approval, before legislators even read the final text. Congress would have to vote within ninety days to approve the deal retroactively, but debate would be limited and no amendments would be allowed. - 2013/08/20: FDL: Trans-Pacific Partnership Will Remove What's Left Of American Democracy
As for miscellaneous international political happenings:
- 2013/08/24: IndiaTimes: Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline could be extended to China
- 2013/08/24: PLNA: India and Iraq Sign Energy Co-op Agreement
India and Iraq signe dan agreement for energy cooperation including the creation of joint ventures for oil exploration, petrochemical projects and fertilizer plants. - 2013/08/20: Xinhuanet: U.S. energy plan not to dent Gulf oil production: report
The Unites States' plan to cut reliance on oil imports will not affect the oil production in the Gulf countries as Asia's demand for Middle East oil is rising, said a report released Monday by research firm Orient Planet.
Climate Change is a threat multiplier exacerbating existing conflicts in food, energy, water, race, resources, religion, ideology ... etc.:
The issue of the law and activism is playing out around the world:
- 2013/08/23: CDreams: Green Scare Lite: When the Feds Come Knocking on the Climate Movement's Doors
- 2013/08/22: EUO: Russia stops Greenpeace ship protesting Arctic oil drilling
- 2013/08/21: Guardian(UK): Russia blocks Greenpeace ship from entering Arctic waters
What are the activists up to?
- 2013/08/24: CDreams: Defying Russian Govt & Oil Giants, Greenpeace Enters Arctic Waters
Group flouts ban from Northern Sea Route, vows to peacefully protest dangerous drilling - 2013/08/23: LeDaro: Greenpeace: A very interesting picture - Warsaw Poland
- 2013/08/21: TP:JR: Meet The 25-Year-Old Prepared To Spend 10 Years In Jail To Stop Coal
- 2013/08/21: RTCC: Greenpeace's Arctic Sunrise set to defy Russia polar ban
Greenpeace will consider sailing down the Northern Sea Route to protest oil exploration this Friday, defying the Russian authorities who have refused them access to the area. - 2013/08/20: CCurrents: A Movement For A New Planet: Movements Without Leaders by Bill McKibben
- 2013/08/19: Tyee: Is Bill McKibben Making the Climate Change Fight Harder? Observers worry about missed opportunities in his anti-Keystone XL campaign
- 2013/08/19: NakedCapitalism: Bill McKibben: Movements Without Leaders
- 2013/08/19: Resilience: Movements without leaders: What to make of life on an overheating planet by Bill McKibben
- 2013/08/19: RTCC: Fracking live: latest news as UK protests spread
- 2013/08/18: Guardian(UK): Fracking protesters march in Sussex in biggest show of strength so far
Police say more than 2,000 in attendance as people arrive by bus and train to join locals in opposition to Balcombe drilling
The move to divest from fossil fuel investments is growing slowly:
Polls! We have polls!
- 2013/08/21: RTCC: Polls indicate UK public support for solar and climate action
- 2013/08/21: TPM: Poll: Louisiana GOPers Unsure If Katrina Response Was Obama's Fault
Regarding Water Politics and Business; See also:
- 2013/08/24: Wunderground: The Battle to Draw Down Lake Okeechobee [in Florida]
- 2013/08/23: Eureka: Can we save our urban water systems?
- 2013/08/23: JFleck: Increasing aridity in the Colorado River Basin
- 2013/08/22: ERW: Boosting 'crop per drop' could cut water usage
Agriculture currently consumes more freshwater than any of man's other activities. And global demand for both food and water is growing fast. With that in mind, a team from the US and Germany has examined how many calories are created for each litre of water consumed, for 16 staple food crops around the world. - 2013/08/21: JFleck: The ag irrigation efficiency paradox
- 2013/08/20: Wunderground: Unprecedented Cut in Colorado River Flow Ordered, Due to Drought
- 2013/08/20: NatureN: Forecasts turn tide on silt
New York pioneers system to protect drinking water from adverse weather events. - 2013/08/19: TreeHugger: Guess how much Nestlé pays for a liter of water that sells for four bucks in a store
- 2013/08/19: SigFig: Peak Water in the American West
- 2013/08/19: TCoE: Water in the US West
- 2013/08/18: JFleck: Brad Udall on the Colorado River and "the reality of the public"
- 2013/08/18: JFleck: The Colorado River doomsday clock
- 2013/08/18: CleanTechnica: 30 Texas Towns Will Be Out of Water, Because: Fracking
And on the groundwater front:
- 2013/08/23: SciAm: Groundwater Contamination May End the Gas-Fracking Boom
Well water in Pennsylvania homes within a mile of fracking sites is found to be high in methane - 2013/08/23: BBC: China's arsenic contamination risk is assessed
- 2013/08/22: Guardian(UK): Millions face arsenic contamination risk in China, study finds
- 2013/08/22: SciNews: Millions in China at risk of exposure to arsenic-tainted water
- 2013/08/22: AbqJournal: More aggressive cleanup announced for KAFB jet fuel spill
State regulators Wednesday announced new, more aggressive measures to clean up a massive Kirtland Air Force Base fuel spill that has contaminated Albuquerque's groundwater. - 2013/08/22: SwissInfo: Millions of Chinese may face arsenic poisoning
While in the UK:
- 2013/08/24: Guardian(UK): David Cameron must heed the experts, not the sceptics, on climate change
- 2013/08/24: LoE: Conservatives for conservation (of a habitable planet)
- 2013/08/23: BizGreen: Are the Green Tories preparing a fight back?
A group of green Conservatives are said to be gearing up for a fight back, but can they wrestle back control from the party's anti-green voices? - 2013/08/23: RTCC: Comment: UK fracking fight highlights need for carbon pricing strategy
Polarised shale gas exploration debate makes an effective EU energy market essential says Policy Exchange think tank
Like so many energy debates, the furore over fracking sees louder and louder shouts from implacable opponents about the terrible risks/glorious opportunities the new technology offers. - 2013/08/22: RTCC: BBC Radio set to air 'energy day' powered by renewables
- 2013/08/21: RTCC: Ed Davey fighting "guerrilla war" with Tory climate sceptics
- 2013/08/20: BBC: Rural impact of electricity infrastructure to be reviewed [UK pol]
- 2013/08/20: RTCC: Green 'biogas' has potential to quash UK fracking debate
- 2013/08/20: TreeHugger: UK households cut energy use by 25% [because of the recession?]
- 2013/08/20: Monbiot: Resource Testeria
Promoting extractive industries is seen by politicians as a proper, manly pursuit, even if it makes no sense. - 2013/08/19: CSM: Balcombe fracking protests: Activists rally in UK
- 2013/08/19: RTCC: RSPB warns fracking will blow UK climate targets
- 2013/08/19: RTCC: Fracking live: latest news as UK protests spread
- 2013/08/19: Guardian(UK): Flood insurance scheme inadequate, says study
[UK] Government's Flood Re scheme underestimates number of properties at risk due to climate change, [LSE] researchers find - 2013/08/18: Guardian(UK): Fracking protesters march in Sussex in biggest show of strength so far
Police say more than 2,000 in attendance as people arrive by bus and train to join locals in opposition to Balcombe drilling
And in Europe:
- 2013/08/22: EurActiv: Czech utility decries Romanian rough play on green energy subsidies
The Czech power utility CEZ has complained to the European Commission about delays by Romania in paying green energy subsidies, saying they may cost it up to E66 million a year. - 2013/08/22: EurActiv: Poland on collision course with Brussels over 'illegal' coal plant
Euro MPs and environmentalists are urging the European Commission to take rapid action to prevent Poland from building two huge new 900MW units at a coal plant, in violation of EU laws on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). - 2013/08/21: NatureNB: EU escalates 'herring war' with Faroe Islands
- 2013/08/21: EurActiv: Herring loss sparks EU-Faroe Island trade spat
The Faroe Islands government has reacted furiously to an EU decision to ban its fish exports to the Union. While the EU accuses the Faroes of overfishing, the small archipelago, which has Danish sovereignty, is threatening to jeopardise multilateral negotiations on herring quota allocations. - 2013/08/21: EurActiv: Ukraine region rejects shale gas project
A shale gas deal in Ukraine hit a setback yesterday (20 August) when a local council rejected the government's draft production-sharing agreement with US energy company Chevron amid warnings by nationalists regarding likely damage to the environment. - 2013/08/20: EUO: EU bans fish imports from Faroe Islands
Meanwhile in Australia:
- 2013/08/25: ABC(Au): Research finds only one in 10 prepared for fires
New research shows just one in ten Tasmanians affected by the January bushfires had a written action plan.
The research, presented at the Tasmanian Fire Service's conference in Launceston on Saturday, also found more resilience training was needed for fire fighters. - 2013/08/24: ABC(Au): Tony Windsor concerned over slow progress of CSG scrutiny
- 2013/08/23: RtS: 100% Australian Renewable
- 2013/08/23: Guardian(UK): Warm winter: odd fish seen in Tasmania, bad news for undertakers
- 2013/08/23: ABC(Au): CSG petition sparks row among north coast politicians
An anti-coal seam gas petition containing more than 10,000 signatures will be sent to the State Parliament today. - 2013/08/23: ABC(Au): NSW western grazing land can count carbon
- 2013/08/23: TheConversation: A more sustainable Australia: we need to talk about our soils
- 2013/08/22: ABC(Au): Fishers critical of Government 'hypocrisy' on marine park zones
Commercial fishermen on South Australia's Eyre Peninsula say it is hypocritical of Governments to restrict their access to marine park zones at the same time as allowing oil and gas exploration. - 2013/08/22: ABC(Au): Rural fire volunteers claim morale 'shattered'
It's been claimed the morale of rural fire fighters in Queensland has sunk to an all-time low amid ongoing uncertainty about job cuts and the 'urbanisation' of the Rural Fire Service.
A restructure was controversially announced, and subsequently retracted, by the Emergency Services Minister Jack Dempsey nearly one year ago.
Since then, a major review has found the rural fire service should be established as a separate entity and all existing employees keep their jobs. - 2013/08/22: ABC(Au): Famers left in the lurch over mallee tree plantations [WA]
- 2013/08/22: TheConversation: When the sun don't shine, the power don't flow -- or does it?
- 2013/08/21: ABC(Au): Increase in production and fall in taxes boosts Woodside's profits
Major oil and gas producer Woodside Petroleum says record production has boosted its earnings for the first half of the year despite lower commodity prices.
A 22 per cent increase in production and lower taxes helped Woodside lift its after-tax profits in the first six months of the year to $965 million. - 2013/08/21: ABC(Au): Forest peace deal money guaranteed regardless of Upper House decision on forest protection
Tasmania will still get $100 million to diversify its ailing economy, even if the Upper House kills off the state's forest peace deal.
The Federal Government is planning to sever the link between the cash, and crucial enabling legislation held up in the Legislative Council.
The move hinges on Labor being re-elected next month. - 2013/08/21: ABC(Au): Stopping toxic waste seeping into groundwater
- 2013/08/21: ABC(Au): Petition to stop CSG drilling in catchment areas handed to NSW Parliament
- 2013/08/21: ABC(Au): Tourists moved to beach as bushfire threatens eco-resort north of Broome
- 2013/08/20: ABC(Au): Environmentalists say federal laws fail to protect threatened species like Leadbeater's possum
- 2013/08/19: Guardian(UK): Go back to the drawing board on climate policy, business tells politicians
A clean slate could build public confidence and offer long-term investment certainty, says the Business Council of Australia - 2013/08/19: TheConversation: A more sustainable Australia: are we ignoring the future?
- 2013/08/19: ABC(Au): 'Back off': farmer says agriculture industry at risk from CSG
- 2013/08/19: ABC(Au): Australia possesses an 'incomprehensible amount' of gas [says APPEA (Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association)]
- 2013/08/19: ABC(Au): The probing question of soil moisture solved
For the first time, growers on WA's south coast now have access to live, linked, soil moisture readings.
The readings, which went live last week on the SEPWA and RAIN websites, show growers exactly how much moisture is in the region's soils, and growers can make production decisions accordingly.
The project was the brainchild of the Esperance regional cropping solutions network and has placed eleven soil moisture probes across the south coast.
Julianne Hill is the GRDC network coordinator and says growers in the region were determined to get the project off the ground - or under it as the case may be. - 2013/08/19: ABC(Au): Two new solar farms for the ACT
Two new solar farms will be built in the ACT as a result of the Government's latest solar auction.
Just two short hectic weeks to the September 7th election:
- 2013/08/25: ABC(Au): Clive Palmer pledges to cut taxes, increase spending at party's campaign launch
The Palmer United Party has promised to cut taxes, increase the pension and boost health spending at a presidential-style campaign launch at Clive Palmer's resort on the Sunshine Coast.
The Queensland-based mining magnate says the election campaign's focus should be on what Australia can do to reclaim its status as "the lucky country". - 2013/08/25: IndiaTimes: Australian opposition launches election campaign
Opposition leader Tony Abbott, a strong favorite to become Australian prime minister in national elections next month, officially launched his conservative coalition's campaign on Sunday with a speech that offered few clues to how his spending promises would be paid for. - 2013/08/24: ABC(Au): Christine Milne launches Greens campaign with focus on environment, refugee policy
- 2013/08/24: ABC(Au): Labor slips further in latest Nielsen poll two weeks out from election
- 2013/08/22: WSWS: Australian party leaders engage in another phony "debate"
- 2013/08/22: IndiaTimes: Assange blames [his focus on] Manning, Snowden for WikiLeaks Party chaos
- 2013/08/22: TheConversation: Let's put threatened species on the election agenda
- 2013/08/21: WSWS: Australian opposition party unveils unconstitutional plan to reject refugees
- 2013/08/21: UKISS: Denier Comment of the Day
- 2013/08/21: ABC(Au): Election live August 21: Leaders prepare to face the people [at the 'people's forum' at the city's Broncos Leagues Club]
After two-and-a-half weeks of campaigning across the country, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott will meet tonight for a second election debate in Brisbane. - 2013/08/20: Guardian(UK): The Coalition's climate change policy: it's the public, not polluters, who pay
- 2013/08/20: ABC(Au):TDU: Why climate politics has been so toxic
- 2013/08/20: JQuiggin: Reading the economic theories of Rudd and Abbott
- 2013/08/19: TP:JR: How Climate Change Became A Major Factor In Australia's Upcoming Election
- 2013/08/19: ABC(Au): Liberal candidate unable to explain Coalition's climate change policy
- 2013/08/19: Xinhuanet: Voter support for Kevin Rudd and ALP slumps to record low: Newspoll
After years of wrangling, the Murray Darling Basin Plan is in place, but the water management fights are not over:
- 2013/08/21: ABC(Au): Irrigators concerned over river Murray listing
Irrigators are criticising a decision by the Federal Environment Minister to list parts of the Murray Darling Basin system as critically endangered under national environmental law. - 2013/08/21: ABC(Au): Irrigators slam Murray-Darling endangered listing
- 2013/08/21: ABC(Au): Orange to combat future drought with water pipeline
- 2013/08/20: ABC(Au): Glenelg River flood watch in western Victoria
Creeks and rivers through western Victoria are rising as the soil profile saturates and rain keeps falling.
The Glenelg River is spilling out over its banks in a couple of spots as water rushes through Harrow, in the Western District, on its way south to Nelson, near the South Australian border.
It's been a dramatic turnaround after the driest spring and summer on record.
While in the Indian subcontinent:
- 2013/08/20: Guardian(UK): India prepares to guarantee right to food for 800 million people
- 2013/08/20: RTCC: India plans 'green energy corridor' to boost renewables capacity
- 2013/08/20: BBC: India set to launch subsidised food plan
The Indian government is to launch a programme to provide subsidised food to two thirds of the population.
The food security scheme aims to provide 5kg of cheap grain every month to nearly 800 million poor people.
And in China:
- 2013/08/22: RTCC: Traffic and cooking account for 80% of China air pollution
- 2013/08/21: RealEconomics: Is China finally embracing green economics?
- 2013/08/21: Asia Times: China chases Central Asian pipe dream
- 2013/08/20: DerSpiegel: 'Liconomics': China's Green Revolution Arrives
China has changed course and announced an ambitious new plan to push sustainable energy. The initiative by Li Keqiang's government signals a turning point in the country's approach to the environment -- and could mean big business for Germany.
While elsewhere in Asia:
- 2013/08/21: Xinhuanet: Climate change major challenge for Pacific: Fijian official
Suva -- Climate change is one of the greatest barriers to sustainable development for small island countries, a Fijian official said Wednesday.
Esala Nayasi, director of the political and treaties division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said the adverse effects of climate change is a security threat to Pacific island countries ( PICs) as it greatly affects the survival of people through the impact it has on resources.
Speaking at the "First Open Discussion Workshop about Climate Engineering: Perspectives of Pacific Small Island States" held in Suva on Wednesday, Nayasi highlighted the need for research, scientific studies, data and even climate engineering in addressing the impact it will have on these nations.
In Africa:
And South America:
- 2013/08/23: EmbassyMag: Ecuador's failed oil sanctuary by Gwynne Dyer
Set up in 2009, the trust fund designed to thwart development of the oil reservoir in Ecuador's rainforest could only raise $116 million. - 2013/08/22: DerSpiegel: Bow, Arrow, Facebook: Brazilian Tribes Fight for Their Land
Indigenous peoples in Brazil have lost their patience. Promised more land decades ago, they have recently begun forcing the issue by occupying farms and ranches. The government of President Dilma Rousseff has taken sides with the farmers' lobby. - 2013/08/22: TP:JR: How Oil Money Might Help Reduce Inequality In Brazil
- 2013/08/19: TP:JR: Ecuador Ditches Plan To Protect Amazon From Oil Drilling
- 2013/08/20: ScienceInsider: Ecuador Says It Will Launch Controversial Drilling in Amazon Park
- 2013/08/20: RTCC: Anger and frustration as Ecuador's Yasuni dreams die
Funding shortfall blamed for collapse, but wider problems cited as landmark initiative hits buffers
Last Thursday in Quito Ecuador President Rafa Correa confirmed the news that many had feared for some time -- the Yasuni initiative was finished.
In Canada, neocon PM Harper, aka The Blight, pushes petroleum while ignoring the climate and ecology:
- 2013/08/24: TMoS: Is Harper Suppressing Climate Change Information?
- 2013/08/23: PostMedia: Has Harper government delayed climate change progress report?
The federal government isn't answering questions about what's holding up the release of an annual report on Canada's progress in fighting climate change - an analysis normally released in mid-summer.
Environment Canada said this week that it was still working on the report and that no release date had been set. - 2013/08/23: Rabble: Trans-Pacific Partnership: Canadian groups demand end to secrecy
- 2013/08/20: Rabble:EM: Why aren't we asking what's in our pipelines?
- 2013/08/20: PostMedia: Canada supports global carbon pricing: government records
Canada supports putting a price on carbon emissions as part of a global climate change strategy, say newly released records prepared at the highest levels of the federal government.
Harper's cross Arctic junket ended on a sour note:
- 2013/08/24: LeDaro: His Highness Stephen Harper did not want to take a question from a Chinese reporter
- 2013/08/23: CBC: RCMP restrain Chinese reporter after tussle at Harper event
- 2013/08/23: BuckDog: Stephen Harper's Micromanaged Unwillingness To Answer Media Questions Now Having International Implications ....
The Lac Megantic tragedy plays on:
- 2013/08/24: CBC: MM&A gets green light to operate until October -- Judge says railway executives should fork over cash to pay for Lac-Mégantic
The railway company involved in the Lac-Mégantic disaster has been given the go-ahead to resume its operations in Canada until Oct. 1.
Earlier this month, the Canadian Transportation Agency moved to suspend the operations of Montreal, Maine & Atlantic Railway (MM&A) -- citing a lack of funds to cover insurance costs in the event of other rail accidents.
But the CTA said it would reverse the decision if the company could prove by yesterday's deadline that it could afford to pay its insurance premiums. - 2013/08/23: CBC: Mayors urge Ottawa to act swiftly on rail safety -- Municipalities should be included in risk assesments, advisory group says
- 2013/08/22: CBC: Senate seeks railway overhaul in wake of Lac-Mégantic -- Committee studied transport of oil and gas by pipelines, railways and tankers
A Senate committee study launched months before the fatal Lac-Mégantic, Que., train disaster urges the federal government to launch a major review of Canada's railway regulations, to better ensure the safe transport of dangerous goods.
The report released Thursday by the energy, environment and natural resources committee contains 13 recommendations related to the transportation of crude oil and natural gas by railways, pipelines and tankers. - 2013/08/19: CBC: J.D. Irving eyeing railway involved in Lac-Mégantic crash
The West-East pipeline is suddenly a focus of much dispute:
- 2013/08/23: CBC: TransCanada faces pipeline questions in Saint John
- 2013/08/22: G&M: TransCanada's eastern path hits snag in Ontario
The Ontario government wants assurances that the province will benefit economically from TransCanada Corp.'s pipeline project to ship crude from Alberta to refineries and export terminals in eastern Canada. - 2013/08/22: Guardian(UK): Canada's oil pipelines will not build a nation - they are a great swindle
The only nation-building that is occurring appears to be a coast-to-coast movement of opposition against planned pipelines - 2013/08/20: TheCanadian: Opinion: West-East pipelines won't bolster Canada's energy security
- 2013/08/20: Tyee: No Security in Canada's Pipeline Plans
Proposed 'Energy East' line to the Atlantic leaves us vulnerable to spills and another supply crisis. - 2013/08/18: NorRe: Keep Your Mouth Shut [9B pipeline]
Oh! Look what Nestle is doing:
- 2013/08/19: TreeHugger: Guess how much Nestlé pays for a liter of water that sells for four bucks in a store
- 2013/08/18: TheCanadian: Nestlé sucking up 265 million litres of BC water each year for free, without oversight
- 2013/08/14: PostMedia: The 'Wild West' of groundwater: Billion-dollar Nestlé extracting B.C.'s drinking water for free
Nestle Waters Canada takes 265 million litres a year of fresh water from a Fraser Valley well
The ISA/PRV/IHN/Alpha virus in Canadian waters is potentially disastrous:
- 2013/08/19: EneNews: Biologist: Pacific herring in Canada bleeding from eyeballs, faces, fins, tails...
- 2013/08/19: EneNews: Unprecedented: Sockeye salmon at dire historic low on Canada's Pacific coast - "We think something happened in the ocean" - "The elders have never seen anything like this at all" - Alaska and Russia also affected (map)
- 2013/08/12: G&M: Lake Babine sockeye fishery at risk of unprecedented closure
Now that Christy Clark has a mandate, what will she do?
- 2013/08/23: CBC: Environmental review wraps up for New Prosperity mine
- 2013/08/22: TheCanadian: How Alberta oil companies bought the BC election - and the media missed it
- 2013/08/21: CBC: 'No Enbridge pipeline' sign stays, says B.C. town
Billboard on the side of Gywn's Green Grocer in Burns Lake sparked controversy
A controversial anti-pipeline sign on the side of a grocery store in Burns Lake, B.C., will be allowed to remain, the local village council has ruled.
Last month, the billboard on the side of Gwyn's Green Grocer sparked a controversy with the message, "Pure water. Wild salmon. No Enbridge pipeline." - 2013/08/19: CBC: Facebook anti-Enbridge sign backlash hits B.C. village
- 2013/08/21: Tyee: Drilling Down BC Campaign Finance Numbers
- 2013/08/21: TheCanadian: Alberta Oil Money played both sides in BC election with major campaign donations
- 2013/08/21: TheCanadian: LNG plant's comment period extended over missing river controversy
- 2013/08/21: TheCanadian: First Nations raises concerns re: Teck's proposed Tar Sands exploratory drilling
- 2013/08/21: TheCanadian: Dix, Sihota should resign: former BC NDP president
- 2013/08/20: TheCanadian: Corky Evans on what's wrong with the BC NDP
- 2013/08/19: TheCanadian: Sacred Headwaters mine stand-off: Meeting CEO fails to ease tensions
- 2013/08/18: TheCanadian: Power bill increases due to BC Liberal private power policy: SFU Prof
Meanwhile in that Mechanical Mordor known as the tar sands:
- 2013/08/22: TMoS: Out of Sight, Out of Mind. Putting Athabasca Back in Bitumen.
- 2013/08/21: DD: Alberta oil sands spills have been going on for weeks with no end in sight...
- 2013/08/21: PI:B: Oilsands industry losing ground on tailings management
- 2013/08/19: PI: [link to 1.3 meg pdf] Losing Ground -- Why the problem of oilsands tailings waste keeps growing
- 2013/08/19: CBC: Calgary's Sunshine Oilsands enters $250M joint venture [with unnamed partner]
Also in Alberta:
- 2013/08/23: LibOpp: Read between the lines with latest safety review: Hehr
- 2013/08/23: AltaGovt: Alberta leads in pipeline safety
- 2013/08/23: AlbertaEnergy: [links to several pdfs] Pipeline Safety Review
- 2013/08/23: CBC: Alberta pipeline safety review criticized for lack of scope -- Province accepts 17 recommendations from independent review
A long-awaited review on pipeline safety commissioned by the Alberta government has taken an overall positive view of the province's regulations.
However, the study released Friday was quickly dismissed by critics who said it lacked substance because it neither examined the effectiveness of enforcement nor drew lessons from specific spills in recent years. - 2013/08/22: CBC: 254 Alberta flood victims to get government home buyouts
- 2013/08/20: NorRe: Is flood amnesia setting in?
- 2013/08/20: CBC: TransCanada Corp. sues Enbridge over Toronto pipeline
TransCanada Corp. is suing the gas distribution business of rival Enbridge Inc. over its decision to end an agreement that would see the two firms co-operate on a 23-kilometre stretch natural gas pipeline in the Greater Toronto Area.
In the North:
- 2013/08/20: CBC: Company surveys Arctic fibre optic cable route -- Arctic Fibre to visit 7 Nunavut communities this week
- 2013/08/19: CBC: Far North strategy snarled by red tape, Defence study says
And on the American political front:
- 2013/08/25: CleanTechnica: Appalachian States - Solar Jobs Showdown - Infographic
- 2013/08/24: P3: Lying versus "Fact Smuggling" in Climate Politics
- 2013/08/23: ERabett:JF: Tea Party darling Cuccinelli trails in VA gov contest
- 2013/08/23: PeakEnergy: The Green Tea Party - libertarians in favour of decentralised energy generation
- 2013/08/23: UCSUSA:B: Staying Ahead of the Storm: The Case for Funding Weather Forecasting
- 2013/08/23: CleanTechnica: Native American Tribe's Push For Solar & Wind (To Replace Coal & Keep Out Natural Gas)
- 2013/08/22: CleanTechnica: Is The US Department of the Interior Committing Cultural Genocide And Ecocide?
- 2013/08/22: TreeHugger: Have we entered an age of denial? The new Cosmos hopes to change that.
- 2013/08/21: CPunch: The Dark Nuclear Lesson of Entergy v. Shumlin -- Time to Amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1954
- 2013/08/21: FuelFix: [West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection's Office of Oil and Gas] Report: Fracking not endangering W.Va. air quality
- 2013/08/21: Grist: California's unusual plan to cut greenhouse gases
- 2013/08/21: PSinclair: More Conservatives Break Ranks to Fight for Solar: Obsolete Grid Not Ready for Solar Revolution
- 2013/08/21: TP:JR: Despite Claims Of A 'War On Coal,' Industry Petition Fails Miserably
- 2013/08/21: TreeHugger: What will it take to get conservative Republicans to address climate change?
- 2013/08/21: TreeHugger: DNA testing shows 59% of fish sold as 'tuna' in U.S. is something else
- 2013/08/21: NakedCapitalism: Why Progressives Are Lame
- 2013/08/21: Resilience: USDA: Rural population needed not for farming but for cannon fodder
- 2013/08/20: CleanTechnica: Another Prominent Republican Fighting Utility Monopoly For Rooftop Solar Power Rights
- 2013/08/19: TP:JR: The Three Factors That Put Lower-Income Americans At Greater Risk From Extreme Weather
- 2013/08/19: Grist: Democrats will soon have a big, fat fight over fracking
- 2013/08/19: UCSUSA: NJ Gov Vetoes Bill That Would Have Increased Coastal Damage Risk
Statement by Erika Spanger-Siegfried, Union of Concerned Scientists - 2013/08/19: UCSUSA: NJ Gov Christie May Let Bill Go Into Effect That Would Increase Coastal Damage Risk
Bill in Stark Contrast to Sandy Task Force Recommendations - 2013/08/18: EneNews: Chairman of Oregon Republican Party suggests dropping nuclear waste from airplanes for its health benefits - Wants to put radioactive material from San Onofre into drinking water (video)
The BP disaster continues to twist US politics. See also:
- 2013/08/21: DD: U.S. government underestimated contamination in Gulf of Mexico after Deepwater Horizon oil spill...
Post-Sandy commentary and news:
- 2013/08/23: RTCC: How scientists at NOAA are mapping New York's watery future
When Hurricane Sandy hit, New York's flooding maps were 30 years out of date. NOAA scientists are ensuring this never happens again
When Hurricane Sandy hit last October, it was a moment of reality for the inhabitants of New York: the city was woefully ill-equipped to deal with the sea levels that, for the past 100 years, had been rising up the waterfront. - 2013/08/23: DD: Mayor Bloomberg: Why Hurricane Sandy forced cities to take the lead on climate change
- 2013/08/21: CNN: Bloomberg: Why Sandy forced cities to take lead on climate change
- 2013/08/20: TMoS: Hurricane Sandy Task Force or The Three Little Pigs
- 2013/08/20: USGS: Remapping Coastal Areas Damaged by Hurricane Sandy
- 2013/08/20: DD: Hurricane Sandy rebuilding task force releases rebuilding strategy
- 2013/08/20: TP:JR: Sandy Task Force Omits Resilience Investment Recommendations
- 2013/08/20: NOAANews: Federal agencies remapping coastal areas damaged by Hurricane Sandy
- 2013/08/19: TP:JR: Sandy Rebuilding Task Force: Climate Change Must Factor In To Rebuilding Effort
- 2013/08/19: Guardian(UK): Sandy taskforce: build stronger homes to withstand worsening storms
Report issues 69 policy recommendations in anticipation of more extreme weather conditions in an age of climate change
The Keystone XL wheel grinds slowly. And it grinds woe:
- 2013/08/24: BCLSB: Looks Like Keystone XL Faces Another Delay
- 2013/08/23: DeSmogBlog: Keystone XL Decision Delayed Again? Inspector General Pushes Report on ERM Scandals to January
- 2013/08/23: BBerg: Review of Keystone Contractor Won't Be Complete Before January
The investigation of an alleged conflict of interest by a U.S. State Department contractor reviewing the proposed Keystone XL pipeline won't be complete until January. - 2013/08/22: Grist: 7 animals imperiled by the Keystone XL pipeline
- 2013/08/20: Guardian(UK): US Department of Interior criticises State over Keystone XL impact report
- 2013/08/20: G&M: Louisiana Governor [Jindal] accuses 'radical left' of blocking Keystone pipeline
- 2013/08/20: CleanTechnica: Keystone XL Is Only Part Of The Problem: 3 More Controversial Pipelines
- 2013/08/19: TP:JR: It's Not Just Carbon Emissions: Keystone XL Would Have 'Permanent Impacts' On Wildlife, Interior Department Says
The Mayflower oil spill and its ramifications just keep dragging on:
- 2013/08/21: ICN: Exxon Pipeline Rupture: Amount of Oil Spilled Is Still Guesswork
So far about 2,000 barrels of oil have been recovered in Arkansas. The actual amount of spilled oil is far more than that, but may never be figured out. - 2013/08/20: ICN: Burst Pipeline's Spill Plan Is None of Your Business, Suggests Regulator
PHMSA [Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration] has released ExxonMobil's spill response plan for the ruptured Pegasus pipeline -- but most of the crucial elements have been completely redacted.
Federal regulators have released ExxonMobil's 2013 emergency response plan for the pipeline that ruptured in an Arkansas residential neighborhood on March 29, but the document is so heavily redacted that it offers little information about Exxon's preparations for such an accident. - 2013/08/18: CleanTechnica: Residents Of Mayflower, Arkansas Look Back On Pegasus Pipeline Spill
The GOP War on Women continues. See also:
- 2013/08/23: USAToday: ACLU sues Indiana over abortion clinic law
- 2013/08/22: Reuters: Planned Parenthood sues Indiana over abortion clinic requirements
- 2013/08/22: ACLU: ACLU and Planned Parenthood File Anti-Discrimination Lawsuit Against Indiana Department of Health
Laws Regulating Abortion Clinics Violate Constitutional Protections of Privacy, Due Process and Equal Protection - 2013/08/21: Wonkette: Republican Plan To Prove Abortion Is Dangerous And Bad Proves Exact Opposite, Oops!
- 2013/08/19: MoJo: This Latest Effort to Close Abortion Clinics Is the Strangest One Yet
A billionaire fracking tycoon is funding a nonprofit that's recruiting an army of lawyers to sue Planned Parenthood. - 2013/08/19: BBerg: Oklahoma Judge Allows Teens Over-Counter Birth-Control
The impacts of budgetary sequestration are beginning to add up:
- 2013/08/23: TP:JR: Thanks To Budget Cuts, The Forest Service Is Out Of Money To Fight Wildfires
- 2013/08/23: Reuters: U.S. wildfire managers weigh help from military, foreign countries
U.S. wildfire managers facing increasingly strained resources have opened talks with Pentagon commanders and Canadian officials about possible reinforcements of personnel and aircraft to battle dozens of blazes raging across the drought-parched American West. - 2013/08/22: WaPo: Federal budget to fight wildfires is depleted
For the second straight year, the federal government has run through its budget for fighting wildfires amid a grueling, deadly season and will be forced to move $600 million from other funds, some of which help prevent fires.
This year's budget depletion reflects the new normal in firefighting, where parched seasons last at least two months longer than in previous decades and wildfires burn bigger and hotter, according to the U.S. Forest Service and conservationists who track fires.
More than 31,900 fires have burned 3 million acres in the United States this year, according to the Forest Service. - 2013/08/18: DD: Over $70 million spent on summer wildfires in S. Oregon...
The Frank denial oped drew some comment:
- 2013/08/23: EconView: 'The Age of Denial and the Marketplace of Ideas'
- 2013/08/22: P3: This is not a world the scientists I trained with would recognize.
- 2013/08/21: NYT: Welcome to the Age of Denial
- 2013/08/22: ERabett: The Age of Denial
- 2013/08/22: UCSUSA:B: Messengers Matter: Overcoming the Age of Denial
Al Gore Derangement Syndrome struck again:
- 2013/08/23: GLaden: Adding that Cat Six Category: Paul Douglas Weighs In
- 2013/08/23: GLaden: Climate Change, Cat 6 Hurricanes, Al Gore
- 2013/08/23: TP:JR: It's not Easy Being Gore: Media Creates A Category 6 Tempest In A Teapot
- 2013/08/23: CCP: No, Al Gore is not exaggerating or making stuff up
- 2013/08/22: UCSUSA:B: Al Gore, Climate Science, and the Responsibility for Careful Communication
- 2013/08/22: TreeHugger: Are we nearing a climate politics tipping point? Al Gore is optimistic.
- 2013/08/21: WaPo:B: Al Gore explains why he's optimistic about stopping global warming
The actions of the Obama administration are being watched closely:
- 2013/08/23: UCSUSA:B: White House, Finally, Releases Silica Rule
- 2013/08/23: BBerg: U.S. [FTC] to Review Claims Oil Companies Undercut Renewables [by blocking higher ethanol blends of gasoline]
- 2013/08/23: TP:JR: Black Lung Has Been On The Rise For Years, But A Long-Delayed Rule Might Finally Stop It
- 2013/08/23: CCP: Nearly 650,000 Comments Call on Obama Administration to Ban Fracking on Public Lands
- 2013/08/23: TP:JR: Obama Slams Dirty Energy Money In Congress: 'Fossil Fuel Industries Tend To Be Very... Influential'
- 2013/08/22: CleanTechnica: $36 Million To Banish EV Range Anxiety, Forever -- ARPA-E Funds New EV Battery Initiative
- 2013/08/22: CleanTechnica: DOI Sets First Competitive Solar Energy Lease Auction On Federal Lands
- 2013/08/21: TP:JR: Carbon Catastrophe: Obama Administration To Sell 316 Million Tons Of Coal
- 2013/08/21: Grist: Coal shoulder: BLM sells controversial coal mining lease, but no one's buying
- 2013/08/21: TheHill:RW: Thousands weigh in on proposed fracking rule
The Obama administration has received more than 5,000 comments on its proposed regulation for hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, on public and Native American lands.
The wealth of responses from the public shows a heated interest in the government's effort to expand its oversight of oil and gas development.
Progressive groups, including Forecast the Facts, the National Parks Conservation Association and the Center for Effective Government, have been especially active in encouraging their supporters to ask the Interior Department to strengthen the rule.
The current proposal, unveiled in May, requires developers to disclose the chemicals they use in fracking, which uses a mixture of chemicals, sand and water to release oil and gas from rock formations.
It also calls for companies to make sure that those liquids used do not escape into the groundwater. - 2013/08/21: ScienceInsider: EPA Responds to Controversial Subpoena
- 2013/08/20: DeSmogBlog: Maysdorf II By the Numbers: BLM's Big Coal Giveaway Tomorrow
- 2013/08/19: TP:JR: Obama Administration Saves One National Park's Night Sky -- For Now
- 2013/08/20: BBerg: Coal Foe Named to FERC Is Latest Obama Pick Drawing Ire
- 2013/08/20: NatureN: US regulation misses some GM crops
Gaps in oversight of transgenic technologies allow scientists to test the waters for speciality varieties. - 2013/08/20: NOAANews: NOAA seeks comments on Atlantic bluefin tuna management proposals
- 2013/08/19: UCSUSA:B: Wolves, the Endangered Species Act, and Why Scientific Integrity Matters
- 2013/08/18: CCP: Frackmaster Ernest Moniz pushes fracking in Brazil
As for what is going on in Congress:
- 2013/08/22: TP:JR: Congressman [Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO)] Peddles Conspiracy Theory On Climate Change: Only 'Radical Environmentalists' Get Grants
- 2013/08/19: TheHill:e2W: GOP lawmakers press for exemption from proposed fracking rule
The movement toward a long term ecologically viable economics is glacial:
IPAT [Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology]
raised its head once again:
- 2013/08/23: TP:H: Ireland Has Performed Its First-Ever Legal Abortion, And It Saved A Dying Woman's Life
Apocalypso anyone?
How are we going to deal with this mess?
How do the corporate media measure up?
- 2013/08/24: CSW: Al Jazeera America got off to a good start with climate change coverage
- 2013/08/23: Grist: Is Al Jazeera America going to change the way networks cover climate change?
- 2013/08/23: Grist: How to write about climate: Pull up a barstool
- 2013/08/22: TreeHugger: Al Jazeera America airs more climate coverage in one day, than other networks have in four months.
- 2013/08/22: MoJo: Is Al Jazeera America Going to Change the Way Networks Cover Climate Change?
On its first day of broadcasting, Al Jazeera America had more, and better, coverage than other major networks have had in the last four months. - 2013/08/21: TP:JR: Al Jazeera Provides Best-In-Class TV Coverage Of IPCC Climate Report
- 2013/08/21: Grist: Climate change and "environmental journalism"
- 2013/08/18: CCP: PBS censoring itself due to David Koch's influence
And for your film & video enjoyment:
- 2013/08/23: TreeHugger: When will solar be cheap enough? (video)
- 2013/08/22: SciAm:PI: Watch this stunning video of Greenland's ice sheet
- 2013/08/21: PSinclair: How to Talk to Your Republican Dad About Climate Change
- 2013/08/20: TreeHugger: $77 billion from the sun: Solar industry facts (video)
- 2013/08/18: EneNews: Chairman of Oregon Republican Party suggests dropping nuclear waste from airplanes for its health benefits - Wants to put radioactive material from San Onofre into drinking water (video)
Meanwhile among the 'Sue the Bastards!' contingent:
- 2013/08/23: USAToday: ACLU sues Indiana over abortion clinic law
- 2013/08/22: TP:JR: Lawsuit: ALEC-Tied Legislators Stripped Important Passages From Renewable Energy Bill
- 2013/08/19: CSW: Michael Mann v. National Review et al. defamation lawsuit - new Plaintiff's briefs
- 2013/08/18: S&R: DC Judge: Michael Mann's defamation lawsuit against National Review, Competitive Enterprise Institute allowed to proceed
It looks like this BP trial over the Gulf oil spill is going to take a long while:
- 2013/08/23: TheHill:e2W: BP argues it's being bilked in spill claims
- 2013/08/23: HuffPo: BP, EPA Spar Over Government Contract Suspension
Wrestling over a new energy infrastructure continues unabated:
- 2013/08/24: PeakEnergy: Separating fact from fiction in Germany's renewables revolution
- 2013/08/23: ITracker: Space-based solar
- 2013/08/22: BWeek: Why the U.S. Power Grid's Days Are Numbered
- 2013/08/21: OilDrum: Our Clean Energy Future
- 2013/08/20: TP:JR: Why Utilities Are Afraid Of Rooftop Solar
- 2013/08/19: TP:JR: Memo To Media: The Coal Industry Wants You To Believe the Internet Is An Energy Hog. It Isn't.
- 2013/08/19: PeakEnergy: Our Clean Energy Future - our longer term future for energy production and consumption
What do you have in energy comparisons and transitions?
- 2013/08/22: SciAm:TCW: Nuclear vs renewables: A tale of disparities
- 2013/08/20: TheCanadian: Solar power almost as affordable as fossil fuels, but still held back by red tape
- 2013/08/19: TP:JR: In Texas, Oil Is Big But Solar Is Cheap
Hey! Let's contaminate the aquifers for thousands of years! It'll be a fracking gas!
- 2013/08/23: SciAm: Groundwater Contamination May End the Gas-Fracking Boom
Well water in Pennsylvania homes within a mile of fracking sites is found to be high in methane - 2013/08/22: CCP: Fracking leaves property values tapped out
- 2013/08/21: Resilience: Waste without Borders: Fracking's Dirty Dilemma
- 2013/08/21: DeSmogBlog: Ousted Chesapeake Energy CEO Aubrey McClendon Launching Ohio Land Grab
- 2013/08/19: Eureka: How shale fracking led to an Ohio town's first 100 earthquakes
- 2013/08/19: ICN: Documents Show Drillers Cheating Landowners and Government Out of Billions
Thousands are receiving far less money than they were promised by energy companies to drill their properties. Some are being paid virtually nothing. - 2013/08/18: CleanTechnica: 30 Texas Towns Will Be Out of Water, Because: Fracking
- 2013/08/18: CCP: Hydrofluoric acid -- lessons from Quebec?
On the coal front:
- 2013/08/23: BBerg: Coal Gets No Relief as Aussie [dollar] Slide Deepens Glut: Energy Markets
Coal miners are taking advantage of the tumbling Australian dollar, boosting production even as a glut of the power-station fuel drives prices to the lowest in almost four years.
While the cost of shipments from the port of Newcastle, which are priced in U.S. currency, has dropped as much as 16 percent this year to $76.10 a metric ton, the lowest since 2009, prices fell only 5 percent in Australian dollar terms, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. - 2013/08/23: ABC(Au): Abbot Point terminal in north Qld records 80pc rise in coal throughput
Government figures released today show there has been a massive increase in the amount of coal passing through the Abbot Point terminal near Bowen in north Queensland in the last year.
The data compares output in July this year with July last year, revealing there has been an 80 per cent increase.
The Government says 1.92 million tonnes of coal passed through Abbot Point during July. - 2013/08/23: TP:JR: Black Lung Has Been On The Rise For Years, But A Long-Delayed Rule Might Finally Stop It
- 2013/08/22: BBerg: [South Africa's second-largest coal producer] Exxaro Says Low Coal Prices to Curb Earnings as Profit Drops 39%
- 2013/08/20: ETI:RRapier: King Coal Gets Fatter, While The US Goes on a Diet -- Comments on the 2013 BP Statistical Review of World Energy
- 2013/08/20: TP:JR: The Declining Value Of Coal Just Killed Another Export Terminal
On Monday, the Port of Corpus Christi announced it was scrapping plans to build a coal export terminal, scoring a major victory for environmentalists and offering further proof of the declining market value of coal. - 2013/08/20: Asia Times: China coal-price fall risks wider crisis
On the gas and oil front:
- 2013/08/23: BBerg: Closing oil prices Friday
OIL (US$/bbl)
Dated Brent Spot....111.04
WTI Cushing Spot....106.42 - 2013/08/24: Grist: Shooting the well: The petroleum torpedoes of the early oil fields
- 2013/08/23: Yahoo:IANS: US petroleum demand hits 3-year high
- 2013/08/23: CSM: Downside from boom in the energy patch: fatalities
- 2013/08/22: Asia Times: The third carbon age by Michael T Klare
- 2013/08/22: CSM: Largest US oil refinery partially closes after second fire
- 2013/08/20: BBC: 'Worrying' decline in oil and gas production
The sharp decline in production of oil and gas from under British waters is "worrying" industry leaders.
Trade body Oil and Gas UK says there is record investment this year of £13.5bn.
But its annual report on the industry's economic impact highlights the sharp fall in output of 19% during 2011 and 14% in 2012.
And in pipeline news:
- 2013/08/24: IndiaTimes: Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline could be extended to China
- 2013/08/22: MST: Enbridge leans toward new oil pipeline route across Minnesota
Enbridge Energy is finalizing plans to build a 600-mile pipeline to transport North Dakota crude oil to Superior, Wis.... - 2013/08/22: ICN: Catastrophic Pipeline Ruptures Still Too Big a Risk for Enbridge, Report Warns
- 2013/08/20: Reuters: TransCanada says Gulf Coast pipeline over 90 percent complete
- 2013/08/20: CleanTechnica: Keystone XL Is Only Part Of The Problem: 3 More Controversial Pipelines
Marvelous. Now the USA have their own Mechanical Mordor:
A rush of American triumphalism pervades the energy independence PR campaign. Think it will last?
- 2013/08/23: CDreams: Fracking Boom Slouching Toward Bust
- 2013/08/23: CCP: More on fracking shale Ponzi scheme -- get out while you still can!
- 2013/08/22: NakedCapitalism: Ilargi: The Darker Shades Of Shale
- 2013/08/20: Grist: Fracking frenzy slows as oil and gas assets plummet in price
- 2013/08/20: CleanTechnica: The Fracking Chickens Are Coming Home To Roost
- 2013/08/20: CCP: Shale oil & gas Ponzi scheme
- 2013/08/19: CSM: The oil industry hype machine
- 2013/08/20: Xinhuanet: U.S. energy plan not to dent Gulf oil production: report
The Unites States' plan to cut reliance on oil imports will not affect the oil production in the Gulf countries as Asia's demand for Middle East oil is rising, said a report released Monday by research firm Orient Planet. - 2013/08/18: Resilience: The hype cycle: How the oil and gas industry manipulates investors and the public
Yes we have a peak oil sighting:
- 2013/08/24: CassandrasLegacy: Peak oil is dead: long live peak oil!
- 2013/08/19: OilDrum: Peak Oil Update - Final Thoughts
Biofuel bickering abounds:
- 2013/08/25: PeakEnergy: German Biogas Monitoring Report 2013
- 2013/08/23: CleanTechnica: Isobutanol From Cornstalks And Plant Leaves - Fungus And Bacteria Pairing Converts Waste Plant Material Into High-Performance Biofuel
- 2013/08/21: BPA: Graph of Top Global Biofuels Producing Nations in 2012
- 2013/08/21: BPA: Graph of Total Global Biofuels Production 2002 - 2012
The answer my friend...
- 2013/08/24: TP:JR: Four New Wind Farms In The Upper Midwest Could Power 750,000 Homes
- 2013/08/21: CleanTechnica: Siemens To Fulfil 267 MW Wind Order In Washington
- 2013/08/20: FuelFix: Construction begins on Texas Panhandle wind power project
- 2013/08/19: CleanTechnica: Shhhh! New Low Noise Wind Turbine Blades Designed By GE
Meanwhile among the solar aficionados:
- 2013/08/01: RenewEcon: Deutsche Bank: Solar, distributed energy at 'major inflection point'
Deutsche Bank analysts have painted a bullish outlook for the global solar market, noting that solar PV is about to enter a "third growth phase" where it can be deployed without subsidies, and can resist a backlash from utilities.
The report by analysts led by US-based Vishal Shah estimates that three-quarters of the world's market will be "sustainable" for solar within 18 months, meaning they can operate with little or no subsidy. (see graph at end of story). In two years, the market for solar will have flipped from one largely "unsustainable" - needing big subsidies - to one mostly sustainable.
That's because with module prices stabilising at around $US60c-70c/watt, and installation costs of around $US1-$US1.20 a watt, the levellised cost of solar electricity is between US10c-20c/kWh. - 2013/08/25: CleanTechnica: Appalachian States - Solar Jobs Showdown - Infographic
- 2013/08/23: TreeHugger: When will solar be cheap enough? (video)
- 2013/08/22: TP:JR: How One Organization Is Making Solar Energy Available To Those Who Can't Afford It
- 2013/08/22: TP:JR: Germany Breaks Its Own Record For Solar Power Generation
- 2013/08/22: RTCC: USA starts work on 250MW solar power project in Nevada
- 2013/08/22: PeakEnergy: Chart: 2/3rds of Global Solar PV Has Been Installed in the Last 2.5 Years
- 2013/08/21: NBF: Stratosolar now a straight photovoltaic system halfway between space based and desert solar
- 2013/08/21: CleanTechnica: Cheaper Australian Rooftop Solar PV
- 2013/08/21: CleanTechnica: 3-D Graphene -- The Future Of Solar Cells?
- 2013/08/21: CleanTechnica: Dog Bites Man As Amonix Sets Yet Another Solar Cell Efficiency Record [35.9% with concentrator]
- 2013/08/20: MTurner: Six things you might not know about solar panels
- 2013/08/21: RTCC: 3D graphene to substitute platinum in solar cells
- 2013/08/20: TreeHugger: $77 billion from the sun: Solar industry facts (video)
- 2013/08/20: TreeHugger: Is solar getting dirtier?
- 2013/08/20: Inhabit: Germany Shatters Monthly Solar Generation Record With 5.1 Terawatt Hours of Clean Energy
- 2013/08/20: Grist: When will solar get cheap enough for everyone to use?
- 2013/08/20: RTCC: Japan on track to become world's largest solar market
- 2013/08/19: RealEconomics: Solar on a major roll
- 2013/08/19: TreeHugger: 250MW solar farm in Nevada to be built with 1.1 million 250-watt solar panels
- 2013/08/20: BBerg: Japan Approves 19GW of Commercial Solar in 2012 After Incentives
The nuclear energy controversy continues:
- 2013/08/23: SciAm:TCW: Deconstructing John Miller's arguments against nuclear energy in the New York Times
- 2013/08/20: NBF: Molten Salt Reactor Research review and getting to an Integral Molten Salt Reactor demo reactor in 8 years
- 2013/08/20: NBF: Fuel Cycle Costs for the major types of nuclear reactors
- 2013/08/20: NBF: Summary of Safety and Design of Molten Salt Reactors
- 2013/08/19: Mainichi: British nuclear plant [Trawsfynydd Power Station in western Wales] needs 90 years for decommissioning after 26 years in operation
Like a mirage, the dream of a Hydrogen Economy shimmers on the horizon:
- 2013/08/20: PeakEnergy: Dishwasher-Sized Fuel Cells That Cost 90% Less Than Currently Available Fuel Cells
And then there is the matter of efficiency & conservation:
Automakers & lawyers, engineers & activists argue over the future of the car:
- 2013/08/22: BBC: Tato Nano: World's cheapest car gets image makeover
The "world's cheapest car" is getting a makeover because buyers have shunned the low-budget image.
The Nano, made by India's Tata group, is being re-positioned as a smart city car following disappointing sales.
As for Energy Storage:
- 2013/08/24: CleanTechnica: New Redox Power Fuel Cell Gives Li-ion Batteries A Run For The Money
- 2013/08/22: PeakEnergy: Nearly 40 New Advanced Energy Storage Projects Kicked Off in the First Half of 2013
- 2013/08/21: RTCC: MIT produces low-cost renewable energy battery
Membraneless battery stores and releases energy in a device that relies on a phenomenon called 'laminar flow'
Insurance and re-insurance companies are feeling the heat:
- 2013/08/21: SwissInfo: Swiss Re -- Natural disasters cost insurers $17 billion
Economic losses from natural catastrophes and man-made disasters totalled $56 billion (CHF51 billion) in the first half of 2013, according to preliminary estimates by Swiss Re, the world's second biggest reinsurer. - 2013/08/19: Guardian(UK): Flood insurance scheme inadequate, says study
[UK] Government's Flood Re scheme underestimates number of properties at risk due to climate change, [LSE] researchers find
Who's fielding theFAQs?
What do we have in (weekly) lists?
- 2013/08/24: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly News Roundup #34B by John Hartz
- 2013/08/23: CleanTechnica: Cleantech Buffet...
- 2013/08/22: BPA: 3 Picks: Fungi Biofuel, Sugar Ethanol, Biobutanol
- 2013/08/22: CleanTechnica: Cleantech Buffet...
- 2013/08/21: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly News Roundup #34A by John Hartz
- 2013/08/18: BPA: 3 Picks: Tomato Efficiency, Global Pesticides, Savory Critic
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
- 2013/08/20: TP:JR: Oil Billionaire Weighs In On Wind Turbines: 'Once They're There, They Haunt You'
- 2013/08/21: ERabett: Something Old
- 2013/08/22: ERabett: Yet Another Nail Pounded
- 2013/08/25: HotWhopper: The UnGreens at WUWT - communicating with science deniers
- 2013/08/24: BBickmore: Willful Blindness
- 2013/08/19: ERabett: There Is No Free Lunch, But How About Two Free Dinners and Your Name on the Heartland Institute's NIPCC Report [d]
- 2013/08/19: PSinclair: The Climate Denial Machine: Inside the ALEC Universe
Note: You may notice my denialist coverage flagging. I am finding it
increasingly difficult to give any attention to these people.
As for climate miscellanea:
- 2013/08/22: CSM: Global air-conditioning: Are we cooling our way to a warmer planet?
- 2013/08/24: Dosbat: Seeking Understanding vs Spouting Empty Rhetoric
- 2013/08/23: CJR: Required skimming: climate change
- 2013/08/20: CChallenge: American Meteorological Society report: State Of The Climate 2012
- 2013/08/20: LoE: If global warming has stopped...
- 2013/08/19: GreenGrok: Fossil Fuel Collateral Damage
- 2013/08/19: AGWObserver: Global warming has not stopped
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- Nuclear Free by 2045?
- Visually: (gfx) Abundance of Elements
- MIT: Terrascope - Mission 2013
- WDC: Whale and Dolphin Conservation
- Significant Figures by Peter Gleick
- NASA:SORCE: Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment
- CAN: Climate Action Network - Canada
- NOAA: Paleotempestology Resource Center
- MongaBay
- IGHIH: It's Getting Hot In Here
- GCP: Global Carbon Project
- Greenpeace International News
- CCPI: Climate Change Performance Index
- PAGES: Past Global Changes
Low Key Plug
- Global Warming Links
- Global Warming News Archive
- Energy
- Energy News
- Environmental Issues
- ---
- H.E. Taylor (homepage)
My first novel _Water_ was published in May 2007.
An Introduction is available.
My most recent novel _The Bottleneck Years_ is being serialized online atmy siteand on AFTIC at Table of Contents
If you want further information, see A Gentle Introduction.
If you want a copy, see The Deal.
An overview of my writing is available here.
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P.S. Recent postings can be found in the week archive and the ancient postings can be accessed here, which should open to this.
I notice moyhu has set up a monster index to old AWoGWN on AFTIC."The fact that some governments are not willing to make the sort
of decisions we need to protect the earth's climate system is
not a failure of the IPCC. It is fundamentally the fact there
are large vested interests, especially in some parts of the
fossil fuel industry, that just don't want to see change."
-Robert Watson
Last modified August 25, 2013
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