This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
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Information Overload is Pattern Recognition
December 1, 2013
- Chuckles, COP20+, COP19, Gates & Larter, Heede
- Energiewende, Crap Detector, Cook
- Fukushima: Note, News, Policies
- Melting Arctic, Polar Bears, Methane, Geopolitics, Antarctica
- Food: Crisis, Fisheries, Prices, Land Grabs, GMOs, Production
- Hurricanes, Notable Weather, Forecasts
- GHGs, Carbon Cycle, Aerosols, Volcanoes
- Weather Machine, Temperatures, Paleoclimate
- Oceans, Biosphere, Extinctions, Insects
- Impacts, Forests, Climate Refugees, Disease
- Corals, Glaciers, Sea Levels, Floods & Droughts
- Mitigation, Transportation, Buildings, Sequestration, Geoengineering
- Journals, Other Docs, Misc. Science, Models, Free Science, Manabe
- International Politics: UN, Carbon Trade, Carbon Tax,
- Hormuz, South China Sea, EU ETS & Airlines, Malvinas, Solar Spat, YPF-Repsol
- Treaties, Law & Activism, Activism, Divestment, Polls, H2O Biz, Education
- National Politics: Britain, Europe, Australia, Abbott, Gonski, MDBP, New Zealand
- India, China, Japan, Asia, Middle East, Russia, Africa, South America
- Canada, Elsipogtog, CWB, East-West, BC, Tar Sands, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Maritimes, Canadiana
- America, Keystone, Mayflower, Birth Control, USAdmin, Congress, Lobbyists
- Ecological Economics, IPAT, Apocalypso, Fixes, Media, Books, Video, Podcasts, Courts, BP Trial
- Energy, Transitions, Fracking, Coal, Oil & Gas, Corps, Economy, Pipelines, Independence, Biofuel
- Wind, Solar, Nukes, Nuclear Waste, LENR, FITs, Grid, Utilities, Efficiency, Cars
- Business, Insurance, Other Lists, Carbon Lobby, Inaction, Miscellaneous, Useful Links
- Shameless Self Promotion, A Simple Plea, .sig
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It's always nice to start with a chuckle:
- 2013/11/25: XKCD: (cartoon - Munro) New Study
- 2013/11/25: uComics: (cartoon - Toles) The Zombies...
- 2013/11/22: Onion: New Report Finds Climate Change Caused By 7 Billion Key Individuals
Looking ahead to COP20 and future international climate negotiations:
- 2013/11/28: RTCC: How can Peru make next year's climate summit a success?
As delegates begin to reflect on the limited success of the UN Climate Change negotiations in Warsaw which ended last week, eyes are now turning optimistically to Peru as the incoming president of COP20 in 2014. - 2013/11/28: RTCC: The path to Paris will be tough, agree UN climate chiefs past and present
- 2013/11/26: TheConversation: Flying blind: global climate talks are getting us nowhere
- 2013/11/25: Guardian(UK): Climate talks will fail unlesss parties agree to a carbon price
Lots of COP19 post-mortems:
- 2013/11/30: CDreams: Climate Finance at COP 19: A Post-Mortem
Why the issue of climate finance stalled at this year's UN climate change conference - 2013/11/29: DeSmogBlog: Guide Claims Warsaw COP19 Climate Talks Were Captured By Corporate Fossil Fuel Interests
- 2013/11/29: GEP: Quick Recap of COP19 from a Geoengineering Perspective
- 2013/11/28: Tyee: Why Climate Pariahs Like Australia and Canada Matter
Their alliance emerging from Warsaw is eroding global action, insider argues - 2013/11/28: RTCC: Where will the money for climate change action come from?
Billed as the 'finance summit', Warsaw delivered little and promised less, leaving many questions unanswered - 2013/11/28: PSinclair: Report from Warsaw - Who Bears the Cost for Climate Change?
- 2013/11/27: SMandia: COP-19 Warsaw: Arguing Over Who Leaves House Fire First
- 2013/11/27: DerSpiegel: Climate Progress: Warsaw's Meaningful Compromise
Although the UN Climate Change Conference in Warsaw yielded few significant benchmarks, one initiative to compensate poor countries faced with disasters could have major implications for the future. - 2013/11/26: Grist:Proud moment: The U.S. is no longer the world's biggest jerk on climate change
- 2013/11/26: SkS: 2013 SkS News Bulletin #18: Warsaw Climate Talks by John Hartz
- 2013/11/26: IISD: Summary of the Warsaw Climate Change Conference -- 11-23 NOVEMBER 2013
- 2013/11/25: TruthOut: Understanding Warsaw: Capitalism, Climate Change and Neocolonialism
- 2013/11/25: Guardian(UK): How rich countries dodged the climate change blame game in Warsaw
- 2013/11/25: Guardian(UK): As the Warsaw climate talks end, the hard work is just beginning
- 2013/11/25: EurActiv: 'Journey has started' towards 2015 UN climate deal
Almost 200 countries clinched a deal on climate change over the weekend in Warsaw, marking the start of a long journey towards a binding international agreement at the 2015 UN climate talks in Paris. - 2013/11/25: EUO: Warsaw climate talks end in new timetable
- 2013/11/25: TheConversation: Walkouts, roadblocks and compromise: Warsaw's legacy
- 2013/11/25: IndiaTimes:ET: UN climate talks bring about a deal, but fail to resolve major issues
Warsaw: After almost 30 hours of overtime, the United Nations-sponsored Warsaw climate change talks came to a close with a deal that failed to resolve key contentious issues but managed to keep every country at the table. - 2013/11/25: RTCC: Warsaw climate pact: Greenpeace, WWF & Oxfam reactions
- 2013/11/25: P3: A Summary of COP19
- 2013/11/25: RTCC: Warsaw climate pact: reaction from PwC, KPMG and IKEA
- 2013/11/25: RTCC: Warsaw climate pact: EU, USA, Pacific Islands & China reaction
- 2013/11/25: RTCC: UN climate talks: what was decided in Warsaw?
- 2013/11/25: RTCC: Nicholas Stern: global climate ambition lacking at Warsaw summit
- 2013/11/25: WSWS: Climate conference ends with UN admission of failure
During the final press conference of the 19th Conference of Parties (COP19), the latest international climate change summit, which ended on November 23 in Warsaw, a top UN official admitted that current efforts were not adequate to halt the pace of global warming. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres said that the summit "does not put us on track for a two-degree world." - 2013/11/24: CDreams: Climate Negotiations 'Shrouded in Farce' Come to a Close
- 2013/11/24: Guardian(UK): Warsaw climate talks set 2015 target for plans to curb emissions
- 2013/11/24: Grist: As Warsaw climate talks end, scraps of good news in a mess of bad
- 2013/11/23: Reuters: Factbox: Main decisions at U.N. climate talks in Warsaw
A startling paper by Gates & Larter. The tarsands EROEI is sometimes negative...
- 2013/11/26: OilChange: The Tar Sands Smoking Gun
According to a new scientific analysis, many tar sands wells are actually using more energy than they produce. From an economic and environmental perspective, this is total madness. In fact, according to the paper, the only reason that these wells are in any way economical is due to the prevailing low natural gas price in North America. - 2013/11/25: Fuel(via DOI): Energy efficiency and emissions intensity of SAGD by Ian D. Gates & Stephen R. Larter
Currently, to mobilize and produce bitumen from Athabasca oil sands reservoirs, Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) is the method of choice. SAGD, requires large amounts of energy and emits significant volumes of greenhouse gases to the environment. Here, we discuss the thermal efficiencies, energy balances, and emissions of SAGD. While the world's heavy oil and oil sand resource is large, average recoveries from heavy oil and oil sand reservoirs are typically low, ranging from 5% to 15% for cold heavy oil production and from 25% to 60% percent for steam-based in situ processes. This is for two reasons: firstly, geological heterogeneity and secondly, ubiquitous large scale fluid property heterogeneities are common on a range of spatial scales. Thus, there is a strong motivation to develop better recovery processes with lower energy and emission intensities. The thermal efficiencies, energy balances, and emissions of SAGD show a very wide range of field performance for the current thermal recovery projects in Alberta, with earlier pilots being more successful. The data suggests that at the extreme, some operations are actually not net energy generating with injected energy via steam, exceeding recovered chemical energy in recovered oil. Differential pricing of oil and natural gas, the main steam generating fuel, still permits these extreme cases to be economically profitable due to low natural gas prices. In all cases, carbon dioxide intensity is high.
Some late comments on that Heede paper:
- 2013/11/26: DD: New study identifies the top 90 producers of industrial carbon emissions
- 2013/11/24: RealEconomics: Climate change responsibility
- 2013/11/24: TMoS: Don't Blame Them. Blame Yourself Too.
How is the German Energy Transition [Energiewende] doing?
- 2013/11/30: Lenz: German Coalition Renewable Targets Nothing New
- 2013/11/29: TheCanadian: Germany shows a thriving green economy is possible
- 2013/11/27: GEB: CDU/CSU and SPD Present Coalition Agreement -- 55% to 60% Renewables by 2035 and More
- 2013/11/28: RNE: Germany expands renewables targets, considers 'virtual baseload'
Germany is expanding its renewable energy targets under a grand coalition agreement by the country's two major political parties, but is also toying with the idea of introducing the concept of "virtual base-load". In a 168-document released by Chancellor Angela Merkel's centre right CPD party and the smaller centre left SPD, it is clear that the two parties remain committed to the "Energiewende", the transition away from nuclear and into an electricity grid dominated by renewables. - 2013/11/27: RNE: The German energy transition and its impact on neighbours
- 2013/11/26: RNE: Germany grapples with politics of solar self consumption market
- 2013/11/25: RNE: Graph of the Day: Germany's tiny renewables costs
Here is something for your Crap Detector:
John Cook and friends continue their point-counterpoint articles:
- 2013/12/01: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly News Roundup #48 by John Hartz
- 2013/11/30: SkS: What climate denial has learnt from tobacco denial by Anne-Marie Blackburn
- 2013/11/28: SkS: Attacks on scientific consensus on climate change mirror tactics of tobacco industry
- 2013/11/28: SkS: Video: 10 climate myths debunked in under 4 minutes
- 2013/11/27: SkS: Climate Bet for Charity, 2013 Update by Rob Honeycutt
- 2013/11/26: SkS: 2013 SkS News Bulletin #18: Warsaw Climate Talks by John Hartz
- 2013/11/26: SkS: No, Greenland Wasn't Green by Anne-Marie Blackburn
- 2013/11/25: SkS: 4 Hiroshima bombs per second: a widget to raise awareness about global warming
- 2013/11/24: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly Digest #47 by John Hartz
A note on theFukushima disaster:
It is evident that the Fukushima disaster is going to persist for some time. TEPCO says 6 to 9 months. The previous Japanese Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, said decades. Now the Japanese government is talking about 30 years. [Whoops, that has now been updated to 40 years.]
And the IAEA is now saying 40 years too.
[Now some people are talking about a century or more. Sealing it in concrete for 500 years.]
We'll see.
At any rate this situation is not going to be resolved any time soon and deserves its own section.
It is very difficult to know for sure what is really going on at Fukushima. Between the company [TEPCO], the Japanese government, the Japanese regulator [NISA], the international monitor [IAEA], as well as independent analysts and commentators, there is a confusing mish-mash of information. One has to evaluate both the content and the source of propagated information.
How knowledgeable are they [about nuclear power and about Japan]?
Do they have an agenda?
Are they pro-nuclear or anti-nuclear?
Do they want to write a good news story?
Do they want to write a bad news story?
Where do they rate on a scale of sensationalism?
Where do they rate on a scale of play-it-down-ness?
One fundamental question I would like to see answered:
If the reactors are in meltdown, how can they be in cold shutdown?
Not much good news coming out of Fukushima:
- 2013/11/29: BRitholtz: Japan Reacts to Fukushima Crisis By Banning Journalism by Washingtons Blog
- 2013/11/29: EneNews: Insiders: State secrets bill meant to suppress Fukushima news - Japan public stunned, citizens could face years in prison...
- 2013/11/29: ABC(Au): Typhoons spreading Fukushima fallout
- 2013/11/28: DSN: True facts about Ocean Radiation and the Fukushima Disaster
- 2013/11/27: WNN: Tepco sends in the Raccoon
A robot vacuum cleaner dubbed the Raccoon is to tackle contamination within Fukushima Daiichi 2 in preparation for workers re-entering the building. - 2013/11/27: EneNews: Professor: Fukushima is absolutely horrifying - Radiation will be entering Pacific for decades, there's no end in sight - Nobody has a solution, problems are unprecedented (video)
- 2013/11/26: EneNews: Gov't model shows West Coast of N. America to get highest level of Fukushima contamination until 2030s (video)
- 2013/11/26: WSWS: Japan: Fuel removal begins at stricken nuclear plant
- 2013/11/25: EneNews: TV: Serious concerns in U.S. about Fukushima radioactive material coming to our shores - WSJ: There's concern around world that ocean currents are spreading the radioactivity to faraway places (video)
- 2013/11/25: EneNews: Scientist back from Japan: Melt-through of Fukushima containment vessels being discussed - They can't locate any of the 3 molten reactor cores...
- 2013/11/25: EneNews: NHK: 'Particles' impairing visibility in Fukushima pool - Will try to remove spent fuel Tuesday, said to be "one of most dangerous operations ever attempted in nuclear history" - Tepco concerned about sabotage, warns media about filming
Post Fukushima, nuclear policies are in flux around the world:
- 2013/11/24: Reuters: Tepco, Mitsubishi plan coal-fired power plants at Fukushima - source
- 2013/11/24: NBF: Japan shifting from nuclear to more coal power and Southern USA shifts to more natural gas, nuclear and renewables and less coal
The Arctic melt continues to garner attention:
- 2013/11/28: CCP: Cristian Suteanu: Arctic warming almost certainly man-made
- 2013/11/28: Xinhuanet: Subglacial lakes found in Greenland for first time: study
- 2013/11/27: MCW: NPS researchers predict summer Arctic ice might disappear by 2016, 84 years ahead of schedule
- 2013/11/27: PSinclair: NASA: 2013 Sea Ice Wrap Up [video]
- 2013/11/27: Eureka: Subarctic lakes are drying up at a rate not seen in 200 years
- 2013/11/27: Eureka: Lakes discovered beneath Greenland ice sheet -- The subglacial lakes are the first to be identified in Greenland
- 2013/11/25: PSinclair: Sea Ice Volume is Not Recovering
As for the charismatic megafauna:
- 2013/11/27: Guardian(UK): Polar bear numbers in Hudson Bay of Canada on verge of collapse
- 2013/11/27: Guardian(UK): For Canada's remote towns, living with polar bears is growing more risky
Melting sea ice is forcing polar bears on to dry land --- and, increasingly, into contact with humans
That Damoclean sword still hangs overhead:
- 2013/11/29: RealClimate: Arctic and American Methane in Context
- 2013/11/29: Hypergeometric: All abuzz about methane
- 2013/11/29: P3: Arctic and American Methane in Context
- 2013/11/28: CCP: Shakhova & Semiletov: East Siberian Arctic Shelf is venting at least 17 teragrams of the methane, double previous estimates, now on par with terrestrial permafrost release
- 2013/11/28: ArcticNews: Arctic Methane Impact
- 2013/11/26: AlterNet: The 'Ticking Time Bomb' That Could Cause Such Rapid Global Warming We'd Be Unable to Prevent Extinction [CH4]
- 2013/11/26: TreeHugger: The tipping point in action: twice as much methane released due to seabed permafrost melting
- 2013/11/26: PSinclair: On That Methane Bomb Thing
- 2013/11/25: ASI: And the wind cries methane
- 2013/11/25: NYT: Emissions of Methane in U.S. Exceed Estimates, Study Finds
- 2013/11/25: CDreams: The Climate Disaster Bubbling in the Arctic
- 2013/11/24: CCentral: Arctic Storms, Warming Mean More Methane Released
- 2013/11/24: UAF: Study: Arctic seafloor methane releases double previous estimates
- 2013/11/24: ArcticNews: Quantifying Arctic Methane
As for the geopolitics of Arctic resources:
- 2013/11/28: BarentsObserver: More platforms coming up in Pechora Sea
Gazprom Neft is preparing for the construction of another two ice-protected oil platforms designed for the icy waters of the Pechora Sea. They will be placed only few kilometers from the much-debated "Prirazlomnaya". Speaking with Nenets AO Governor Igor Fyodorov this week, representatives of Gazprom's oil subsidiary confirmed that the construction of oil production installations for the Dolginskoye field in the Pechora Sea is in the pipeline. According to Aleksandr Korobkov, head of the GazpromNeft-Sakhalin, an exploration well will be drilled in the area in 2014, and a field development plan will subsequently be elaborated. - 2013/11/28: Guardian(UK): Canadian Arctic port and rail company [Omnitrax] pins hope for revival on oil exports [via Churchill]
- 2013/11/27: CCurrents: US Unveils Military Strategy For Arctic
- 2013/11/25: Grist: Climate change will make the Arctic a new battleground. Here's how America will fight
- 2013/11/24: CBC: U.S. plans to keep pace in race for Arctic resources
- 2013/11/24: TMoS: Less Ice = More Guns
- 2013/11/22: TheHill:e2W: Hagel, citing climate change, rolls out Arctic strategy
While in Antarctica:
- 2013/12/01: MODIS: Iceberg from Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica
- 2013/11/26: ABC(Au): Destination Antarctica [pix]
- 2013/11/26: ABC(Au): Australian research team heads to Antarctic, expedition leader says Mawson data 'more important than ever'
- 2013/11/25: P3: Major Iceberg Cracks off Pine Island Glacier
- 2013/11/25: MODIS: Iceberg from Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica [on Nov.16]
- 2013/11/25: ABC(Au): $1.5 million Australian expedition to Antarctica
The food crisis is ongoing:
- 2013/11/30: BBC: [US] Farmers describe 'worst storm in 150 years'
Nearly two months after devastating blizzards hit parts of South Dakota and Wyoming, farmers are still recovering from the loss of cattle and the effect on their businesses. - 2013/11/29: CCP: World food security at risk as crop yields plateau
- 2013/11/29: UN: DPR Korea sees increased harvests for third year, but malnutrition persists - UN
- 2013/11/29: Xinhuanet: China's grain output rises for 10th consecutive year
- 2013/11/28: WSWS: On eve of Thanksgiving holiday -- Hunger rises in US capital
- 2013/11/27: EconView: 'Breadlines Return'
[...] Demand at all of New York City's food pantries and soup kitchens has spiked since federal food stamps were cut on Nov. 1. ... - 2013/11/27: Resilience: The Hunger Games Are Real: Teenage Fans Remind the World What Katniss Is Really Fighting For
The state of the world's fisheries is a concern. See also:
- 2013/12/01: ABC(Au): Tuna meeting to decide future of Pacific stocks
The future of the world's largest tuna fishery will be decided at a meeting in Australia this week, with Pacific island nations demanding tighter controls on a catch now worth $US7.0 billion a year. A record 2.65 million tonnes of tuna was hauled from the Pacific last year, accounting for 60 per cent of the global catch, with most of the fishing conducted by so-called "distant water" fleets from as far afield as Europe, the United States, China, South Korea and Taiwan. Island nations, many of which rely on tuna for a significant portion of their income, fear stocks are becoming unsustainable and want action at the December 2-6 meeting of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) in Cairns. - 2013/11/28: ERW: Marine pollution by fish farms set to increase six-fold
[...] A new study shows that the proliferation of marine farms is adding bucket loads of excess nutrients to our oceans, potentially triggering harmful algal blooms. - 2013/11/27: Guardian(UK): Google Earth reveals Persian gulf fish catch is six times larger than thought
- 2013/11/27: CSM: Scientists see unreported fish traps from space
- 2013/11/27: WSWS: Turkey giveaway draws hundreds in southwest Detroit
Early Tuesday morning hundreds lined up in southwest Detroit for free turkeys distributed by a local business in advance of the Thanksgiving holiday. The scene, reminiscent of the soup or bread lines of the 1930s, speaks to the dire conditions facing wide sections of the working population in Detroit, the poorest big city in America. - 2013/11/27: WSWS: Will The Hunger Games: Catching Fire "stir up" revolution?
- 2013/11/26: CBC: Weir fishing grossly underreported, Google Earth reveals
Cheap, simple technique could provide more accurate fishing statistics worldwide - 2013/11/26: Guardian(UK): EU to ban fish imports from Belize, Guinea and Cambodia
Three countries banned and three more warned in first major sanction against nations that allow illegal fishing operations - 2013/11/26: UBC: Google Earth reveals untold fish catches
- 2013/11/25: CBC: [Ezisting] Bluefin tuna quota approved, activists relieved
Food Prices are still problematic:
- FAO: World Food Situation - Food Price Indices
- 2013/11/30: VoxEU: Do food prices respond to oil-price shocks? by Christiane Baumeister & Lutz Kilian
Recently, there has been great concern among policymakers worldwide about rising food prices and increased food-price volatility. It is widely believed that oil and food prices have become closely linked after 2006, owing in part to a shift in US biofuel policies. This column presents evidence that challenges this conventional wisdom.
So, are these land grabs Colonialism V2.0?
- 2013/11/27: DerSpiegel: Land Grab: Foreign Firms Drive Cambodians from Farms
Each year, foreign agricultural corporations deprive thousands of Cambodian farmers of their fields -- with the government's help. Human rights groups claim German taxpayer money is used to fund a program that benefits land grabbers.
Regarding the genetic modification of food:
- 2013/11/29: ScienceInsider: Contentious Transgenic Maize Paper Retracted
The journal Food and Chemical Toxicology has retracted a much-criticized paper that links a strain of genetically modified (GM) maize with severe diseases in rats. The paper's author, French biologist Gilles-Eric Séralini of the University of Caen, slammed the decision which he said is an attempt by the GM crop industry to muzzle scientists who put into question the safety of its products. - 2013/11/29: Xinhuanet: China rejects imported U.S. transgenic corn
- 2013/11/29: RT: Anti-Monsanto activists assaulted in Argentina
At least 20 people have been injured in clashes in Argentina between union members and environmental activists, who were protesting the construction of a plant by the biotech giant Monsanto. The clashes happened outside of the construction site in Cordoba province on Thursday. Some 60 workers from the Argentine Construction Union attacked the protester camp, beating the activists and stealing from them, Environmentalist Vanina Barboza charged in comments to local TV. - 2013/11/28: RetractionWatch: Controversial Seralini GMO-rats paper to be retracted
- 2013/11/28: NatureN: Study linking GM maize to rat tumours is retracted
Publisher withdraws paper over authors' objections, citing weak evidence. Bowing to scientists' near-universal scorn, the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology today fulfilled its threat to retract a controversial paper that claimed that a genetically modified (GM) maize causes serious disease in rats after the authors refused to withdraw it. The paper, from a research group led by Gilles-Eric Séralini, a molecular biologist at the University of Caen, France, and published in 20121, showed "no evidence of fraud or intentional misrepresentation of the data", said a statement from Elsevier, which publishes the journal. But the small number and type of animals used in the study means that "no definitive conclusions can be reached". The known high incidence of tumours in the Sprague-Dawley rat "cannot be excluded as the cause of the higher mortality and incidence observed in the treated groups", it added. - 2013/11/27: CBC: GMO salmon firm clears one hurdle but still waits for key OKs -- AquaBounty began seeking American approval in 1995
What seemed like a step towards approving the world's first genetically modified (GM) creature for human consumption a few days ago actually "doesn't change anything," according to a spokesman for AquaBounty Technologies, which has been trying to bring a transgenic salmon to market for years. Last week, the company got permission from Environment Canada to ramp up production of salmon eggs from research levels to greater commercial quantities. But there's no reason to do that unless it gets permission from Health Canada to bring the product to market in this country, and more importantly, from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which would open the door to the vast American market. - 2013/11/26: Grist: Canada approves export of genetically modified salmon eggs
- 2013/11/27: CBC: GMO salmon criticisms 'don't merit comment'
The CEO of an American company producing genetically modified salmon eggs in eastern Prince Edward Island is brushing off criticism from anti-GMO groups. AquaBounty announced this week it had received approval from Environment Canada to produce the eggs on a commercial scale. It had been operating as a research facility. - 2013/11/26: CDreams: Monsanto, the TPP, and Global Food Dominance
- 2013/11/25: CBC: Genetically-modified salmon eggs approved commercially
Environment Canada has given AquaBounty Technologies the go-ahead to produce genetically-modified salmon eggs on a commercial scale at its P.E.I. facility, the company has announced. - 2013/11/25: UCSUSA:B: Do We Need GMOs?
And how are we going to feed 9 billion, 10 billion, 15 billion?
- 2013/11/30: CCurrents: A Meal In School Is A Powerful Tool, Finds State Of School Feeding Worldwide 2013 Report
- 2013/11/29: TheConversation: Australia should help East Timor feed itself
- 2013/11/27: ABC(Au): Creating a 'climate change garden'
- 2013/11/27: TreeHugger: From conventional orchard to permaculture fruit forest
- 2013/11/26: Resilience: 7 billion for dinner? Here's how to feed them
- 2013/11/26: ABC(Au): Native grasses boost cereal crops
- 2013/11/25: UMinnesota: Increasing cropping frequency offers opportunity to boost food supply
Across the Bay of Bengal, Cyclone Lehar threatened the East coast of India but weakened before landfall:
- 2013/11/28: IndiaTimes: Relief for Andhra as cyclone Lehar weakens
- 2013/11/28: al Jazeera: Weakened Cyclone Lehar nears Indian coast
India on alert and at least 26,000 people evacuated from vulnerable areas, despite storm's weakening. - 2013/11/28: ABC(Au): Cyclone Lehar weakens as it hits India
- 2013/11/28: ABC(Au): Cyclone Lehar barrels towards southeast India as people in villages are evacuated
- 2013/11/27: al Jazeera: Indian coast braces for Cyclone Lehar
Schools ordered shut and army and navy placed on high alert for third cyclone to hit east Indian coast in recent weeks. - 2013/11/26: al Jazeera: Tropical Cyclone Lehar bears down of Eastern Ghats
A major storm is expected to strike India's east coast on Thursday. - 2013/11/25: NASA: NASA Catches Tropical Cyclone Lehar Over the Andaman Islands
- 2013/11/25: Wunderground: Dangerous Category 1 Lehar Headed for India; Wet Winter Storm for U.S. East Coast
- 2013/11/25: IndiaTimes: Coastal Odisha alerted as cyclone Leher approaches landfall
After zapping North Western Australia, Tropical Storm Alessia tried to reform in the Gulf of Carpentaria, but faded:
Still some talk about the Haiyan recovery:
Food agency says lack of aid could force farmers to rely on humanitarian food assistance well into next spring.
Pacquiao says freeze to bank accounts making it difficult to help victims of super typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.
While elsewhere in the hurricane wars:
Far from being isolated, the Philippines typhoon Haiyan followed other extraordinary meteorological events that are becoming more frequent and increasingly severe
A look at the reasoning behind the naming of weather systems.
No major hurricanes formed in the Atlantic basin - first time since 1994
This week in notable weather:
- 2013/11/30: BBC: [US] Farmers describe 'worst storm in 150 years'
- 2013/11/28: CBC: Rain and wind hit Maritimes, knock out power to thousands
Gusts of up to 120 kilometres per hour recorded in parts of Nova Scotia - 2013/11/27: Wunderground: Major Winter Storm Delaying Travel in Eastern U.S.; Lehar Weakens to a Tropical Storm
- 2013/11/27: IOTD: Winter Storm Stalls Thanksgiving Travel
- 2013/11/26: Wunderground: Snow, Freezing Rain, Heavy Rain, and High Winds Hit Eastern U.S.; India Watches Lehar
- 2013/11/25: CNN: Nasty weather wallops much of U.S. just before Thanksgiving
A dozen deaths are blamed on the weather across several states - Nearly 200 flights canceled Monday at Dallas-Fort Worth airport - Sleet and freezing rain will cover parts of the Southern Plains and Rockies - The storm will make a turn toward the Northeast this week - 2013/11/25: al Jazeera: Heavy snow blankets the US southwest
Winter storm kills 13 people and threatens to disrupt Thanksgiving holiday travel.
Got any forecasts?
- 2013/11/27: ABC(Au): Wetter and warmer summer for Tasmania
The weather bureau today released its latest seasonal outlook for Tasmania which shows the state can expect wetter and warmer conditions than normal. - 2013/11/26: NNW: Wild weather swings expected this winter
Canadians are being warned to expect wild swings in the weather this winter, giving each month of the season its own "distinct personality." The Weather Network is forecasting periods of intense storms that could leave Canadians thinking they're heading for one of the nastiest winters in a while, followed by spells of relatively tranquil weather.
As for GHGs:
- 2013/11/29: CCurrents: Even If Emissions Stop, CO2 Could Warm Earth For Centuries
- 2013/11/28: RNE: Graph of the Day: Nine simple charts to explain the global carbon budget
- 2013/11/27: CCurrents: US Methane Emissions Surpass Previous Estimates
- 2013/11/26: EurActiv: French website to collect all scientific data on CO2 emissions
A one-stop scientific website bringing together worldwide relevant data on climate change was launched in France last week (20 November), with the hope of contributing to the fight against global warming. The LSCE, a French laboratory on climate and environment science, has recently launched a unique project called Global Carbon Atlas. The aim of the programme is to collect all scientific data on carbon dioxide, even with divergent results. - 2013/11/25: Harvard:Gazette: U.S. methane emissions exceed government estimates -- Collaborative study indicates fossil fuel extraction, animal husbandry major contributors
- 2013/11/26: CDreams: US Emitting Far More Methane Than Previously Thought
- 2013/11/26: CCP: Methane blind spot - could be much bigger than we think
- 2013/11/26: RTCC: Brazil, Chile and Nicaragua top Latin America low carbon index
- 2013/11/26: RNE: US methane emissions could be 5 times worse than thought
- 2013/11/25: BBerg: Methane Emissions in U.S. Probably Top Estimates: Study
- 2013/11/25: NatureN: US government underestimated methane emissions
Atmospheric data reveal oil production and livestock release much more of the greenhouse gas than suggested by federal inventories. - 2013/11/25: TP:JR: Bridge Out: Bombshell Study Finds Methane Emissions From Natural Gas Production Far Higher Than EPA Estimates
- 2013/11/24: Eureka: Unusual greenhouse gases may have raised ancient Martian temperature
- 2013/11/24: NBF: Global Carbon dioxide emissions are 61 percent higher than in 1990 and still increasing at about 2 percent per year...
- 2013/11/24: ERabett: Eli and the Weasel
And in the carbon cycle:
- 2013/11/29: ABC(Au): Root-eating insects to undermine CO2 sinks
- 2013/11/27: ERW: Tropical cyclones may be carbon source in long term
Aerosols are making their presence felt:
- 2013/11/30: MODIS: Dust storm in Taklimakan Desert, western China [on Nov.14]
- 2013/11/28: MODIS: Dust storms in Alaska (afternoon overpass) [on Nov.16]
- 2013/11/27: MODIS: Fires and smoke in northern India [on Nov.17]
- 2013/11/25: WMO: Experts on Volcanic Ash and Civil Aviation discuss Progress, Priorities
- 2013/11/24: TheConversation: Masking and unmasking of global warming by aerosols
What's up with volcanoes this week?
- 2013/11/27: al Jazeera: Thousands flee erupting volcano in Indonesia
Volcanic ash destroys 26,000 hectares of farmland as Sumatra remains on high alert from active Mount Sinabung. - 2013/11/25: CBC: Indonesia's Mount Sinabung volcano erupts 6 more times
6 new eruptions from Mount Sinabung sent lava, searing gas tumbling up to 1.5 kilometres away - 2013/11/25: EPOD: Klyuchevskoy Eruption [Kamchatka, in Oct.2013]
What's new in the Weather Machine?
- 2013/11/29: ABC(Au): Scientists say changes in the temperature of the ocean is key to predicting WA's weather patterns
Scientists say a change in the surface temperature of the Indian Ocean is the key to predicting extreme weather patterns in Western Australia. Researchers at the CSIRO have discovered 'The Indian Ocean dipole' which occurs when eastern and western parts of the ocean vary in temperature. The temperatures have a converse relationship with air moisture on land, meaning lower sea temperatures will result in warmer weather conditions. - 2013/11/28: Wunderground:RR: What Can I Say about Heat Waves? Heat Waves (5)
- 2013/11/28: TheConversation: Indian Ocean linked to bushfires and drought in Australia
- 2013/11/25: V V: Introduction to series on weather variability and extreme events
How is the temperature record?
- 2013/12/01: TheConversation: Australia records its warmest spring on record
- 2013/11/27: PLNA: Average Temperature Rise in Cuba 0.9 Degrees Celsius Since 1951
- 2013/11/25: RTCC: Slowing global temperatures linked to warming oceans
While in the paleoclimate:
What's the State of the Oceans?:
- 2013/12/01: EneNews: NBC Nightly News: "Another highly troubling report about what's going on in the Pacific" - Millions of starfish 'melt away' from Alaska to California...
- 2013/11/30: EneNews: CBS News: 100s of whales in bay on California coast; It's never been like this, we just can't even believe it - Experts: We just aren't sure what's going on...
- 2013/11/30: DD: Mass starvation of Australia sea birds as 25,000 wash up dead on Sunshine Coast...
- 2013/11/27: DD: Scientists observe lowest-ever spring plankton bloom in Northeast Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem
- 2013/11/26: TP:JR: Rapid Plankton Decline Puts The Ocean's Food Web In Peril
- 2013/11/25: EneNews: NYTimes: Unprecedented concentration of sea creatures near shore in California; Experts baffled, longtime residents astounded - Biologist: "It's a very strange year... The $64,000 question is why?" - Similar to 'extraordinary' events seen recently along Canada's Pacific coast? (video)
What's the State of the Biosphere?
- 2013/11/27: BBC: Wildebeest herd makes 'rare' early return to Tanzania
Thousands of wildebeest have returned early from Tanzania's Serengeti National Park in a move park officials say is rare. The animals began migrating from Kenya to Tanzania in September and were not expected to return until April. Nicholas Murero, co-ordinator for the Mara-Serengeti ecosystem, said drought in Tanzania was the likely cause. - 2013/11/26: AlaskaDispatch: Hundreds of dead seabirds wash ashore on Alaska island in Bering Sea
- 2013/11/24: Eureka: Great Lakes waterfowl die-offs: Finding the source
New experimental data, presented at APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting, moves toward finding a better model to determine where birds ate toxic fish
And on the extinction watch:
- 2013/11/30: BBC: Protective measures are a 'death sentence' for rare dolphin say campaigners
Measures to protect one of the world's rarest dolphins have been denounced as a "death sentence" by campaigners. Only 55 adult Maui's dolphins are known to survive off the coast of New Zealand but their numbers are being threatened by fishing and disease. - 2013/11/27: CCurrents: 15 Critically Endangered Species Of Indian Birds
- 2013/11/26: Eureka: Study finds the forgotten ape threatened by human activity and forest loss
Most detailed assessment of bonobo across range conducted by University of Georgia, University of Maryland, WCS, and other conservation groups - 2013/11/26: NatureN: Nations fight back on ivory -- Politicians take action on poaching in Africa as tusk seizures approach record numbers
- 2013/11/26: Resilience: Ending the Insanity of Ecocide
- 2013/11/26: ABC(Au): Captive-bred Tasmanian devils thriving on Maria Island, free from facial tumours
- 2013/11/25: SciAm:EC: 'Forest Giraffe' Now Endangered: Okapi Populations Drop 50 Percent in 18 Years
- 2013/11/25: Guardian(UK): Red List reveals conservation successes, but extinctions continue apace
Habitat destruction and human development causing decline of thousands of species, IUCN conservation thinktank warns
How are the Insect Orders doing?
- 2013/11/29: Grist: Of monarchs and milkweeds: How one species' pest is another's repast
- 2013/11/25: JCBaez: Monarch Butterflies
More GW impacts are being seen:
- 2013/11/29: TP:JR: Climate Change Disproportionately Hurting Pakistan's Women, Report Finds
- 2013/11/29: ABC(Au): Warmer oceans making fish lethargic
- 2013/11/29: WSWS: Nearly a billion ocean-dependent people at risk because of global warming
- 2013/11/26: TP:JR: First Wine, Now Lavender? Another Iconic French Industry Threatened By Climate Change
And then there are the world's forests:
- 2013/11/29: IOTD: A Polish Royal Forest
- 2013/11/27: TheConversation: Sowing seeds of hope with revived forests and farms
- 2013/11/25: Eureka: Chinese scientists reveal the genomic enigma of desert poplar
Climate refugees are becoming an issue:
- 2013/11/27: ABC(Au): Pacific Islander Ioane Teitiota fails in bid to be first climate change refugee
- 2013/11/26: Guardian(UK): Climate change refugee bid denied by New Zealand court
- 2013/11/26: TP:JR: Rejecting Man's Bid For Refugee Status, Court Rules Climate Change Is Not 'Persecution'
Emerging diseases accompany ecological change:
- 2013/11/29: BBC: Wind-blown midges carried farm virus to UK
A virus that hit farms in the UK last year came from midges blown across the Channel from France and Belgium, scientists have confirmed. The Schmallenberg virus, which emerged in the Netherlands and Germany in 2011, can lead to sheep and cattle having stillborn or deformed offspring. The disease has affected more than 8,000 farms across Europe.
Corals are a bellwether of the ocean's health:
- 2013/11/28: ABC(Au): Study finds rising sea temperature puts heat on fish numbers - reef fish become lethargic in warmer conditions
- 2013/11/27: CoralCOE: Reef fish find it's too hot to swim
Glaciers are melting:
- 2013/12/01: FaGP: Bromley Glacier Retreat, NW British Columbia
- 2013/11/27: Eureka: Glaciers sizzle as they disappear into warmer water
The sounds of bubbles escaping from melting ice make underwater glacial fjords one of the loudest natural marine environments on earth - 2013/11/27: FaGP: Nass Peak Glacier Retreat, Coast Mountains, British Columbia
Sea levels are rising:
As for hydrological cycle disruptions [floods & droughts]:
- 2013/11/30: BBC: Heavy rain has been battering Cuba since Friday, flooding streets and leaving at least two people dead
- 2013/11/30: PLNA: Heavy Rains Continue in Western Cuba
- 2013/11/29: Guardian(UK): China's largest desert freshwater lake shrinking faster than ever
Hongjiannao Lake has been disappearing since the 1970s but has now shrunk by almost one-third since 2009
First, stop subsidizing fossil fuels
Second, put a price on carbon
Third, begin to reduce the human population
And elsewhere on the mitigation front:
- 2013/11/29: CleanTechnica: World Energy Council Says, We Need Strong & Predictable Carbon Pricing!
- 2013/11/27: OilChange: When in a Hole...
Consider transportation & GHG production:
While in the endless quest for zero energy, sustainable buildings and practical codes:
- 2013/11/29: TreeHugger: 11 great reasons why Passive House is such a great green building standard
- 2013/11/25: CleanTechnica: Beth Heider's Comments On LEED v4
As for carbon sequestration:
Large scale geo-engineering keeps popping up:
- 2013/11/26: WoL:GRL: (ab$) An energetic perspective on hydrological cycle changes in the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP) by Ben Kravitz et al.
- 2013/10/04: WoL:GRL: (ab$) Sea spray geoengineering experiments in the geoengineering model intercomparison project (GeoMIP): Experimental design and preliminary results by Ben Kravitz et al.
- 2013/09/27: Springer:CC: (ab$) Defining success and limits of field experiments to test geoengineering by marine cloud brightening by Robert Wood & Thomas P. Ackerman
- 2013/09/11: WoL:GRL: (ab$) The impact of abrupt suspension of solar radiation management (termination effect) in experiment G2 of the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP) by Andy Jones et al.
- 2013/11/29: Guardian(UK): Climate science: can geoengineering save the world?
Climate professors Mike Hulme and David Keith go head to head over whether climate engineering could provide a solution to climate change - 2013/11/29: GEP: Quick Recap of COP19 from a Geoengineering Perspective
- 2013/11/27: SciAm: Starting then Stopping Geoengineering Could Dangerously Accelerate Climate Change
A new study shows how starting and stopping efforts to reverse climate change could speed up global warming
Meanwhile in the journals:
- 2013/10/04: WoL:GRL: (ab$) Sea spray geoengineering experiments in the geoengineering model intercomparison project (GeoMIP): Experimental design and preliminary results by Ben Kravitz et al.
- 2013/11/26: WoL:GRL: (ab$) An energetic perspective on hydrological cycle changes in the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP) by Ben Kravitz et al.
- 2013/09/11: WoL:GRL: (ab$) The impact of abrupt suspension of solar radiation management (termination effect) in experiment G2 of the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP) by Andy Jones et al.
- 2013/11/27: PNAS: (ab$) Global meta-analysis reveals no net change in local-scale plant biodiversity over time by Mark Vellend et al.
- 2013/11/27: PNAS: (abs) Identifying external influences on global precipitation by Kate Marvel & Céline Bonfils
- 2013/11/27: PNAS: (abs) Microphysical effects determine macrophysical response for aerosol impacts on deep convective clouds by Jiwen Fan et al.
- 2013/11/27: PNAS: (letter$) Reply to Miller: Concerning the oxygen isotope anomaly observed in water vapor from Alert, Canada, and its stratospheric source by Ying Lin et al.
- 2013/11/27: PNAS: (letter$) Oxygen isotope anomaly not present in water vapor from Alert, Canada by Martin F. Miller
- 2013/11/28: ESD: Do GCMs predict the climate ... or macroweather? by S. Lovejoy et al.
- 2013/11/27: ESD: The dynamics of the Snowball Earth Hadley circulation for off-equatorial and seasonally varying insolation by A. Voigt
- 2013/11/27: ACP: Arctic stratospheric dehydration - Part 1: Unprecedented observation of vertical redistribution of water by S. M. Khaykin et al.
- 2013/11/27: ACPD: Snow cover sensitivity to black carbon deposition in the Himalaya: from atmospheric and ice core measurements to regional climate simulations by M. Ménégoz et al.
- 2013/11/27: ACPD: Offsetting effects of aerosols on Arctic and global climate in the late 20th century by Q. Yang et al.
- 2013/11/27: ACPD: Intercomparison and evaluation of aerosol microphysical properties among AeroCom global models of a range of complexity by G. W. Mann et al.
- 2013/11/27: GSA Today: The geological legacy of Hurricane Irene: Implications for the fidelity of the paleo-storm record by Scott P. Hippensteel et al.
- 2013/09/27: Springer:CC: (ab$) Defining success and limits of field experiments to test geoengineering by marine cloud brightening by Robert Wood & Thomas P. Ackerman
- 2013/11/26: GMD: Multi-sensor cloud retrieval simulator and remote sensing from model parameters - Part 1: Synthetic sensor radiance formulation by G. Wind et al.
- 2013/11/26: GMDD: GO5.0: The joint NERC-Met Office NEMO global ocean model for use in coupled and forced applications by A. Megann et al.
- 2013/11/26: TC: Influence of grain shape on light penetration in snow by Q. Libois et al.
- 2013/11/28: BG: A fertile peatland forest does not constitute a major greenhouse gas sink by A. Meyer et al.
- 2013/11/28: BG: A novel estimate of ocean oxygen utilisation points to a reduced rate of respiration in the ocean interior by O. Duteil et al.
- 2013/11/28: BG: Modelling changes in nitrogen cycling to sustain increases in forest productivity under elevated atmospheric CO2 and contrasting site conditions by R. F. Grant
- 2013/11/28: BGD: Pumping methane out of aquatic sediments - forcing mechanisms that affect the temporal dynamics of ebullition by A. Maeck et al.
- 2013/11/28: BGD: An inverse modeling approach for tree-ring-based climate reconstructions under changing atmospheric CO2 concentrations by É. Boucher et al.
- 2013/11/27: BGD: The declining uptake rate of atmospheric CO2 by land and ocean sinks by M. R. Raupach et al.
- 2013/11/25: BGD: High temporal frequency measurements of greenhouse gas emissions from soils by K. Savage et al.
- 2013/11/25: BGD: Methane production correlates positively with methanogens, sulfate-reducing bacteria and pore water acetate at an estuarine brackish-marsh landscape scale by C. Tong et al.
- 2013/11/25: BGD: Ecosystem function and services provided by the deep sea by A. R. Thurber et al.
- 2013/11/28: CP: The role of eastern Tethys seaway closure in the Middle Miocene Climatic Transition (ca. 14 Ma) by N. Hamon et al.
- 2013/11/28: CP: Last Glacial Maximum world ocean simulations at eddy-permitting and coarse resolutions: do eddies contribute to a better consistency between models and palaeoproxies? by M. Ballarotta et al.
- 2013/11/27: CP: The impact of early Holocene Arctic shelf flooding on climate in an atmosphere-ocean-sea-ice model by M. Blaschek & H. Renssen
- 2013/11/25: CP: Be10 in late deglacial climate simulated by ECHAM5-HAM - Part 1: Climatological influences on Be10 deposition by U. Heikkilä et al.
- 2013/11/25: CP: Paleo Agulhas rings enter the subtropical gyre during the penultimate deglaciation by P. Scussolini et al.
- 2013/11/27: CPD: Comparing modelled fire dynamics with charcoal records for the Holocene by T. Brücher et al.
- 2013/11/29: ACPD: Variations in tropospheric submicron particle size distributions across the European continent 2008-2009 by D. C. S. Beddows et al.
- 2013/11/29: GMDD: Recent development of the Met Office operational ocean forecasting system: an overview and assessment of the new Global FOAM forecasts by E. W. Blockley et al.
- 2013/11/29: GMDD: Evaluating CaCO3-cycle modules in coupled global biogeochemical ocean models by W. Koeve et al.
- 2013/11/28: GMDD: Earth Orbit v2.1: a 3-D visualization and analysis model of Earth's orbit, Milankovitch cycles and insolation by T. S. Kostadinov & R. Gilb
- 2013/11/29: OSD: Spring-time zooplankton size structure over the continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay by P. Vandromme et al.
- 2013/11/28: OSD: Evaluation of MERIS products from Baltic Sea coastal waters rich in CDOM by J. M. Beltrán-Abaunza et al.
- 2013/11/29: Science: (ab$) Clues to Supertyphoon's Ferocity Found in the Western Pacific by Dennis Normile
- 2013/11/24: Nature:GeoSci: (ab$) Warming early Mars with CO2 and H2 by Ramses M. Ramirez et al.
- 2013/11/24: Nature:GeoSci: (ab$) Ebullition and storm-induced methane release from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf by Natalia Shakhova et al.
- 2013/11/19: WoL:GRL: (ab$) Assessing the potential of calcium-based artificial ocean alkalinization to mitigate rising atmospheric CO2 and ocean acidification by Tatiana Ilyina et al.
- 2013/11/21: Nature:CC: (ab$) The role of short-lived climate pollutants in meeting temperature goals by Niel H. A. Bowerman et al.
- 2013/11/21: Nature:CC: (ab$) Impact of delay in reducing carbon dioxide emissions by Myles R. Allen & Thomas F. Stocker
- 2013/11/24: Nature:CC: (ab$) Continued global warming after CO2 emissions stoppage by Thomas Lukas Frölicher et al.
- 2013/11/23: Springer:CC: (ab$) Climate change response in Europe: what's the reality? Analysis of adaptation and mitigation plans from 200 urban areas in 11 countries by D. Reckien et al.
And other significant documents:
- 2013/11/21: CCPA: [link to 416k pdf] Saving the Green Economy -- Ontario's Green Energy Act and the WTO
As for miscellaneous science:
- 2013/11/28: Eureka: Scientists stitch up photosynthetic megacomplex
Scientists able to study a photosynthetic complex -- arguably the most important bit of organic chemistry on the planet -- in its complete functioning state - 2013/11/28: RTCC: Global warming 'hard to reverse' say scientists [Frölicher]
- 2013/11/28: RetractionWatch: Controversial Seralini GMO-rats paper to be retracted
- 2013/11/27: RTCC: Global warming 'slowdowns' will be frequent say UK scientists
- 2013/11/26: V V: Are break inhomogeneities a random walk or a noise?
- 2013/11/25: ETH: Underestimated future climate change?
New model calculations by ETH researcher Thomas Frölicher show that global warming may continue after a stoppage of CO 2 emissions. We cannot rule out the possibility that climate change is even greater than previously thought, says the scientist. - 2013/11/24: Eureka: Even if emissions stop, carbon dioxide could warm Earth for centuries
What's new in models?
What developments in the ongoing struggle for Open Science?
- 2013/11/29: ScienceInsider: Scientists Ambivalent About Open Access
Scientists overwhelmingly support the notion of making research papers freely available, but fewer publish their work in so-called open-access journals that make papers free immediately upon publication. Hindering some scientists are doubts about the quality and influence of open-access journals compared with traditional journals, according to results of an online survey conducted by Science magazine. Broadly speaking, traditional journals earn revenue from subscriptions, while open-access journals charge authors a publication fee of hundreds to thousands of dollars. We polled readers about their views on open access as part of a special issue on communication in science last month that included revelations of shoddy peer review by some fee-based open-access journals. - 2013/11/25: SciAm:IC: The Open Access Button: Discovering when and where researchers hit paywalls
Regarding Manabe:
Meanwhile at the UN:
- 2013/11/28: Grist: World Bank says no to nuclear as it lays out universal energy plan
The leaders of the United Nations and World Bank have hatched a plan to make sure everybody in the world has access to electricity by 2030. It would involve a huge ramp-up in electricity generation, including continued growth in renewables, and vast improvements in energy efficiency. It would also require hundreds of billions a year in investments. But not all energy sources are welcome. "We don't do nuclear energy," World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in announcing a push for financing for the plan. - 2013/11/28: Xinhuanet: UN, World Bank outline plans to mobilize financing for sustainable energy for all
- 2013/11/27: UN: Public-private partners at UN pledge to seek funding for sustainable energy for all
- 2013/11/27: WorldBank: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim Outline Plans to Mobilize Financing for Sustainable Energy for All
And on the carbon trading front:
- 2013/11/28: Guardian(UK): Beijing starts carbon trading scheme...
- 2013/11/27: Reuters: Factbox - How do China's carbon markets work?
- 2013/11/26: RTCC: Shanghai and Beijing latest Chinese cities to launch carbon trading schemes
- 2013/11/26: TheConversation: How will China's carbon markets work in a non-market economy?
- 2013/11/26: Reuters: First Shanghai carbon permits trade as China moves on emissions
The idea of a carbon tax is still bouncing around:
On the international political front, tensions continue as the empire leans on Iran:
- 2013/11/29: AntiWar: State Dept Extends Iran Oil Waivers to China, India, and South Korea -- Countries Can Continue Oil Buys
- 2013/11/26: ABC(Au): Oil prices dip after Iran nuclear deal boosts expectations of increased petroleum supply
- 2013/11/25: CSM: Oil prices fall after Iran nuclear deal
- 2013/11/25: Asia Times: The Roving Eye - US-Iran: The ever-spinning deal
- 2013/11/25: BBerg: Brent Slide Leads Energy Prices Lower After Iran Accord
South [& East] China Sea tension persists:
- 2013/11/30: BBC: The US says it expects its civilian aircraft to observe China's rules in an air defence zone in the East China Sea
- 2013/11/30: WSWS: Chinese fighters shadow US/Japanese warplanes in disputed ADIZ
- 2013/11/30: Guardian(UK): China scrambles fighter jets towards US and Japan planes in disputed air zone
- 2013/11/29: CDreams: East China Sea Tensions Soar as China Scrambles Fighter Jets Against US/Japan
Dangerous escalation as China responds to provocations by Japan and US militaries - 2013/11/29: BBC: China scrambles jets in air zone to monitor US and Japanese planes
- 2013/11/29: Xinhuanet: Air force patrols of China's ADIZ legitimate: spokesman
- 2013/11/29: RT: US to China: Stop behaving all sovereign!
- 2013/11/29: WSWS: Tensions escalate over Chinese air defence identification zone
- 2013/11/28: EmbassyNews: Playing chicken in the East China Sea by Gwynne Dyer
- 2013/11/28: al Jazeera: China fighter jets fly through disputed zone
Beijing's "defensive measure" raises stakes in standoff with US, South Korea and Japan over the disputed airspace. - 2013/11/28: RT: B-52s sing 'pivot to Asia' song
- 2013/11/28: IndiaTimes: Beijing considers more Air Defence Identification Zones
- 2013/11/28: RT: US flyover in China-Japan island row: Will the real provocateur please stand up?
- 2013/11/28: RT: Defiant flights: Japan, S. Korea military planes fly into China's air defense zone
- 2013/11/28: CDreams: Playing Chicken in the East China Sea by Gwynne Dyer
- 2013/11/28: Guardian(UK): China sends warplanes into disputed airspace over East China Sea
Air force spokesman says fighter jets have been sent after Japanese and South Korean aircraft flew through disputed area - 2013/11/28: BBC: Japan and South Korea defy China air zone rules
- 2013/11/28: CBC: Japan, South Korea defy China's new air defence zone
China's lack of response, including to two U.S. B-52s Tuesday, seen as embarrassing to Bejing - 2013/11/28: WSWS: Chinese officials downplay stand-off with US in East China Sea
- 2013/11/28: JQuiggin: Crikey goes Godwin on tiny uninhabited islands
- 2013/11/27: AntiWar: US Backs Japan in Senkaku Islands Dispute With China
Fears Grow of Clashes as Japanese, US Planes Defy Airspace - 2013/11/27: WSWS: US sends B-52s to China's air defence zone
- 2013/11/27: al Jazeera: US planes defy China air defence zone
Two B-52s reported to have flown over disputed area of South China Sea, ignoring China's instructions for prior warning. - 2013/11/27: Asia Times: US diplomatic iceberg spotted near China
- 2013/11/26: Guardian(UK): US warplanes defy Chinese air defence rules with B-52 flyover of disputed area
- 2013/11/26: BBC: US B-52 bombers challenge disputed China air zone
- 2013/11/26: FP: Imitation Is the Securest Form of Flattery -- Why China's powerful, new national defense posture looks so much like America's
- 2013/11/26: Xinhuanet: Shanghai starts carbon emission trading
- 2013/11/26: Xinhuanet: China's air defense zone doesn't target specific country: expert
- 2013/11/26: Xinhuanet: Commentary: U.S, Japan wrong to blame China for air zone
- 2013/11/26: IndiaTimes: China's first aircraft carrier steams towards disputed South China Sea
- 2013/11/26: BBC: Japan urges airlines to disregard China air zone rules
Japan has urged airlines not to follow China's new air defence zone rules, even as some local and international carriers began complying. Officials said China's new air defence identification zone was "not valid at all" and should be disregarded. But All Nippon Airways, Japan Airlines, Singapore Airlines and Qantas say they are informing China of flight plans. - 2013/11/26: WSWS: Heightened tensions over China's air defence identification zone
- 2013/11/25: CNN: China slams 'inappropriate' U.S. remarks on territorial dispute with Japan
China asks the U.S. "to correct its mistakes immediately" - The U.S. has said a Chinese announcement creates "risks of an incident" - China released a map and coordinates that identify its "Air Defense Identification Zone" - The zone includes islands at the center of a dispute between Beijing and Tokyo - 2013/11/25: CSM: Is China's air defense [identification] zone a game changer?
- 2013/11/25: Xinhuanet: China refutes Japan's protest at ADIZ over East China Sea
- 2013/11/25: RT: China lashes out at US for 'interfering' in territorial dispute with Japan
- 2013/11/25: BBC: Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has described China's move to create a new "air defence identification zone" over disputed waters as "dangerous"
- 2013/11/25: WSWS: China announces "air defence identification zone" in East China Sea
- 2013/11/25: Asia Times: China's defense zone creates a flap
Now that the EU-ETS for airlines is in limbo, will it ever be resurrected?
- 2013/11/29: EurActiv: MEP seeks to strengthen draft EU aviation emissions law
Environmental groups have welcomed proposals by the European Parliament's environment committee rapporteur, Peter Liese, who wants to tighten an EU directive incorporating aviation within the bloc's Emissions Trading System (ETS), despite rumbles of dissent from low-fare airlines. The dispute between the EU and third countries over making airlines pay for their carbon emissions is far from being resolved. But the German liberal MEP Peter Liese, who is steering the draft directive through Parliament, is backing the European Commission's compromise proposal, while proposing amendments aimed at further strenghtening it.
The fight over South Atlantic sea floor oil fields is back:
- 2013/11/28: BBC: Argentine threat over Falkland Islands oil operations
Argentina has threatened oil businesses operating off the Falkland Islands with fines, confiscations and jail sentences for their executives.
In the solar squabbles between China and Europe:
- 2013/11/27: Xinhuanet: EU imposes provisional duties up to 42.1% on Chinese solar glass [used for producing solar panels]
Remember the Argentina-Spain - YPF-Repsol squabble?
- 2013/11/30: PLNA: Argentina Expects to Materialize Repsol Negotiations
- 2013/11/28: BBerg: Repsol to Begin Talks With Argentina Over YPF Settlement
- 2013/11/27: BBC: Repsol board has approved agreement with Argentina
The Spanish oil company Repsol has agreed to negotiate with Argentina on compensation for the seizure of its assets there last year. The Argentine government nationalised Repsol's controlling stake in the country's biggest oil firm YPF without payment. It accused the Spanish company of not investing enough to increase output. Repsol said it would negotiate "a fair, effective and quick solution to the controversy" with Argentina. - 2013/11/26: BBC: Argentina reaches YPF compensation deal with Repsol
Argentina has reached an agreement in principle to compensate Spain's Repsol for the nationalisation of energy firm YPF. Argentina seized YPF last year without paying anything. The Spanish company had been demanding $10.5bn (£6.5bn) in compensation. In Buenos Aires, Repsol, YPF and Mexico's Pemex, which holds a stake in Repsol, said they had reached a process for determining compensation. No other details were released.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership looks like a stealth corporate takeover:
- 2013/11/27: Asia Times: The TPP and ill health
- 2013/11/26: CCurrents: Localists Of The World, Unite! An Urgent Call To Join The Movement Against The TPP & TTIP
- 2013/11/25: TreeHugger: Congress tries to "fast track" secret trade deals without comment or oversight
- 2013/11/24: CCurrents: US Bullying At TPP Negotiations For Big Pharma Profits
The issue of the law and activism is playing out around the world:
- 2013/11/29: CSW: Reverend Billy faces year in prison for climate change protest
- 2013/11/28: Guardian(UK): The war on democracy
How corporations and spy agencies use "security" to defend profiteering and crush activism - 2013/11/28: DeSmogBlog: Greenpeace 'Arctic 30' Arrests Show Attempts to Silence Environmentalists Continue [Suzuki]
- 2013/11/28: ABC(Au): Australian Greenpeace activist Colin Russell granted bail in Russia [after appeal]
- 2013/11/28: BBC: Greenpeace Arctic 30: Russia bails last activist
- 2013/11/27: TheCanadian: Greenpeace Arctic 30 arrests yet another attack on enviros [Suzuki]
- 2013/11/27: Rabble: Harper government's extensive spying on anti-oil sands groups revealed in FOIs
- 2013/11/26: DemNow: Reverend Billy Faces Year in Prison for Protesting JPMorgan Chase's Financing of Fossil Fuels
- 2013/11/25: DemNow: Spooky Business: U.S. Corporations Enlist Ex-Intelligence Agents to Spy on Nonprofit Groups
- 2013/11/25: TP:JR: [Reverend Billy of the Church of Stop Shopping] Faces One Year In Jail For Protesting JPMorgan's Fossil Fuel Investments
- 2013/11/25: Grist: I fought the law and, actually, I won: How one lawyer helps protesters
- 2013/11/25: Grist: Activist cited for animal cruelty because she filmed animal cruelty
- 2013/11/25: Guardian(UK): Reverend Billy faces year in prison for JP Morgan Chase toad protest
What are the activists up to?
- 2013/11/25: RTCC: Greenpeace debates future of oil rig protests post Russia arrests
- 2013/11/24: CSW: Climate change student PSAs -- Go Green, Invest and Divest
- 2013/11/24: TMoS: If We're Already Seen as the Government's Enemies, Why Do We Think They Might Listen to Us?
- 2013/11/24: Guardian(UK): Arctic 30 captain [Peter Willcox] re-evaluates protest methods after Russian jails
The move to divest from fossil fuel investments is growing slowly:
- 2013/11/28: RTCC: Washington DC debates ditching Exxon and Chevron investments
Divestment campaign kicks off in US capital city as authorities debate moving retirement funds from fossil fuels Washington DC's city council is under pressure to ditch its holdings in the fossil fuel industry, after a divestment bill was debated by the city's authorities this week. - 2013/11/27: TP:JR: Inside Tuesday's Hearing Over Divesting Washington, DC From Fossil Fuels
- 2013/11/25: WaPo: On campuses, a fossil-fuel divestment movement
Polls! We have polls!
- 2013/11/28: Van24: Poll shows homebuyers and pipelines don't mix
A new poll shows 68% of Metro Vancouver residents would not purchase property next to an oil pipeline.
Regarding Water Politics and Business; See also:
- 2013/11/29: ERW: Insight: what happens to dissolved organic nitrogen during wastewater treatment?
- 2013/11/28: ABC(Au): 'Microplastic' threat to Australian waters
Each square kilometre of ocean around Australia is polluted with thousands of 'invisible' fragments of plastic, a new study has found, posing a potential health hazard for humans and marine life alike. - 2013/11/27: TheConversation: Australian waters polluted by harmful tiny plastics
- 2013/11/27: Asia Times: Lao dam project raises Mekong fear
- 2013/11/26: BBerg: Fracking Bonanza Eludes Wastewater Recycling Investors
- 2013/11/25: JFleck: Municipal and agricultural use of Colorado River water: a comparison
- 2013/11/24: JFleck: Volvo Desert - New Mexico's long term water usage trends
Regarding science education:
- 2013/11/29: TP:JR: Science Textbooks Across the Country Will Teach Real Science Because of A Decision In Texas
Because of a small meeting in Texas on Friday, science textbooks across the nation will teach high school students real climate science -- and not the version of science advocated by the fossil fuel industry and conservative ideologues.
While in the UK:
- 2013/12/01: IndiaTimes: Britain's PM hits back at opposition with energy bill promise
British Prime Minister David Cameron promised on Sunday to take steps to cut rising energy costs, seeking to regain the initiative from an opposition Labour Party that has pledged to freeze bills if it wins the next election in 2015. - 2013/11/30: BBC: Government outlines plans to reduce energy bills
- 2013/11/29: Guardian(UK): Government did ask energy firms to freeze prices in return for green cuts
No 10 blames possible misunderstanding but sources confirm companies have been pressured to hold prices for 18 months - 2013/11/29: Guardian(UK): Paddy Ashdown warns lack of action in climate change risks extreme weather
- 2013/11/29: Independent(UK): Owen Paterson, his sceptic brother-in-law, and how Defra went cold on climate change
- 2013/11/28: BBC: Energy giant Npower has confirmed that 1,460 UK jobs are to go as part of a major corporate restructuring
- 2013/11/27: Guardian(UK): One in 10 UK adults involved in an environmental group, figures show
- 2013/11/27: Guardian(UK): £90,000 Porsche gets low-carbon government grant
- 2013/11/27: CoveredInBees: Wind: £3.33 billion per GW (cancelled) vs nuclear: £5 billion per GW
- 2013/11/26: RTCC: UK insulation rollback could leave thousands to die in cold homes
As excess winter deaths increase, frustration rises at threatened government rollback of energy efficiency policies - 2013/11/26: Guardian(UK): Happy Birthday Climate Change Act
- 2013/11/26: Guardian(UK): The Climate Change Act: Speaking Truth to Power?
- 2013/11/26: Guardian(UK): Green levies may well be 'crap'. The way to deal with carbon is to bury it
- 2013/11/26: Guardian(UK): Happy 5th Birthday Climate Change Act: Don't forget the 4th budget
- 2013/11/26: Guardian(UK): The poverty of targetism: Five years of the UK Climate Change Act
The Climate Change Act's linear translation of scientific evidence into managerial targets is an ineffective way of using evidence in policy - 2013/11/26: NatureNB: UK government's overspending could hit science budget
- 2013/11/26: BBC: Ofgem attacks record and profits of energy suppliers
The energy regulator Ofgem has launched a scathing attack on the record and profits of the big gas and electricity suppliers. Andrew Wright, the acting chief executive of Ofgem, said there was a "deep distrust of anything the energy companies do or say". Mr Wright was speaking to MPs on the Energy and Climate Change Committee. - 2013/11/26: BBC: Atlantic Array wind farm dropped by developer
Plans for a huge wind farm off the north Devon coast have been shelved. Developer RWE Innogy is pulling the plug on the 240-turbine Atlantic Array project, the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) told the BBC. - 2013/11/25: BBC: Atlantic Array wind farm dropped by developer
- 2013/11/25: Monbiot: Plumbing the Depths -- A government-backed industrial lobbying campaign is being funded by a stealth tax. It's an outrage [UK pol]
- 2013/11/26: Guardian(UK): Energy firm RWE npower axes £4bn UK windfarm amid political uncertainty
UK's green plans dealt blow by shelving of Atlantic Array, which would have powered 1m homes and created thousands of jobs - 2013/11/26: Guardian(UK): Energy firm RWE npower axes £4bn UK windfarm amid political uncertainty
- 2013/11/25: BBC: Why is everyone so angry about generating energy?
- 2013/11/21: Guardian(UK): No 10 pours cold water on claim David Cameron wants to 'get rid of green crap'
And in Europe:
- 2013/11/29: WNN: Europe plans for emergency communication
A project backed by 43 organisations is preparing Europe to react and communicate effectively in case of a nuclear emergency, drawing on the lessons of the Fukushima accident. - 2013/11/29: EurActiv: Lithuania mounts rescue bid for first generation biofuels
A planned cap on first generation biofuels use for 2020 could be increased by 50%, if surprise Lithuanian proposals seen by EurActiv are adopted at a meeting of EU diplomats today (29 November). - 2013/11/28: DerSpiegel: Stumped: Black Forest Conservation Gets Controversial
The regional Green government plans to create a national park in the northern Black Forest, much to the consternation of many locals. Although well-intentioned, the state project has unleashed a culture war. - 2013/11/28: WSWS: German grand coalition: A government of social austerity and militarism
- 2013/11/27: GEB: CDU/CSU and SPD Present Coalition Agreement -- 55% to 60% Renewables by 2035 and More
- 2013/11/27: EurActiv: EU agrees new deadline on car emissions limits
The European Union on Tuesday (26 November) agreed a new compromise that delays stricter rules on carbon dioxide emissions for EU cars, ending months of wrangling after Germany insisted on tearing up an earlier deal. - 2013/11/27: EurActiv: 'Grand coalition' deal sealed in Germany
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives and the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) reached a deal early on Wednesday on forming a "grand coalition" after wrangling through the night, meaning she should be able to form a government by Christmas. - 2013/11/27: TP:JR: Citing Too Many Deaths From Air Pollution, Polish City Says Goodbye To Coal
- 2013/11/27: DerSpiegel: Coalition Deal: Merkel Reaches Agreement on Next Government
Weeks of talks ended early Wednesday morning with a contract between Angela Merkel's conservatives and the center-left Social Democrats to form Germany's next government. The deal still faces a difficult vote by all SPD members in December. - 2013/11/25: Guardian(UK): US and China must act on climate change rhetoric, says German minister
Meanwhile in Australia:
- 2013/11/29: TheConversation: Australia should help East Timor feed itself
- 2013/11/29: ABC(Au): Blue Mountains residents frustrated by delays in bushfire recovery
- 2013/11/29: ABC(Au): High-speed rail network $30 billion cheaper than first thought: study
- 2013/11/28: PeakEnergy: Australian Government Slumps In Polls
- 2013/11/28: RNE: Victoria's environment fail: Audits reveal broken promises, green decline
- 2013/11/28: ABC(Au): NSW Planning Department approves Flyer's Creek windfarm
- 2013/11/28: ABC(Au): Contract awarded to construct Broken Hill and Nyngan solar farms
- 2013/11/28: ABC(Au): Professor says use of CSG water should be closely monitored
The use of water from coal seam gas for growing pasture has received a cautious response from a Newcastle University Professor. - 2013/11/27: ABC(Au): EPA study finds no evidence wind farm noise impacting residents
- 2013/11/27: ABC(Au): Wind farm ruling a win for communities: Clean energy group
- 2013/11/27: RNE: CSG may not be worth risk to health, environment, report finds
- 2013/11/27: RNE: Tasmania aims for 100% renewables by 2020, 35% carbon cuts
- 2013/11/27: RNE: Graph of the Day: Oz households slash electricity use by 23%
- 2013/11/27: RNE: Australian wind industry strikes 3 blows against the antis
- 2013/11/26: TP:JR: Tasmania Wants To Use 100 Percent Renewable Energy By 2020
- 2013/11/26: ABC(Au): Energy report finds more low income households battle to pay power bills
- 2013/11/26: ABC(Au): Tasmania aims for 100 pc renewable energy use in seven years
The Tasmanian Government has released a climate change strategy aimed at 100 percent renewable power usage by 2020. The Climate Smart Tasmania plan includes energy reduction targets across government, land use, infrastructure, transport and waste systems. The Climate Change Minister, Cassy O'Connor, says its the most comprehensive plan by any Australian Government to reduce carbon emissions as well as adapt to a changing climate. - 2013/11/26: ABC(Au): CEFC chair defends corporation as axe looms
- 2013/11/26: ABC(Au): Clean Energy Finance Corp warns shutdown will hit budget
- 2013/11/26: RNE: CEFC could deliver half Australia's CO2 cuts, and make money
The $10 billion Clean Energy Finance Corporation has launched a vigorous defence of its mandate in what might be the last throw of the dice for the besieged green investment bank. - 2013/11/25: ABC(Au): McGowan cops flak for voting against carbon tax dumping
The federal Member for Indi, Cathy McGowan, has defended her decision to vote against the repeal of the carbon tax in Parliament, saying her vote reflected the opinions of a majority of her electorate. Some sectors of the business community labelled Ms McGowan as being out of touch for supporting the tax but she says many in Indi share her view that a market-based mechanism is the best way to reduce carbon emissions. - 2013/11/25: ABC(Au): Wind and gas power to fall if carbon tax repealed
Now we get to watch the suppository of wisdom destroy what little Australia has done to fight climate change:
- 2013/11/29: UKISS: What the fuck is wrong with Tony and Joe?
- 2013/11/29: JQuiggin: Hockey or Turnbull
- 2013/11/30: WSWS: Australian government blocks US takeover of key agribusiness
Treasurer Joe Hockey announced yesterday he was blocking, on "national interest" grounds, an attempted takeover of Australia's largest agribusiness, GrainCorp, by US giant Archer Daniels Midland (ADM). The decision, which was denounced by big business in Australia and finance capital in the US, highlights the sharp divisions wracking the unstable Liberal-National coalition government of Prime Minister Tony Abbott. The coalition's rural-based junior partner, the National Party, representing farming and rival agribusiness interests, threatened a revolt within the government if the sell-off was allowed to proceed. Abbott won a federal election less than three months ago, yet his government is in disarray amid continued diplomatic crises with Indonesia and China, and domestic conflict with state governments over the gutting of school funding. - 2013/11/29: RNE: When will the Abbott government come clean on energy?
- 2013/11/29: Guardian(UK): Joe Hockey blocks [ADM] foreign takeover of GrainCorp
- 2013/11/28: AIMN: So how's Abbott's Australia traveling so far?
- 2013/11/28: RNE: Canberra's new energy mantra: Renewables bad, demand good [supp]
- 2013/11/27: al Jazeera: Plummeting popularity for Australian PM
Tony Abbott's party loses the lead that won him the election as immigration and climate change remain top issues. - 2013/11/25: ABC(Au): Ai Group warns of flaws in Coalition climate change plan as Warsaw talks wrap up
- 2013/11/25: ABC(Au): Polls show Coalition struggling to win public support for direct action
- 2013/11/25: RNE: Tony Abbott's climate homework: Must try much harder
The mad Abbott seems intent on destroying public education:
- 2013/12/01: NewAnthropocene: Deceitful word play; you are responsible Australia for the loss of Gonski
- 2013/12/01: JQuiggin: Peak euphemism? #Ozfail
- 2013/12/01: Guardian(UK): Tony Abbott defends Gonski reversal, saying election pledge was misheard
- 2013/12/01: ABC(Au): PM Tony Abbott says Coalition never promised to keep Labor's Gonski school funding plan
- 2013/11/30: ABC(Au): Gonski report co-author labels Christopher Pyne 'a Minister on L-plates', as funding stoush heats up
- 2013/11/29: ABC(Au): Gonski row: States vow to fight Christopher Pyne's school funding overhaul
- 2013/11/29: ABC(Au): States say Christopher Pyne has dropped public schools bombshell in heated education meeting
Public schools may be the big losers under the Government's plans to scrap Labor's Gonski education package, state and territory ministers say they have been told. Ministers raised the concerns after emerging from a "very heated" meeting with their federal counterpart, Christopher Pyne, in Sydney today. - 2013/11/27: WSWS: Australian government moves to gut public education funding
After years of wrangling, the Murray Darling Basin Plan is in place, but the water management fights are far from finished:
- 2013/11/30: ABC(Au): AGL facing potential water corporations' challenge over coal seam gas
Gas giant A-G-L has revealed it's looking at sites across New South Wales to send waste water from its proposed coal seam gas projects in Gloucester. The company is awaiting state government approval to frack four wells in the area, north of Newcastle. In the process of capturing gas, chemicals and water are pumped into the ground which then returns to the surface called 'flowback water.' It will need a treatment plant to send it to and the company's Mike Moraza says several areas are being considered. - 2013/11/29: ABC(Au): Flood funding finishes on a low
The Australia Day floods in southern Queensland were recorded as the worst in decades, but the uptake of government assistance wasn't as high as after the 2011 floods. - 2013/11/29: ABC(Au): Funding tap turned on for SA irrigators
The Federal Government has approved the guidelines of a $240 million funding package for South Australian irrigators. - 2013/11/25: ABC(Au): Week two of water restrictions begins in the Gascoyne
And in New Zealand:
While in the Indian subcontinent:
- 2013/11/27: CCurrents: The Sound Of Death In Koodankulam
- 2013/11/27: BBC: Kudankulam: Six killed in blast near India nuclear plant
- 2013/11/27: al Jazeera: Deadly blast near India nuclear plant
Six killed and two houses destroyed in explosion near Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant in south India.
And in China:
- 2013/11/28: al Jazeera: China coal project risks environmental crisis
Experts say the country's efforts to use coal in synthetic gas production is likely to cause an ecological disaster. - 2013/11/27: UN: China's path to green economy fraught with challenges, finds joint UN-Government report
While in Japan:
- 2013/11/26: EneNews: Secrecy law approved in Japan -- AP: Prison for 'inappropriate reporting' - Official: We're on path to be fascist state...
And elsewhere in Asia:
- 2013/11/27: ABC(Au): PNG economy to be hardest hit by climate change in the Pacific: report
- 2013/11/26: ABC(Au): Typhoon Haiyan exposes different perspectives on a warming planet
- 2013/11/24: Xinhuanet: Philippines watchful on climate change after typhoon devastation
In the Middle East:
And in Russia:
While in Africa:
- 2013/11/30: TP:JR: Six African Countries Win $330 Million To Spur Private Investment In Climate Solutions
And South America:
- 2013/11/29: UDW: The Results of the Elections in Honduras were Changed, Says European Union Observer
- 2013/11/29: UDW: SOA Watch: 2013 Honduran Presidential Elections Analysis
The SOA Watch delegation to Honduras observed numerous irregularities and problems during the elections and vote counting process that cause us not to trust the electoral results released by Honduras' Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE). - 2013/11/28: UDW: Honduran Congress will be Transformed
- 2013/11/28: UDW: Pluspetrol Heavily Fined for Irreparable Environmental Damages in the Peruvian Amazon
- 2013/11/27: FAIR: Washington Post Gets Honduras Wrong
- 2013/11/26: Guardian(UK): Oil extraction to take place in proposed Amazon tribe reserve
- 2013/11/26: UDW: Bolivia: Two Years After Chaparina, Still No Answers
- 2013/11/26: UDW: National Lawyers Guild Observers Question Validity of Honduran Elections
- 2013/11/26: UDW: Honduran Election Results Contested Amid Reports of Fraud, Intimidation
- 2013/11/26: WSWS: Both sides claim victory in Honduran election
- 2013/11/26: WSWS: Chile's former president [Michele Bachelet] set to win second-round election [set for December 15]
- 2013/11/25: DemNow: Honduras Presidential Elections in Dispute as Activists Defy Violence to Back Ousted Leader's Wife
In Canada, neocon PM Harper, aka The Blight, pushes petroleum while ignoring the climate and ecology:
- 2013/11/29: CBC: Alberta floods push federal deficit to $3.8B
- 2013/11/28: CBC: No timeline for oil and gas regulations, Aglukkaq says
The Conservative government is punting long-awaited environmental regulations for the oil and gas sector into the indefinite future. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq is refusing to provide a deadline for rules that will force the emissions-heavy sector to clean up its act, although the regulations have been years in the making. - 2013/11/28: TheCanadian: Harper government spending $40 million to clean up Tar Sands' image
- 2013/11/27: CBC: Tories kill off study into environmental impact of bullets
- 2013/11/27: CBC: Feds ask panel to study oilsands environmental technology
- 2013/11/27: Rabble: Harper government's extensive spying on anti-oil sands groups revealed in FOIs
- 2013/11/26: BLongstaff: Parliament needs a science watchdog
- 2013/11/26: MSimon: Stephen Harper's Cons: Now They're Threatening Our Food !!!
- 2013/11/25: ScienceInsider: In Canada, a Stern Critique of University-Industry Collaborations
Canadian universities aren't doing enough to protect academic freedom and safeguard against conflicts of interest in research agreements with industry, argues a new report from an academic association. But the leader of one applied research collaboration says the findings are misguided. - 2013/11/25: NatureN: Changes to Canada's fisheries law alarm biologists
Revisions that take effect today remove protections for 80% of endangered freshwater species. - 2013/11/25: CBC: Imperial Oil's role in museum's energy exhibit questioned
- 2013/11/24: TMoS: If We're Already Seen as the Government's Enemies, Why Do We Think They Might Listen to Us?
The NB fracking protests at Elsipogtog aren't ending:
- 2013/11/29: CBC: Anti-shale gas protest closes Highway 11 in N.B. for hours
RCMP arrest 5 men for breaching court order not to interfere with SWN Resources' exploration - 2013/11/29: CBC: Anti-shale gas protest partially closes Highway 11 in N.B.
RCMP warn protesters to obey court order to stay away from SWN Resources' exploration trucks - 2013/11/26: CDreams: Journalist Covering Elsipogtog Fracking Resistance Arrested -- "It appears he was specifically targeted."
- 2013/11/26: CBC: Shale gas tensions flare, but day passes in relative peace
One arrest and more than 20 police vehicles at scene, along Highway 11
After gutting the CWB, the Tories will sell it off to one of their pals:
- 2013/11/26: CBC: CWB inks grain export deal ahead of looming privitization
CWB deal to bolster grain exports through East Coast, paves way to privatization
The West-East pipeline is suddenly a focus of much dispute:
Meanwhile in BC:
- 2013/11/29: TheCanadian: Surrey aims to get ambitious light rail plan on track with federal investment
- 2013/11/28: Van24: Poll shows homebuyers and pipelines don't mix
A new poll shows 68% of Metro Vancouver residents would not purchase property next to an oil pipeline. - 2013/11/27: TheCanadian: MLA, Mayor turn up heat on Fraser River jet fuel, tanker plan
- 2013/11/24: TheCanadian: Former Agriculture Minister Corky Evans: Time to speak up for ALR
- 2013/11/24: TheCanadian: Developers winning battle for BC farmland: UNBC professor
- 2013/11/24: TheCanadian: Enbridge plans major private power project on fish-bearing river
Meanwhile in that Mechanical Mordor known as the tar sands:
- 2013/11/28: DeSmogBlog: Tar Sands! It's What's For Dinner!
- 2013/11/27: PI: What stands in the way of responsible oilsands development?
- 2013/11/27: Grist: This game about the tar sands is like a choose-your-own-adventure documentary
- 2013/11/27: Grist: Fed-up Chicago residents sue over petcoke ashheaps
- 2013/11/26: OilChange: The Tar Sands Smoking Gun
According to a new scientific analysis, many tar sands wells are actually using more energy than they produce. From an economic and environmental perspective, this is total madness. In fact, according to the paper, the only reason that these wells are in any way economical is due to the prevailing low natural gas price in North America. - 2013/11/25: CBC: 'Petcoke' piles up in U.S. Midwest, raises concerns -- Detroit Chicago neighbourhoods near refineries hardest hit
- 2013/11/25: OilChange: Canada's "Reckless" Expansion of Tar Sands Toxic Lakes
- 2013/11/24: PI: Ease off on rapid oilsands development
Also in Alberta:
In Manitoba:
- 2013/11/28: Guardian(UK): Canadian Arctic port and rail company [Omnitrax] pins hope for revival on oil exports [via Churchill]
In Ontario, Wynne is struggling to establish herself. Energy still looms large:
- 2013/11/21: CCPA: [link to 416k pdf] Saving the Green Economy -- Ontario's Green Energy Act and the WTO
- 2013/11/26: NNW: Great Lakes nuclear dump proposal draws ire
Kincardine, Ont. - Ordinarily, a proposal to bury radioactive waste in a scenic area that relies on tourism would inspire "not in my backyard" protests from local residents -- and relief in places that were spared. But conventional wisdom has been turned on its head in Ontario, where a publicly owned power company wants to entomb waste from its nuclear plants 680 metres below the surface near Lake Huron. - 2013/11/25: CleanTechnica: Ontario Cleans Its Hands Of Coal
- 2013/11/25: TP:JR: Canada's Most Populated Region [Ontario] Is Banning Coal Forever
- 2013/11/21: CCPA: Ontario can overcome "regrettable" WTO ruling on Green Energy Act: study
While in la Belle Province:
- 2013/11/30: CBC: St. Lawrence belugas threatened by pipeline plans
Scientists say the proposed port near Rivière-du-Loup would endanger the at-risk species
In the Maritimes:
- 2013/11/29: CBC: Maritime Link energy project approved by Nova Scotia's UARB [Utility and Review Board]
Energy regulator had attached a list of conditions to $1.5B energy project Nova Scotia's energy regulator has approved the $1.5-billion Maritime Link project to bring in hydroelectricity from Labrador. - 2013/11/24: TheCanadian: Atlantic Canada faces climate consequences for our energy choices
As for miscellaneous Canadiana:
And on the American political front:
- 2013/12/01: Grist: Massachusetts moves toward fracking ban
- 2013/11/30: RT: Massachusetts seeks 10-yr ban on gas fracking after series of Texas quakes
- 2013/11/30: Grist: Climate change: No longer electoral Kryptonite! by Tom Steyer
- 2013/11/30: WSWS: Los Angeles moves toward restricting food distributions in public places
- 2013/11/28: WSWS: On eve of Thanksgiving holiday -- Hunger rises in US capital
- 2013/11/27: EconView: 'Breadlines Return'
[...] Demand at all of New York City's food pantries and soup kitchens has spiked since federal food stamps were cut on Nov. 1. ... - 2013/11/27: Resilience: The Hunger Games Are Real: Teenage Fans Remind the World What Katniss Is Really Fighting For
- 2013/11/27: TP:JR: Bloomberg Commits To Aiding Climate-Friendly Candidates
- 2013/11/27: Grist: Magic Mike: How Bloomberg became the world's greenest mayor
- 2013/11/26: Grist:Proud moment: The U.S. is no longer the world's biggest jerk on climate change
- 2013/11/26: NPR: What's In It For U.S. To Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions?
- 2013/11/26: RTCC: US taxpayers will foot bill for climate change inaction
Hurricane Sandy and drought that hit 70% of the country were estimated to have cost the US more than $100bn in financial losses Such losses, says Ceres, a US-based non-profit organization which promotes environmentally sustainable business practices, are set to rise considerably in the years ahead as a result of climate change, imposing an ever bigger burden on the US taxpayer. - 2013/11/25: BPA: Colorado Farmers Hit by Flood Could Use Your Help
- 2013/11/25: CBC: 'Petcoke' piles up in U.S. Midwest, raises concerns -- Detroit Chicago neighbourhoods near refineries hardest hit
- 2013/11/25: TP:JR: Former U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu Urges Canada And U.S. To Focus On Renewables
- 2013/11/25: UCSUSA:B: How Should California Design its Renewable Energy Future?
- 2013/11/23: ChicagoTrib: City, state seek to shut down petcoke pile
Lawsuit wants plan to tamp down black dust from mounds on Southeast Side
The Keystone XL wheel grinds slowly. And it grinds woe:
- 2013/11/28: CBC: Keystone XL pipeline threatened by U.S. oil boom
- 2013/11/27: RTCC: Keystone pipeline could increase oil sands investment by 20% - report
The Mayflower oil spill and its ramifications just keep dragging on:
- 2013/11/26: ICN: Shattered by Oil: Exxon Arkansas Spill and the People Left Behind [video], Part 2
- 2013/11/25: ICN: Shattered by Oil: Exxon Arkansas Spill and the People Left Behind, [video] Part 1
- 2013/11/25: ICN: A Neighborhood Shattered: Families Emptying Out of Oil-Hit Arkansas Town
The GOP War on Women continues. See also:
- 2013/11/29: WSWS: Albuquerque voters reject anti-abortion measure
- 2013/11/28: WSWS: Supreme Court to hear religious challenge to Obamacare contraceptive provision
- 2013/11/26: ACLU: Supreme Court Accepts Challenge to Contraception Coverage Rule
The actions of the Obama administration are being watched closely:
- 2013/11/29: Grist: Obama admin is going to be awfully busy with new environmental regulations
- 2013/11/26: CSM: Fisker bankruptcy: Feds to lose $139 million on Fisker Automotive
- 2013/11/26: CSW: A good new scientific integrity official at EPA
- 2013/11/26: DeSmogBlog: Obama Approves Major Border-Crossing Fracked Gas Pipeline Used to Dilute Tar Sands
- 2013/11/25: TheHill:RW: Feds reveal data behind 'social cost of carbon'
- 2013/11/25: ScienceInsider: EPA Hires Scientific Integrity Advocate [Francesca Grifo]
- 2013/11/25: UCSUSA: UCS Scientist [Dr. Francesca Grifo] Takes Top Scientific Integrity Post at U.S. EPA
- 2013/11/25: CleanTechnica: Renewable Energy Barriers Fall With New FERC Order
- 2013/11/25: Grist: Climate change will make the Arctic a new battleground. Here's how America will fight
- 2013/11/22: TheHill:e2W: Hagel, citing climate change, rolls out Arctic strategy
As for what is going on in Congress:
- 2013/11/27: TP:JR: Congressman Proposes Firing EPA Workers Because They Were Furloughed In Government Shutdown
- 2013/11/25: TP:JR: Is There Any Hope For Two New Proposals That Would Cut Tax Breaks For Big Oil?
- 2013/11/25: TreeHugger: Congress tries to "fast track" secret trade deals without comment or oversight
- 2013/11/23: TheHill:e2W: Filibuster change clears path for Obama climate regs crackdown
What are the lobbyists pushing?
The movement toward a long term ecologically viable economics is glacial:
- 2013/11/30: CCurrents: Freedom Starts With A Seed - Vandana Shiva Interview
- 2013/11/27: Resilience: Cooperatives: A Historical and Cross Cultural Perspective
- 2013/11/26: WSWS: Workers protest closure of Spanish cooperative Fagor
The end of Fagor, a subsidiary of the Mondragón corporation, regarded as the jewel in the cooperative movement crown, shows that such organisations are not an alternative to capitalism, as their promoters proclaim. Fagor's CEO Sergio Treviño warns that its fall "will have an uncontrollable domino effect on the rest of the group with major social implications." - 2013/11/24: Resilience: Is "antifragile" better than "resilient"?
IPAT [Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology] raised its head once again:
- 2013/11/26: RT: Russia outlaws abortion ads
- 2013/11/25: Monbiot: Spend, Don't Mend -- Advertising and consumerism dull our capacity for empathy
Apocalypso anyone?
- 2013/11/27: Resilience: The Tar Sands and the World Tree -- can Ragnarok be avoided?
- 2013/11/25: CCurrents: Shielding A Flickering Flame by Chris Hedges
Okay hot shot, how are we gonna fix this?
- 2013/11/27: FergusB: How to change things; could it be magic?
- 2013/11/27: Stoat: Weasels ripped my flesh, again
How do the corporate media measure up?
- 2013/12/01: ProjectCensored: Top 25 Censored Stories from 2012-2013#24. Widespread GMO Contamination: Did Monsanto Plant GMOs Before USDA Approval?
#22. Pennsylvania Law Gags Doctors to Protect Big Oil's "Proprietary Secrets"
#21. Monsanto and India's "Suicide Economy"
#18. Fracking Our Food Supply
#15. Food Riots: The New Normal?
#13. A Fifth of Americans Go Hungry
#3. Trans-Pacific Partnership Threatens a Regime of Corporate Global Governance - 2013/11/28: CSW: [Forbes op-ed writer, James] Taylor distorts poll of meteorologists on climate change to reach opposite conclusion of study authors
- 2013/11/27: DD: After changes, how green is The New York Times? Climate-change coverage fell after environment desk killed
- 2013/11/25: Salon: The New York Times is dropping the ball on climate change
- 2013/11/25: S&R: Daily Caller gets it wrong on global warming spending
Michael Bastasch's shallow and oversimplified reading of federal spending for climate disruption vs. border security misleads his audience. - 2013/11/25: TP:JR: Climate Coverage Drops At The New York Times After Paper Closed Its Environmental Desk
- 2013/11/25: Grist: Confirmed: Climate coverage fell after New York Times killed environment desk
- 2013/11/24: TP:JR: USA Today Lets Go Top Climate Reporter, Embraces Confusionist Bjorn Lomborg
- 2013/11/24: KSJT: NY Times Public Editor says told ya : Enviro coverage plunged after beat's 'pod' broken up
- 2013/11/24: JFleck: New York Times green shift: the verdict
Here's a good example of burying the lede:
The Federal Government's also struggling to get the public onside for its direct action policy. A Nielsen poll out today gives the Government majority support for scrapping the carbon tax, but only 12 per cent of those polled liked its proposed replacement. The poll also puts Labor in front of the Coalition just two and a half months after the election.
Here is something for your library:
- 2013/11/30: LoE: Occam's Razor works for me!
[Book Review] _The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches From The Front Line_ by Michael Mann - 2013/11/28: PNT: [Book Review] More reasons to read The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars
- 2013/11/27: Resilience: [Book Review] _Earthmasters: the Dawn of the Age of Climate Engineering_ by Clive Hamilton
- 2013/11/20: IrishExaminer: Pro-industry EU agenda rules in Brussels
[Book Review] _Corporate Europe: How Big Business Sets Policies on Food, Climate and War_ by David Cronin
And for your film & video enjoyment:
- 2013/11/29: P3: Climate Change 2013 Working Group I: The Physical Science Basis
- 2013/11/27: PSinclair: NASA: 2013 Sea Ice Wrap Up
- 2013/11/27: QuarkSoup: Noam Chomsky Shuts Down "Truthers" of All Stripes
- 2013/11/25: PSinclair: Winner in the Climate PSA Contest [vid]
As for podcasts:
Meanwhile among the 'Sue the Bastards!' contingent:
- 2013/11/27: EFF: Update: EFF Appeals Chevron's Speech-Chilling Subpoena
- 2013/11/27: Grist: Fed-up Chicago residents sue over petcoke ashheaps
- 2013/11/26: ACLU: Supreme Court Accepts Challenge to Contraception Coverage Rule
- 2013/11/26: Grist: New Zealand rejects climate refugee asylum bid
- 2013/11/26: Grist: Last-minute settlement spares key environmental justice standard
- 2013/11/26: BBC: New Zealand denies climate change asylum bid
The New Zealand High Court has rejected a bid by a man from the Pacific island nation of Kiribati to stay in the country as a climate-change refugee. Ioane Teitiota - whose work visa had expired - had said rising sea-levels meant there was no land in Kiribati he and his family could return to safely. The low-lying island nation is vulnerable to climate change. But the judge said environmental problems did not fit internationally recognised criteria for refugee status.
It looks like this BP trial over the Gulf oil spill is going to take a long while:
Wrestling over a new energy infrastructure continues unabated:
- 2013/11/29: RNE: Battle for world's largest wealth fund, and what it means for energy sector - Norway's Sovereign Wealth Fund
- 2013/11/28: NBF: UK company plans high altitude solar and wind energy generating drones
- 2013/11/28: al Jazeera: China coal project risks environmental crisis
Experts say the country's efforts to use coal in synthetic gas production is likely to cause an ecological disaster. - 2013/11/27: CleanTechnica: Renewable Energy Provided 99% Of All New Electricity Capacity In October
- 2013/11/27: RTCC: World's largest landfill to become New York's largest solar installation
- 2013/11/27: RNE: Tasmania aims for 100% renewables by 2020, 35% carbon cuts
- 2013/11/26: PeakEnergy: Natural Gas Sets Off a Distributed-Energy Boom [misc]
- 2013/11/25: CleanTechnica: Renewable Energy Barriers Fall With New FERC Order
- 2013/11/25: TreeHugger: HydroBee charges your gadgets with hydropower
- 2013/11/25: TreeHugger: Drones to be power plants in the sky, beam energy back to earth
What do you have in energy comparisons and transitions?
Hey! Let's contaminate the aquifers for thousands of years! It'll be a fracking gas!
- 2013/11/30: CCP: Fracking news roundup by RJ Sigmund of Ohio
- 2013/11/30: CCP: More fracking news from RJ Sigmund of Ohio
- 2013/11/30: RT: Massachusetts seeks 10-yr ban on gas fracking after series of Texas quakes
- 2013/11/29: Grist: Earthquakes shake Texas town on Thanksgiving, and fracking might be to blame
- 2013/11/29: RT: Fracking nightmare: 'Like living in a very heavy industrial zone'
- 2013/11/28: RT: Fracking to blame? Texas rocked by 16 earthquakes in last 3 weeks
- 2013/11/25: RT: Fracking dilemma: Fresh water or cheap gas? The latter 'is not likely to happen'
- 2013/11/25: RealEconomics: Fracking and "Saudi America"
- 2013/11/25: CSM: Readers Write: Fracking threatens public safety; Industry can't be trusted
- 2013/11/25: DeSmogBlog: Banks Reluctant to Lend in Shale Plays as Evidence Mounts on Harm to Property Values Near Fracking
On the coal front:
- 2013/11/28: RealEconomics: Global outrage at dirty coal
- 2013/11/25: UCSUSA:B: Coal Mining and Public Health: How the Coal Industry, Lawyers, and Doctors Have Betrayed Miners and Their Families
- 2013/11/11: BBerg: Five Bad Arguments From the Coal Industry
On the gas and oil front:
- 2013/11/29: BBerg: Closing oil prices Friday
OIL (US$/bbl)
Dated Brent Spot....109.69
WTI Cushing Spot.....92.72 - 2013/11/27: NBF: For the first time in nearly 25 years US crude oil production is over 8 million barrels per day
- 2013/11/27: TMoS: If We Have Far More Fossil Fuel Reserves Than We Can Use, Why the Stampede to Explore for Ever More?
- 2013/11/26: ABC(Au): Oil prices dip after Iran nuclear deal boosts expectations of increased petroleum supply
- 2013/11/26: PeakEnergy: FT: Oil industry sums do not add up
- 2013/11/25: BBerg: Brent Slide Leads Energy Prices Lower After Iran Accord
- 2013/11/25: BBC: Oil prices fall after Iran agrees nuclear deal
In the gas and oil corps:
Regarding oil and the economy:
- 2013/11/30: CdnTrends: Oil and economy: The shale oil revo-illusion [Part 2]
- 2013/11/27: CdnTrends: Oil and economy: Understanding the risks [Part 1]
And in pipeline news:
- 2013/11/29: al Jazeera: Turkey and Iraqi Kurds seal 'secret oil deal'
Agreement to allow pumping of oil and gas through Turkey to world markets likely to anger Baghdad, reports suggest. - 2013/11/27: DeSmogBlog: Firm with History of Spill Cover-Ups Hired to Clean Up North Dakota Oil Spill
- 2013/11/26: EurActiv: Serbia hosts South Stream 'first welding' ceremony
Serbia hosted a ceremony symbolically marking the beginning of work on South Stream, the Gazprom-favoured planned pipeline project, designed to bring Russian gas to the Balkans and to the EU, bypassing Ukraine. EurActiv Serbia reports - 2013/11/26: RT: Russia launches South Stream gas pipeline in Serbia
Russia's Gazprom has broken ground on a $2.7 billion pipeline in Serbia, bypassing Ukraine and ensuring unhindered transport of Russian natural gas to Europe. The Serbian PM says it is "vital" and will create thousands of jobs making it an "energy hub". The project is expected to be finished in 2 years and will employ 20,000 people in construction, gas storage, and energy plant industries, according to Prime Minister Ivica Dacic.
A rush of American triumphalism pervades the energy independence PR campaign. Think it will last?
Biofuel bickering abounds:
- 2013/11/30: TP:JR: 41 Scientists Warn Obama Admin Against Burning Trees To Produce Electricity
- 2013/11/25: UCSUSA:B: Through the Blend Wall or Not: Experts Weigh in on Ethanol Blends and the Future of Biofuels
The answer my friend...
- 2013/11/28: ABC(Au): Rulings show no link between wind turbines and poor health
- 2013/11/27: ABC(Au): EPA study finds no evidence wind farm noise impacting residents
- 2013/11/27: ABC(Au): Wind farm ruling a win for communities: Clean energy group
- 2013/11/25: TP:JR: A Norwegian Oil Company Will Build Largest Floating Wind Farm Off The Coast Of Scotland
- 2013/11/25: BBC: Atlantic Array wind farm dropped by developer
Meanwhile among the solar aficionados:
- 2013/11/29: RNE: Solar at 2c/kWh? Not a matter of if, but when -- and by whom
- 2013/11/29: CleanTechnica: UK Ground-Mount Solar PV Pipeline Exceeds 4 GW
- 2013/11/27: RealEconomics: Solar power grows up
- 2013/11/27: CleanTechnica: Charting A Cheaper Pathway To Solar Adoption
- 2013/11/27: CleanTechnica: Solar Power War - It's Heating Up
- 2013/11/27: TreeHugger: A foldable solar USB charger for power on the fly
- 2013/11/26: CleanTechnica: What Are The Best Solar Panels?
- 2013/11/26: CleanTechnica: US Solar PV Pipeline Grows To 43 GW
- 2013/11/26: Xinhuanet: SolarWorld to take over solar plant from Bosch
- 2013/11/25: CleanTechnica: 15 Solar Facts You Should Know
- 2013/11/25: CleanTechnica: What Will The 2014 European Solar PV Market Look Like?
- 2013/11/24: TP:JR: Rooftop Solar Can Reduce Summer Peak Electricity Demand By More Than 50 Percent
The nuclear energy controversy continues:
- 2013/11/29: CCurrents: Nuclear Power In The Context Of Global Warming
- 2013/11/29: WNN: Europe plans for emergency communication
A project backed by 43 organisations is preparing Europe to react and communicate effectively in case of a nuclear emergency, drawing on the lessons of the Fukushima accident. - 2013/11/26: NBF: China connects 18th nuclear reactor to the grid
- 2013/11/26: IndiaTimes: Pakistan launches largest nuclear power project
Karachi: Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Tuesday launched the construction of the country's biggest atomic power plant and vowed to pursue further projects to make nuclear the largest energy source. The 2,200-megawatt plant is to be built with Chinese technical assistance on the Arabian Sea coast at Paradise Beach, 40 kilometres (25 miles) west of Karachi.
Nuclear waste storage requires _very_ long term thinking:
- 2013/11/26: NNW: Great Lakes nuclear dump proposal draws ire
Kincardine, Ont. - Ordinarily, a proposal to bury radioactive waste in a scenic area that relies on tourism would inspire "not in my backyard" protests from local residents -- and relief in places that were spared. But conventional wisdom has been turned on its head in Ontario, where a publicly owned power company wants to entomb waste from its nuclear plants 680 metres below the surface near Lake Huron.
Low energy nuclear keeps coming up:
- 2013/11/26: NBF: Andrea Rossi and his company are taking pre-orders for the 1 megawatt LENR Energy Catalyzer
Feed-In-Tariffs are being variously implemented around the world:
- 2013/11/26: Lenz: Good News for the Japanese Solar Panel Industry
- 2013/11/26: CleanTechnica: Japan Attains 3.9 GW Of PV Installations Since FiT Introduction
More people are talking about the electrical grid:
- 2013/11/29: CBC: Maritime Link energy project approved by Nova Scotia's UARB [Utility and Review Board]
How are the utilities adjusting (or not)?
And then there is the matter of efficiency & conservation:
- 2013/12/01: NBF: Joe Eck reports Superconductor at 53.6C Almost to the hottest outdoor temperatures ever recorded
- 2013/11/: StF: A Beginners Guide To Home Heating Bills
- 2013/11/25: EurActiv: Study: Insulation could save industry E3.5 billion a year
Better insulation could shave 4% off European industry's total fuel consumption and emissions bill, a sum worth E3.5 billion a year, says an unpublished report by the Ecofys consultancy.
Automakers & lawyers, engineers & activists argue over the future of the car:
- 2013/11/30: CleanTechnica: Top-Selling Cars In Norway Now Electric Cars (Two Months In A Row) -- 4 Reasons Why
- 2013/11/30: CleanTechnica: Fisker Bankrupt, But Someone [Hybrid Tech Holdings LLC] Bought It
- 2013/11/29: PeakEnergy: Renault will remotely lock down electric cars
- 2013/11/28: EUO: New car engine pollution emissions higher than standard models: study
- 2013/11/27: CleanTechnica: US Plug-in Electric Vehicle Sales Blow Past 150,000
- 2013/11/26: AutoBG: Detroit-based Eco V finally ready to make $12,000 low-speed EV
- 2013/11/25: TreeHugger: Ford to 'aggressively' roll out stop-start anti-idling technology
- 2013/11/25: TheConversation: Will electricity save the car?
The reaction of business to climate change will be critical:
- 2013/11/28: RTCC: Lego signs WWF climate pact, aims to go 100% renewables by 2050
- 2013/11/27: HillHeat: Despite Progressive Brand, Google Now a Major Funder of Climate-Denial Infrastructure
Insurance and re-insurance companies are feeling the heat:
- 2013/11/30: CCP: Increasing flood risk concerns UK insurers
- 2013/11/25: ERW: Mapping the risk of floods worldwide
More than 150 million people and gross domestic product (GDP) of more than $1300 billion are exposed to river flooding each year around the world. So says a team from the Netherlands who have created a model cascade for producing global-scale river flood risk maps.
What do we have in (weekly) lists?
- 2013/12/01: SkS: 2013 SkS Weekly News Roundup #48 by John Hartz
- 2013/11/25: BPA: Agriculture News Links
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
- 2013/11/27: DD: Heartland Institute distorts results of American Meteorological Society survey on global warming
- 2013/11/26: CAbyss: And Now, a Positive Voice on Climate Issues
- 2013/11/28: CCP: (gfx) More than 20 years of fossil-fuel-funded manufactured doubt on the scientific consensus
- 2013/11/29: HotWhopper: Energy accumulation - plus testing Tisdale pseudo-science null hypothesis at WUWT
- 2013/11/25: Grist: Climate negotiators are like Nazis, says this helpful, industry-funded group
- 2013/11/29: CCP: Global warming deniers guilty of attack on science
- 2013/11/24: PostMedia: Former U.S. ambassador David Jacobson takes aim at climate change skeptics
- 2013/11/30: ERabett: Salby and the Bunny
- 2013/12/01: Grist: Why climate skeptics and evolution deniers joined forces
- 2013/12/01: HotWhopper: Is Judith Curry arguing for political constraints on climate science?
Note: You may notice my denialist coverage flagging. I am finding it increasingly difficult to give any attention to these people.
So what's with all the inactivity?
- 2013/11/26: AlterNet: You May Be Surprised How Much Our Climate Inaction Is Costing You
- 2013/11/26: RTCC: US taxpayers will foot bill for climate change inaction
As for climate miscellanea:
- 2013/11/26: TSoD: Ghosts of Climates Past - Part Seven and a Half - Mindmap
- 2013/11/29: CSM: EcoZoom: a model for selling clean cookstoves in Africa
- 2013/11/29: RealEconomics: Would'ya like a serving of hope for Thanksgiving?
- 2013/11/25: GreenGrok: And the 2013 Environmental Turkey Goes to ...
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- Humanity's Test - Humanity's forced journey from adolescence to adulthood
- Sustainable Energy for All
- GEB: German Energy Blog
- QuackWatch
- Okapi Conservation Project
- Wiki: Territorial disputes in the South China Sea
- Open Access Button (website)
- OAButton (blog)
- WCPFC: Western & Central Pacific Fisheries Commission
- Wiki: Anoxic event
- CSER: Centre for the Study of Existential Risk
- CIFOR: Center for International Forestry Research
- EnergyMatters(Au)
- The Stacks Project
Low Key Plug
- Global Warming Links
- Global Warming News Archive
- Energy
- Energy News
- Environmental Issues
- ---
- H.E. Taylor (homepage)
My first novel _Water_ was published in May 2007. An Introduction is available.
My most recent novel _The Bottleneck Years_ is being serialized online atmy siteand on AFTIC at Table of Contents
If you want further information, see A Gentle Introduction. If you want a copy, see The Deal.
An overview of my writing is available here.
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Last modified December 1, 2013
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