Nope, Respectful Insolence is still not integrated into the main ScienceBlogs page or into its aggregated feed. Patience, Orac-philes. It probably won't be until next week now; so please keep this blog bookmarked, or, if you use an RSS feed aggegator, don't rely on the aggregated ScienceBlogs feed to catch your daily helping of Respectful Insolenceâ¢.
I feel like such an outsider...
More like this
Orac is disturbed.
He had entered the ScienceBlogs network expecting rapid integration into its continuum, allowing him the communing with other science-loving beings that he craved. But it had not happened.
Something was wrong.
The feed through which Orac's insolence was to flow to the world was…
...the long-awaited migration to WordPress, promised ever since NatGeo took over:
Notice: will be migrating to a new publishing platform starting on the evening of Monday, May 21 at 7 PM Eastern Standard Time. Please do not add any comments or posts between then and Tuesday…
Less than a week after its official launch, now has 78 active, registered users. We're already bigger than! Of course, many of our users are ScienceBloggers -- these projects can definitely work together. We can also get much bigger. Over 200 bloggers have used…
Time - He's waiting in the wings
He speaks of senseless things
His script is you and me, boys
Time - He flexes like a whore
Falls wanking to the floor
His trick is you and me, boy
Time - In Quaaludes and red wine
Demanding Billy Dolls
And other friends of mine
Take your time
Excerpted from Time by…