Let's make this Skeptics' Circle...huge!

Time really flies, doesn't it?

In fact, the next meeting of the Skeptics' Circle will soon be upon us this Thursday. I'm anticipating that it will be...huge, as it's being hosted by none other than The Huge Entity.

The Huge One has placed his contact information and submission guidelines here. More general submission guidelines, plus a handy list of past and present Circles, can be found here.

Finally, once again, I'd like to post a request for more hosts of the Skeptics' Circle. I've had to do some minor rejiggering of the schedule recently due to the withdrawal of one of our planned hosts from the blogosphere, and that's reminded me that more hosts are needed. If you're interested and think you have what it takes (a desire to do it, an interest and talent for skepticism, and decent critical thinking skills), send me a note at oracknows@gmail.com. I've provided some handy additional guidelines for hosting here, and the schedule showing which dates are open can be found here.


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