Grand Rounds, Vol. 2, No. 23 has been posted at the blog of a fellow surgeon, the pseudonymous Dr. Bard-Parker (the significance of which you would know if you were a surgeon or worked in an O.R.) at A Chance to Cut is a Chance to Cure.
My favorite piece? This one by UroStream about removing foreign objects people place in various orifices. I've been meaning to write a post about some of the more amusing examples of this that I've come across as well. Add that one to the queue...
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Now that my technical problems have resolved, it's time to do what I do every week and plug the latest edition of Grand Rounds. It's a blog carnival that's like Grand Rounds for medical blogging (hence the name), and it collects the best of the medical blogosphere from the last week. I'm a regular…
Kim, an emergency room and critical care nurse and the author of Emergiblog, has published the latest edition of Grand Rounds, vol. 2, no. 24 (week 76), for all to enjoy. Grand Rounds is a weekly blog carnival that compiles the best medical writing in the blogosphere. This issue is fabulous. It is…
Three announcements about blog carnivals of interest to my readers:
Medical blogging: Grand Rounds, vol. 3, no. 19 has been posted at Envisioning 2.0.
Science blogging: Tangled Bank #72 has been posted at Ouroboros.
Skeptical blogging: The Skeptics' Circle will be appearing tomorrow at Slicing…
Here are some good blog carnivals today:
Grand Rounds, vol. 2, no. 33 is up over at fellow SB'er's place, Aetiology, and it's a big one. This carnival just keeps getting bigger and better. (It's also too much to read in one sitting.)
RINO Sightings has been posted over at the Environmental…