A very poo-filled Skeptics' Circle

Just a reminder that the Skeptics' Circle is fast approaching. This time, it's hosted once again by a guy who goes by the name of The Pooflinger, and it's set to be flung at the blogosphere next Thursday, April 13. Submissions are due sometime in the evening next Wednesday.

As you may recall, The Pooflinger did one of the more creative renderings of the Skeptics' Circle ever, turning it into a veritable Shakespearian drama of skepticism. I can't wait to see what he comes up with this time. However, he can't do it if you don't provide him with the raw material in the form of good skeptical blogging. So, between now and Wednesday, send him your best stuff.

Finally, I'm still looking for hosts. Yes, we're booked into the early fall, but I'm not about to sit back and chill when it comes to looking for new hosts as long as there's still one open slot in the summer that isn't filled yet, namely August 31. So if have a blog and you think you could be the next Amazing Randi or Michael Shermer (or even if you just wish you could be), drop me a line and I'll get you on the schedule, either for August 31 or for one of the other open slots later in the year.


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If I may add support to Orac's request for hosts, I can offer that I was somewhat reluctant and bashful to host after only being 4 1/2 months into my blogging career, but the blog retirement of a scheduled host presented the opportunity. To the contrary, being a semi-beginning blogger is a perfect time to volunteer as a host.

First, my traffic has roughly quadrupled and should be sustainable if I get back on topic about science issues. Second, I got to *meet* over two dozen really, really interesting people whose blogs I still hadn't seen and I continue to have discussions with a great many of them. Some of them are either heavy-hitter bloggers, have real-life interests in my scientific field, or both. Third, it's just simply cool to be host to a discussion circle that runs from North America, across to Europe (including Scandinavia), down through SE Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. Fourth, it is personally satisfying to play some role in combatting the decline of critical thinking skills among society.

August 31 isn't that far off so if you're even thinking about offering to host, go for it. It was a great experience and I'll certainly do it again.

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Finding enough submissions shouldn't be a problem this time. I've already got quite a few, and if it keeps up at this pace it might take all day just to read the whole carnival. This is good. That in mind, I'm planning to close the submission window on Wednesday at 10pm MST, if you'd like to help get the word out. If it goes smoothly, I'll publish right at midnight and send out the requisite emails.

On another note, it seems that my official name is being involuntarily changed from "Matt" to "The Pooflinger" (I've seen myself referred to in that way more and more the last two months). If it keeps going like this, I'll have to actually go to the courthouse and get changed. Can't wait to see the looks on their faces when that happens: "You want to change your name to WHAAAT??? Oh, you're that guy. In that case, here's your paperwork..."

Got one submission in, since I know Matt likes me, inventing that award for me and all. Would have another article in the works, if I hadn't gotten sick this weekend.