Don't mess with EneMan

As you may remember, our intrepid blog mascot has been traveling though history since January, going from Mount Everest, to Canada, to inventing paper currency. He even found time to wish fellow SB'er PZ a happy birthday. Fans probably wonder where he'd end up next. I realize that this is a few days late, but that was intentional, so that I had an excuse to post the April Fools Day EneMan.

So where will he appear next?

Here's where:

EneMan 200604

Don't mess with EneMan. He wields a nasty sword and isn't afraid to use it. I bet you didn't know that underneath that cheery exterior lurks the heart of a warrior. And he's ready to defend reason, rational thought, and science against any altie pushing colon cleanses.

Of course, given that it's clear that he didn't actually go back in time for this (note the buses parked in front of the castle, something you generally didn't see back in the day when such structures were used as fortresses, rather than tourist attractions), I have to wonder if Lord Runolfr hasn't recruited him to join the Society for Creative Anachronism.

In any case, now that I've seen this, I'm going to be a bit more careful in the future not to piss my mascot off.

As always, a list of the Caped Colon Crusader's appearances since the very beginning:


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