All the other ScienceBloggers are taking this test, so why not?

What Disease Are You?

You Are Influenza!
Also known as the flu, you are warm, nurturing, and make a great confidante. People admire you for your gentleness and honesty. While you can't literally wipe out 35,000,000 people by causing them to drown in their own phlegm, you sure can clear out a room with your lame jokes.
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What Disease Are You?
You Are Influenza!Also known as the flu, you are warm, nurturing, and make a great confidante. People admire…
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SeahorseTake this quiz!
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Well, the questions are kinda iffy, so when I did the quiz the second time around with alternate answers, I got a cephalopod after all, and a description that fits…
I'm ebola!
I came out as influenza, as well, which is nice because I'm interested in it. :)
Flu here, too.
Achoo, there's an epidemic going around. Me, too. As usual, there were several where three answers matched and a couple where none did.
Another ebola here. Hope no one's reporting this quiz to Homeland Security.
Ebola here too ... gawd!
Are we sure there are alternate results?
I answered with all the food themed answers and got heart disease, so there are not only alternate results, there are non-infectious disease results. And I'm in the late stages of work avoidance. My only excuse is that I'm trying to make a figure with Microsoft products and if I go about it too long without a break my brain starts to try crawl out my ear. Therefore, silly quizzes.