A sign of the apocalypse

They may have finished in fourth place with a record of 71-91 last year, but as of this writing, my hometown team the Detroit Tigers have the best record in baseball (27-13) after a seven game winning streak, and we're into the second half of May.

I realize that 6/6/06 is coming up, but this is ridiculous!

I don't know about the rest of you Tigers fans out there, but damn if I'm not starting to believe that these guys just might be for real this year. True, they could be setting me up for a June swoon and a big disappointment, as the Cubs are wont to do to their fans, but for now I might as well enjoy the ride.


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I remember 1984, when the Tigers won their first 9 games, were 35-5 a quarter through the season, and went on to win the World Series.

By Kevin W. Parker (not verified) on 19 May 2006 #permalink

Now, if the Tigers were to play the Rockies (currently 1 game back)....