More like this
Just finished teaching my last class for the term. Feels soooo goooood.
Well, there are still finals to get through, and the extra-long office hours I generously hold on the days before the finals. And then comes the grading. Sooooo much grading. First the exams. Then the course grades. Then…
I know I've said this before, but I'm going to say it again. Anyone who reads the fundamentalist atheist blogs (you know, like the biggest blog on ScienceBlogs) knows that these people have a lot of passion and energy. They use it to write 50 posts a week pummeling creationists and telling us how…
Like Steve, I'm off to The Amazing Meeting today. I don't know how much I'll be posting, but, as Han Solo so famously said, "Hey, it's me." I'm sure I won't be able to resist. In any case, I'll be taking part in the Science-Based Medicine workshop tomorrow, and, for the first time ever, I'll be…
Before I go any further, here's some hot bummping action from today:
Right, I'm glad I've got that out of my system. It was a glorious afternoon for it. And there will be more tomorrow; Christ's get a shot at Kings, Pembroke get their's at Jesus which could be exciting; and in the women's world…
I was going to not comment. But then I thought, "how would Orac know?". A quandary...
I did not read this post, so I won't leave a comment.
I get almost no comments myself. But I do get one every now and then ... If I left a comment on every post I read, I'd only read about a third as many as I do now - if that. So, [shrug]
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Meesta Orac:
Eef you convince owa neyba the zeeba to come to our bahbecue we will send you plenty comments. And de hindquatter, de left one.
The friendly crocs.
Just like Mardi Gras, you gotta show something before we throw down with the beads and coin.
Um, never mind.
Doesn't mean we ain't lookin just too dumbstruck to comment.
Sometimes there's just nothing to add... :-)
Best essays get no comments - there is nothing to add. Silly stuff, stupid stuff, and intentionally provocative stuff gets tons of comments. I predict that this thread will reach at least 50 comments by the end of the week...
I wish I got more comments. The only posts of mine that get a lot of comments involve:
A) Cheers for my Jack Chick parody.
B) ACN Trolls who think the height of debate is substituting a curse word for one of the syllables in "Peter Bowditch".
C) A guy with no understanding that teamwork helps everyone on the team, therefore it'd often be selected for by evolution.
I am getting a bit more with the "Doggerel" series, lately.
This is silly and stupid, so I had to comment.
I think I've had firsties here only once. So you do get comments. Really.
But yeah, that one was funny.
(I don't care about comments on my Live Journal unless I was specifically asking for input in the entry.)
I often feel the same way, then get an email from someone whorelaly enjoyed somethign I wrote, or wanted to comment. Some people just don't know th ecomments are there, i guess. Anyway, right on!
No Comment...
Nothing to see here, move along :-)
The number of comments on a blog post is proportional to the number of viewers multiplied by their respective interest levels, divided by the difficulty of writing a fitting comment. A complex topic is more difficult to comment on, simply due to to its nature, and will therefor attract fewer comments, than a less complex topic with a similar interest level.
(Ok, I made that up, but it sounds good, doesn't it?)