Thirsty for the truth? Visit the 38th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle!

It's that time again, time for the 38th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle.


Well, LBBP over at Skeptic Rant offers parched skeptics a fine assortment of beverages including Satire Cider, Quack Quencher, Woo Brew, and Creationist Tonic, among others. It's just the cool, refreshing dose of critical thinking to quench that skeptical thirst that's been intensified by the rampant credulity of society in general and the blogosphere in particular.

Drink deep!

And come on back for the 39th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle, which will be hosted by Mike over at (appropriately enough) Mike's Weekly Skeptic Rant on July 20. Start getting your best skeptical entries ready to submit to him by Wednesday, July 19.

And, of course, as always, I'm looking for hosts for future Meetings of the Skeptics' Circle. The schedule and guidelines can be found here. If you think you have what it takes, if you envision yourself as a budding Amazing Randi, if you have a burning desire to quench the skeptical thirst of the multitude, drop me a line at, and I'll get you on the schedule.

Technorati tags: Skeptics' Circle, skepticism, creationism, critical thinking, alternative medicine, quackery, paranormal, Holocaust denial

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