...has been posted at Medical Humanities. Enjoy the best medical blogging from the past week.
More like this
The latest Grand Rounds has been posted at the Medical Humanities Blog. Time for your fix of the week's best medical blogging.
Grand Rounds, vol. 2, no. 36 has been posted at Kidney Notes. Go forth and check out the best medical blogging from the last week.
Geez, I was so busy last week on call that I forgot to submit an entry.
While we're at it, here's a belated plug for a special Memorial Day edition of RINO Sightings.
Grand Rounds no. 2, vol. 51 has been posted at Diabetes Mine. Time for more of the best medical blogging of the last week.
The latest Grand Rounds has been posted at the abode of fellow ScienceBlogger Pure Pedantry. This time, it's with an Oscar theme! Go and sample the best medical blogging of the last week.