Weekend YouTube: There, now, that's much better

You know, although I'm not exactly a huge fan of it, I have sometimes in the past liked to listen to a little dose (but just a little) dose of death metal. Sometimes I'm just in the mood for some over-the-top growled lyrics of death, doom, violence, and destruction shrieked over a churning demonic-sounding metal roar. Sometimes, though, it's a bit too harsh, even for me. Apparently I'm not alone. See what happens when a Cannibal Corpse song is "reimagined" as a lounge song:

I have to admit that Cannibal Corpse was a bit too much, even for me, even back in the day.

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Problem is that Cannibal Corpse haven't got any message - there used to be a Swedish death metal band called Carcass. All the members were either studying medicine of majoring in Enlighs (or maybe they had finished their degrees, can't remember), and they tried to convicen people that eating meat was bad through their albums.

Their music was decent, but their album covers were over the top (so much, that one of the covers was banned just about everywhere, because of it's content).

By Kristjan Wager (not verified) on 29 Jul 2006 #permalink

Come on, Orac! Cannibal Corpse used to be too much for me too.. when I was thirteen!

Anyway, since when have lyrics mattered? Who cares if they have a message or not?

By valhar2000 (not verified) on 30 Jul 2006 #permalink

Yeah, Cannibal Corpse, in the long tradition of shock rockers, uses disgusting lyrics for sheer shock value. They just go way further than Alice Cooper or even Marilyn Manson ever would. It's pretty childish, actually, when you think about it.

Gotta disagree on the lyrics issue, Dr. Dr. While Cannibal Corpse might be a bit over the top, yes, and not particularly talented to boot, the classic thrash bands (Metallica and Slayer come immediately to mind) tended to pen good lyrics. Even Slayer's Sept. 11, 2001, release (totally coincidental) God Hates Us All was surprisingly well written from the lyrical point of view.


Carcass were English and they were not medical students.