Bad, bad, baaaaad history

The Carnival of Bad History has been posted at Archy. Go there and learn how history can be distorted and abused for ideological purposes or just plain ignorance. Oddly enough, though, there doesn't appear to be an article on that ultimate form of bad history, Holocaust denial. There is, however, a rather odd article on the Nazi-Yeti alliance.


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Here we go again. Every so often, one of the--shall we say?--less popular members of our crew of science bloggers, someone who, despite being an academic whose area of expertise is ostensibly science communication, has stepped in it again. I'm referring, of course to Matt Nisbet. Only this time, it…
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It occurs to me that I haven't written about this topic in quite a while, but a recent event makes me think that maybe now's the time to revisit this topic. I'm referring to Holocaust denial. Newer readers may not know that part of what got me involved in online discussions back in the late 1990s…

I'm finding these rotating carnival things interesting, but having trouble keeping track of them all. There seem to be a lot of them cropping up lately. So far there seems to be:

A biology carnival named Tangled Bank.

A physics carnival whose name I forget.

This bad history carnival thing.

Any others?

The Sceptics' Circle.