Your Friday Dose of Woo: The great spirit squid of doom DIABETES

It's been five months since I first started Your Friday Dose of Woo. I started it on a whim, after wondering if I should have a Friday feature, as so many other ScienceBloggers do (Friday Cephalopod, Friday Sprog Blogging, The Friday Fermentable, among others). In those five months, this thing has taken on a life of its own, producing woo more woo-ey than any that I had ever encountered before, woo like DNA activation, quantum homeopathy, Dr. Emoto's water woo, spiritually guided surgery, detoxifying boots, and the global orgasm. Sometimes the woo had religious overtones; sometimes it abused quantum theory, and sometimes it was just plain wacky, but I've striven to feature only the finest woo every Friday.

This week, I had originally intended to branch out a bit and feature a bit of nonmedical woo. But, then, wouldn' you know it? Adam would have to go and send me some truly fine woo, woo that combines some truly bizarre concepts with misinformation with pure ultrareligious wingnuttery, so much so that I have to wonder whether the purveyors of this woo truly believe what they are saying. (I'm hoping they don't, but fear that they do.) I don't know if this woo is as potent the DNA activation guy's woo, but it's close. (Be afraid, be very afraid.) So, forget what you've learned about blood glucose and insulin. Those are merely earthly manifestations of a the real problem causing diabetes, the great spirit squid of doom DIABETES (WARNING: The site to which this link leads plays obnoxious music in the background with no way that I could figure out how to turn it off):

Satan through his unrelenting plan of killing, stealing and destroying your bodies uses evil spirits to manifest particular diseases in your bodies. Some diseases of evil calamity will strike a believer and once this attacks, a believer's hopelessness sets in . The believer is unable to accept help from the Lord and normally he will not even accept that the problem is demonic.

One such evil calamity is DIABETES melitus or the spirit of DIABETES. It seems that when a believer is hit by this demon, he develops hopelessness and he does not believe he will be healed or delivered from this spirit and they even stop from receiving prayers for it.

Ah, yes. The cause of all disease is...Satan! But, I have to ask, if the Lord is all-powerful, why would He let any of his believers be attacked by Satan in this way?

Some of you sitting here now are suffering under the bondage of DIABETIC spirits. The Lord willing, this afternoon, we are going to expose these evil spirits during this lesson. Remember that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the DELIVERANCE business and it is His desire that you be free from the bondage of DIABETIC spirits. I want to establish from the very onset that I'm not advising you to set aside your medication or to cease taking insulin or any other prescription that the witchdoctor has prescribed for you, but I am saying to you that in this dispensation of the church in the spiritual warfare that we are all involved in and the state that the world is in today, we are going to have to re-evaluate some of the things we are bound to for existence and start sincerely seeking the Lord Jesus Christ for a solution to some of the evil calamities that is tormenting your body that the physician is not going to be able to help you with.


I do appreciate the fact that, like most woo-meisters, these guys retain at least enough sanity to tell diabetics not to ditch their doctors, medications, or insulin to pursue this woo. On the other hand, this hedging of their bets implies to me a problem whenever I see it in religious woo. Indeed, I have to ask these guys: How can you say this? Your faith must be weak indeed if you don't believe in your prayers and binding and casting out of the demon DIABETES enough to urge--nay, demand--that diabetics throw out their metformin or insulin, pray to the Lord to cast out the demon DIABETES, and then proceed posthaste to the nearest bakery and down a large quantity of sugary confections to celebrate the power of the Lord.

They then go on to describe the nature of this evil spirit that causes DIABETES (sorry, the caps are contagious):

I believe first that we should look at the spirit of DIABETES - what does he do - what damage does he cause in your body - what evil spirits work with him. Evil spirits very rarely come into your body by themselves, they like to bring their friends with them. So we need also to look at the grounds or the roots that the DIABETIC spirits have to attack you.

The word DIABETES means: running through, as if a spirit is running through your body.


True, the word "diabetes" (Greek: διαβήÏηÏ) is derived from a Greek word that means "passing through" or "siphon," but not in the sense of a "spirit running through your body." Rather, the word refers to one of the most prominent symptoms of untreated diabetes (and all diabetes was untreated in ancient Greece, where the disease was first given a name, mainly because insulin wasn't discovered until the 1920's), specifically, the excessive urination caused by the osmotic diuresis due to high levels of glucose in the blood. In essence, above a certain threshold, the kidneys can't reabsorb glucose and therefore excrete the excess into the urine. However, the kidneys must excrete water as well whenever they excrete salt or solutes, and this obligatory water excretion with the sugar leads to a diuresis and the classic symptoms of polyuria (having to pee all the time) and polydipsia (being thirsty all the time because of the dehydration caused by the diuresis). The "passing through" has nothing to do with spirits.

Of course, these aren't just any spirits that cause diabetes. They're "squid-type" spirits that attack ten parts of your body:

Now a squid has ten (10) arms and an octopus has eight (8) arms. In the study of mind control we found out there was an octopus type spirit with 8 arms. With a squid type spirit it has 10 arms and such is the case with the spirit of DIABETES.

And here is where the head and the arms are:

He is centered in the pancreas, which is right behind the stomach which is where the insulin is developed. This is where he seats himself. And then with the arms and the spirits that are working with him he touches the 1/BRAIN. This is a spirit named migraine and a spirit named headache that works with him that touches the brain (one part of the body). Another part of the body he touches is the 2/KIDNEYS. He will also touch the 3/EYES. There is a particular spirit that works on the eyes. It reduces your vision first, blurs it, then diminishes it, then eliminates it completely!

And I thought it was the direct effects on the cornea and the damage to the microvasculature in the retina that led to diabetic retinopathy and blindness. Silly me.

Another spirit that works with him on the arms of DIABETES is the 4/LIVER. He touches into the liver area to damage the area that is supposed to cleanse the blood. This spirit has an arm and there's usually a spirit called canker that touches down into the 5/FEET. This is why many people with type II DIABETES develop feet problems over the years. In some cases it leads to amputation.

No, diabetic foot problems are again primarily the result of damage to the small arteries and microvasculature. Also, people with type I and type II diabetes are vulnerable to pretty much the same diabetes-related problems. Really, you don't need to postulate all those arms. Much of the damage caused by diabetes is due to the damage to the blood vessels. Of course, you could always say the squid arms are running through the blood vessels.

Another area that he touches is down into the 6/BLADDER. This spirit causes the people to have the constant problem of running to the bathroom with excessive urination.

We've already established that its the high blood sugar that causes the excessive urination, not any spirit.

This spirit also touches the 7/SKIN causing excessive itching. He also reaches into the 8/EARS, he has a spirit that worships him called the dumb and deaf spirit where he damages that area.

Actually, the high glucose of diabetes damages the nerves in the skin, which is what causes diabetic neuropathy, which usually leads to a decrease in sensation and numbness in a "stocking-glove" distribution, not itching. Deafness is usually not a result of diabetes.

The DIABETES spirit will also touch the 9/LUNGS causing breathing problems.

No it doesn't. Lung problems are not associated with diabetes any more than in the population at large.

He also will strike in the man and woman in the 10/REPRODUCTIVE AREAS. In the man he will strike him with impotence.

True, but we're back to the damage to blood vessels again that causes this problem, along with neuropathy leading to decreased sensation.

The results of the DIABETES spirit attacking the human body is that he will impair the vision in the person in his later years, developing cataracts and vision problems. He induces drowsiness in a person and they will be always tired. He has infirmity spirits working with him to generate this tiredness. The person will have excessive thirst and excessive hunger. This spirit also influences the loss and gain of weight; influences rashes, slow healing of cuts and bruises; causes excessive urination, bed wetting for adults and children; cause enlargement of the liver, kidney diseases, gangrene which is a spirit called candor that destroys the feet. It can also cause hardening of the arteries.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but when we add all of the above up, doesn't that come to more than ten arms for the demon squid?

In any case, these woos have listed problems that diabetes doesn't cause (lung problems, for example) and forgotten ones that it does, like diabetic gastroparesis. The American Diabetic Association keeps a list of complications of Type I and Type II diabetes. These guys should read it and learn something.

So what can you do if you're inhabited by one of these demon squid causing diabetes (that is, besides not firing your doctor and not throwing away your medications)?

Easy. You have to bind and cast out that demon! To do that, you have to:

1. To become a REAL Christian (True Worshiper) (Believer) (Pray this: Jesus, forgive me of all my sins. I repent of my sins. Come into my life. Fill me with the Holy Spirit.)

2. Cast OUT your own demons

3. Do Spiritual Warfare

4. Break and RETURN all evil to the sender on a DAILY basis,



ARE WILLING TO DO A LOT OF STUDYING - OVER 3000 printed pages broken down into over 300 articles, continue reading.

All this information is provided free of charge - NOTHING TO BUY.

"Nothing to buy"? Well, that's a relief. The woo is more pure when not touched with worldly monetary concerns, wouldn't you say? But be careful reading the deliverance material that will allow you to cast out the squid demon diabetes. There could be problems if you're not ready, sort of like what happened to Luke Skywalker when he abandoned his Jedi training prematurely to go off and fight Darth Vader:

Some people have reported that while reading portions of our Deliverance material, some demons have manifested in them in various ways. If this happens, pray this: "FATHER, IN THE NAME OF JESUS, I COMMAND ALL THE DEMONS ATTACKING ME TO LEAVE ME NOW, IN THE NAME OF JESUS."

Whew. That's a relief. I was afraid it might be hard to get rid of them if they attacked me before I completed my training. After all, Luke lost a hand in a light saber duel because he took on his demon (Vader) before he was fully trained in use of the Force. It's nice to know that the same thing won't necessarily happen if you take on your demons before finishing your spiritual training.

What tops off this woo so well, though, is how you cast out the demon squid DIABETES:

So let us take the ten (10) arms of the DIABETES spirits and cast them out of you so that he can stop hindering your life.

Praise the Lord!

Here is a list of demons to cast OUT in the name of Jesus. Also, get a good THESAURUS and look up DIABETES and all related words. Cast OUT all the names listed.


Can't take any more of the Word!

I just had to stop. The list goes on for a lot longer. So many demons to cast out, so little time! I'd better get cracking. Even though I'm fortunately not diabetic, the thought of a demon squid entering me, constricting around my pancreas to keep it from producing insulin and sending one of its tentacles into my nether regions to render me impotent somehow scares the crap out of me.

You think I'm joking? Think again. After all, look what happens to those who mock this great woo. I have to be scared, or the Lord will be royally ticked off at me.

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I still can't stop giggling every time I think about that site, you know. Glad to see you enjoyed it too!

By Adam Cuerden (not verified) on 01 Dec 2006 #permalink

"Remember that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the DELIVERANCE business ..."

I don't want to squeal like a pig!

Cool! I had no idea that my Type I husband has a demonic DIABETES squid wrapped around his pancreas. I can't wait to tell him at the dinner table tonight as he engages in the compulsively ritualistic witchdoctory of checking his blood glucose levels and calculating the units of insulin he'll need from his Humalog ® Pen (Hey, those things look kinda like light sabers! Well, maybe more like Sharpies...) before we watch tonight's episode of Doctor Who, "The Satan Pit."

Come to think of it, though, his particular squid spirit seems a bit anemic, having failed to insinuate its tentacles around any of the body parts listed despite well over thirty years of, um, possession. Could it be that the voodoo of proudly posting one of his 6.0 A1c lab reports on the fridge and making him a double-helix-patterned scarf to wear has diminished its demonic power?

Nope. But he'll laugh as hard as I did about this woo, and continue with the witchdoctory -- grateful, as I am, for his good health. Thanks for a most amusing way to begin a blustery Friday.

Too funny - at the end of that last link, waaay at the bottom of the page, it asks if you need any skin care or makeup products. It's the Avon Lady casting out demons!

Wow. I need to think up some over squiggly demon of some sort to explain my need to pull for ever underachieving pro-sports teams. Maybe some sort of monkfish Vampire spirit that sucks my will to live.

Holy shit, what's that creepy music?

Damn Demonbusters.

Because the writer is evidently schizophrenic, paranoid type, I assume he believes it. Buy why did he have to see squids? It just, well, it just hurts me to think how PZ must feel.

Why would I want skin care products? Better to just cast OUT the demon of BAD SKIN! I'm guessing it's a toad type spirit.

In all seriousness, though, I kind of pity the person behind that site. S/He sounds clinically delusional to me.

Dude, all you need to do to stop the crappy background music is to hit the Mute button. Well, if you have a Mac. Presumably if you go through three layers of menu selections you can find the equivalent on a Windows machine. Or reach for the volume knob on your speakers.

Check this out:

The God Delusion? Part 6

"The fact that Dawkins is serving as point man for a broad sense of outrage among scientists who want religion to stay out of the laboratory is admirable. But that is a social issue. The deeper issue is whether God has anything to offer to science. Dawkins emphatically thinks there is no practical use for God, the soul, transcendence, or any other so-called spiritual concept in his field, which is evolutionary biology."

"This brings us to another main point.

6. The evolution of life can be explained completely without intruding the notion of an intelligent designer."

"Dawkins falls prey, not to the delusion of God, but to the delusion of an all-mighty chance acting mindlessly through matter. He cannot admit the possibility of an ordering force in Nature. Therefore, he has no ability to discover the precursors of the human mind, which is ultimately the greatest triumph of evolutionary biology, not DNA. Until we have a credible explanation for mind, it's pointless to argue about God as if we understand what's at stake. Religion and science are both operating with incomplete concepts."…


Technology and Religion by Deepak Chopra

Rustum Roy writes a letter:…

also at :

a comment:

"This slight of Richard Dawkins and others, as contained in Dr. Roy's letter, cannot be a fair fight if Richard is not included in this debate to defend his position.
Perhaps, we should arrange to have a no-hold-bar telivision debate Between Dr. Chopra & Dr. Dawkins to settle this issue, once-for-all. It would certainly make for riveting viewing, don't you think?
Regards." Ron Saywack

A response:

"Dear Ron Saywack,

The interaction that you suggest between Deepak and Richard Dawkins has already been filmed by Channel 4 (UK) in Oxford. The television program has not been aired. After it is broadcast, we will be sure to post it on this site. Deepak has also invited Michael Shermer, the editor of Skeptic Magazine, to facilitate further interactions with Dr. Dawkins. Michael Shermer is currently working on this. We will keep you and other bloggers informed.

Warm regards,
Office of Deepak Chopra"

By ChopraFan (not verified) on 01 Dec 2006 #permalink


The God Delusion? Part 6

"The fact that Dawkins is serving as point man for a broad sense of outrage among scientists who want religion to stay out of the laboratory is admirable. But that is a social issue. The deeper issue is whether God has anything to offer to science. Dawkins emphatically thinks there is no practical use for God, the soul, transcendence, or any other so-called spiritual concept in his field, which is evolutionary biology."

"This brings us to another main point.

6. The evolution of life can be explained completely without intruding the notion of an intelligent designer."

"Dawkins falls prey, not to the delusion of God, but to the delusion of an all-mighty chance acting mindlessly through matter. He cannot admit the possibility of an ordering force in Nature. Therefore, he has no ability to discover the precursors of the human mind, which is ultimately the greatest triumph of evolutionary biology, not DNA. Until we have a credible explanation for mind, it's pointless to argue about God as if we understand what's at stake. Religion and science are both operating with incomplete concepts."…


Technology and Religion by Deepak Chopra

Rustum Roy writes a letter:

also at :

a comment:

"This slight of Richard Dawkins and others, as contained in Dr. Roy's letter, cannot be a fair fight if Richard is not included in this debate to defend his position.
Perhaps, we should arrange to have a no-hold-bar telivision debate Between Dr. Chopra & Dr. Dawkins to settle this issue, once-for-all. It would certainly make for riveting viewing, don't you think?
Regards." Ron Saywack

A response:

"Dear Ron Saywack,
The interaction that you suggest between Deepak and Richard Dawkins has already been filmed by Channel 4 (UK) in Oxford. The television program has not been aired. After it is broadcast, we will be sure to post it on this site. Deepak has also invited Michael Shermer, the editor of Skeptic Magazine, to facilitate further interactions with Dr. Dawkins. Michael Shermer is currently working on this. We will keep you and other bloggers informed.

Warm regards,
Office of Deepak Chopra"

By ChopraFan (not verified) on 01 Dec 2006 #permalink

The Stop button on your browser works great for the music. Now if only it would do the same for the woo...

So, what is the shape of the demon of Chopra-woo? A cow?

By MJ Memphis (not verified) on 01 Dec 2006 #permalink

Diabetes can affect many more body parts - muscles, gums, immune system, bone, cartilage, erythrocytes ... It's almost as if something with many more appendages is messing with the body. What kind of supernatural beastie has so many appendages??? Could it be ...? NO, NO, OUT, OUT FSM. Away from my pancreas!!!!!

By natural cynic (not verified) on 01 Dec 2006 #permalink

The site to which this link leads plays obnoxious music in the background with no way that I could figure out how to turn it off

Firefox tells me I'm missing a plugin. :-) And I don't hear any music from that site.

What the heck does Chopra have to do with all of this?

I hate spammy posters.

By anonimouse (not verified) on 01 Dec 2006 #permalink

How silly.

Everybody knows that diabetes is caused by an imbalance of the humours.

Humoral theory, nothing like the 14th century:)

"Remember that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the DELIVERANCE business ..."

Well, if the Lord Jesus Christ has finally admitted that his kingdom is of this world, and gone into business (no wonder the Religious Right have been so influential lately!), I sincerely hope that he adheres to the Deliverance Industry Association's code of conduct.

Now, I wonder if he does guaranteed next-day deliverance?

It was only on the second reading (why do I hurt myself, doctor?) that I noticed BLACKWELL in the list of demons to cast out. If they're talking about demons with tentacles seemingly everywhere, then where's ELSEVIER?

Hey, you're not turning the music off, are you? That's a mistake. As his website explains:

"If you can hear the "Oh the Blood of Jesus" midi file, and it gets under your skin, don't turn your speakers off. The demons absolutely hate this song or any song that is about the Blood of Jesus. The more this bothers you, the more demon infested you are. You actually could get some Deliverance by having this tune play in the background, and some demons may actually leave your home or apartment too. Tape the song and play it in your home over and over."

See? The more you hate it, the more demon infested you are. I'm going to play it over and over and over and over ... till the demons are all gone. That should work.

Seriously, though, I really do sometimes find it hard to tell the difference between someone who is mentally ill and someone who is just really, really religious. No, I'm not trying to say that there is necessarily a connection, or that I think religion itself is a mental illness (the phenomenom is far too complex, common, and beneficial for that.)

It's just that some of the beliefs are so discontinuous with reality and seem so self-involved with elaborate play-acting that I suspect a genuine schizophrenic could "pass" in the church as normal -- even gifted -- for a long, long time. (I have a Mormon friend whose schizophrenic husband would often 'hear' God giving him messages, and even she told me that it was hard to tell if his meds were working or not -- he sounded an awful lot like all the other Mormon guys who got regular advice from God.)

Oh, I did find some valuable advice on the website:

"BOYCE and BOICE are two demons that interfere with any electronic equipment, i.e., phone, computer, printer, automibile. If something malfunctions, command these two demons to leave your equipment, in the name of Jesus."

"Boyce?" My computer demon is named Boyce? I can see where DIABETES sounds like something that might be called up by Faust, but why 'Boyce?' Not that it's a bad name for a computer, if you had to give them names... (try not to anthropomorphize computers, though -- they hate that.)

It sounds to me like these people are being stricken in the brain by the spirit "DISTILLED" on a very regular basis. Let us pray for them... :P

From that page:

As a little footnote: Type I DIABETIC - you have to take insulin injections. There's a curse for breaking the skin of your body. Leviticus 19:28 and 21:5 "You should not break or cut your body in the worship of the dead. Priests should not put any cut on their body."

Galatians said we are called to be kings and priests. If you break that skin - there's a curse. Same thing happens when you break that earlobe and put that pierced earring in there. Well you say "I'm not wearing this earring to worship the dead" - I know you're not but, the roots say "I am a slave when I put that pierced earring in there and when I punctured that skin, it goes back to the roots." Now God should have realized that [today] we were gonna need insulin and shouldn't have put that in there (the Bible). But He never intended for us to keep the demons in us and curses on us, but break the skin and you have a problem.

That rules out vaccination, too.

I thought I'd heard it all, but not this, that your skin is what keeps demons out. I wonder what happens when you get a mosquito bite? Is that one demon opening the door for another demon to enter? Do mosquitos carry demons?

I love your Friday posts!

But, I have to ask, if the Lord is all-powerful, why would He let any of his believers be attacked by Satan in this way?

Simple - Adam and Eve et the apple, causing God to kick them out of Eden and lay all kinds of nasty punishments on them and their progeny.

By Buffalo Gal (not verified) on 01 Dec 2006 #permalink

Hey, even if god is bigger than the debbil, the debbil still gets to do what he wants in the heart of the sinner and in the pancreas of the non-believer.

I don't know why there has to be such a war on this so close to Cephalopodmas, though. Has O'Reilly been informed? He should be willing to come to the defense of squid everywhere and squash the blasphemy.

By Mike Haubrich (not verified) on 01 Dec 2006 #permalink

Jonathan wrote:

Generational curses. "Unto the third and fourth generation", except that these guys extend it to 10.

Oops! My blockquote, a few minutes ago, was out:

This is from that site:

...Galatians said we are called to be kings and priests. If you break that skin - there's a curse. Same thing happens when you break that earlobe and put that pierced earring in there. Well you say "I'm not wearing this earring to worship the dead" - I know you're not but, the roots say "I am a slave when I put that pierced earring in there and when I punctured that skin, it goes back to the roots." Now God should have realized that [today] we were gonna need insulin and shouldn't have put that in there (the Bible). But He never intended for us to keep the demons in us and curses on us, but break the skin and you have a problem.

And this was mine:

That rules out vaccination, too.

I don't want to blame them for more insanity than they've already demonstrated. And I just can't read any more of that site to find them agreeing with that statement, as I am sure they do. But I have work to do today; I need all my faculties intact.

Orac: "On the other hand, this hedging of their bets implies to me a problem whenever I see it in religious woo."

Well you've got to remember that god's a pretty busy guy. What with planting all those fossils for paleotologists to find, noting the fall of every sparrow etc. I mean after all he can't be everywhere at once, right?

If the Lord is in the DELIVERANCE business, does that mean you'll squeal like a Gadarene swine?

And I note that it lists the Demon of Candor...isn't that one of Superman's arch-enemies?

Another type 1 here (actually LADA). I feel I have been royally screwed. I am not a believer in any sense of the word; so why am I bursting at the seams with all those DEMONS OF BLOATED RETARDEDNESS?

If someone had told me about this two years ago, I would at least have kept the 100+ lbs I lost in that time, to relieve the DEMON OF ABDOMINAL-CAVITY-DEMON-OVERCROWDING.


By Felix Kasza (not verified) on 01 Dec 2006 #permalink

To get rid of the annoying music, I recommend using Firefox with the Adblock extension. Use Adblock to block the EMBED file named blood.mid and Bob's your uncle.

It seems a little unfair to me to spend so much time mocking someone who is pretty obviously suffering from schizophrenia. Unfair and pointless. Don't get me wrong, I'm very much in favour of strenuously contesting & mocking quackery, it just seems there are far more meaningful targets than such an individual.

It seems a little unfair to me to spend so much time mocking someone who is pretty obviously suffering from schizophrenia.

I don't consider it "obvious" that he is suffering from schizophrenia. The thought had crossed my mind, but I by no means considered it a slam-dunk conclusion; otherwise I would have chosen another target.

There are quite a few fundamentalist sects that still practice the "casting out" of demons, snake handling, and faith healing. They may not produce as vivid an image of the demons causing disease, but they are out there. Similarly the whole "left behind" crowd paint pictures of the End Times that are just as vividly incoherent as the whole "demon squid" thing. Finally, note that the website has over 4,000,000 visits. I don't know over how long a time that is, but I have a respectable traffic level, and by the time I hit 1,000,000 visits, my blog will have been in existence over two years.

I kinda like the idea of having an Inner Squid.

I wish I had the hacking skills to replace that .mid file with one of tubular bells from the Exorcist.

That'd freak the site owner out something fierce.

Jon H, you can block the .mid file with Adblock .

Nana's cat had diabetes. Did it get just a regular demonic squid or the feline sort of demonic squid? And she always thought it was a fussy eater.
(And can squid get diabetes? Get to know the real Inner Squid.)

"To get rid of the annoying music, I recommend using Firefox with the Adblock extension. Use Adblock to block the EMBED file named blood.mid and Bob's your uncle."

That or just get a keyboard with a mute button :)

Verily, he doth blaspheme against the mighty Cthulhu! And maybe the Flying Spaghetti Monster too, since the latter is also equipped with noodly tentacles.

BTW, his main page starts out with:


Central Mississippi. That would explain a lot right there.........

(p.s. my sincerest apologies to any recovering Mississippians out there)

By anomalous4 (not verified) on 04 Dec 2006 #permalink

Oh man.... If there is one thing sure to get my blood boiling (besides the loony suggestion that disease or failure to recover from disease is essentially a result of being a bad person), it's the phrase "REAL Christian". As if this guy has divine authority to determine who has really accepted Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. The one thing that annoys me more than anything else is Christians who dare to say that other Christians aren't really Christians.

What ever happened to love thy neighbor?

Anyway. I find it somewhat amusing that one of the demons listed in "amputation". What, are they suggesting that if one is truly worshipping Jesus that their limbs will spontaneously regenerate? That didn't even happen when Jesus was alive and walking the Earth!

By Calli Arcale (not verified) on 04 Dec 2006 #permalink

my sincerest apologies to any recovering Mississippians out there

Hey, Oxford's not so bad. There's a university there.

WARNING: The site to which this link leads plays obnoxious music in the background with no way that I could figure out how to turn it off

A low tech way to turn off the music - put off your speakers.