Better late than never: The Skeptics' Circle!

It may be a little later than usual, and my plug may be later than usual because of some truly annoying difficulties that I had with Movable Type tonight, but it's finally here, I've finally plugged it, and it's worth the wait.

Yes, the 51st Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle has been posted at See You at Enceladus.

Next up to host is Frank the Financially Savvy Atheist. (I really love that blog title, particularly the subline: Personal finance with a hint of blasphemy.) Frank will be hosting on Thursday, January 18. So start thinking of skeptical topics that you'd like to blog about and then submit them to Frank by January 17. And, as always, if you're interested in hosting, drop me a line at after, of course, consulting the schedule and guidelines and the guidelines for hosts.

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