Technical difficulties

Just a word to my readers. The ScienceBlogs site has been having technical difficulties since yesterday.

You may have noticed that the load times were very slow yesterday and that at times the site was even completely unavailable. The same thing happened for a while this morning, and early this morning I couldn't get into Movable Type to do my traditional last minute editing before I go to work. All the feeds for the main page, the Last 24 Hours page, and all the Channels have not updated since this morning, and I've been informed that even blog-specific RSS feeds appear not to be updating properly right now. I don't know what the problem is, but I've been informed that they're working on it at Seed headquarters. Hopefully they will have things functioning normally (or what ever passes for normally around here) soon.

ADDENDUM: The feeds seem to be working again! Here's hoping things don't fall apart again.

ADDENDUM #2 (7:30 PM EST): It looks as though I may have spoken too soon. As of this writing, the Last 24 Hours channel and others appear not to be updating again.

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