Don't forget: The Skeptics' Circle is fast approaching

It's rapidly approaching once again: Our once in a fortnight festival of skepticism, our showcase for reason and critical thinking, our veritable carnival of anti-woo.

Yes, the Skeptics' Circle will be appearing once again on Thursday, January 18. This time around, it will be hosted by someone who has what has to be one of the coolest blog names of all time: Frank the Financially Savvy Atheist (although I'm not sure what, if anything, atheism has to do with being financially savvy). So, if you're a skeptical blogger, fire up your keyboard and get an example of your best skeptical blogging over to Frank at by Wednesday, January 17. The guidelines for what we're looking for are here.

And, of course, if you're interested in hosting, drop me a line at The guidelines for hosting can be found here. I'd really like to line up some more hosts, particularly newer bloggers who might benefit from the exposure.

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