The 70th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle: A conspiracy unmasked

Damn that Factitian! Now he's gone too far! In hosting the 70th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle, he's revealed some of the deepest darkest secrets of the Skeptical Atheistic Darwinist Scientific Conspiracy to Conquer All (SADSCCA), also known as The Conspiracy Factory in some circles. And you'll never believe who the leader of the conspiracy from whom we all take our marching orders is!

I may have to become more insolent and less respectful. After all, our leader has commanded it:

Yes. Put Orac on it. And someone tell him to stop being so respectful, and more insolent. I prefer the insolence, when dealing with these healers" the hologram continues, "We should really have a broader war on alternative medicine. Something to destroy it completely, so that we can rule the world with our pills and expensive diagnostic tests. Can someone put Steve Novella on that?"

Hmmm. If I value my ability to breath, I may have to obey.

To find out the rest of the conspiracy's nefarious plans to inflict rationality upon the globe, read the rest of the 70th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle.

Next up to host on October 11 is Infophilia, who's helpfully already posted instructions to submit more plans to the conspiracy. Don't let him down!

As always, if you're interested in hosting one of these puppies yourself, check out the schedule and the guidelines for hosting. Then drop me a line at I'll get you worked into the schedule, assuming, of course, that your blog doesn't make me suspect that you're a double agent from the Discovery Institute or NewsTarget bent on destroying the Circle. Come on, folks, I know there are some newer skeptical bloggers out there who could host this. The wait time to host is shorter than it's been in a while (which is one reason I would really like to schedule some more hosts)

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