Detroit Rock City

It's Saturday afternoon, time for a break from science as I attack the disaster that is our backyard. In the meantime, let's rock out for a few minutes:

I'm not a huge KISS fan, but the above song is the absolutely best song that KISS ever did in their entire career--and it's an ode to my hometown, to boot! It just plain rocks out.


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Sir, I have nothing but the highest respect for you, your blog and writing style. Your taste in rock music though.....JESUS...I mean..... KISS? Your accomplishments dwarf anything I have ever done and I don't even know why I'm writing this. Just dissapointed that such an intellectually gifted mind would enjoy a rock show like kiss. That's "show biz" for you....or something. Thank you for your blog and your time.

By Bruce Breece (not verified) on 29 Sep 2007 #permalink

There's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home.....

Darn it, Orac, it's not working!!! Guess I'll have to wait till I drive home in December. (pout)

Just dissapointed that such an intellectually gifted mind would enjoy a rock show like kiss.

I could point out that I have previously admitted on this blog to liking the noise that is Ted Nugent.

Oh, no. Everyone will lose respect for me now...

Just dissapointed that such an intellectually gifted mind would enjoy a rock show like kiss.

I could point out that I have previously admitted on this blog to liking the noise that is Ted Nugent.

Nugent is a serious candidate for the title of bigest a-hole in the whole of rock but he has over the years actually produced some very decent hard rock, Kiss however just sucks big time! But hell we all have our weaknesses!

there's nothing wrong with a bit of cheesy hard rock... remember, rock 'n roll is founded on a certain lack of sophistication...

and way what you will about the music, KISS really does know how to work a stage, and that's what arena rock is really all about!