Seen at the local Barnes & Noble Bookstore last night...

I think the title says it all. Perfect!


Whoever wrote the book sure knows her potential readers!

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My suggestion: Homeopathic Dilution and Succussion for the Terminally Stupid

Actually funnier:

See the title:

By Watt de Fawke (not verified) on 30 Sep 2007 #permalink

One must be cautious about a book on Chemotherapy and Radiation if it is published by the same goofs who have books on reiki. Their books on software are quite useful.

I think it's a misprint. They clearly forgot to include the word "IS" in that title.

Come to think of it, if the "For Dummies" publisher is going to do a set of books on alternative medicine, perhaps someone should print up a lot of little black stickers with the word "IS" printed on them in yellow.

Sufficiently responsible persons could then adjust the title to reflect the contents.

I'm waiting for Reiki car repair, where they wave their hands over the problem area and people pay them $500.

No! That's just your local neighbourhood car mechanic.

One of the most appalling things I've seen at Barnes and Noble is a display on the side of the shelves that had new medical/medicine books were one of Kevin Trudeau's Natural Cure books happened to be on the display.

Not perfect; actually, the title is redundant.

Though there is some demi-poetic ambiguity in whether the "for dummies" part is meant to refer to the "practitioner" of reiki, the recipient ... or both.

I'm starting to think that the only way to deal with my irritation at people who fall for reiki, homeopathy, cranial sacral therapy, and the like is to set up shop doing these things and start taking their money in large chunks. I know I'll feel better, and if they don't, they just need to see me twice as frequently.

On a semi-related note, the local bookstore in the area I grew up would have put this book on their shelf labeled "Science & Occult".

Why are you dummies being such assholes about Reiki? Live and let live. At least they're TRYING to help someone, not snarking soullessly on a worthless blog.

Because reiki postulates an incredibly unlikely and dubious mechanism of action?

Because there's no evidence that it works?

As for your comment about their "trying to help someone," would you say the same thing about a well-meaning conventional doctor whose use of long-abandoned therapies from the realm of scientific medicine was at best ineffective and at worst prevented his patients from getting therapy known to be effective?