Geekgasm: The Indiana Jones teaser trailer

Must. See. This. Movie.

It doesn't matter that Harrison Ford is 65 and getting a bit long in the tooth for the whole action thing. I need my fix.

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poor animal

Oooh, I did spot the words "Roswell, New Mexico" in there.

The big cinematic question is, of course, whether it will be sillier that Expelled.


Time flies when your franchise is gathering dust up on the shelf. Still rather puzzled how they let it go for so many years, but glad to see one last hurrah (unless they're planning Indiana Jones and the Wheelchair-Accessible Caverns of Despair).

@ Zeno:

Wow, I really did LOL. Nicely done!

Why not connect to the unbastardized version of the trailer?…

Why the insertion of the American flag and the editing out of the assault and guns?

re: (

I know that different markets often get different advertising campaigns, but other than the flag-waving, I can't figure out why the rest were not used. This just seems to smack of the chop-job that was done to ET. I'll just have to wait and see what this means, but I don't currently have any desire to see this movie until I find out more.

I'm just afraid that Lucas may have convinced Spielberg to get his crappy sci-fi all over my action/fantasy franchise.

As another blogger I read said, if that crystal skull came from outer space, it damn well better have come out of Jar-Jar's head.

As another blogger I read said, if that crystal skull came from outer space, it damn well better have come out of Jar-Jar's head.

LOL! I also agree - looking at the trailer it looks fabulous but there is a nasty little voice in the back of my head that remembers that the trailer for the Phantom Menace did too. One trauma like that per lifetime is enough for anyone!

By Lilly de Lure (not verified) on 18 Feb 2008 #permalink

"It doesn't matter that Harrison Ford is 65 and getting a bit long in the tooth for the whole action thing. I need my fix."
I'm sorry but this is too much, it need to be renamed Indiana Jones And The Geriatric Getaway.

Indiana Johns is not so popular. I do not understand what for to think out bad continuation to that was good.