A story that should be an April Fools' Day joke, but isn't

Three words you never want your name associated with:

Nazi sex scandal.

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So this is why they are holding up the release of Expelled? To get the latest Darwinian crime into the film?

I wonder how many of the outraged are just pissed that they cann't afford Max's sex games. If that's what it takes to get turned on once you get to 67, I'm going to be SOL.

Mercy me.
I don't know why videotaping this kind of stuff is considered a good idea; no, wait, I don't know why doing this kind of stuff is considered a good idea.

Why not just curl up at home with a good book?

The ironic thing for me is I am an avid Formula 1 fan, and read tons of Formula 1 news everyday. But I first heard it here! This should make for interesting commentary for this weekend's race, among Varsha, Hobbes, etg al.

By Kerry Maxwell (not verified) on 01 Apr 2008 #permalink

I wonder what his home movie collection is like.

I don't know why videotaping this kind of stuff is considered a good idea

If you don't videotape it, it becomes prostitution, which is illegal. If you do videotape it, it becomes pornography, which is legal. Therefore, when one wishes to pay for sex, one should always videotape.

It's really all OK. They had tea afterwards.

Stephen Smith, director of the Holocaust Centre, told The Times of London, "This is an insult to millions of victims, survivors and their families. He should apologize. He should resign from the sport."

So, a person who finds it kinky and fun to be showed off in a dog collar is insulting the descendants of millions of slaves? (I don't personally know anyone who does this for a "lifestyle", but I do have friends who've tried it at least once and found it pleasantly interesting.) What about a person whose kink is earning money for sex — are they heaping additional degradation upon the women whom circumstances have forced into prostitution and who endure real physical abuse? Is a concentration-camp fantasy "too much", while role-playing as a prison warden is OK?

Ben Stein affecting to weep in Dachau is an insult to all those harmed by the Holocaust. This is just. . . tabloid fodder.

I find it hard to draw a line beyond which the private fantasies of consenting adults are "going too far", and I find it harder to argue why my personal squick factor should be made legally binding on anyone else. If Mosley were using his position of authority to enact anti-Semitic policies, or if he extorted sexual favors from workplace subordinates, that would be reprehensible, as would be pushing a participant in his role-playing game beyond her personal limits, or inflicting lasting physical harm. . . but as far as the ABC News story indicates, none of that happened.

Personally it's the cup of tea afterwards that had my coffee heading towards the monitor at speed.

On a slightly more serious note though I agree with Blake here - since everyone involved was a fully consenting adult it's his private business, icky though I may find his sexual tastes.

I would be more interested if he was some kind of "family-values" Haggard-esque type who indulged in this sort of thing whilst stressing the need for marital monogamy for eveyone else, but since he isn't (to my knowledge at least) it's really not any of our business.

However hilarious it may be.

By Lilly de Lure (not verified) on 01 Apr 2008 #permalink

I'm trying to rework a song lyric --

"Well I run the FIA and I'm OK....."

By Jim Ramsey (not verified) on 02 Apr 2008 #permalink

Orac said
"Three words you never want your name associated with:

Nazi sex scandal."

Actually I don't mind the middle one, its the two outer words that I'd prefer to avoid.

Which variety of tea is appropriate after group Nazi S&M sex?

By Tegumai Bopsul… (not verified) on 02 Apr 2008 #permalink

That's why the thing is screwy.
Consenting adults (which is fine), but you have to video so that it is legal vs. illegal (also fine, at least legally), unless said video gets out for public consumption leading to public disgrace and demands for resignation, etc.(at which point, not fine).

Too complicated. I also vote for the tea, esp. if it comes with scones. I'll have that while I'm reading my book.

"While the Nazi concept is not unusual in sadomasochistic circles, playing both sides in such a kinky ritual is unusual, say sex experts."

Because this was perfectly normal until he switched uniforms! I bet this is the part that will force him to resign.

Regan said:

Consenting adults (which is fine), but you have to video so that it is legal vs. illegal (also fine, at least legally), unless said video gets out for public consumption leading to public disgrace and demands for resignation, etc.(at which point, not fine).

Sexual hypocrisy is something that we as a species tend to be rather good at I'm afraid.

By Lilly de Lure (not verified) on 03 Apr 2008 #permalink

Of course, that's not the only way that Max Mosley is associated with Nazis. Being the son of Baronet Sir Oswald Ernald Mosley, leader of the British Union of Fascists, he's probably quite used to being accused of being a Nazi anyway.

By hinschelwood (not verified) on 03 Apr 2008 #permalink