...at the Cancer Research Blog Carnival #8, hosted over at The Skeptical Alchemist.
Just the thing to while away a Saturday afternoon!
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I have to admit that this one fell off the radar, even for me. I hate to admit it, but it's true.
I'm talking about the Cancer Research Blog Carnival, which is being hosted by the Skeptical Alchemist this Friday.
So, those of you inclined to write about cancer and cancer research, help a blogger…
Speaking of skepticism and critical thinking, recall that I mentioned earlier today that I had been interviewed for The Skeptics' Guide for the Universe. Despite branching out into a different medium, rest assured that I haven't forgotten about my primary responsibility, blogging. Nor have I…
Here, on this summer solstice, a traditional time of great importance for woo, I bet you need a shot of skepticism, don't you? Fortunately, mcsquared over at Relatively Science has your back with the 63 Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle. As he puts it: ..."if you are in the Northern hemisphere this…
Please get me your Gene Genie Blog Carnival Entries by tomorrow afternoon! I'd like to get the carnival up ca midnight on Friday. I've got lots of good stuff already, but I don't want you to miss your chance.
Thanks for your help, it is truly appreciated.
I thought you might find this interesting...
Apparently it has since been changed back due to outcry from the medical/medical library community. The whole exchange circulated on the medlib listserv, and resulted in a note from the Dean of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health which you can read here.
Thanks for the link.
For us non biology educated types I found the topic and associated links on the Skeptical Alchemist site an very interesting education.