On its way: The 85th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle

Once more, time has flown by. Worse, it's flown by fast enough that Ben Stein's bit of argumentum ad Nazium propaganda has finally slimed its way into theaters. Now, more than ever, we need a hefty dose of real skepticism (as opposed to the pseudoskepticism and denialism that masquerade as science and skepticism--like Expelled!). That's why it's good to see the 85th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle coming up on Thursday, April 24 at Andrea's Buzzing About:, But Andrea can't do it by herself. She needs the help of skeptical bloggers to give her the raw material that she can forge into a paean to critical thinking. Then join her back next Thursday to see what she's done with it.

And, of course, if you want to host one of these Circles yourself, then peruse the guidelines and schedule as well as the guidelines for hosts and then drop me a line.

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