Now there's a Presidential candidate for this age!

I realize my post earlier today was a bit of a downer, but what can I say? Lately, there doesn't seem to be much good news on the ever-growing front in the war against quackery. However, in researching that piece I did come across something that made me smile. I found the campaign website for what to me appears to be the perfect embodiment of politics these days, for a leader who represents an exact fit with the mood of the times:

Locutus for President

You will be assimilated!

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Hey, do I get one of those cool laser-sight eyeballs ?
How about one of those electric-toolkits-in a cyberarm gimmicks ?

Can we write in Locutus of Borg, or should we also include his
Borg registry number?

Ha!! I love how when you say "researching that piece", what you actually mean is "putting 'Locutus Borg' into Google Images", lol.

On a serious note though, wasn't Picard/Locutus born in La Barre, France, making him/it thus ineligible for nomination?

He's also ineligible because of age. You have to have been born at least 35 years ago. Picard/Locutus has not yet been born, ergo at -200 or so, he's much too young. :-P

By Calli Arcale (not verified) on 01 Jul 2008 #permalink

Also, isn't the collective a little bit, well, Soviet for American tastes? I just can't see them reaching out to the swing states with that kind of a message.