Cancer research blogging on a lazy Saturday in August

It's Saturday, and what better way to spend it than in front of the computer? Who cares if it's sunny and in the low 80s, temperature-wise? Why would you care about that when there's so much great blogging about science, specifically cancer research, at the latest installment of the 12th Edition of the Cancer Research Blog Carnival over at nosugrefneb.

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I've been terribly remiss as of late in both promoting and submitting to blog carnivals. However, I wanted to draw your attention to an interesting new carnival and the latest edition of an old stalwart. The Cancer Research Blog Carnival is hosted this week at written by Ben…
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I really need to start using one of those online calendars, like Google calendar or something....I have, again, signed up to host two carnivals on the same day! This probably means that both will have to be done the "regular" way without too much creativity. Ah, well! So, next Sunday, October 1st…

"It's Saturday, and what better way to spend it than in front of the computer?"
Because we are a bunch of nerds with nothing better to do? In fairness my wife and child will be returning to me Monday after 5 weeks in Europe. Looking forward to seeing them again, then I will not have to spend as much time here.

I'll be impressed, as the child of a Texas cancer researcher with a bit of bad luck, when somebody figures out how to grow me a new colon because the bag sucked and the J-Pouch is a mixed blessing.
