When giant turds attack...


...you'd better run for cover!

Truly, you can't make--if you'll excuse the term--shit like this up.

Let the jokes begin!

More like this

Orac, this is got to be one of your shitiest posts. On the other hand, short and sweet, not as long winded as usual.

My dog did [i]that[/i]?

At the risk of sound fecesious, these jokes are getting excrementally worse. I'd better scat before it gets worse.

By c-serpent (not verified) on 13 Aug 2008 #permalink

Are the two on the left mating?

Holy fucking shit!

By chancelikely (not verified) on 13 Aug 2008 #permalink

This has to be at the bottom of a hill, because shit always flows downwards.

By PuckishOne (not verified) on 13 Aug 2008 #permalink

I once worked with a biochemist who complained about the odors of solvents I used. However, he thought his E. coli didn't stink.

Shit doesn't just happen. It's self-replicating.

Soo I assume these came out of the colon cancer walk through model we were shown a few posts ago?

Which stool pigeon alerted the authorities?

Seriously, that dogpile is going to require one huge pooper-scooper bag to clean up...or perhaps it *is* a bag AND a poop, all in one convenient sculpture.

So I see RFK Jr is back to blogging.

By notmercury (not verified) on 13 Aug 2008 #permalink

No where near as bad as the Vagina Bicycle

I just put my tootsie roll down. Not very appetizing anymore...

This look like the cousins of the Creature From The Pit

Did anyone see this ad under the article:

Grab attention & bring in business. Create a giant impact - Call today!

By Don Smith, FCD (not verified) on 13 Aug 2008 #permalink

The giant, inflatable, dog doo was created by American artist "Paul McCarty." Any relation to Jenny?

Shouldn't that be Create a giant impaction, Don?

Reminds me of the Tom Lehrer song, "We'll All Go Together When We Go."

By Bob Carroll (not verified) on 14 Aug 2008 #permalink

Um... I really don't want to see the critter that excreted that. . . cleaning up after it would be a shitty job.

Large light 'fluffy' stools are a sign of good health- but only up to a point where they make you explode I would think.