Cancer thought for the day

"One dumb tumor is still smarter than ten smart oncologists."

--George Sledge, MD

My only retort is that, slowly but surely, oncologists and we oncologic surgeons are getting smarter.

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Thanks to the (finally) smart cancer gang for making sure I am still around five years later in perfect health. My blood had them fooled for a while, but the big dumb tumor in my colon could not be denied, and out it came.

By the way, I appreciate how you won't let up on the anti-vac crowd. I have to come up with new ammunition all the time to work on my own family.

He's paraphrasing my biochem prof who always said, "Enzymes are smarter than biochemists."

My mom died five years ago of breast cancer, and my dad died in February of an inoperable brain tumor (a glioma, if I understood the oncologist correctly, the kind that usually afflicts children).

But this week I read that they have new options for diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, and a proposed new treatment to eliminate (though they were cautious in their language) the same brain tumor that Dad had.

It's progress. It's intelligent. It's a lot of hard work. It's good. Thank you.

By speedwell (not verified) on 09 Sep 2008 #permalink

orac, i have a question that you're uniquely suited to answer. a friend hasn't vaccinated her daughter because while she was vaccinating age, her dad was undergoing chemo. she was told that her daughter couldn't be around her dad if she was vaccinated with live-virus vaccines because of the danger of virus shedding. so, they mostly didn't vaccinate.

was this good advice? i've never heard of this risk before.

anyway, i was curious and thought about your cancer and vaccine expertise, and figured you'd be more likely to know than anyone else. thanks!


CDC guideline for severely immunocompromised (includes chemotherapy with alkylating agents):Avoid taking live vaccines. Household contacts should avoid OPV (oral polio vaccine), but MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) is ok.

By Ugly John (not verified) on 09 Sep 2008 #permalink

thank you ugly john!

My only retort is that, slowly but surely, oncologists and we oncologic surgeons are getting smarter.

Really? How much has 5-year survival for your patients improved over the last 10 years?

You guys need to go back to the basics and forget about your "paycheck". Cancer cells when they metastisize cause your body to become acidic. What you need to do is bring your body to an alcalized level that is acceptable (men and women have different levels). Research this! My dad is one of five that I have spoken with that did this and lived. My dad's case was testicular cancer over 20 YEARS ago. He is alive and well no thanks to Big Pharma. Others have lived over 10 years. What a joke the drug companies are.

Dawn said "Cancer cells when they metastisize cause your body to become acidic. What you need to do is bring your body to an alcalized level that is acceptable (men and women have different levels)."

Is there no limit to the depth of your idiocy?

Actually HCN or shall I call you the idiot, my dad told me about this cancer survival thing that he went through 20 years ago (testicular cancer). Then I heard of 4 more people that survived over 10 years ago. It is all about alkalizing your body. If you would rather have the medical professionals help cut you, burn you, and just try to study you - so be it! What is their long-term success rate anyhow? I bet you it is nowhere near the alternative healthcare's community! That is probably why your boss is trying to put my boss out of business!

What is their long-term success rate anyhow? I bet you it is nowhere near the alternative healthcare's community!

How much? Gambling is supposed to be sinful I know, but betting on a certainty cannot be gambling and thus I'd be in the clear, and a few extra bucks to give to the Queensland Cancer Fund or similar would not be sneezed at.

That is probably why your boss is trying to put my boss out of business!

What's this? A declaration of a conflict of interest? Could it be that you're a shill for Alt Pharma, in it for feelthy lucre? Say it ain't so, Dawn!

Shut up snerd you total idiot. What exactly is your background you lying, manipulative healthcare "professional"? Oh please tell me what you specialize in too so that I may take a 20 minute google class to be up to "par". Yes, less and less people have faith in doctors these days. Why? They have been lied to about vaccines and many other things. Our numbers are growing and I'd be afraid if I were you.

No attempt to rebut, I see, except for argument-by-assertion and some rather poor ad-hominem. Your Stockholm syndrome is showing.

What country are you from snerd? WE don't talk like that in the U.S. Get it right.

What you mean 'we', paleface?

Wow Orac! How right you are. Yes, I am actually agreeing with you for once.

If defective cell lines are passed down in generations or caused in utero, there is no way of linking anything to vaccines. How brilliant! This is exactly why some children are born with a weakened immune system - it is inherited through DNA. Weakened cell lines are caused by chemicals, viruses, infections, VACCINES, etc. So, unless you have a group of children with a complete family history of no vaccines, you will never be able to prove the Autism/vax

So, all of these children that were born with Autism symptoms had a weakened T & B Cell line, meaning that they were "born with it" and inherited it from their mom, dad, grandparents, etc. What other defective cell lines were they born with? If vaccines weren't the trigger, than what was? Was it truly just inherited for some or was it just a genetically predisposed condition triggered by another factor? What chemical? What virus? What assault did it?

Defective cell lines CAUSE CANCER. Which is exactly why the drug manufacturers state in their literature "they don't know if they cause cancer, alter our DNA, or impair our fertility". This is on every single vaccine!! They can cause all three!

At the same time, with this knowledge you are doing such an injustice to the community with vaccine-injured children! Obviously, their children had a "predisposed condition" that was triggered by vaccines! No wonder why 1/2 of my mom's friends are not living past 50! They were just the
first round of shots"! I guess our government officals took care of the Social Security Crises! Good for them. Kill people off when they are younger to save some time and money.

Amazingly, I have managed to live past 50 in spite of all the vaccinations I got, as have almost all the people I know who were born in the 1950s. Of those of my contemporaries who didn't make to their 50th birthday, most of them died in accidents (automobile, aircraft, mountain climbing)and one commited suicide. I give my unscientific personal example as a counter to Dawn's since she probably won't believe the statistical evidence showing that life expectancies have been increasing in the US, Canada and the rest of the developed world.

By Militant Agnostic (not verified) on 10 Sep 2008 #permalink

Militant Agnostic: Yes, you are alive now - but at what cost? Your genome is irreparably sullied with EVIL VACCINES, and now your descendant are doomed to devolve into Morlocks or CHUDS, living as subhuman cannibalistic monsters in the ruins of New York, or some similar city whose downfall is preordained because of the Gay Commies who dwell there. Or something. It's hard to tell, really.