At least when it comes to politics, Saturday Night Live has been pretty funny so far this season:
The resemblance is uncanny. I have to admit, also, that SNL did a pretty good job parodying the first Presidential debate, too, given that the writers and comics had only a little more than 24 hours after the end of the debate to whip up a sketch:
I can't wait to see what The Daily Show and The Colbert Report do with this. Actually, though, given how much both candidates, including Barack Obama, dodged answering direct questions, I think the pie-eating contest mentioned in the sketch would be more informative.
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Apparently, Palin once thought that dinosaurs and people existed together about 6000 years ago…, so perhaps its Tina Fey being chased by a T-Rex next week?
re: dinosaurs
that is made up by smearing liberals (and repeated by gullible matt damon). She never said it.
like usual, this originated from this liberal guy who makes up fake quotes by conservatives. see the youtube video.
On the dinosaurs... Yes, I agree with jj. It is from alleged conversations, and it is not really needed. Actually, one does not need "smearing liberals", Ms. Palin is doing a fine job herself in exposing her lack of credentials.
It was actually painful for her to explain multiple times to Ms. Couric the proximity of Alaska to Russia and Canada, without once explaining what foreign policy experience she has had (you would think that the GOP could have found at least one qualified woman, anywhere... I know they exist... Jennifer Dunn would have been great, except for her sudden and unfortunate death).
Oh, and here is some more "liberal smearing", ;-)...
jj (not me): "this originated from this liberal guy who makes up fake quotes by conservatives"
You mean this:…
The "liberal guy" in question was doing Onion-type comedy, not trying to deceive. I think he figured that a "quote" with the line "Caribou herds actually need culling, be it by rifles or wolves, or Exxon-Mobil oil rigs, they do just great!" would be seen as so outlandish as to be obviously false.
By all means, let's hope Palin is asked on camera directly if she thought dinosaurs and humans coexisted, so we can get this cleared up. My money says she would not give the appropriate simple "no" answer, but would dance around the question, knowing that giving the right answer would offend her base, and being honest would expose her to more ridicule.
For some of this sketch, Fey is directly quoting Palin's answers from the Couric interview. If your original remarks have laugh lines in them, you know you have a problem.
CBS interviews Palin's parents
"Jennifer Dunn would have been great, except for her sudden and unfortunate death"
Given what the Repubs are actually fielding for this campaign, how is that a disqualification? ;)
It's really bad for you if the Onion's attempt at over-the-top parody ends up being quite believable.
Of course, I will not be the least bit surprised if Palin believes in Flintstones.
A number of Republicans suggested Christine Todd Whitman. Successful businesswoman, two terms of Governor of a not-small State, served in the Bush Administration, author, well-regarded as being smart and a listener, with a track record of actual government reform.
Of course, there is that little bit about her maybe not being big on boot-licking and perhaps not being sufficiently pious for the "religious right."
There's only room for one "maverick" in this campaign, I guess.