Best Doctor Who adventure ever?

I don't recall where I saw this, but I've been meaning to post it. What better time than a not-so-lazy Sunday, when I have to work on a talk, paper, and other things? (It's either this, or no blog for you on Monday; I think you know which you'd prefer.)

For those of you not familiar with Captain Jack, the reason he keeps getting up after being shot is that he can't be killed (the reasons would take too long to explain). I particularly like the Davros costume, I must admit.

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It would have been more authentic and more faithful to the style of the original Dr. Who if they had pulled back on the quality of the special effects. Those were pretty fancy.

Fantastic! Or if you want to go Ten, brilliant!

I think the new Dr Who is ace but I think the effects are terrible. No excuse for some of the rendering encountered in the xmas special 2007; whoever did the materials and lighting for those spaceships should be hung IMO.

That is the cutest thing ever! Thank you.

But where was it filmed? Darn Euro license plates, can't tell by that unless its close. Judging by the trees, Italy or Greece? There are a lot of Brits on Crete where we visit, little villages full of cute kids in September. The blue shutters, same style cement houses.


The youtube page says it was done while they were on vacation... so it could be anywhere. Though I can't imagine asking random people who are wandering through a park to kindly be exterminated, they definitely deserved their spot in the credits.

It is so cute, and so awesome. I just watched "Son of Rambow" on DVD, . It is set in the 1980s, and it involves kids making their own video adventure movie. The film-maker, Garth Jennings, even includes a short video he made as kid in the same vein as this cute effort.

When I have time and with my teenage children's permission I think I might put on youtube their impromptu performance of Robin Hood videotaped in the costumes I made almost a decade ago. ;-)

This is great! I've shown it to several of my friends, big Who and Torchwood fans, and they agree that the execution and characterization are fantastic.

David Tennant was a big Who fan growing up; maybe the kid playing the Doctor will wind up being number twenty-seven or something. :-)

By MissyMiss (not verified) on 26 Oct 2008 #permalink


The BBC won't film Doctor Who in HD because they'd have to spent much more on the effects budget

I wonder if the kid playing the Daleks had a David Prowse moment when he realised his dialogue had been overdubbed?

I started ROFLing 13 seconds into this. Cardboard Daleks FTW!

By Mad Hussein LO… (not verified) on 01 Nov 2008 #permalink

That was Orac at 9 years old! Always got his butt kicked at every corner he turned. If only Orac would show himself at the doorstep of every person he has ever mocked on his ridiculous blog.

By Evil Dr. Who (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink