In a surprising twist today...

...the editors of Seed Magazine have endorsed Barack Obama for President.

In other news, the Pope remains Catholic, and bears have been observed relieving themselves in the woods.


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Something had to balance out the Kirby announcement of earlier in the day. You needed something predictable, or the universe was in danger of imploding.

But are bears Catholic, and does the Pope relieve himself in the woods?

By Karl Withakay (not verified) on 30 Oct 2008 #permalink

Yeah, no surprise with all the fawning over him on these boards. He can pretty much 'do no wrong'. Every stupid position (like the sucking up to religion), people just ignore and explain away. This place is getting like another Democratic party site.

Not that I'd vote for McCain. Both major party candidates are big government types, neither one has shown any interest in restoring freedoms that are being eroded in this country. Neither supports an end to our global military footprint, which is both internationally destructive and far too expensive.

Just because he's not McCain does not make him good.

Just because he's not McCain does not make him good.

Sure doesn't make him worse either. Yeah I'm not a big fan of his religiousness any more than I am of Kay Hagan's recent reaction to Dole's campaign ad, but I'll take him over McCain / Palin any day of the week.

Of course the editors of Seed have endorsed Obama. And so has that hotbed of liberal progressive bleeding hearts at the notoriously leftist journal Nature. And so have unreformed hippies and socialists like Douglas Kmiec and Charles Fried.

But seriously... Just because a political endorsement is rather predictable does not make it purely partisan, nor should it automatically cast doubt on the endorsement's justification. So why the snark, Orac?

John McCain is far from the worst that the Republican party has to offer and the difference between him and Obama is not so clear cut. It was only the choice of an arrogant ignoramus for a running mate that made McCain unacceptable. I will now vote for Obama but not with any great joy.

I have the luxury of a fiscally conservative anti-war, anti-authoritarian independent candidate for Congress (great combination). He advocates pulling us back from a global military footprint, and opposes trampling of freedom by massive 'national security' organizations.