I hadn't planned on live-blogging the election returns...

...after all, I'm not a political blogger, except occasionally and maybe once every four years. If I'm still blogging four years from now, we'll see if I feel like morphing into a political blogger again, just for one day.

However, I found this nifty little widget that does the job for me:

There, you can just keep coming back to this page to follow election night returns. Of course, it is MSNBC; so its projections may or may not be accurate, but over time it will have to tell the story, as more and more returns come in.

Now, I suppose I'll have to think about analyzing that study that several of you have been sending to me while I'm watching the election returns. I have to admit, I haven't seen a study quite so bad in a while, so much so that I'm not sure I want to subject my brain to the pain just to provide blog material for your entertainment, edification, and enlightenment tomorrow. I go to great lengths for my readers, but I do have limits.

Ah, hell, I'll probably do it, but it'll definitely take a couple of beers.


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I'm am just listening to podcasts and keeping the T.V. off until much later. Speaking of beer, here's how I see it:

Your candidates wins: you get boozes! :D
Your candidates loses: you get boozes... :(

Today is probably a good day to be selling beer. Though those drinking to drown their sorrows and those drinking in celebration will probably end up brawling.

It should be done by electoral vote. One drag of beer per electoral vote for your candidate. One drag of beer per electoral vote for the other guy.

Looks like I'll be needing to find a celebratory drink of some kind. Doesn't look like I'll have any need to bite my nails over a tiebreaker state.

As it stands now, McCain will need to win California to win the election.

The West Coast cinched it... all three states, with the California bringing in 55 electoral votes.

My oldest son came down to give us the announcement about two minutes after the polls closed out here.

By the way, to the west of us remains Alaska and Hawaii.

Just rechecked the map, Virginia and Florida finally declared... very close for Obama.

Hooray! The slightly less evil tool of the military industrial complex won..

(Sorry.. must.. restrain.. synicism.. at least there's a choice in the US..)

By Andrew Dodds (not verified) on 04 Nov 2008 #permalink