The Real Estate Downfall

Downfall was a great movie, arguably the greatest movie about Adolf Hitler's final days ever made. However, it contains one scene, one incredibly powerful scene, where aides bring Hitler news that the last defenses had fallen, that the divisions that Hitler thought he had no longer existed, and that the forces that were trying to reach Berlin to fight the Russians had been repulsed. It was at this point that Hitler finally realized that there was nothing left to stop the Soviet juggernaut from taking Berlin. At this point, Hitler finally realizes that the war is lost and that there is no hope of the miraculous victory that he had believed in.

This scene has also extensively been used for parody. You knew it wouldn't be too long before it was used for the bursting of the housing bubble, the subprime mortgage crisis, and the financial meltdown that went into overdrive in September. I'm only surprised it took so long:

The last line is the best line...

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Well, a few hundred more billion trillion such appropriate uses of history, and Adolf will have balanced his negative karma. Maybe.

By John Morales (not verified) on 15 Nov 2008 #permalink

that was really funny, especially when he asks about his 401K

Ouch! That hits close to home. I bought a house because i feared being priced out of the market, forever. I had to raise my offer because of multiple bids. But i took a house that was $100,000 less than the mortgage broker wanted to lend me. I couldn't imagine how i could pay the loan he wanted me to take. I made a 20% down payment and took a fixed rate. Those ARM's seemed like hocus-pocus to dangle in front of suckers. I did everything right and now after making four years of mortgage payments, i owe more than what the house is worth. And i'm still making the payments. But i'm not worried. Soon i'll get laid of and go into default. Then the government will bail me out, too. Right?

I'm going to have to rent that movie.

That was hysterical...very well done. Thanks for pointing it out.
For personal reasons I appreciated the line about the granite countertop and stainless steel appliances.

For personal reasons I appreciated the line about the granite countertop and stainless steel appliances.


Almost choked on my tea.


To all who have not seen Downfall. Do it right away, it's VERY good.