Continuing the theme from yesterday one last time this week and bringing our long disused blog mascot front and center, I wish all my readers a happy Thanksgiving!

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...from EneMan.
Here's wishing everyone who celebrates it a Happy Thanksgiving. As you might expect, our blog mascot is joining in the fun, preparing the turkey, and loading up on tryptophan!
Believe it or not, given my usual prolific nature, I'm taking the day off from blogging to engage in the…
A few of the recent pieces I've liked:
A special investigative series by several reporters at Center for Public Integiryt/iWatch News and NPR: Poisoned Places: Toxic Air, Neglected Communities
Deborah Blum at Speakeasy Science: About Pepper Spray (also see her followup, Fox News Food Products)
Here are a handful of photographs which not only fit the Thanksgiving theme, but also show fractal or spiral patterns, emerging in art and nature.
What better pattern to begin with than the turkey? The feathers of a turkey can display elegant fractal-like patterns:
This Tom seems to know his…
I realize that I forgot to mention here that I've been writing posts on the Invitrogen-sponsored group blog What's New in Life Science Research. The blog is hosting discussions about stem cells, cloning, biodefense, and genetically modified organisms. (The cloning discussion just started…
I think front and center is the last place Ene-man would be at home. Center, yeah, but front? Not so much. :)
Happy Thanksgiving, folks! I'm here all week. Tip the veal, try the waitresses...
Count on EneMan to be there when it counts!
He won't let you get caught sitting down on the job!
He may be bringing up the Rear, but EneMan's got your back!
That turkey (indeed, the "feast") looks a bit small for the number of people. Do you think Eneman curbs their appetites? The notion would suppress mine.
But, seriously, is there any indication that a person can spend less time running to the toilet in prep for a colonoscopy if one restricts one's intake of solids in the days preceding the prep?
Joe, no, not really. Especially with the amount of fluids you need to take, most of the trips to the toilet is for fluids. Also there is a multi-day prep period which does involve restricting certain foods, and not eating any food for a period before the colonoscopy.