Is Jenny McCarthy a danger to the world?

You know what my answer to this question would be. But what about puppet Steve Colbert's answer? He disagrees. Or does he:

"Now sure, she's not the kind of expert who relies on facts and figures....She knows what she feels is true. She's that kind of expert."


Oh, damn. PZ beat me to this. Damn it, making fun of Jenny McCarthy and antivaccinationists is my turf on ScienceBlogs!

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I am a mother of child with autism, and I'm going to strangle the next well-wisher that assures me there will be a cure because of the hard work and research of people like Jenny McCarthy. I sent this video to all of them and posted it everywhere :) Thanks! Sometimes satire (and, it would seem, especially when done well by puppets) really just drives the point home. Thanks!

As a big fan of the Colbert Report, this video was a treat. Just like the original, this took just a bit of brainpower to see that he means exactly the opposite of what he says. Fortunately, it's such a small bit of brainpower that even the anti-vaxers can figure it out.

I wonder if this will get mentioned on the actual Colbert Report.

By spudbeach (not verified) on 29 Nov 2008 #permalink

@Kristjan Wager

And Egnor does not fail to deliver the goods! Again.
Reading that cost me more neurons than the loads of beer and whiskey I had last night.

Nice work to the folks.

Spat out my tea at: "... because she looked good enough naked for one guy to stick it to her."

By Hamster Oil (not verified) on 30 Nov 2008 #permalink


By The Blind Watchmaker (not verified) on 30 Nov 2008 #permalink

I've read multiple accounts by Jenny McCarthy about her son's autism diagnosis. I don't for one minute believe that he is or was ever autistic. Why doesn't anyone question this?

Because she's a mom and not just a mom, but a WARRIOR MOM.

By Militant Agnostic (not verified) on 12 Dec 2008 #permalink

@ Alison,

I do. We have only ms McCarthy's word for her son's autism it seems. I would very much like to know who made the diagnosis and on what grounds this was.
It reminds me of all the people who were diagnosed with terminal cancer and have happily cured themselves with alternative therapy only - so they say. The problem is we never get to see their medical file with the original diagnosis so we'll just have to believe them solely on their word. Frankly, I see no reason to do that. The same goes for ms McCarthy.