What holiday does a Sith Lord celebrate this time of year?

Why, Sithmas, of course! Just ask Palpatine if you don't believe me:

Yeah, this beats Squidmas hands down.

Also, the Star Wars geek in me can't help but mention that Emperor Palpatine is more than happy to answer many other of your questions, including "Why didn't you kill Jar-Jar Binks?"; the sex lives of emperors; "How does Darth Vader use the bathroom?" (I've always wondered this myself); answers about the design defects in two Death Stars and Jedi methods to sway the ladies; and, perhaps my favorite, "Is Tom Cruise a Sith Lord?"

Yes, only a geek like me could find this amusing.


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Thanks for the laugh, Orac. That was priceless.

Wow, that is funny. Oh, and just like you, I have also wondered how he uses the bathroom. My brother and I always joked about it even though he hates Star Wars. ^_^

Consider me equally geeky ;)

Aw, gee, thanks, Orac, how am I supposed to accomplish anything useful now? I *have* to go watch the rest of the videos....and turn the other two geeks in my household on to them! (You're definitely getting linked again, too.)