Vote early, vote often...

...for me as Best Medical/Health Issues Blog.

At the very least, put me past Junkfood Science!

While you're at it, vote for the Best Science Blog. There are two fellow ScienceBloggers (PZ and Greg Laden) in contention, as well as one of my blog buds, Steve Novella of Neurologica and another of my favorite blogs, Bad Astronomy. A tough choice.

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Amazing. I didn't actually expect this, but it appears that some knuckleheads have actually nominated Respectful Insolence again for the Best Medical/Health Issues Blog in the 2007 Weblog Awards, and, even more oddly, I somehow managed to be finalist. It turns out that P.Z. Myers is also a…
Go vote! These are my choices, and you all should follow your own consciences. Best individual blogger: I vote for Lindsay. Best blog: I vote for Raw Story (yeesh, but this category is stocked with some really awful right wing crap). Best comic strip: I vote for xkcd, of course. Best online…
As hard as it is to believe, it's official. It appears that Respectful Insolence won the 2006 Weblog Awards as Best Medical/Health Issues blog. I had waited to announce this until it was official, plus a little time because I still couldn't believe it. It would also appear that one other…
Matt over at Pooflingers Anonymous informs me that Respectful Insolence⢠been nominated as a finalist in the Best Medical/Health Issues Blog category of the Weblog Awards. I have no idea who nominated me (I certainly didn't and was unaware until the other night that I was even a finalist), but my…

Vote cast. will go back again tomorrow.

As of right now, you're leading the poll!