Fast approaching: The 111th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle

Time marches on, flies, or does whatever it is that time does, and, before I know it, two weeks have passed, and you know what that means. That's right, the next meeting of the Skeptics' Circle is only three days away.

This time around it's going to be hosted at Action Skeptics. Blog-specific instructions for submitting your work can be found here. General instructions for submitting your work can be found here. So get cracking! There's still time!

Finally, as usual, I'm always on the lookout for intrepid skeptical bloggers to host their very own meetings of the Skeptics' Circle. Take a look at the schedule and guidelines for hosting, and if you think you're up to the fun challenge of hosting one of these bad boys, drop me a line at I'll peruse your blog to make sure you're not Deepak Chopra or Michael Behe in disguise and work you into the schedule.

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