Oops I did it again! The 118th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle

I've been a bad, bad boy. In particular, I've been a bad, bad host in that I totally forgot to hawk the last Skeptics' Circle back on August 27, nearly a week ago.

So, please, go make up for my horrific error and visit The 118 Skeptics' Circle: Looking Closely Edition (if that link doesn't work, try http://evolvingmind.info/blog/2009/08/the-118-skeptics%E2%80%99-circle-looking-closely-edition). Now. Peruse the skeptical bloggy goodness that is there.

Hmmm. I wonder if too many toxins have built up in my bloodstream and are causing incipient Alzheimer's disease. Maybe I need some chelation and a colon cleanse or two.

In any event, don't let me forget that next week Cubik's Rube will be hosting on Thursday, September 10. Instructions for submitting your work are here, and guidelines are here.


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I know these great detox pads* that you put on your feet. They suck the toxins right out of you! It's absolutely amazing!

*Only $39.95 plus shipping. These claims have not been evaluated by the FDA and are most definitely bogus (in the sense of "not working" rather than "knowingly fraudulent").